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Sharon, we got up on Thursday at 4 and left at 6 for a 9:30 flight. The flight there was bumpy and we had good seats. I had a window seat and Bill had an aisle seat, both in the first row of coach. Only we were on opposite sides of the aisle. Coming back the flight was smooth but we both had middle seats.

We decided to leave Saturday night. Our flight was supposed to leave at 11 pm, but backed up to a 1 am. So we changed to a different flight that left at 12:30. arrived at 6. We were home at 8. Then slept all morning and into the afternoon. All in all it was a good time away. We left the temp was 92 and when we arrived there it was pouring rain and temps in the 60's or even 50's.

We left with A/C on and the entire time there we had the heat on in our room. Thursday we did a little walking around and rested in our room. Then in the evening we took buses to the Brooks Headquarters touring the place and they had everything in the store 50% off for us all.

Friday we took Lift into town and went on a tour of the underground and the history of Seattle. In the evening they had a party for us all and had dinner and drinks and then an awards presentation for the coaches. Saturday was a nice day and we walked down to the waterfront and had lunch. Went back to the room to rest before leaving for the airport. Also on Saturday we took a ferry boat ride to another island and toured the Naval Shipyard.

I really do not blame you for feeling the way you do about that lady. If she has a daughter who has a pass then she should be using hers, and not trying to free load off of you.

I tried to send you a picture of the tree, but it did not work. I guess they still do not have the tree down as of yet. So who knows what Wednesday will bring. We canceled due to the rain last week and also because of the tree. I saw no rain in the forecast for Wednesday. They are calling for rain for this afternoon, but it is sunny and bright now, so who knows. The way it looks like you will get the rain and us nothing



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Sounds like a really nice trip with all the sightseeing, shopping and eating! It was hot here the whole time, but Sunday was better. Good that you got on the same flight, even if you had to get middle seats to do it. They are not too bad if the people on each side of you are okay.


I was going to go shopping this afternoon but right after I had some lunch it started thundering and then it really let loose with rain and small hail. It continue to start and stop raining all afternoon. But looks like it might have quit for the night now. Hard to tell since there are still some pretty dark clouds rolling around up there.


I went with some friends to the Friday night dance place, but the rest of the weekend I pulled weeds and mowed grass.


Glad you are home safe and sound,


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Sharon, for us yesterday we got nothing at all as far as rain. Today around 3 it is supposed to start raining for a few hours. We were told that in Seattle it rains 9 months of the year, starting in November. It was really pouring on Thursday. I did 19,000 steps on Friday.

I agree that we have weeds everywhere. I also need to get out there and get them back in control.

Bill hates being in the middle. He feels like an oriel cookie. Going it was every bit of 4 hours. The return was 3 hours. Reason being, going you have head winds. Coming back you have tail winds. It is always nice to get away, but even better to get back home. Sleeping in dorm rooms with uncomfortable mattress and pillows. Plus you are sleeping in racks single.



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You really put in a lot of steps! That's great, so with all that exercise it was probably alright to splurge a little on the food. Hope that was good, as the sleeping arrangements don't sound all that nice. Maybe next time, if you go again, you should have a hotel reservation instead of what they give you.


That is really strange that you didn't get any rain, when we got so much. Today they were predicting rain but we didn't get any.


I was outside pulling thistles along side the garage, they are mixed in with those stupid orange lilies that I have been trying to get rid of for years. I kept hearing bees and every once in a while would see one. Well as I got toward the end of the garage I stood up and took a good look, they are ground bees and they were in the back of the lilies. I guess I was getting too close to them and they were getting aggravated. Had to leave about 6 or 7 of the thistles, will try to maybe pull one out a day and they get out of there before they see me again.


It was a little cooler this afternoon, and tonight I actually had to put on a light jacket. It felt really good!


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Sharon, no it was pouring rain the day we arrived there on Thursday. The rest of the time it was misting, but nothing heavy. For us around here it started raining around 3 and into the evening. Yes, I agree that it really cooled off yesterday, and now today no rain until tonight and temps in the 80's.

Whenever you travel the most expense is lodging. They put us up in a graduate dorm and that is what you get. A hotel would be downtown and way long away from their activities. So next year we will either go or just not go.

Yes, we really did a lot of walking on Friday. So we shall see this week when I go to weigh-in what the outcome will be.

Wow, that is really something about those bees. Around here we have to deal with wasps. But I still have to get rid of our weeds.



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I did some more work outside, all along the fence line there are trees and wild grape vines. The grape vines had gotten so long and big they were hanging down over the driveway so that every time I came in or out they rubbed on the top of the car. So I was just going to do those few that hit the car, but got carried away and worked for almost 2 hours cutting branches and vines down. Then I had to load up my cart I pull with the mower and haul it all in the back. I thought it was cooler today but after I did all that I was pretty well wet with sweat! I have another area on the side of the hill that has about 3 nice flowering bushes but it has grown up with several trees now and its just too hard for me to work on cutting them down. I think I will call a landscaper and have them just get rid of everything and plant some grass.


Had a nice time tonight with the girls, no food with the exception of cheese and crackers.


It didn't rain all day so I'm thinking you got your game in if they got that tree out of the way for you.


I have some wasps here too!


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Sharon, I have good news and bad news for today. They did cut the tree down yesterday morning. So nothing like waiting until the last minute. It was a good night weather wise and all games were played. Bill kept us in it and we started out with a big lead and the women lost it and we ran out of time and lost by 1 point. Bill has not yet worked out the new standings, so I have no idea where we will end up. Bound to have lost 1 eventually.

Now the really good news. With all of those steps and all of the walking in Seattle, I lost 2 pounds at weigh-in yesterday afternoon.

In watching the news last night, I thought they had said rain for tonight. But now it looks like we do not have any in the near forecast. Temps in the 80's around here for today.

I know the feeling once you start working outside and you think you will be doing so much and you end up doing so much more. I think it is a good idea to call a landscaper and have them do the rest of the clearing away. Those trees can rally get a good hold on things.



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Two pounds, that's great! Also great they got the tree out of the way so you could play your game.


You mentioned a while back you had went to an internist, everything okay?


When I talked with my sister yesterday she said she had a biopsy done on a spot on her forehead. results came back squamous cell skin cancer. She will have to have mohs surgery to remove it.


I went to the pool after zumba today. I only stayed an hour, it was cloudy and started to drizzle. So I came home, had a bit to eat and went to the mall. I got in 10,000 steps so I hope that helps tomorrow at WW weigh -in.



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Sharon, did you go to the mall just to do walking or were you shopping as well? I know 10,000 steps is very good. Good luck at WW today. Hopefully all of that walking will do some good for you today.

When I went to the Dr a few weeks ago everything was OK except my BP, it was elevated. So I have med's and he just told me to relax more.


So your sister will have to have those removed. Is there any concern with her heart problems in going under for the surgery?


It was very hot around here yesterday and we did not get any rain around here until the very early hours of this morning. Today temps in the 80's and no more rain until Sunday.


For us we went from 3rd place to 7th place just with that 1 loss. If we would have won we would have stayed the same. Oh well, we were bound to loose 1 anyway.




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I was down a quarter of a pound only, but glad it wasn't a gain. There is a gal there that started a week before me and she is up to a 15 pound loss, while I am still at that same 7 pounds. I went to the mall to shop, but walked from one end to the other. There are mall walkers there but I am not one of them.


Dr said to relax huh, did you tell him about your boss! Sometimes I think its heredity that makes bp rise. I am on meds too and so was my mom and sister. My sister has to get the okay from her heart dr to do that mohs surgery. I think if I have to have that again I am going to get a valium from the dr before they start. That surgery really makes your bp go up!


The rain woke me up, either late last night or early this morning. I didn't get up to look but I could hear it. Kind of nice when it rains at night, you don't have to water the plants either.


Maybe before the end of the bocce season you can get back up to 1st again. Still some games left to play.


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Sharon, agreed that it is better to loose than gain. But that lady who started around the same time as you must be doing something right to have lost so much in that period of time. Yes, I do see mall walkers as well whenever I go to the mall. They open the mall, up early for just mall walkers.

Originally I had heard that we would get rain tomorrow. Now I do not see any rain until next week sometime. Yes, there is a lot of bocce left to be played. I know every team will be shooting for us. Once you are in first place there is only 1 place to go.

The jerk is definitely a major reason for higher BP. He left for Florida yesterday, to go down there and drive his convertible back here.

I guess you will just have to wait and see if your sister's Dr will approve her to have that surgery or not.



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Well it has been since January when we both joined WW, so I think she follows the program a lot better than I do and it shows.


We had really high wind today and this evening and then it started raining. I went to my friends barn dance. I went alone I didn't even ask anyone else to go with. She had a band that plays in all the big hotels around the area. They were good, played from about 4:30 to 6:30pm. Then she had a gal that played the guitar and sang that played until 9:30. My friend had planned to have many more people than showed up, she had two big cookers filled with pulled pork and not even a half of one of them was eaten. I was sitting by myself when I saw a guy come in that I had talked to last year about power washing the sun room and repainting it. So I mentioned to him that I was waiting to hear back from him. We ended up talking all night long, it was really nice. He does restorations of the big Queen Anne type homes down around the Evanston area. He thinks his schedule will be cleared up in a couple of weeks and then he can come and do mine.


My sister's two sons and their wives took her to Miami Beach to stay at a hotel and see the Cubs game today for her birthday. They posted pictures on FB, looks like everyone is having a good time.


Going to a fly-in breakfast tomorrow after church. It's a small airport with grass runways and lot of small planes come in and take off. They have great pancakes and scrambled eggs along with sausage, juice and coffee. I know, WW, right!



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Sharon, I remember that you go to the fly in breakfast every year. It sounds like a great place to go and have breakfast. Enjoy


I also remember that you go every year to your friends place for the barn dance party. It is too bad that more people did not attend. It really sounds like she goes all out for the event.


We did not get any rain at all yesterday. But agreed that it was very windy all day long. Today another day in the 70's and no rain until tomorrow. Right now they are calling for rain on Wednesday. I guess we will just have to wait and see.


That was nice that her family took her out to a hotel and to see the Cubs game as well. Good that you will have you place painted and power washed as well.


Yesterday I pulled weeds and from doing that my back was hurting. So before I pulled weeds I went into the hot tub. After I was done pulling weeds I went back into the hot tub. It felt good.





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So you got loosened up before and after weed pulling, sound like a good idea, did it work?


Well the fly-in breakfast did not work out. They called and said they were leaving and I said I would meet them there. I got there and looked everywhere, tons of people but I never did see them, so after a while I just left and texted them I was going home to make some breakfast. We should have set up a place to meet, way too many people to find anybody.


Got down right cold out this evening, think they said it could get to 48. The a/c is getting a rest for a while.


Good your boss is gone but sounds like he will be back soon, ugh!


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Sharon, too bad you did not connect at the fly-in breakfast yesterday. My back is iffy and it did help to loosen it up some. Yesterday we went to the cemetery where Bill's parents are buried to plant flowers. Bill's dad had bought 4 graves and it was his wish that when the time comes that we will take the other 2 graves. Bill had planted perennials on the back side of the head stone and his evil sister cut them all down. So we just dug them up and planted new one's.

Yes sunny during the day and cold at night. I see no rain in the forecast until, Thursday.

The jerk should be back sometime around Wednesday or Thursday. I have not heard anything from him thus far.

One problem I am having is I need to get to the foot Dr and get my inserts adjusted. I have not gone in a long while and it did not do any good with all of the walking we were doing in Seattle either.



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I went up to the cemetery where bill's headstone is last week.I put some 4th of July decorations up. I noticed that the "kids" did not put anything there for Fathers Day. Today I went to the cemetery in town and put up decorations for the boys and my 1st husband. Some of Bill's ashes are there too but his kids don't know that. It's always hard to go to either of them, always leave with tears in my eyes. That's pretty bad what the sister did to the flowers!


I heard the weather a little bit ago, they are predicting rain tomorrow. We will see if that happens or not.



When I started cutting grass about 4:30 today I had on jeans, a t-shirt, a flannel shirt and an insolated sweatshirt. By the time I got done at about 6:30 the sun had came out and the wind had died down and I was too warm. Crazy weather.



Got to keep your feet in good shape so you can keep active and moving. I have a big toe on my left foot that like to lean over to the other toes, sometimes if it starts to rub the other toe I put a flexible spacer in between them for a few days. So far that has worked.




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Sharon, I had told you how we found out about Bill's mother passing, didn't I? So we both have family problems. You with Bill's kids and us with Bill's evil sister. Except there is little that she can do to us now. Hopefully she will not bother with the flowers now. Once Bill gets our names engraved into the head stone. I am sure she will go nuts. She hates me.


Yes, agree that this weather is crazy. However I will take it any day and not having that intense heat that the west is getting just now. Before we left for Seattle we had 92 degree temps and now this mild temps is great.


I will have to do a much better job in keeping my inserts as good as they can be. I have not been to the Dr in a year and that is just too long to go in between visits.


I see no rain in the forecast until Thursday and Friday. Temps in the 70's once again today.


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I had it put in writing that I get a marker and my ashes put up in the plot where Bill is. He had several more plots and I gave them to the kids, what am I going to do with them, in exchange for an agreement in writing by the lawyers.


I am enjoying this cooler weather also, makes it easier to get stuff done outside when you're not sweating up a storm.


Yes, you did tell me about how you found out about Bill's mother, and that was a really terrible way to find out.


Guess that's about all I got for tonight,


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Sharon, Bill went yesterday to get an estimate on engraving our names and date of birth on the head stone, leaving the end date blank of course. Since we are now the owners of the last 2 graves, his evil sister cannot do anything, and I am sure if we do it, she will go nuts. One of his Dad's favorite expressions, you can pick your friends, but you cannot pick your family.

I agree about the cooler temps, very nice at night. Temps in the 70's today with high winds for tonight. We play the last game at 8 tonight. Many do not like playing the very last games.

In the evenings after work I go and watch the GK's play baseball at a local complex around here. Those kids really stay busy over the summer. Of course on Wednesday that is our time and bocce. Bill goes over since it is just across the street and gets the courts ready for play in the evening.



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I just got an update letter in regards to the cemetery plots I gave to the "kids". They got the deeds for them and are thinking of putting in a family marker, of which my name would also be engraved. I text back and said I was thinking more along the lines of a marker being put on the headstone with Bill's name (and also his wife's name) already engraved. When his daughter died we had a small heart shaped marker made to apply to the headstone. Unfortunately the company applied it to the side that Bill's name is on and not on the side his wife's name is on. I had inquired about removing it and moving it over so that I could have one on Bill's side but they said they could not take it off without damaging it. I don't know if there is any other way to put it on there but I really don't want to be listed with all his kids.


That is so nice that you are close enough to go watch the baseball games your GC play in. I'm sure they appreciate you being there too.


It started really raining here hard around 4pm. It let up a little then would start again. On my way home tonight about 10 pm it was coming down again really hard with lots of lightning and thunder. Hard to see with the shiny road and rain.


I'm betting you didn't get your game in tonight if it was anything like here! Why does it always do this on Wednesday night??


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Sharon, for us we own the last 2 plots, and his father had already put up and bought a head stone over 30 years ago. So all we need to do is have the marker engraved and then Bill will have his son do the rest once the time comes. I know my kids will do nothing. Bill said he knows if he gives his son instructions he will follow thorough with them. So you already have a head stone where Bill is buried. Was Bill also cremated? The cost to get the engraving will be $775. So that does not sound too bad. Wow, it does sound complicated about Bill's headstone. I really do not blame you at all for not wanting to be listed with all of his kids.


So yesterday at noon it started raining and it lasted for 2 hours. Then it got extremely windy for the rest of the night. Now temps in the 80's and very humid. It looks like around 5 we could get hit with heavy rain. So you got the rain long before we ever did, and we did get all of the games in last night. More rain for tomorrow.


So there were only 3 of us who showed up to play 2 women and Bill. Once again for the second week in a row we ran out of time and lost the game. Bill kept us in the game, and I can tell you if only the 2 women were playing, we would have gotten killed.

Now very strange I saw that you posted around 3 and it was a short post, and yet I do not see that post here at all.



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Bill was cremated, I will be too. The headstone already there was put up years ago and had Bill's name and his 1st wife's name already on it. I just had to have the last date engraved on it. Thats ehat I mean where would my name go? When my 1st husband died I had a double marker put up with both of our names. But when my son died I had the marker reworked to have both their names on it. My other son has a single head stone. There are no more plots left near them so I don't know where my marker will go there either.


You needed more people to play last night. Aren't there rules about how many are needed?


No I didn't post then, at 3, I usually wait until later.


Went to that dinner and show tonight, very good! Lots of popular songs from the 50's. I drove, it takes about an hour to get there. It looked like rain all day but we lucked out and it held off. It looked like it had rained already on the way home since the road was wet in places.

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Sharon, so how long was Bill married to his first wife and how long were you and Bill married? It sounds like a real problem with where to put your name on the head stone.


Maybe someone hacked the site, as I saw a post from you at 3:11 stating that you were just writing a short post for now. That would explain why it did not show up on the site. I get notifications once you post so that is how I knew.


Temps yesterday made it into the 80's and very humid. Today as well and we could get rain later on. It started raining around here about 7 last night.


So for us we will arrange to have our names engraved into the stone. Once his evil sister sees it she will go absolutely nuts. I guess we all have one in our family.

So I can understand about separate cemeteries, but what are the different states?



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I am not sure how long Bill and his.1st wfe were married, I know she passed away at least 8 years before i met him. We were married almost 13 years. The two states are Wi annd iL.


Got some grass cut today, pretty wet so had to leave some places till later.


I wasn't going to go to WW after the buffet last night but changed my mind and went. I gained a pound which isn't too bad probably be gone by tomorrow.


Only got 5 hrs of sleep so plan on going to bed earll tonight.


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