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Updated: Cruise Don't Forget List


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I will tell you the item that I loved the most was the dollar-store pop-up laundry hamper. When I unpacked, I popped mine open and put it in the clothes closet. At the end of the cruise, I simply removed the hamper, folded it sideways with the clothes in it and packed it in my suitcase.


When I got home I unpacked the hamper and could wash clothes instantly without having to sort through all my other stuff!:p

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Wow. I am so thankful I have you guys for my addiction to packing and preparing. So I went to Kmart today (yes they do still have some stores) and I found the insulated mugs with a Freeze eaze in the center. Just stick in it the Freezer and the center tube freezes. $1 at Kmart in the camping section. And it's a BIG mug!


I finally located the over the door plastic shoe rack when shopping at Kmart. They wanted $8!!! $8 is a lot of money for an o.t.d.p.s.r. I mean come on! Needless to say, I did not buy it. I bought a off-white tweed shoe rack at the $ store. You can't really see through it - but it will have to do.


I cannot find Bonine or Ginger Pills yet. I think I have to go to the health food store for the Ginger Pills. Anyways, I bought drowsy-free dramamine. hmmm.... I am not so sure I like that, but anyway.


Another thing I did was buy one of those composition books (black and white cardboard cover). Anyways, I took it home and cut and pasted pictures of the destinations I was going to and the small itinerary and small map from the Carnival Book. Then I put a laminating sheet on the front and back (after I decorated it) to protect it. My own personalized diary so to speak.


I bought two packages from Eckerd - Buy one get one free - two-pack disposable cameras - One for underwater and one for land. A good deal 4 cameras for $14.00.


I am so excited I cannot even stand it. I am driving my DH nuts. But I am not nuts - so that's good!


oh my - I didn't tell you - I even bought the frozen corn to feed the fishes when I go to Cemetery Reef in Grand Cayman. I have freeze-packs to keep them iced when in port). (I read somewhere that you get to experience "the pirahna experience" when you release the corn in the water). Maybe we shouldnt feed the fish - but don't they get hungry?


I guess I will buy my liquor at the last minute! I got to figure out exactly how I am going to smuggle (such good ideas on this board!).



Originally Posted by Totally Addicted


We also got our large insulated mugs at Wal-Mart. They are great also!! Wouldn't cruise without them!! I know that the mugs will be harder to find than the shoe rack!! We've had our mugs for quite a while, but I saw some earlier this year at Wal-Mart that were really huge!! Ours are really large also, but the ones I saw had pockets, etc. on them. Great cruise mugs!!!! Good luck finding some!

If you want to feed the fish, they love the ceral in the small boxes they give you with breakfast room service.

Becky and David

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Candied Ginger is a great way to protect and calm the upset stomach. Super as a preventative. Do not use pills. Too expensive. Try a candy store, Whole Foods, World Market, Asian Markets and the like.

Nice and sweet and they really work.

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I dug out your "don't forget list" yesterday in preparation for our upcoming cruise. What a wonderful refresher, and such a great sense of humor. DH and I were rolling with laughter at your witty comments.

Great job - well done.


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Just a note to thank you all for sharing this most valuable information; it is greatly appreciated.


LYNN & WAYNE - I see you are from Calgary too; where are you cruising next?

(Sorry if this is the wrong forum! I'm only a 2-day newbie and trying to learn;) )

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This is a tip I am going to try on our next cruise. We have a old camcorder that we really don't lug with us anymore. I am going to CVS pharmacy (maybe others have it too) and purchase a little one-use digital camcorder for $29.95 and you can record 20 minutes on it. Sure cheaper than buying a new camcorder and still get some shots. Don't know much about them but saw them advertised in the paper. Has anyone used these before? Of course we always take our digital camera and take hundreds of pictures on our cruises. Joan

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I found out the hard way last year that several over the counter medications we can buy at any store in the states, are not available on a cruise ship unless you want to visit the doctor on board.


I needed Zantac or Pepcid.....those late night rich meals play havoc with my stomach! They also don't have Pepto Bismol, Sudafed, and a host of other things we don't think twice about being able to run down to the nearest store and get.


My trip to the ship's doctor was necessary but expensive, and I believe I could have survived with my own "home remedies." So, my recommendation is to take not only any prescription and over the counter meds that you take regularly, but pack a bag of things you think you might possibly need.

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All the tips are great. I have taken many of these items before joining CC. Another suggestion is to bring Clorox or disinfecting wipes so you can clean up between people in the bathroom. It is always nice to come to a clean sink. For the bathroom odors get a pleasant scented travel candle that comes in a tin. The bathroom is pleasant while you are there and pleasant for the person who follows you. Oh yes, a package of soft wet hand wipes is great to carry in your purse or pocket they allow you to wipe your hands while off the ship or anywhere there is no sink. Can not wait to take my next cruise and all those to follow.:) :)

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Another idea that I thought of was to use Fabric Sheets inside your suitcase. They keep your clothes smelling fresh and clean!


And another tip - like above posters have stated. Always take hair conditioner with you - especially if you have long hair. I made the mistake of assuming they would have it in the shower when all they had was shampoo and soap dispensers.


I brought extra Contact lense solution and an old pair of glasses with me. You just never know... And its better to be safe than sorry.


If you take a dive knife along with you, make sure to take it in your carry on. We got pulled off the ship after we boarded to walk a long way to our luggage and had to turn the knife over to personnel until we needed it in port. (we never used it).


If you are driving to the port and leaving your car in the garage, calculate the amount of $$$ you are going to need to leave the port to pay for the parking and lock it safely somewhere in your car. (We took Super Shuttle from our place in Miami, so we didn't have to worry about that). Parking in the Port of Miami for cruise passengers is $12 per day. You calculate a 7-day cruise x $12 a day - You are roughly talking $84.00. Leaving this amount of money stashed safely in your car takes the worry out of having to save the $$$ while you are on vacation. Or you could stash the money with you in your safe on the cruise. I am not one to advocate whether or not it is a good idea, but it's an idea.


Also, I always take eyedrops with me (I wear contacts) when I go on excursions. This way if your contacts dry up, you can at least have the drops to soothe your eyes.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
Wow. I am so thankful I have you guys for my addiction to packing and preparing. So I went to Kmart today (yes they do still have some stores) and I found the insulated mugs with a Freeze eaze in the center. Just stick in it the Freezer and the center tube freezes. $1 at Kmart in the camping section. And it's a BIG mug!


I finally located the over the door plastic shoe rack when shopping at Kmart. They wanted $8!!! $8 is a lot of money for an o.t.d.p.s.r. I mean come on! Needless to say, I did not buy it. I bought a off-white tweed shoe rack at the $ store. You can't really see through it - but it will have to do.


I cannot find Bonine or Ginger Pills yet. I think I have to go to the health food store for the Ginger Pills. Anyways, I bought drowsy-free dramamine. hmmm.... I am not so sure I like that, but anyway.


Another thing I did was buy one of those composition books (black and white cardboard cover). Anyways, I took it home and cut and pasted pictures of the destinations I was going to and the small itinerary and small map from the Carnival Book. Then I put a laminating sheet on the front and back (after I decorated it) to protect it. My own personalized diary so to speak.


I bought two packages from Eckerd - Buy one get one free - two-pack disposable cameras - One for underwater and one for land. A good deal 4 cameras for $14.00.


I am so excited I cannot even stand it. I am driving my DH nuts. But I am not nuts - so that's good!


oh my - I didn't tell you - I even bought the frozen corn to feed the fishes when I go to Cemetery Reef in Grand Cayman. I have freeze-packs to keep them iced when in port). (I read somewhere that you get to experience "the pirahna experience" when you release the corn in the water). Maybe we shouldnt feed the fish - but don't they get hungry?


I guess I will buy my liquor at the last minute! I got to figure out exactly how I am going to smuggle (such good ideas on this board!).



Originally Posted by Totally Addicted


We also got our large insulated mugs at Wal-Mart. They are great also!! Wouldn't cruise without them!! I know that the mugs will be harder to find than the shoe rack!! We've had our mugs for quite a while, but I saw some earlier this year at Wal-Mart that were really huge!! Ours are really large also, but the ones I saw had pockets, etc. on them. Great cruise mugs!!!! Good luck finding some!


The fish also like the ceral from wake call room service. Leave box behind and just take bag and open underwater, dock, or glass bottom boat.

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This may be a repeat....



Imodium from your local store.

I had never been sick on a cruise before...

I was sicker after visiting the infirmary and handing over almost 20 bucks for 6-8(?) pills.


As a result (and taking a mental inventory of all the OTCs they had prominently displayed) I am taking a couple of doses of OTC medications (that I did not think I would need) to avoid paying the "we have you hostage" price on board.


Happy Sailing



Remember do not bring all the bottles--takes too much room.

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  • 4 weeks later...
All the tips are great. I have taken many of these items before joining CC. Another suggestion is to bring Clorox or disinfecting wipes so you can clean up between people in the bathroom. It is always nice to come to a clean sink. For the bathroom odors get a pleasant scented travel candle that comes in a tin. The bathroom is pleasant while you are there and pleasant for the person who follows you. Oh yes, a package of soft wet hand wipes is great to carry in your purse or pocket they allow you to wipe your hands while off the ship or anywhere there is no sink. Can not wait to take my next cruise and all those to follow.:) :)


I was under the impression that candles are a big no-no:confused:

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  • 2 months later...

Holy cow, I'm sitting here at work with tears in my eyes! Where are those free hat and sunglasses.. I've GOT to go out to the deck and get some before someone sees me laughing histarically!


In all seriousnells- the list was a fantastic list of random things everyone can find useful (or not) on their cruise. Im sure the goal is to pick the few things most important/useful to you and that way you're not packing 5 suitcases and a KITCHEN SINK as your carry on!


As far as the humor part of it, I would be laughing out loud harder but between my sunglass teather, lanyard, necklase, waterproof document holder, and bungee cords all getting tangled around my neck.... I'll have to forward this onto my DH for his enjoyment.


Thanks again for the great pleasure of "cruise packing 100000000001"

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Holy cow, I'm sitting here at work with tears in my eyes! Where are those free hat and sunglasses.. I've GOT to go out to the deck and get some before someone sees me laughing histarically!


In all seriousnells- the list was a fantastic list of random things everyone can find useful (or not) on their cruise. Im sure the goal is to pick the few things most important/useful to you and that way you're not packing 5 suitcases and a KITCHEN SINK as your carry on!


As far as the humor part of it, I would be laughing out loud harder but between my sunglass teather, lanyard, necklase, waterproof document holder, and bungee cords all getting tangled around my neck.... I'll have to forward this onto my DH for his enjoyment.


Thanks again for the great pleasure of "cruise packing 100000000001"




Now that was a visusal...now I am laughing so hard I could cry.

To add insult to injury I am starting the packing process for my 2 week from today departure. That leaves me another week to unpack that KITCHEN SINK as I am sure they have one I can use--or perhaps I could use the one someone else brought. :D


Thanks for a new and real prospective.

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Duct tape has soooo many uses! We were on a cruise with friends when they overpacked one of the suitcases and the zipper had a blowout. Duct tape to the rescue! I found a small, folded package at the Container Store--a little expensive for my taste. So, I just wrapped a long strip over a piece of cardboard--it takes up a lot less room than a whole roll.

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kchseneylover, just bought ginger pills at walmart for $3.59. Pretty cheap for something that worked well for me last trip. Tried non-drowsy dramamine departure day, and barely made it to dinner because it made me sleepy. Also found ginger altoids at the checkout of a Super Target. They have also been recommended by members.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Packing list was great, but seemed a bit excessive esp when you fly and only have a 50 pound weight limit (yes you can go over but why pay extra money for that) and limited to 2 bags and the carry on. (My garment bag takes one of the bags so leaves less room to pack in the other suitcase). I pack travel size items in my toiletry case and find that takes up a lot less room, and was a total skeptic on the zip lock bags for clothes until I tried it for my up coming trip and amazed at the difference they made. (suitcase isn't even half full and already over 30 lbs) I take the lanyards for cruise cards, esp for the kids (and have them punched at the pursers desk). I take some sodas as I don't drink coke products - Mt. Dew for me (it is my morning coffee) and I don't try to bring any alcohol onboard. Also decided this time to bring a sample size tide to do 4 loads and will wash shorts, shirts etc so I can pack a little less to stay under the weight limit. I figure with 8 of us going we can combine a couple loads together and won't take that much time to do. The pop up hamper - I am with my mom just use one of the suitcases. No bungee cord as I don't have a balcony, but like the alarm clock as I like to know the time esp with inside cabin. No go on the power strip as we don't have enough things that need to be plugged up - did think about an extension cord though as they take up a lot less room.

Caribbean Princess - Nov 26, 2006 (Eastern)

Caribbean Princess - May 2006 (Western)

Carnival Holiday - January 2005

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