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20 lbs. in 20 weeks

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My weekend was good, but it sure was hot!! Thankfully, this week it is supposed to be in the 80's... and I am VERY much going to enjoy that! I've still been eating on plan and drinking my water! Just the other day I made "kale chips" in the oven.... oh.my.goodness! They were DELICIOUS and such a satisfying "chip" replacement. Have you tried them before? If not, google them and try them!!! How are you?!


Welcome, deedle! I'm glad you jumped in. :) In my opinion, the more accountability, the better! I understand losing weight and then gaining some back when life gets hard... don't we wish it was just as easy to lose the weight, as it is to put it on? I'm glad you've met a wonderful man and wish you much happiness!

Yum. Kale chips sound great. I will have to look it up on the internet. I make kale the way my grandma did boil in water till soft then saute in olive oil and then put salt peper and balsamic vinegar on. Served with baked chicken or salmon. But kale chips sound like a nice treat.


Welcome, deedle! Congrats on the new man and the cruise! Have a great time.:)

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Yum. Kale chips sound great. I will have to look it up on the internet. I make kale the way my grandma did boil in water till soft then saute in olive oil and then put salt peper and balsamic vinegar on. Served with baked chicken or salmon. But kale chips sound like a nice treat.


Welcome, deedle! Congrats on the new man and the cruise! Have a great time.:)



I actually had never had kale before making these kale chips! But, boy oh boy, am I glad I made these! I made mine with garlic, kosher salt, pepper and lemon juice. Just like with chips (for me, anyways) you can't eat just one! Most never even make it to the plate because I eat them right off the pan!

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Kale chips sound good. I'm not sure that I've ever had Kale either.


So I'm down 13lbs. Have been doing pretty good. Still struggling with weekends though. But I have a huge dilemma. I'm going on a business trip next week. Which means donut & bagel breakfasts, large catered lunches and dinner at steak houses.... every day for 5 days. I am so nervous. Last time I went on a trip like this I gained 7 lbs. HELP! Any suggestions on how to not gain weight in a circumstance like this. I have 4 weeks of trainng total, 1 week a month until October. I have just under 20 more lbs to lose before the cruise in January and I am so nervous I will undo all my hard work during these evil business trips :) I do work out at home every day for an hour, so I will have to continue that at the hotel gym, but its the food that's the real issue. I have limited will power.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Kale chips sound good. I'm not sure that I've ever had Kale either.


So I'm down 13lbs. Have been doing pretty good. Still struggling with weekends though. But I have a huge dilemma. I'm going on a business trip next week. Which means donut & bagel breakfasts, large catered lunches and dinner at steak houses.... every day for 5 days. I am so nervous. Last time I went on a trip like this I gained 7 lbs. HELP! Any suggestions on how to not gain weight in a circumstance like this. I have 4 weeks of trainng total, 1 week a month until October. I have just under 20 more lbs to lose before the cruise in January and I am so nervous I will undo all my hard work during these evil business trips :) I do work out at home every day for an hour, so I will have to continue that at the hotel gym, but its the food that's the real issue. I have limited will power.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Hi Smariba!! GREAT job on the 13 lb. loss- that is wonderful!! Weekends can be tough, huh? Are you following a certain food plan? For me, I do best when I try to cut out as much of the sugar/flour carbs... Will there be any other option for breakfast? Boiled eggs, even? That way you'll have protein and it will keep you more satisfied than a donut.... At the steakhouse, I would get grilled chicken/fish/sirloin and some grilled veggies. The biggest key, I would think, is to HAVE A PLAN. You've probably heard before... "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." For me, that couldn't be more true. Just make a plan on what you are going to do, and then just do it. Don't say... "well, maybe I'll let myself have just one donut...",etc.... because usually, that turns into 2, 3, 4 donuts... You do the best you can in a not ideal situation! Just think of how good it will feel when you come back from that business trip and the scale didn't go up:) Don't undo all your hard work so far!! Stay in touch!

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So I went to the nutritionist today. She tells me I need to eat more food. I am alittle confused since I want to lose weight, how is it I should eat more food. But she says I need to eat on a regular time schedule to get my metabolism going. Like eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner. This is going to be hard for me. I was anorexic when I was younger and my mindset is that if you don't eat you will lose weight. I know this is wrong but it is hard to change. I am going to really try and do this. I usually eat breakfast and skip lunch and just eat dinner. Hopefully, if I change this I will lose weight. I did my weight training and cardio today but I am not weighing myself for at least a couple of weeks. I don't want to get discouraged.

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Hi Smariba!! GREAT job on the 13 lb. loss- that is wonderful!! Weekends can be tough, huh? Are you following a certain food plan? For me, I do best when I try to cut out as much of the sugar/flour carbs... Will there be any other option for breakfast? Boiled eggs, even? That way you'll have protein and it will keep you more satisfied than a donut.... At the steakhouse, I would get grilled chicken/fish/sirloin and some grilled veggies. The biggest key, I would think, is to HAVE A PLAN. You've probably heard before... "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." For me, that couldn't be more true. Just make a plan on what you are going to do, and then just do it. Don't say... "well, maybe I'll let myself have just one donut...",etc.... because usually, that turns into 2, 3, 4 donuts... You do the best you can in a not ideal situation! Just think of how good it will feel when you come back from that business trip and the scale didn't go up:) Don't undo all your hard work so far!! Stay in touch!


Thanks Pretty! You are right, I need a plan! I already know that if I have one donut, or even if I say, I'll just have half, it will turn into a feeding frenzy :eek:. Currently I don't really have a set of rules for eating. During the week I eat pretty much the same thing at the same time eery day (habit is my friend) then have chicken or mushrooms and veggies for dinner with a baked potato or something similar. I read somewhere potatoes are bad when you are trying to lose weight but they fill me up and taste great, and its working so I'm sticking with it. I like your idea about limiting the sugar. I was thinking of saying no to carbs (at least sugary carbs and breads) just for the week. I have issues with moderation so If I know I can't have any donuts it might help me make it through, and still feel good about myself (and avoid eating 6 rolls at dinner.) I really don't know what will be available for breakfast and lunch. I'm just basing it on past trips, but sometimes there are eggs. I'm hoping!! Thanks for the support! I really appreciate it.

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So I went to the nutritionist today. She tells me I need to eat more food. I am alittle confused since I want to lose weight, how is it I should eat more food. But she says I need to eat on a regular time schedule to get my metabolism going. Like eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner. This is going to be hard for me. I was anorexic when I was younger and my mindset is that if you don't eat you will lose weight. I know this is wrong but it is hard to change. I am going to really try and do this. I usually eat breakfast and skip lunch and just eat dinner. Hopefully, if I change this I will lose weight. I did my weight training and cardio today but I am not weighing myself for at least a couple of weeks. I don't want to get discouraged.


I have been doing what your nutritionist says, and it works. I have lost 30 lbs, reached my ideal weight, and I have kept it off. And I eat plenty! I never skip a meal and I do have snacks in between meals. I believe what she said about eating more often to rev up the metabolism.


For ALL my meals and snacks I go for superfoods - foods which are super nutritious. No fluff. An apple is a good snack, crackers is not (what nutrition is in a cracker?)... Salmon and chicken is a good protein, bacon and sausage and any processed deli meat is not (sodium, fat, nitrites)... steamed broccoli is a good side dish, white rice (pure carbs) is not. I have actually trained my brain to crave these things and it was surprisingly easy to do. After a few weeks of eating that way I started wanting those foods and didn't want the others. I get almost all my carbs from veggies, but never starchy ones. I have no sugar of any kind in the house.


If that sounds like diet hell...not true! I am eating really yummy stuff by being creative with seasonings and preparation. I buy good olive oil and balsamic vinegar and with garlic, sea salt and cracked pepper...sometimes lemon...I don't EVER need to buy salad dressing or marinades. Have you ever read the ingredients on the store bought dressings? Grilled and roasted chicken and salmon are good proteins. Broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, brussels sprouts, all good side dishes. For a sweet treat I put Splenda on low fat cottage cheese. It sounds strange, but if you go without sugar for a while that suddenly tastes really good!


I now allow myself a treat of a few starchy carbs, like breads or chips, but only every few days. They aren't as good as they used to be. I weigh myself daily and if I see I ever gain anything (which I haven't) I would back off those treats. I have absolutely no cravings and I never feel deprived or hungry. It's all about changing the way you think of food. Think about food as a fuel, and go with the most nutritious fuel you can possibly find. Then eat up!

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I have been doing what your nutritionist says, and it works. I have lost 30 lbs, reached my ideal weight, and I have kept it off. And I eat plenty! I never skip a meal and I do have snacks in between meals. I believe what she said about eating more often to rev up the metabolism.


For ALL my meals and snacks I go for superfoods - foods which are super nutritious. No fluff. An apple is a good snack, crackers is not (what nutrition is in a cracker?)... Salmon and chicken is a good protein, bacon and sausage and any processed deli meat is not (sodium, fat, nitrites)... steamed broccoli is a good side dish, white rice (pure carbs) is not. I have actually trained my brain to crave these things and it was surprisingly easy to do. After a few weeks of eating that way I started wanting those foods and didn't want the others. I get almost all my carbs from veggies, but never starchy ones. I have no sugar of any kind in the house.


If that sounds like diet hell...not true! I am eating really yummy stuff by being creative with seasonings and preparation. I buy good olive oil and balsamic vinegar and with garlic, sea salt and cracked pepper...sometimes lemon...I don't EVER need to buy salad dressing or marinades. Have you ever read the ingredients on the store bought dressings? Grilled and roasted chicken and salmon are good proteins. Broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, brussels sprouts, all good side dishes. For a sweet treat I put Splenda on low fat cottage cheese. It sounds strange, but if you go without sugar for a while that suddenly tastes really good!


I now allow myself a treat of a few starchy carbs, like breads or chips, but only every few days. They aren't as good as they used to be. I weigh myself daily and if I see I ever gain anything (which I haven't) I would back off those treats. I have absolutely no cravings and I never feel deprived or hungry. It's all about changing the way you think of food. Think about food as a fuel, and go with the most nutritious fuel you can possibly find. Then eat up!

Thank you for all the good info. I am going to try and do what the nutritionist says. I like your sentence, think of food as a fuel, and go with the most nutiritious fuel you can possibly find. I think this will be my new mantra. I'm going to keep saying it over and over. It is hard to change a mindset that has been in my head for years but I am reprograming my head starting now. I'm 41 and can't keep thinking like that 19 year old anorexic. Especially because it's not working anymore. It's just harming me. I want to be healthy and have energy and look great so I'm going to start eating right. Thanks again for all the great information and advice.

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Thank you for all the good info. I am going to try and do what the nutritionist says. I like your sentence, think of food as a fuel, and go with the most nutiritious fuel you can possibly find. I think this will be my new mantra. I'm going to keep saying it over and over. It is hard to change a mindset that has been in my head for years but I am reprograming my head starting now. I'm 41 and can't keep thinking like that 19 year old anorexic. Especially because it's not working anymore. It's just harming me. I want to be healthy and have energy and look great so I'm going to start eating right. Thanks again for all the great information and advice.



You were given some great information that I couldn't have said better!! I'm glad you met with a nutritionist and you guys are working on a plan. It is hard to break the mindset of "eat little-lose more"... but the reality is, your body needs fuel to burn! It can really mess up your metabolism when you skip meals, etc. Try and choose whole foods, rather than processed things. You CAN do this!! I am so looking forward to hearing your posts of losing weight, losing inches, feeling better, etc. :)

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Thanks Pretty! You are right, I need a plan! I already know that if I have one donut, or even if I say, I'll just have half, it will turn into a feeding frenzy :eek:. Currently I don't really have a set of rules for eating. During the week I eat pretty much the same thing at the same time eery day (habit is my friend) then have chicken or mushrooms and veggies for dinner with a baked potato or something similar. I read somewhere potatoes are bad when you are trying to lose weight but they fill me up and taste great, and its working so I'm sticking with it. I like your idea about limiting the sugar. I was thinking of saying no to carbs (at least sugary carbs and breads) just for the week. I have issues with moderation so If I know I can't have any donuts it might help me make it through, and still feel good about myself (and avoid eating 6 rolls at dinner.) I really don't know what will be available for breakfast and lunch. I'm just basing it on past trips, but sometimes there are eggs. I'm hoping!! Thanks for the support! I really appreciate it.


You're welcome! That's what this is all about... supporting and encouraging each other!! I really do think having a plan makes all the difference! You are going to do GREAT! Make sure you post back and let us know. Remember, we are all in this together!

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Oh yeah... last night I made spaghetti squash for the first time!! I was making a healthier version of "chicken parmesan" and decided to try out the spaghetti squash instead of pasta..... It was yummy!!! and I have lots left over :)

That sounds so good. I have never made spaghetti squash. I think I will try it. Yesterday I made baked salmon, quonia (sorry for the spelling) and roasted brussel sprouts. Turned out very good. Thanks for giving new ideas for food options. I'm going to try kale chips and now spaghetti squash. Yum!:)

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That sounds so good. I have never made spaghetti squash. I think I will try it. Yesterday I made baked salmon, quonia (sorry for the spelling) and roasted brussel sprouts. Turned out very good. Thanks for giving new ideas for food options. I'm going to try kale chips and now spaghetti squash. Yum!:)


Mmmm... I love roasted brussel sprouts!!! Surprisingly, I don't think I've ever had quinoa... I might have to try it out :) Hope you are doing well and have a wonderful weekend!!!

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Not on track either! Just got back from my business trip. I gained 3 lbs :( and now I am sick and don't feel like exercising at all. There was so much food, and even though I did fairly well with my food choices (eggs and fruit for breakfast, skipped the bread and just ate the chicken for lunch) but only went to the gym 2 days. Planned on going everyday. The guy on the plane next to me was hacking and sweating and was really sick! I knew I was in for it, and sure enough a few weeks later I started feeling like crap. But I'm glad I'm home now and am happy to be back to my routine. No more faltering from the plan!

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Hi ladies!! Glad you are back home and back on track. :) The past couple of days I have slacked off on my strict eating, but I woke up this morning and knew I had to nip it in the bud quickly! I'm back on track and getting my water in. :)


Great job catching yourself and recognizing you were slipping before getting too far off track. The longer you wait the harder it gets to return to the good habits. I haven't worked out in a week, but I've been compensating by eating light. So far so good, but I've planned some elliptical time after work today. It's so easy to stray from the plan and so hard to keep at it!

I hope everyone keeps pushing on towards their goals!

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Great job catching yourself and recognizing you were slipping before getting too far off track. The longer you wait the harder it gets to return to the good habits. I haven't worked out in a week, but I've been compensating by eating light. So far so good, but I've planned some elliptical time after work today. It's so easy to stray from the plan and so hard to keep at it!

I hope everyone keeps pushing on towards their goals!


Thanks for the words of encouragement!! I've been back at eating good. :) I need to get back to doing my TurboJam dvds... I actually really enjoy them, but between working two jobs, there isn't a lot of time left!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I'm trying to stay on track with eating right and working out. It has not been easy. I have had a lot of lows lately. My grandma passed away and I have been very down. We were all with her when she took her last breath. I will miss her dearly. She was a strong Scottish woman and I hope I can be just as strong as her thru my life. I'm starting to go back to the gym this week and hopefully lose some lbs.

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So I'm trying to stay on track with eating right and working out. It has not been easy. I have had a lot of lows lately. My grandma passed away and I have been very down. We were all with her when she took her last breath. I will miss her dearly. She was a strong Scottish woman and I hope I can be just as strong as her thru my life. I'm starting to go back to the gym this week and hopefully lose some lbs.


I'm so sorry about your loss. Your grandma sounds like a wonderful woman.


Great job sticking with your routine, I haven't worked out in 2 weeks, I'm having a hard time getting back into it.

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I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I hope you and your family find peace during this time.


I have really been struggling with sticking to healthy eating lately (birthday parties, going out of town, etc.) I have really got to kick it back in high gear!! I cruise in about 74 days.... Have either of you heard of Body bi Vi? I think I am going to try that as I am currently working two jobs and am just never home much to cook meals... I'd always much rather eat REAL food, but for now, this seems like it would at least be better than fast food between jobs...

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Thank you Pretty and Shawna for your kind words. Grandmas are special people and we always think they will live forever. She will in my heart.


I am trying to get back on track this week. Going to the gym tomorrow. I have 119 days before my cruise. I would love to lose 30 or 40 pounds. I know it is a stretch but I am really going to try. Keep up the good work girls. We can do this! Even if we have off days lets keep going!:D

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I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I hope you and your family find peace during this time.


I have really been struggling with sticking to healthy eating lately (birthday parties, going out of town, etc.) I have really got to kick it back in high gear!! I cruise in about 74 days.... Have either of you heard of Body bi Vi? I think I am going to try that as I am currently working two jobs and am just never home much to cook meals... I'd always much rather eat REAL food, but for now, this seems like it would at least be better than fast food between jobs...

I have never heard of Body bi Vi. But if you think it will help then try it. You have a very busy schedule and it seems like you might need help with the meals. Go for it! I am a stay at home mom and have time to cook meals but I remember when I worked and came home to take care of the family. Boy was I tired and not looking forward to cooking meals. Alot of fast food was eaten. Now I can plan the meals and cook healthy. Doesn't mean we don't eat chinese take out or pizza but I really try to make healthy meals for the family. Try this Body bi Vi and see if it works for you. If not, you can always stop it.:)

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