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Skinny In Italy!


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I usually toss some of those peanut butter filled cheese crackers in my carry-on when we fly. They can be really filling. Send I'm trying to do the "healthy" thing, I've discovered some of the Slim Fast brand of snack bars and little snack bites are pretty tasty, and a little lower in cals.


Good plan!



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They make popcorn chips here ~ they are sooooooooo good ~ and apparently low in calories and healthy - 18 big chip is 130 calories, no trans fats, etc. WE LOVE THEM!!


Slim Fast sounds better than cereal bars!! Good idea!


Ashley ~ I KNOW you are going to hunt me down!! LOL!! :D;)


Hey ~ here is an idea I read somewhere on CC.... after you order room service, save one of the silver lids, wipe it out, and fill it up with fruit from the breakfast/lunch bars... it's great in case the ship becomes a floating Gilligan's Island and it MAY help (me) from ordering chocolate cake from room service (though I doubt it - I LOVE CCL's CHOCOLATE CAKE!!)


Ashley ~ if you see room service with chocolate cake... just follow them!! HA HA HA

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Glad to see everyone's upbeat humor!! :D


I actually weighed in this morning...I get that "oh so sick" feeling when I step on the scale. I am down another 2 pounds (didn't lose last week)...so that is a total of 10 pounds down...8 more to go. 6 weeks til I cruise!!


It's been so tough this time...I want to eat some awesome Mexican food and drink Margaritas after work instead of grilled chicken and brocolli with yet another glass of water! :(

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They make popcorn chips here ~ they are sooooooooo good ~ and apparently low in calories and healthy - 18 big chip is 130 calories, no trans fats, etc. WE LOVE THEM!!


Slim Fast sounds better than cereal bars!! Good idea!


Ashley ~ I KNOW you are going to hunt me down!! LOL!! :D;)


Hey ~ here is an idea I read somewhere on CC.... after you order room service, save one of the silver lids, wipe it out, and fill it up with fruit from the breakfast/lunch bars... it's great in case the ship becomes a floating Gilligan's Island and it MAY help (me) from ordering chocolate cake from room service (though I doubt it - I LOVE CCL's CHOCOLATE CAKE!!)


Ashley ~ if you see room service with chocolate cake... just follow them!! HA HA HA


LOL, thanks for the stalking tips!!! Hahaha. Did you figure out how to check your MFP message??


Good idea on the makeshift "snack bowl". Thats part of why I got the fruit basket thing.


Mmm, chocolate cake.


@summergirl - I definitely understand and which is why i haven't been losing weight even while working my butt off. Great job on the two pounds though!!

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Didn't want to post on Friday :(. My weight really went up. I'm over 200 again. That's 7lb in one week. Trying hard not to be hard on myself. Got my husband to go downstairs & get my fat clothes. What ya going to do?

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Didn't want to post on Friday :(. My weight really went up. I'm over 200 again. That's 7lb in one week. Trying hard not to be hard on myself. Got my husband to go downstairs & get my fat clothes. What ya going to do?


It's okay. You had surgery not even two months ago. Don't be tough on yourself... just get out the stretchy waistband clothes! I am. :p:o:D I didn't weigh Friday. I weighed today. I'm now down a total of 8 measly pounds since January ~ and you've got a VERY BIG REAL excuse (unlike me). Don't feel bad. I've been thinking about you and wondering how you were feeling and how your shoulder is doing??!!


In case you are home today... my husband said the travel channel (?I think) is showing a Mediterranean cruise going to Rome, Venice, Capri, etc on TV. He had not seen St Mark's Square until today ~ now he's really excited!!

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Didn't want to post on Friday :(. My weight really went up. I'm over 200 again. That's 7lb in one week. Trying hard not to be hard on myself. Got my husband to go downstairs & get my fat clothes. What ya going to do?


Every day is a new day...don't get down!!! It's easy to throw in the towel when you have a bad week, and for me even if I have a bad day!


I have had to throw so much stuff away from my pantry and fridge so I won't eat it. I know the kind of food choices I should make but my willpower is not the greatest. If I go out to eat and I do good by ordering the grilled chicken with a salad, dressing on the side and then they put the hot rolls or bread out on the table. I know I can't eat those...but I pick at one...nibble away...just a little at a time and then next thing I know I have eaten a big sweet hot roll with as many calories as my meal! :(


I have just tried the new Grapples...apples that taste like a grape. I hate apples really but I LOVE these...so at least I am able to add in another fruit.


I have 39 days til I cruise...want to lose 8 pounds by then...gonna be tough cuz work is stressful, my lil dog is having a surgery... Booooo!!!

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Hi Ladies,


I did not post my weight as I´m still struggling to get under 79 kg :(

Just three more weeks til we cruise.


I found a website yesterday that sells designer clothes at a reduced rate. I promissed myself a new outfit if I get down to a size 10 in the next couple of month...

I´m checing out the fitness classes available onboard, as I know the food on celebrity weill be nearly impossible to resist...

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Hi Ladies,


I did not post my weight as I´m still struggling to get under 79 kg :(

Just three more weeks til we cruise.


I found a website yesterday that sells designer clothes at a reduced rate. I promissed myself a new outfit if I get down to a size 10 in the next couple of month...

I´m checing out the fitness classes available onboard, as I know the food on celebrity weill be nearly impossible to resist...


I have never taken a class on a ship before...and have actually never done anything but eat, drink and relax and have a good time!!


I do think I could walk the track up on the upper deck where I could see the amazing views and breath in that warm salt air!!

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I am actually pretty active while on a cruise.

I tend to go swimming daily, add some gym time on sea days.

Well, not every seaday as we are heading for a TransAtlantik cruise.

But i have also rediscovered my love for Yoga which i hope to do on our veranda. And celebrity is said to have added zumba to their daily schedule...


So i might stand a chance to at least not gain. Every hour spend doing exercises is a buffetlese hour ;-)

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Heads up!! We are not gonna get all "negative Nelly"!! I didn't eat well over the weekend...Easter cooking...and ate out 3 times! :( But I am back at it today at work! I brought my fruit, tuna, hard boiled eggs, Progresso Tomato soup and water!


I have 6 more Mondays til I cruise...I have got to lose 10 pounds in 6 weeks!


All, I love reading your posts. I have to lose 10 lbs in six weeks too. I don't think I've ever done that before. I feel like I'm being really disciplined, but apparently not enough. I've lost about 7-8 lbs in two months. I went ahead and bought three new "bottoms" for the cruise...jeans, shorts, capris. I am leaving the tags on for another month, in hopes to need a smaller size. If I could just lose a little more belly fat I'd be happy, regardless of the number on the scale.


Anyway, thanks and hugs to you all...keep it up!:)

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Well, ladies... I haven't been eating the healthiest food all the time... but I've been eating less and making healthier choices this year than I did last year!


I've been super busy and active-active and getting outside enjoying this warmer spring weather we are having! Our trip is only 17 days away!! Knowing I was doing better, I weighed this morning... and I was down a few pounds!! I'm only about 5 or 6 pounds away from saying I at least lost 20 pounds before we left... talk about motivation!! Whoo Whoo


The grapefruits I'm eating for breakfast most mornings have been paying off!!

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Sounds like a lot of us are on the same time schedule....five or six weeks and ten pounds (at least) to go. I do best when I eat a high-protein breakfast. I have two that are working for me.


One is homemade protein "bars" that we all call "Cat Balls" in my family :) because they look like balled cat food. But they are delicious! I usually eat two for breakfast and even two for lunch when I have a tray of them made. I try to make a big batch but they don't last at the rate of 4 per day, especially when the family digs into them because they are really good! I'll post the recipe a little later.


The other high-protein breakfast is an egg casserole. I ABSOLUTELY hate eggs. Have all my life, which has made Atkins/SouthBeath/etc. tough. I was at a retreat while dieting for this cruise and tried to eat an omlette at the omlette bar at the hotel....gag! My husband will have a couple of poached eggs throughout the day and stay full and satisfied. I'd die at trying to choke them down. But I have discovered a baked egg dish I can live with. It's eggs layered with green chiles and covered with green salsa. I lose better when I have that for breakfast and/or lunch. I'll post the recipe for that too.


However, all that talk aside, I'm pretty stalled in my weight loss. I HAVE to start exercising. I say that every day but today has to be the day. I have a kettle bell with an at-home video. Tim Ferris of the 4-Hr Body recommends them. They are for strengthening the core. (I <3 him from the 4-Hr Work Week, his first book). I also thought if I do some weights here at home..just some arm curls with my son's little barbells and maybe some squats...surely if I do **something** for the next thirty+ days it has to help. Can't hurt! I might be the only person in the world who doesn't like Zumba :)


If any of you have any high-protein recipes to share, I'd love to see them.


Blessings to all!

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Sounds like a lot of us are on the same time schedule....five or six weeks and ten pounds (at least) to go. I do best when I eat a high-protein breakfast. I have two that are working for me.


One is homemade protein "bars" that we all call "Cat Balls" in my family :) because they look like balled cat food. But they are delicious! I usually eat two for breakfast and even two for lunch when I have a tray of them made. I try to make a big batch but they don't last at the rate of 4 per day, especially when the family digs into them because they are really good! I'll post the recipe a little later.


The other high-protein breakfast is an egg casserole. I ABSOLUTELY hate eggs. Have all my life, which has made Atkins/SouthBeath/etc. tough. I was at a retreat while dieting for this cruise and tried to eat an omlette at the omlette bar at the hotel....gag! My husband will have a couple of poached eggs throughout the day and stay full and satisfied. I'd die at trying to choke them down. But I have discovered a baked egg dish I can live with. It's eggs layered with green chiles and covered with green salsa. I lose better when I have that for breakfast and/or lunch. I'll post the recipe for that too.


However, all that talk aside, I'm pretty stalled in my weight loss. I HAVE to start exercising. I say that every day but today has to be the day. I have a kettle bell with an at-home video. Tim Ferris of the 4-Hr Body recommends them. They are for strengthening the core. (I <3 him from the 4-Hr Work Week, his first book). I also thought if I do some weights here at home..just some arm curls with my son's little barbells and maybe some squats...surely if I do **something** for the next thirty+ days it has to help. Can't hurt! I might be the only person in the world who doesn't like Zumba :)


If any of you have any high-protein recipes to share, I'd love to see them.


Blessings to all!


I think you and I have alot in common with our eating style and lack of exercise...LOL


If I can get in small bursts of something it does help. I sit at a computer all day as I am an Office Manager. Here is a quick way to burn 100 calories. I get up from my desk (I have a personal office so I can't be seen) :) Do 40 Jumping Jacks...30 crunches...20 squats...and 10 pushups (I do a cheater style pushup). This really takes very little time and your will feel more energy. I try to do this 1 time mid morning and again mid afternoon.

I bought an elliptical and am trying to use it more consistantly but honestly I find any excuse not to get on that thing!! :(


I will weigh on Friday morning...HOPING TO SEE THE SCALE GO DOWN!

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@Summergirl - I'm with you, rarely do exercise while on the boat. Don't have a choice this time though with my run training.


@Kay - Keep it up!! Being active makes a huge difference.


@sbfaninwy - I'd love the protein ball recipe :) And I love my kettleballs, though I had to cut back on weight when I hurt my shoulder last year and haven't quite gotten back to normal.


Hope everyone else is having a great week!!

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I think you and I have alot in common with our eating style and lack of exercise...LOL


If I can get in small bursts of something it does help. I sit at a computer all day as I am an Office Manager. Here is a quick way to burn 100 calories. I get up from my desk (I have a personal office so I can't be seen) :) Do 40 Jumping Jacks...30 crunches...20 squats...and 10 pushups (I do a cheater style pushup). This really takes very little time and your will feel more energy. I try to do this 1 time mid morning and again mid afternoon.

I bought an elliptical and am trying to use it more consistantly but honestly I find any excuse not to get on that thing!! :(


I will weigh on Friday morning...HOPING TO SEE THE SCALE GO DOWN!


Love this little mini-workout idea! Thanks :)


I didn't do my kettle bell yet today. But I did take a bath for over an hour... (priorities?!) :)

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It is great to see how well everyone is doing. I can feel the excitement of your upcoming cruise!


Kay - when you talked about St. Mark's Square, I remembered being there at night with lights all around and an orchestra playing as we strolled through....magic! So excited for you all to find those moments.


For anyone interested, there is a wonderful restaurant in Venice called Al Covo owned by a woman from Texas and her Venician husband. It was amazing, but did take hours to eat there (I think we dined between 9pm and midnight). Lucious.


It is Friday tomorrow - weigh in. Not stoked as I had a week of tasting cookies and pie (my daughter was trying out recipes for a cooking competition at school and I HAD to show my support;)) Hoping to not get discouraged.

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I have done well all week and then last night went to Happy Hour with a gal pal...cocktails and appetizers (and not healthy ones)! :(

All I had eaten yesterday was a banana so I am hoping that I am still able to lose some this week.


Oh the stress of looking at the numbers pop up on the scale...LOL If I had an extra $10,000 just laying around I would go get a tummy tuck and some fat sucked out! But...in the meantime I will struggle on this diet! :rolleyes:

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Hi all -- just checking in!


I'm hoping to see some good news on the scale tomorrow, but I have a feeling that since I've had two big drops in a row, I might be at the nasty plateau stage :rolleyes:. All in all I can't complain... I'm down about 16 pounds since I joined this thread. I still have some time left before my cruise, so I'm reallyl pushing for those additional 4. (But I have a secret goal to 10 more!!!)


I watched an episode of "Nova" last night. It was all about exercise and while most of it was over my head, there was one segment that really intrigued me: There are studies going on at all these labs around the world. It looks at people who have mostly sedentary jobs: ie; sitting at a desk, working on a computer.


The researchers found that if you get up from your desk and walk or do something every hour, you can burn an additional 500-600 calories per work day. They suggested taking the stairs, of course, but also some ideas I hadn't thought of. One idea is to stand during a meeting, rather than sit. Do "walk & talk" meetings... if someone comes to your office to discuss something, have them walk with you down the hall and talk.


I have a community copier right outside my office. Instead of just jumping up and grabbing my copies and returning to my desk, I started making a loop around the office first. I gathered up a group of co-workers and we went on a one mile walk this morning outside.


The point of the study was that people who do little things like this all day, show greater benefit than those who stay mainly at their desk - even if they go to the gym before or after work.


Just some "healthy" brain food for thought.


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Well...I lost a pound this week. Weird. So now I have lost the two I gained while away at the end of March and am back to working on the last few.


Ann - those are great tips. I do not have a desk job, but I notice that when I have down time, I don't move very much at all. In fact, I am very happy in my bed with my laptop. This is a good reminder to keep moving through the day:D

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