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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Good afternoon Cupids,

Another warm day in Texas. 99 for the high. My dear father in law gave up golfing several years ago. He loved the sport but was unable to find anyone his age that still played. Cathy, to bad he doesn't live in Florida, sounds like a great place to play.

Char, thanks for the emails. Bettie and I are looking forward to cruising with you and Jim again.

Several years ago we had a falcon fly inside the building where we build the aircraft. He cleared out all the pigeons, rats, mice and any other vermin that we had. Then he flew away. Now I wish he would return and clear out all the vermin that came in while we were on strike. :D



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Morning Cupids...


My brother likes to golf and will golf in all kinds of weather...he has played in several tournaments and won a few...he would go crazy living someplace like the Villages...and I know he would try to complete that entire course that Cat talked about. He has played Pebble Beach a few times as well.


Dave...it was good chatting back and forth and I am so glad that you are going back to work on Monday...more cruising money. LOL


Cat...Jim and I talked often about "when we retire" that we would love to live in a place like the Villages...but that is just too far from our family.


Rick...you have done some pretty interesting things.


Sue...I bet you do see some of those exotic birds in your area. We do see some Bald Eagles when we take our little treks to the "hills"...but not around home...thank goodness. I am terrified that the hawk will come and swoop up Mocha or Sparky...even tho' I am always in the backyard with them. They are so funny...they come when we cal them to go in...not something you expect from a cat.


I have some grocery shopping to do today...usually do it during the week but just couldn't get in the mood to do it. Tomorrow we will be with friends so that should be fun...then on Monday I will be with Lisa all day...I really love doing that. :D On the 4th we will spend the day with Lisa and family...this year we are keeping it simple and having hotdogs on the grill with all the trimming...then swim time and watching fireworks on her huge lawn...we can see the HS display from her yard so we do that every year.

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Hi Breeze Buddies! Just checking in. We're now having a great time visiting my mom, just relaxing and eating well. (By well, I mean we are eating WAY TOO MUCH!).

Two more days with my mom, then one day with my brother, and then we return to Chicago.

I'm getting very used to this slow way of life. It's enjoyable. Especially now that Maine has tons of cell towers around, and I can play online. Before, it would be impossible to call anyone from my phone, or play on the internet.... hard to connect.

Wishing everyone a fantastic 4th of July week long celebration!

Only 594 days to go... ;)

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Who was it that said "Golf is a good walk spoiled."

I used to play in my younger days. I caddied at a local club during summers in high school. The movie "Caddy Shack" brings back memories.

I won a contest in a local paper back in '85 and got to play in the ProAm for the Houston Open. The pro was Bobby Clampett. I could keep up with his drives but after that, no contest. I thought it was very revealing when after a few holes he asked me if I had any other hobbies.:rolleyes:

I got back at him though. It wasn't long after he played with me that he became a broadcaster.:D

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

Today will be 93 and I don't think we will have the decent breeze we had yesterday so I do believe it will be HOT!


Yesterday we went and got a pizza (a treat now and then for me) then we went to the pool and walked it off. I was a so afraid to take my sugar but it was only 122. Yea the walking helped plus the water was wonderful.

Today is Red Lobster day with my Daddy. He had a party in the complex he lives in yesterday. They had surprised him several weeks ago with all wearing a I am a friend of Bernies tee shirt. They got him one that said I am Bernie. So now he got a bunch of pens made to pass out that say the same thing. He is a hoot!!:D He has a super personality and everyone loves him, including me!

I got the Powerball number when I looked today and I always get it with the Power Play so I won $12 instead of $4. Yea!!!!

Well I guess I shall lurk a bit!

Edited by Cathy p
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Mimi, I am glad you are enjoying your time in Maine. Gosh I love that State. I have not been back in about 13 years since I went to a high school reunion and looked so much younger than everyone else!:D

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Good Afternoon!


Boy am I annoyed with Eric and his friends. His buddies were having a going away party for him in the city last night and Staci went too. Long story short, Staci got separated from them somehow and Dave had to drive into the city at 4:00 AM to pick her up. They were supposed to spend the night at his buddies apartment in the city. The reason I am ticked off is that NO ONE realized she was missing. :mad: That's what happens when you drink to much alcohol. :rolleyes: Luckily she had enough common sense to go to a safe, public place (a Subway Sandwich shop) and call us. She would have called them instead of us except that she had Eric's cell phone in her purse and it was dead so she couldn't even retrieve any of his buddies phone numbers.


I'm not working tonight like I normally do because it's Eric's last night here so I gave my shift away. I need to go shopping but right now it looks like a storm is rolling in so I'm waiting to see what happens. There's nothing worse than trying to get to your car with groceries during a heavy rain storm.


Have a good day. :)

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Good afternoon Cupids,

Another day closer to our cruise.

Heidi, sorry to hear about Eric forgetting about his sister. It was fortunate that she had the sense to seek out a safe haven to wait for Dave. Lucky that there was a Subway open.

Gotta get ready for work tomorrow. Need to go grocery shopping for stuff to take for lunch.

Hope everyone has a great day.


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Heidi, sorry to hear about Eric forgetting about his sister. It was fortunate that she had the sense to seek out a safe haven to wait for Dave. Lucky that there was a Subway open.

Gotta get ready for work tomorrow. Need to go grocery shopping for stuff to take for lunch.

Hope everyone has a great day.



I'm not even all that mad at Eric. After all, it was HIS going away party. I would expect him to party pretty hard. If anyone should have been baby sitting it should have been Staci looking after him but he had his buddies for that and she didn't mean to get separated from them. I just can't believe that NO ONE noticed she was missing. I'm more annoyed with Eric's friends than I am with him.

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Just finished grillin' Angus burgers our on the patio along with 2 bottles of wine between the two of us over two hours so while we have a pleasant buzz we are hardly falling down drunk. Last night we had a new entertainer at the lodge and he sounded just like Kenny G and EVERYONE got very mellow and had a blast. I had to laugh this morning...at the very LAST minute it was determined that the lector wasn't going to show to do the first reading at Mass and I was "volunteeered" . No problem, I've been doing this for 43 years. I get thru the first reading and the Pastor leans over and says "wow" and then I do the prayers of the faithful and again, no problem even though I had not seen them in advance, until I get to the last word I will speak and I say "literature" instead of liturgy. I smiled and everyone else laughed.What's that saying "if I were perfect........."

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Good Evening. We're just waiting for Eric to get home so we can order pizza. We are having Lou Malnati's which is famous in the Chicago area. The storm that went through here didn't bring much rain but thee were very high winds for about 10 minutes. Just enough to do some damage. I went to Walmart and saw one major street closed down because a utility pole had come down. In the Walmart there was a lot of debris inside because every time the doors opened everything in the parking lots blew in. a lady in the checkout line in front of me said there were a lot of big trees down but I didn't actually see any. The stop light was out at the intersection near where the utility pole went down and the police had put up the temporary stop signs. Naturally that turns it into a 4 way stop. I needed to go straight through the intersection but on one in the oncoming lane were noticing that the light was out and the stop signs were up. Traffic was heavy and they all just kept coming, making the left turn in front of me (since they couldn't go straight due to it being blocked off). I was getting so mad. Traffic was very heavy and I would say that at least 10 cars blew through the intersection without stopping. Finally one guy noticed the stop signs so he stopped and let me through. I really can't believe that no one noticed the light was out, especially considering that on the far side of the intersection there was a police car with it's lights flashing, blocking cars from going any further south. I didn't see a cop though. he must have been down by the downed utility pole. They should of had a cop directing traffic.


Eric just got home so we're going to order our pizza. Have a good night.

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Hello everyone! Thank you for the kind words :)


We are under a severe weather watch for excess temperatures and now a severe thunderstorm watch as well. The winds are picking up so I hope DH comes home from work soon


Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2

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Hello everyone! Thank you for the kind words :)


We are under a severe weather watch for excess temperatures and now a severe thunderstorm watch as well. The winds are picking up so I hope DH comes home from work soon


Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2

You be safe and take care that little one. He is a good looking trooper.


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Good morning, Breeze buddies and sorry about it being another Monday.:(

We had a great time at the Red Lobster and my Dad was so surprised to see DS and DGD. He then took them over to see the new house he just bought. Wow what a kitchen and they don't even cook.:eek: We are going to lunch today and then off they go back to Georgia. I always love to see my babies.:)

Heidi, glad everything worked out just fine for Staci and she got home safe and sound.

Dave, we need to do grocery shopping also but I am off tomorrow and Wed so I guess that will be a good day. Not sure which one yet.

Rick, I laughed when I read you story about Mass. When I got married the Priest said Amen and there was silence. He turned around and said, hello I said Amen and you are suppose to say Amen. Are there no Catholics in the audience. I thought I would die. :eek:

You'll have a super day and will chat later.

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Good Evening. We're just waiting for Eric to get home so we can order pizza. We are having Lou Malnati's which is famous in the Chicago area.


Wow, girlfriend, we were on the same page last night!! We ALSO had Lou Malnati's pizza for dinner. Now, I'm sure that the frozen ones we get through the mail are not quite as super delish as the fresh ones you guys get....but I have to tell you, they are pretty dang yummy!


I came down with some kind of tummy bug Saturday, but I did swath all day although I felt worse as the day went on. Dave and I always stay together, both going the same speed in our swathers, but that day, I kept going slower and slower (I wasn't noticing it at the time) and finally by the last round, he caught up to me and lapped me (he is normally just ahead of me). Then, I was so out of it, I forgot to engage my header, so I "cut" halfway up that side of the field without the blades turning....all I was doing was mashing the hay down. At that point, I lost it. Dave came to see what was wrong and I started crying....he sent me home and finished alone, but we were almost done anyway.


That night, I had to miss going to town for a party celebrating the wedding of one of Brian's best friends, whose parents we are also friends with. I hated to miss it, but just didn't feel well enough, so Dave went alone. Brian couldn't make it either, cause he's in Seattle for his job. Of course, Dave had to tell everyone the story about me going slower and slower in the swather until he lapped me, so he said he knew I didn't feel good. He was actually pretty amazed that I hung in there so long with him.


Yesterday, it rained a bit, so we didn't cut. I was actually glad, because I felt better but still not great. Today I seem to feel fine so far. This thing kind of comes and goes, so hopefully it won't hit me again later....but for now I do feel pretty good.


Kind of skimmed through the last couple days posts....hope everyone has a great week!

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Wow, girlfriend, we were on the same page last night!! We ALSO had Lou Malnati's pizza for dinner. Now, I'm sure that the frozen ones we get through the mail are not quite as super delish as the fresh ones you guys get....but I have to tell you, they are pretty dang yummy!




I didn't know Lou's pizza could be ordered online, thanks for mentioning that. I am going to order some right now.



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Good Morning!


Today is the day I have been dreading. Eric leaves for Vietnam this afternoon. :( He's packing right now.


We ended up having a nice little impromptu party here last night. Our neighbors across the street cam over and then when Eric showed up, he had 2 girls we've never met with him. They worked at the restaurant with him. One of them is apparently a little more than just a friend. In fact, they are still here and the one is helping him pack. I can't even remember their names right now. :o We'll see if it lasts. Long distance relationships don't usually work out and I doubt this has been going on very long because otherwise we would have heard about it before.


We will take Eric to the airport around 4:00 and then I have to be at work at 5:30. I'll probably be worthless though. :rolleyes:


Have a great day. I will try.

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Well I just got some good news from my cardiologist/vascular surgeon. The ct scan detected only mild blockage (less than or around 50%) so NO surgery at this time. How I am beginning to hate the term "age appropriate"!!!! We've been on on pins and needles assuming I had to have surgery on my legs so I am very relieved. Of course the diabetes continues its progression but everybody thinks that can be managed medically at this time.

The sun is shining again here in Paradise but we are not having those triple digit temps down here.......can't say the same for most of our friends in the Southeast.

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Good afternoon, Breeze buddies!

Well my children have left and gone home so I am sad. We had a really great weekend and I am quite a bit poorer but a happy Mom and Granny.:D

Sue, I am glad you are feeling better today. Poor thing, I had that stomach thing last weekend and it knocked me for a loop. Don't do too much too soon. A big hug from me to get you going.:)


Heidi, I remember when I had to see my son off to the Air Force boot camp. I was a mess. Just let the tears flow and clean out those ducts. At least you have the internet so should be able to keep in touch some that way. Hang in there! Hug to you as well.

Mark, you mentioned ordered that pizza also so I am going to check it out.lol

Rick, congrats on the no surgery news. Now between the arteries and the diabetes you really need to watch what you eat. Hug to you as well.


Gosh I am just in a hugging mood today. :)


Off to PT so shall chat later.

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Well I just got some good news from my cardiologist/vascular surgeon. The ct scan detected only mild blockage (less than or around 50%) so NO surgery at this time. How I am beginning to hate the term "age appropriate"!!!! We've been on on pins and needles assuming I had to have surgery on my legs so I am very relieved. Of course the diabetes continues its progression but everybody thinks that can be managed medically at this time.


Rick - glad you don't need surgery.


Heidi, I remember when I had to see my son off to the Air Force boot camp. I was a mess. Just let the tears flow and clean out those ducts. At least you have the internet so should be able to keep in touch some that way. Hang in there! Hug to you as well.


Cathy - I have shed my share of tears today, that's for sure. I'm having a much tougher time than I did when he went to Argentina for a semester in college. I think it's because this time I have no idea when I'll see him again. When he went to Argentina I knew he'd be home in 4 1/2 months. I went to work right after we took him to the airport today and I should have taken the night off. I was weepy all night. I also had to say goodbye to Staci tonight so that was a double whammy. I'll see her in a few weeks though. that was just bad timing. I wish she could have stuck around a couple more days. I've actually talked to Eric several times already. He's sitting at JFK airport in New York right now and is on line so we've been chatting. He's just going to sit in the airport all night. His flight to Japan isn't until 1:00 tomorrow afternoon. Then he goes from Japan to Hanoi. He won't get there until Wednesday morning, our time.


Well, I'm exhausted. I haven't slept very well the past couple of nights so I'm going to bed.


Good Night!

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Heidi ~ oh, wow, I feel for you. I know how hard it must be to have Eric gone for ??? months. Hope today is a little better day for you. Hugs to you!!


Cat ~ thanks, I needed that hug! Was able to swath all day yesterday, and felt pretty good. A little "iffy" at times, this tummy pain comes and goes...feel good so far this morning.


Rick ~ glad you don't have to have surgery!


Yes, the Lou Malnati pizzas you get through the mail comes packed in dry ice and frozen. They are really good. Our Chicago area cruise friends (Heidi & Dave, Sue & Rich, Gail, and I think Renee also chimed in) told us how good Lou's pizza is....and it was Sue & Rich that told us about the mail order. We can't get good pizza here where we live, so I always have Lou's pizzas in the freezer.


We are moving on to the last field to cut today, which is also the largest. But the hay is so light, and with these new faster swathers....we are just flying through it. I can't believe we are so close to being done already! Probably finish cutting Thursday.

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Heidi, I can "identify" somewhat with your pain due to separation. Living 1500 miles from my 96 year old Mother means that everytime we are together and I have to leave brings up tremendous pain and anguish because I never know if I will ever see her again.But children grow up and opften go their own ways without a look back. Our foster son re-established contact with us a few years ago but we now have severed that contact. All he wanted was money (always legitimate reasons!) while he kept fathering children with the girl "of the day".While we were initially thrilled with the contact we came to realize that he was not the "loving" son he professed to be. You know what, life goes on!!! (Can't correct mistakes such as OPTEN.)

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