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Sharon, so how satisfied are you with the new mower? Compared to the one that this replaces how do you think it compares? I am very surprised with all that you had on yourself that you got burned the way you did. It just does not make any sense at all.


Well it is what it is with your flight. Just might as well suck it in and just stay with the one that you already have and enjoy and have a real good time.


Back to the bump and grind once again after having a shorten work week last week. I talk to the jerk every once in a while. He may go back to Florida, but has to get cleared by his Dr.


Yes, I did talk about getting a bike last year, and I did. But once I got it home I could not reach the ground. So I got rid of it and now I have to find the right fit for me. That sounds crazy that you are on paved path and had such a hard time on the bike.


Too bad about your friends husband. It will be real hard on her. There are many who just waste away with cancer. It is a disease that just does not go away.



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I do not like the new mower, it is much harder to steer because it is bigger. I get very tired after cutting grass, much more than with the lighter smaller one.


No the path we went on was level and very nice, the road around here is the one that it hilly.


I went and witnessed the signature, they had a very hard time getting him to wake up enough to sign his name. This should have been done quite a while ago, but I guess he just decided to stop the dialysis so now it was hurry, hurry.


Bought some solarcaine today for my sunburn, can't believe that that happened either when I was all covered up. Hope it gets better fast, really hot.


So had your boss changed his tune and is nicer or still the same old same old.



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Sharon, well the jerk came in for a bit yesterday. Did not really stay too long. So today he is going to see his Dr and his brother is going with him so we really know what was said. He thinks that he will be able to go golfing and I cannot really see any Dr granting him to do that especially what he just went through. His brother is going with as if not the jerk would only lie to us all.


That is really too bad about the new mower being so hard to steer and it tiring you out as well. It is too bad that you do not have any recourse on that. Also I cannot figure out how you got so burnt with being all covered up as well.


I agree about your friends being more prepared, but who knows when any of us is going to die. But certainly for him it does sound like he is on his last legs, and it will be only a matter of time.


For us around here today temps in the 80's. Yesterday it was very hot and humid. I guess we could get rain by Friday.


Oh, now I see what you were saying about riding your bike. So much easier when you have a nice paved smooth surface with no hills.



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I kind of figured out how I got so burnt, I was putting lotion on under my jeans and I think it was so hot out, I didn't get sunburned, I got cooked! It looks like a really bad burn and I think it is.The mower guy came over this morning and adjusted the wheels on the deck of the mower. I gave him the old one just to get it out of the garage. I also had a lot of old belts for mowers so gave him those too. I am never going to put a belt on a mower and I just want to get rid of anything I can.


Just couldn't get started doing anything today. Did manage to cut down some of the grape vines hanging over the driveway, but the mosquitoes started so I quit. Got quite a few done, at least can now get out of the driveway with out running into them.


Supposed to have a pool party at the Zumba instructors house tomorrow after exercise. I will have to stay in the shade, really can't get more sun on my legs.


It will be interesting to see what the dr tells your boss, hopefully he will tell him he can fly back to Florida, lol!


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Sharon, Bill has been suffering all week long with itching and swelling around his eyes due to allergies. So the Dr has put him on special eye drops to clear up the allergies.


So today after Zumba you are going to the instructors house for a pool party. Today should be a good day for that, all you have to do it stay out of the sun and sit in the shade.


When the mower guy came to pick up the old mower and he made some adjustment to the new 1, have you noticed any difference, or did he help you out with anything to help you so you do not have such a hard time while cutting?


Today around here temps once again in the 80's and supposed to be less humid. We play the last game tonight at 8, and many do not like playing so late, but it is what it is.



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My burns on my legs and arms are better, arms almost all gone but legs still kinda red but everyone went into the pool so I did too. Figured the sun wouldn't hit my legs in the water. She had two big trays of mostaciolli and Italian beef sandwiches. There were only 10 of us there so lots left over. It was a fun afternoon. Later went to see the girls did a little line dancing.


Hope the pills help Bills allergies, I think lots of people suffer from allergies this time of year.


I haven't used the mower since he adjusted stuff so hopefully when I do it cuts better. By moving the seat up it helped with my leg and shoulders.


Tomorrow might going to listen to a overview of an Italy trip that the bus company is going on next May. Haven't decided if will go or not. It's kinda of expensive when you add in the single supplement I always have to pay.


I heard, more humid tomorrow, ugh. It was really nice today.


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Sharon, last night it turned out to be very humid, as I came home with my back all wet. Today another day in the 80's and I am sure more humid. But last night we won big. It was the biggest win of the season. So I have no idea where we will end up as Bill has not done the scoring just yet.


So his allergies are getting better from where he was. He is not taking pills but rather eye drops for his eyes.


So the jerks brother went with him the other day, and the jerk was lying to the Dr. The Dr basically said everything in moderation, and the jerk is not doing that. The Dr said no more than a mile on the bile and to take it easy when playing golf. So what did he do but to drive to Cleveland where he is playing 18 holes of golf each day for four days.


Ten still sounds like a good number for the pool party. At least you did not have a bunch of kids like you sometimes run into at you pool. But at least you were able to get into the water and I am sure it felt good.


We have been getting notifications for extended trips from our bank as well and I can see how very expensive they are. Especially with us as we should not have to pay for airfare as it is free for us. So it would not make sense for us to book travel like that for us.


So tonight you will be going out with the girls doing some line dancing. How is that friend of you's doing with teaching the line dancing?



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She had specified adults only for the pool party and it was in her back yard. It was an above the ground pool but very large.


Well if your boss doesn't listen to the dr, maybe he will just keel over out there on the golf course.


Good for you and your win last night.

Met the girls last night did a little dancing, one was missing she had a detached retina last week and had surgery on it. So it taking it easy for a while and let it heal.


I didn't go help my friend tonight, had to go hear about that Italy trip. I don't know, its pretty expensive and I'm wondering if we will get to see much or if a lot of it is drive by on the bus. Last week will be th last of the lessons and I'm ready for it to end.


Going to get a pedicure tomorrow, like the way they polish your nails, seems to stay pretty good.



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Sharon, another day in the 90's around here. I heard that tomorrow and through Monday rain. I heard that we could get something like 1" of rain fall when it is all over.


Well that was good that no kids were over at the pool party. At least you were able to have a good time. How is your burn coming along?


Yes, the jerk just does what he want. What they all are worried about is having those arteries bust open if they do not heal properly. He thinks he knows more than anyone else.


So only 1 more week for your friend with teaching the line dancing. How have you heard how she has been doing on that?


For bocce we are in second place, as we have to keep winning and we need for the first place to loose and for us to keep winning. We do not have any cushioning at all. So we just past the 1/2 way mark and I do not see any rain forecast for next Wednesday at all.


Stay cool,





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My burns are all gone, got a pedicure today and had a salt scrub and massage on my lower legs as part of it. Felt good, glad the burns were gone.


I have been with my friend teaching the line dance lessons all of them except last night, she is doing okay. We have one more to go, next Thursday.


Tried to use my $15 and 20% off at Kohl's today, but couldn't find anything I wanted to buy! Wandered around for a wile, then left and went to Penny's at the mall. It was quite a long drive but got nothing or no one waiting for me. Got home around 7 pm. I did find a top at Penny's. Just a printed t-shirt really. Also found a good beach/pool hat at Sears. Was on sale for $9.99, when I paid at the register it was only $4 and some change. It was 60% of the sale price. If I knew that about the other clothes and stuff I might have bought more but was the last shop I went into and was tired and on my way out.


They are putting pictures of the clouds and approaching storm on facebook, but I haven't seen any rain or heard any thunder just yet.


Good your team is still hanging in there, with any luck the other team will lose!


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Sharon, that is so unlike you not to be able to find anything at Kohl's. You always seem to find good deals when there.


So for us around here it made it into the 90's today. We had very heavy rain early this morning. Supposed to get more sometime tonight and through Monday. It is good that you were able to find a hat to keep the sun off of your head.


I laid down for awhile early this afternoon. I have just been taking it real easy today, really not doing too much at all. It feels good to just relax once in awhile. I suppose you heard that Sears is closing a bunch more stores.





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Sears is where I got the hat, they do not have a lot of stuff, hardly ever find anything I want there either. Probably end up closing that one here too. At the other end of the mall is Bergners, which is Boston Store in Wisconsin. It is closing and has some sales but they are not enough to really buy anything yet. The discounts they are giving are on the full price so really not a discount at all.


Had rain here this morning but cleared up pretty early, nice day. Tomorrow the Moose is having a family picnic with food and drinks free (non-alcoholic). I will go up there for a bit and visit.


Glad you are able to get some rest, it's hard when you work everyday to get caught up sometimes. Nothing wrong with a little rest & relaxation.


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Sharon, about the same for us as far as the weather goes. I thought it would rain later on in the evening but it never did. Today I heard rain sometime, but thus far bright sunshine. Temps will go to the 90's once again today.


With everyone doing online shopping you are going to see more of the big box stores closing. That seems to be the trend now.


So today you are going to the Moose for a while and enjoy the food and drinks this afternoon. I cannot remember if this is an annual event for you or not. At least thus far it should be a very good day for being outside.


Yes, it did feel good yesterday to lay down for a bit and really did not do much around the house either. Today I have no idea what I will be doing just yet. Perhaps I will do the same as yesterday.


Enjoy and have a great day today.



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Kathy, I tried everything but could not open that picture, I really wanted to see it too!

I went to the Moose, had a burger and salads, free beer but I don't drink beer so had water. Then left there and went to the movies ...saw Jurassic park. They left the ending so they could make another one.


So I didn't do much of anything around here, wasn't even home that much today.

Got a little rain yesterday none today. I had cut the grass pretty short so I think I can get a few more days before I have to mow again.



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Sharon, I can't understand it as I posted it like I always post things. I can see it so I do not know why you cannot see it. Perhaps I will try again.


For us around here we have gotten no rain at all in the past few days, I heard that today we could get rain but thus far it looks like no rain today either.


Well it sounds like the Moose was a bust yesterday as well as the show. Yes, that makes sense that they would leave the ending open so they can come up with the sequel the next time.


I stayed home yesterday and laid down for a few hours. I have not been doing so well the past few days as my back went out and I have been in a great deal of pain. It is slowly getting better.


The jerks son will not even talk to him as he did everything the Dr told him not to do. He went to Cleveland and payed 4 rounds of golf over 4 days playing 18 holes each day.




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When I click (right or left on mouse) it says ask Cortana. So I ask Cortana and she says cannot open. Maybe I have some setting that is preventing it. Shoot wanted to see it too. Maybe you could send the picture in "messages" I could give you my email address.


I got some energy today after Zumba and came home and started pitching stuff that was in the garage that I don't need or want anymore. I have two double closets in the garage both filled with "stuff". So I almost emptied one of them and other stuff laying around. Came across 3 dead mice, phew they stink. Boxed up everything so I can either have epilepsy come or take it to good will. Now want to keep on going but its already past 5:30 so will quit for the day. I've got so many friends that are moving and getting rid of stuff that I thought I should be getting rid of stuff too so I can someday move.


Like I said about your boss, he just might drop dead on the golf course, but then again, that's probably where he would like for it to happen!


Sorry to hear your back is bothering you again,


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Sharon, I will try it once again to see if you can get it. I do not understand what is wrong, as I can pull it up just fine. So if you do not get it today then send me your address and I will try that route.


So yesterday afternoon we got rain for a good while. But now I heard we are headed into a dry spell with no rain until maybe Friday.


Yes, you are totally right about getting rid of stuff, as you are on the right track in doing so. I for sure need to be doing the very same thing as I have stuff from my mother and Bill's Dad down in the basement that I need to discard as well. We have way too many things down there that needs to go.


When we got the water in the basement I did way too much and that is how I think I hurt my back. I heard the other day that a lady down the street from us got 2 feet of water in her basement the vary same time. The village is accepting no responsibility at all.


So it really cooled off a lot last night and today temps in the 70's. So a real cool down from what it was.



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Nope, all I get is a little box with an X in it and it won't open. So my email is sleeker@att.net. that would be great to see that picture!


No rain for us for quite a while, will cut the grass tomorrow, haven't decided yet what I will wear, sure don't want another burn like I got last time. Have thrown away the flannel shirt, it was too ripped up from catching it on branches and fence and it was too thin to block the sun anymore. Have to get another old one out to wear.


Had a very nice time on the boat ride today, it was a beautiful day for it. Lots of people walking around and shopping. Quite the resort town. We got a big cup of ice cream and sat outside and ate it.


I will get back to purging after I get the grass cut and its supposed to rain on Friday so will be something to work on then. Hope is feeling lasts so I can get some more done. Last time I got rid of about 30 boxes and bags. But will be harder when I get to pictures and my clothes. Just have to keep remembering If I move what will I need to take with. Want to be ready if I come up with an idea of where to move someday.



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Sharon, so I sent the picture to you, so let me know if that works.


For us around here it really cooled off last night, and I did hear that no rain in the forecast until Friday sometime.


Wow, you are really doing so much better than I am with getting rid of stuff. But you are right that if you do decide to move you do need to get rid of stuff. It is just a matter of getting it all done. It is a hard process but something that needs to be done.


So for us tonight bocce at 6:30 and we cannot let up as we cannot afford to loose as the first place team is right on our heals. We need some padding to get ahead of them.


As far as the temps goes, it should be fairly nice for the next couple of day. So get out and enjoy.



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Where are you two? Both of you haven't been on for awhile.

Are you both alright? You know I check on you, see how your

both doing.


Hope everything is fine and your just busy.


Everything is just fine. It has been super hot around here. We figured this would be happening as we both decided to communicate with and between private e-mails. Hope you are well and good as well and doing fine.



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