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Documenting the dream western caribbean 01/21-28/2012; the money monkey goes cruising


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Due to the very long first day I decided not to get up at the crack of doom (dawn) and capture the sunrise. I figured I would have plenty of chances during the week to get others.


I woke up just after 8:00AM. Fran had a 9:00AM yoga class to catch; this didn’t leave her much time to crunch breakfast.


The first thing I did upon waking up (every morning) was get a position, speed and wind fix on channel 3. After about 16 hours of sailing we were only about half way down the Florida Keys. I would have thought that we would have been farther along at this point. No worries, though, we’d get to the first port in time the next morning.


Near Position on Channel 3 at 8:10 AM January 22, 2012



Path from starting point (large map) on Channel 3 at 8:10 AM January 22, 2012



Speed on Channel 3 at 8:10 AM January 22, 2012



Here is the Spa seminar schedule, showing Fran’s 9:00AM Yoga and my 11:00 AM class (See Day 2 – FUN @ SEA):


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It was about 8:40AM when we made our way through the rear door of the forward cabin section on the Panorama Deck (11) down the stairs and across the pool area on the Lido Deck (10) to the aft section of the Gathering. Everyone’s instincts was to go the front of the gathering to the first buffet lines they would come across. I always headed back to the rear section because it tended to be less crowded (at least MOST of the time).


Panorama Deck (11) Path from room to pool area above Lido Deck.



Lido Deck (10) Path from pool area to aft section of the gathering.



Heading down the hall on the Panorama Deck towards the pool area (8:42AM)



Overlooking the Lido pool area from the Panorama Deck (8:43AM)



Because of Fran’s Crunch time (down to about 15 minutes) we didn’t get anything cooked to order, just grabbed items ready to go (even though, technically, I was not under the gun since my seminar was over two hours away).


Shot of some of the cereals and cold foods on the buffet:



Fran was in such a rush that she barely scarfed anything. I had a mish-mash of a piece of toast, some bacon, sausages, sautéed mushrooms, a couple of cantaloupe wedges, a hard boiled egg (nicely done) and a couple of pancakes. The melon throughout this voyage was NOT too hard and under ripe, quite nice.


The pancakes were nothing special, but allow me to put a caveat on that. You saw the kind of crepes I grew up with at the RMB&B. My mother never made what you call normal pancakes. Crepes are great because they don’t absorb the syrup. To me all pancakes are little suckers because they keep sucking up all the syrup, no matter how much you through at them. If I was using WITH sugar syrup, it be about 100 Kcal per square INCH! I much prefer the crepes or French toast (which also has a high non-absorption quotient) to pancakes. Fran grew up with “standard” pancakes and enjoys them more than I do.


My Breakfast, Sunday morning:


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After breakfast I continued exploring and shooting. In the first day I managed to see some of every deck except 1 and 2. I wouldn’t get to them until later in the trip. As long as I had the 11:00 seminar on the Sun Deck (14), I stay up on the higher deck. I’m not going to go over every spot in my travels, you’ll see the result in the SHIP reports (two decks already out of the way).


Working the omelet station on the Lido Deck 9:17AM



I went up to the Spa Deck around 9:20 to get some great ocean views.


The horizon from the Spa Deck 9:21AM – Those are the Keys in the distance:



Caribbean Blue (remember Enya?) from the Spa Deck 9:22AM



At the far aft of the Spa Deck I got some nice shots of the Lido aft pool area including the “guardian” sculpture. I thought about it but I forgot to ask the name of the sculpture or the artist’s name during the Behind the Fun tour.


The Lido aft pool sculpture from the Spa Deck 9:28AM



Another ship behind us, seen from the Spa Deck 9:28AM


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On the Sun Deck, Spying a Spouse...


I worked my way up the to the Sun Deck (14) documenting that and about 10:30 after walking around for over an hour, I decided to get off my feet for a few minutes and do what people NORMALLY do in the Serenity area!


Yep, those are my feet, for once NOT in a vertical mode, Sun Deck Serenity area 10:29AM



Someone else, who clearly knows how to relax, Sun Deck Serenity are 10:35AM



After a few minute in the Serenity area I went inside to shoot the Cloud 9 Spa on the Sun Deck. And, who did I spy, taking care of business in the Thalasso pool?


Fran in the Thalasso pool Spa Deck, seen from the Sun Deck lobby 10:41AM



Fran waving, caught in the act of PROPERLY relaxing, in the Thalasso pool Spa Deck, seen from the Sun Deck lobby. Note that the pool mates were no slouches at relaxing either. 10:41AM



I went downstairs to say Hi to Fran and the nice ladies with her. Someone had let me into the pool chamber and Fran told me that I would have to get a wrist band for the spa, which she had left in the cabin. I went up stairs to get the wrist band and found a note and a pleasant surprise.


Note from Fran about the importance of using the wrist band to access the spa facilities. 10:49AM



It seems that Fran didn’t realize that she had to check in at the Spa Deck lobby desk of the spa before going to the yoga class. The Spa privileges worked this way: You checked in at the desk and handed in you Sail and Sign card and they gave you a white key card to access the private areas of the spa. You also had to have the wrist band. She just walked into the yoga class without a wrist band and they tried to charge her for the class. They actually put the $12.00 on our account. She straightened them out and they reversed the $12.00, but both line items would show on the account.


Once you were done with your spa session, you turned in the white key card and got your S&S card back. Since she gave me the heads up I never had a single issue and neither did she for the rest of the week.


My Cloud 9 Spa wrist band 10:50AM


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The pleasant surprise was that our Behind the Fun Tour tickets had been delivered that morning!


The envelope for the Behind the Fun Tour tickets:






The photos of the wrist band and tickets were taken without flash and came out very yellow looking so I decided to remove the color entirely. Here is the instruction sheet for the tour:


Behind the Fun Tour Instructions:



It was now about 11:00 and time for me to get up to the Sun Deck, to the Spa Aerobics room where seminars were held.



The two trainers for the Detox seminar 11:05AM:





The trainers/consultants on the ship are not “fly-by-night” artists. They do have credentials and continuously study. The gist of the program was about all the chemicals we come in contact with in modern society and the long term toxic effect they can have on the body’s filter, the liver. However, they also want to sell, to serious people only, a $35.00 consultation session to discuss exactly how you could detoxify yourself.

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After the session broke up at 12:00PM I checked to see that Fran was no longer in the Spa and went down to the room; it was lunch time. Folks, call me anything, but late for a meal. She was showering and I had a few minutes to relax before she was ready to head out. A little after 12:30 we headed out and down to the Gathering, the Money Monkey in tow.


This would be the only time on the voyage that I had the MM out and about. With all the places I got into all week, I didn’t want to risk the little fellow. He was happy enough staying in the cabin and having his way with the towel creature of the day.


The Money Monkey inspecting ship’s equipment on the Lido Deck aft area 12:42PM:



We walked around the Gathering and went all the way aft to the Tandoor Station. Fran and I are both fans of Indian food and try to go out to a favorite local restaurant once a month. However, she likes koorma, a creamy and very mild sauce and I typically like the medium hot curries.



The Gathering Tandoor station, Lido Deck starboard side aft 12:43PM:



I had some naan bread, a couple of meat samosas (GREAT!), some basmati rice, and a couple of pieces of tandoor chicken, along with some chutney for dipping. At the local restaurant the dipping chutney comes in tiny little bowls that hold less than two ounces. Here, it was available in a big pot and I could take as much of the good stuff as I wanted.


The meat samosas were JUST as good as my local place. We’re not normally fans of tandoor chicken because it tends to be very dry. NOT SO here; it was very moist, we both were fans. Fran went again later in the week; this was my only time for tandoor.


My lunch from the Tandoor station 12:48PM:



Side salad with lunch 12:48PM



The Money Monkey at lunch 12:48PM




After the main course I picked up some deserts and fruit at the Gathering desert section, which is the most aft area inside the Gathering. I tried out a mouse pie of some sort, the key lime pie, and a Napoleon with some fruit.


It was a mixed group; the only one I really liked was the napoleon. The strawberry mouse concoction LOOKED like cheese cake (left in photo below), the fact that it didn’t taste like cheesecake kept putting my off. But that’s just me. I liked the Napoleon a lot.


Bottom line, there were so many desserts to choose from that I never had a problem finding something I liked! Any body who expects to like EVERYTHING is just fooling themselves.


Desserts and fruit 1:11PM


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ICE CARVING DEMONSTRATION 1:30-2:00PM, January 22, 2012


At 1:30 PM an ice-carving demonstration was scheduled to begin on the Lido Deck main pool area. We got down there so I could get some good views of the proceedings.


The next few shots are the progression of the carving. The carver starts with a block that weighs about 350 pounds and whittles away about half the weight by the time he’s done. I’ll just post the time stamp with some the photos and not provide commentary for the carving itself.









I’m caught on the large screen watching myself as I photograph myself watching myself on the large screen. Too circular for you? 1:37PM


The Money Monkey pays close attention, never knowing when an ice pick will come in handy 1:38PM



The Ice Man’s Tools of the Trade 1:40PM





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Though not quite finished, we had to leave a few minutes early because at 2:00PM we had to go down to the Lobby Deck (3) for the Cruise Critic Roll Call Meet and Greet. First, a quick trip to the cabin to pick up the Dream Pin for the gift exchange and get a quick position fix.


Our position just before 2:00PM – we are now about half way between Cuba and Key west, about 40-45 miles 1:59PM



Position on the smaller scale map 1:59PM



The speed was over 17 knots. Wind was fairly mild.

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The naming of the meeting place in the CC roll call was a little nebulous, but I figured that the lobby in front of the Guest Services desk (starboard side) was the most likely spot.


Approximate path from elevator to CC Meet and Greet:



Cruise Critic Meet and Greet, Lobby Deck, Atrium Lobby 2:16PM



In the picture above, Cathy, the unofficial “ring leader” is on the stool facing Fran. About 35-40 people signed up for the M&G and about 20 showed up. Very nice casual crowd. I didn’t take notes and I’m not good with names. The only other names I got were Ben and Michelle from Connecticut.


Another view of the Meet and Greet 2:16PM



We did the gift exchange later on. Cathy ended up with some real Canadian maple syrup. Someone else got coffee syrup (I would have liked that). I gave away the Dream pin. I got Canadian Beaver Droppings (AKA Maple coated Roasted Peanuts)! There were multiple Canadian couples/families in the roll call, but since we didn’t use real names, I’m not sure of the names of the source of my Beaver Droppings.


Canadian Beaver Droppings



Sorry I didn’t have more decent photos of the M&G, the others were not acceptable. If anyone from the roll call has gotten this far and wants to point yourself out in the photos, feel free.


Fran asked if anyone had seen the first few days of my write up because I had announced it in the roll call a few days prior to the voyage (seems so long ago now) and the reaction was generally positive.


Another view of the Meet and Greet 2:25PM



Shortly before three we broke up. I know many in the roll call had planned to do cave tubing in Belize. Ironically, I don’t know how it went. Fran and I only saw Cathy one other time getting on an elevator. I saw Ben late in the week and he asked how my money hunting went and I told him. I can’t tell YOU, dear reader, yet, here because that would be telling!

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After the M&G I went up to the Promenade deck, aft to view the giant monitor giving ship’s position and speed. This is the same thing as channel three but the large monitor has MUCH higher resolution.


Ship’s position on large monitor on Promenade Deck 2:53PM



Closer scale of ship’s position on large monitor on Promenade Deck 2:53PM




From the looks of things we were only about 30 miles from Cuba at this time. From the monitor I proceeded further aft to the Collection Art Gallery and the Caliente Dance Club, which was used for the art auctions during the day.


Below is the relative path I took. The cut-off deck plan begins just aft of the casino. I know I showed some of this in first day’s write-up but it’s good to get some of this complexity out of the way so by the time I DOCUMENT the Promenade deck, you’ll have a good idea where things are already.


Promenade aft with path to Collection Art Gallery and Caliente Dance Club.



Collection Art Gallery Entrance, facing starboard, Promenade aft area (taken on 1/21):




I attended the viewing and art auction from 2:55 to about 3:45.


Pre-auction in the Caliente Dance Club 2:57PM:




Cute sculpture “Cat Fish” 2:58PM


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As you can see by the times I actually post, I read your "documentation" every night after a long evening at work... I generally work from 5pm til between 1am and 3am. I love coming home and logging in to see what you have put up for the day. I can't wait to be in our spa cabin in a mere 22 days, I feel like i will be better informed and well prepared for a great week's vacation when we set sail.


Keep on chugging, you hard work and great detail is very much appreciated!!

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As you can see by the times I actually post, I read your "documentation" every night after a long evening at work... I generally work from 5pm til between 1am and 3am. I love coming home and logging in to see what you have put up for the day. I can't wait to be in our spa cabin in a mere 22 days, I feel like i will be better informed and well prepared for a great week's vacation when we set sail.


Keep on chugging, you hard work and great detail is very much appreciated!!


THANKS! I will be documenting decks 12 and 11 starting in a couple of days, so you will be well versed in plenty of time...

I REALLY don't want to be up this late, but this was an eBay night and some work had to get done. At least this week I'm averaging closer to 6 hours of sleep per night vs. hardly 4 last week!

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Fantastic Review. Thanks so much! Hope you get as much written as possible this week, as we sail on Feb 18.


THANKS! IF I can hold up my expected schedule, I'll finish Sunday the 22nd tonight, and cover decks 12 and 11 over the next four days. Then do Monday the 23rd (Cozumel) on the 15th and 16th. If all that happens according to plan I'll be starting deck 10 on the 17th, but you will probably in motion by that time.

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Wow, I have been seeing your thread pop up for a couple weeks now and skipped over it as it says Western Itinerary. I finally decided to take a peek this morning. I am SO glad I did. This is exactly what I have been scouring the boards for, a review of the ship!!! We go on the Eastern Itinerary on March 10th I can't wait! We have 4 cabins right down from yours. We have 11206 (spa suite) 11208 (inside) 11210 (balcony) and 11212 (inside). I have been really worried about the noise from the treadmills above our balcony and suite cabins. From your pics though it looks like that area may not have treadmills? Anyway I love all the information and pictures, I can't wait for the rest!



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It was now about 11:00 and time for me to get up to the Sun Deck, to the Spa Aerobics room where seminars were held.



The two trainers for the Detox seminar 11:05AM:




The trainers/consultants on the ship are not “fly-by-night” artists. They do have credentials and continuously study. The gist of the program was about all the chemicals we come in contact with in modern society and the long term toxic effect they can have on the body’s filter, the liver. However, they also want to sell, to serious people only, a $35.00 consultation session to discuss exactly how you could detoxify yourself.

Of course you are aware that none of these "detox" products or most of underlying health theories have been subjected to true scientific double blind type studies. The one that have typically fail to produce results even up to the probabilty of chance. Most of this is pure woo-woo. Unlike lab rats, the human body has a wonderful mechanism that eliminates 99.99% of any non-nutritional substance consumed (with the exception perhaps of known poisons)on it's own. Their certifications are from non-medical or CAM related institutions with fancy sounding names which mean about as much as those degrees you can purchase on line. And, as you mentioned, they are out to sell products. I hope you passed on any pruchases.

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Of course you are aware that none of these "detox" products or most of underlying health theories have been subjected to true scientific double blind type studies. The one that have typically fail to produce results even up to the probabilty of chance. Most of this is pure woo-woo. Unlike lab rats, the human body has a wonderful mechanism that eliminates 99.99% of any non-nutritional substance consumed (with the exception perhaps of known poisons)on it's own. Their certifications are from non-medical or CAM related institutions with fancy sounding names which mean about as much as those degrees you can purchase on line. And, as you mentioned, they are out to sell products. I hope you passed on any pruchases.


You must remember that I abide by RULE 1 at all times. The only things I bought on board (besides the Behind the Fun Tour) were the two Dream Pins, one of which I gave away at the meet and greet gift exchange. I was a Pre-med major, I wanted someone like you to jump in here. I was pretty skeptical when they mentioned that we come into contact with over 500,000,000 chemicals in everyday life. But I didn't want to tackle such minutia in my write-up. Thanks!

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Thank you for the detailed review and great pictures. We leave in the Morning on the Dream and I can not wait to see her myself now. I am sorry I will miss the conclusion of your review but... Since I will be sailing away on her I think I will make it.


Thanks! Aren't you coming back in a week? I won't even be at the HALF-WAY point buy then!

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Radray...we are in cabin 11224 in a few weeks. Did you have a lot of noise from the spa above your cabin.


If you recall my FIRST deck chart in post #001, I show the relative alignment of our rooms to the spa/gym above. Rooms 11220 and 11224 are near the entrance to the gym. I really didn't hear much noise. I went to bed VERY late and usually got up early for sunrise. The few times I caught an afternoon siesta I had no troubles with noise. I did hear a little but not enough to bother me.

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