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Cruising Feb 2014 - losing 100 pounds in the next 13 months!!


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Day 45

Daily weight change: + 2.0

Total weight change: -10.0


I knew I would probably go up, I exercised yesterday. Exercise is my friend, exercise is my friend, exercise is my friend, if I say it enough, maybe I can convince myself :). I am going to keep at it because I know it is good for me and will eventually improve on the scale as well. It is also good for my lovely companion Cricket. Now that she has been on the insulin for a few days, she seems to have more energy.


Yesterday's menu:



Apple & 1 oz pumpkin seeds



Spicy vegetable soup

1 oz sunflower seeds

1/2 avocado



Lime cilantro shrimp w/bowtie pasta

Mixed greens w/cucumbers, mushrooms, tomatoes & basalmic vinegar

1 pc Garlic bread



100 oz water, 2 cups lemon tea, 2 cups coffee

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Day 46

Daily weight change: -1.0

Total weight change: -11.0


I wonder if the scale will go back up after Cricket and I go for our 2 mile walk today? Oh well, I know eventually it will all balance out. I am trying to stick with some form of 30-45 minutes of exercise every other day. I know it will be easier when the weather gets better. Right now it is just so yuckky outside.


This whole dog diabetes diagnosis has hit me really hard. Both hubby and I have serious Diabetes II family history so I had a long talk with him and DD #1 last night. While they have been very supportive of my journey thus far, they don't seem to be making any efforts to be healthier or to lose weight. I am trying to convince them that it will be easier if we are all working together. Don't get me wrong, they like the food that I am cooking, they just eat many extras!!


Yesterday's menu:



Flax granola

Vanilla Coconut Silk



Green salad w/leftover bourbon brown sugar salmon






Grilled pork chop

Roasted potatoes, zuchinni, squash, onions & carrots

steamed broccoli

multi-grain roll



115 oz water, 2 cups coffee, 1 cup lemon tea

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Day 51


so to date that puts me down 23 pounds since JANUARY 16th 2013

I started at 256


Carla thanks from the bottom of my heart so much for making this thread and giving me the little pick me up you gave me the other day it means the world to me and I cant thank you enough :)

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Exercise IS your friend. Don't focus on the scale...your body will adjust and the long term benefits of exercise will more than compensate for the short term gain.


I noticed that you didn't up your water intake AND you increased your coffee... Run the numbers for what compensation you need to do with your water intake when you add exercise to the mix. In general, there is an increase of however many ounces per 20 minutes of exercise... Also, in my research, there is compensation for water intake that you need to do for each cup of caffeinated beverage that you drink. You can't count that liquid in your daily water intake and you actually have to increase your water intake by some amount.


See what your program recommends. Because you can understand quite easily now that there is no way that you ate 7000 excess calories to "gain" two pounds...this is just water weight.


The other thing to be very careful of...protein. When you exercise, you need to be conscious of refueling your body and giving it what it needs. When you exercise, you need protein. The pumpkin seeds, the sunflower seeds, the shrimp...I see your protein. I don't know when your meals are relative to when you exercised...you need to have a "recovery meal" after exercising. It needs to include protein, because your body needs protein to repair your muscles...and it needs carbs because your body needs to restore glycogen. If you do not have this recovery meal, then your performance when you next use your muscles will suffer because they will already be depleted of energy before you exercise.


I don't know what would be a good recovery meal for you based on your program. Greek yogurt has been highly recommended because it combines protein and carbs, and for some reason the carbs in yogurt are especially suited to the glycogen production. Mom drinks a whey protein smoothie (we like Jay Robb brand vanilla flavor) with half a banana and coconut water. Because of my previous workout schedule, I was told that eating my dinner after was fine if it included the lean protein and to add 1 cup of raw greens, like spinach.


The lentil salmon recipe that I have made is from the Eating Well Rush Hour Cookbook. I found it online:




I substitute in recipes all the time...I just pictured an orange root veggie and a white root veggie and use whatever I have. Green lentils are hard for me to find. I've used brown with no problems. I've subbed regular onions for the shallots, etc etc. If you have some time, do some research on bone broth...google that, bone broth...all it is, is broth made from bones...like from a roast turkey, chicken, any bone in roast...you let it simmer for at least a day to leach all the minerals and gelatin out of the bones...if you research it, you will read that people think of it as a miracle food because of all the great things it does. Anyway...point being...I would use bone broth for the chicken broth.

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You are right, not only did I fall short on my regular water intake, I should have added another 16 oz for the exercise. I don't count coffee as part of my water intake and I limit myself to 1-2 cups per day. Prior to this plan, I was drinking 1-2 POTS per day! I love coffee and I drink it black unless I am in the mood for a fancy coffee drink. So I am really doing well on cutting back on the caffeine. I also don't drink anything else other than water or herbal teas. I was never a big diet soda drinker but since my plan doesn't allow for anything artificial - those are totally out.


I haven't given any thought to a recovery meal after exercise. I can have greek yogurt and I also have some smoothie recipes that have protein in them. What should I shoot for in terms of grams of protein & carbs?


I made a huge batch of granola in the crock pot the other day. Since it was such a large batch, it took all day to cook, but it was certainly easy. Thank you! I think I am going to turn some of it into granola bars by adding a little honey & agave for the rest of the family.



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You are totally AMAZING!! You should be happy dancing all over the house. 23 pounds in 51 days is incredible.


What type of food plan are you doing? How often are you exercising? What type?



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What should I shoot for in terms of grams of protein & carbs?


1. Eat within 30 minutes of exercising.

2. Eat 0.75 grams of carbs per pound of body weight.

3. Eat a 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein.

4. Eat simply so that your body can easily access the nutrients that you are giving it...meaning that a smoothie would be a great choice.


You haven't shared your weight, so, based on 200 pounds...


Ideally, you want to eat 150 grams of carbs and 37.5 grams of protein...


Add or subtract 7.5 grams of carbs for every 10 pounds over or under 200 pounds...add or subtract 1.9 grams of protein for every 10 pounds over or under 200 pounds.


This is what I read...it's a bit crazy...this...because this is a 752 calorie meal that they are recommending after exercise. I'm thinking that this is after SIGNIFICANT exercise...like heart pounding exertion or major training, not just getting out and going on a walk, KWIM?


I'm not a nutrition expert...as much as I would LOVE to be...and I have a hard time reconciling this information into a plan that is necessary for losing weight...BUT...I also know that not providing a body with enough calories sends it into a famine mode which is NOT a losing weight mode...so lack of sufficient calories post exercise might also contribute to weight gain as a result of beginning to exercise.


I think the most important element is the 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein. I would experiment to see what ends up working best for you based on this ratio.

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You are totally AMAZING!! You should be happy dancing all over the house. 23 pounds in 51 days is incredible.


What type of food plan are you doing? How often are you exercising? What type?



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You are totally AMAZING!! You should be happy dancing all over the house. 23 pounds in 51 days is incredible.


What type of food plan are you doing? How often are you exercising? What type?




Aww thanks for the kind words I am doing the happy dance but I have a long road ahead of me .


the food plan I am doing lean meats, veggies, fruits, yogurt, beans (chic peas) are my fave. 3 meals a day with 2 snacks I eat about every 3 hours to keep my metabolism going strong. I work out about 5 times a week. elliptical and Im also doing a video.

Protein shake for a snack and a banana, cottage cheese .

eggs for breakfast or cereal with almond coconut milk or banana protein pancakes.

4oz lean meat for dinner and for lunch with veggies

I make a awesome ground turkey breast meat loaf that is to die for

these are just a few of the things I eat

I have learn with me portion control is the key but I still struggle with this. one day at a time

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Day 49

Daily weight change: +1.0

Total weight change: -10.5


I have been going crazy for the last few days. One gallbladder attack after the other....I am really glad my surgery is scheduled for Tuesday. It is a day surgery procedure so I should be home the same day but I have no idea how I will feel for the next several days. The other thing is that I have some more tests scheduled for next Monday and they require anesthesia as well. I hate anesthesia as I always have issues with nausea and vomiting afterwards.



2 boiled eggs



Greek yogurt



Tuna mixed with cucumbers, red onions, lime juice & EVOO over mixed greens w/avocado



Ginger ale & crackers


I have no idea how much water I drank yesterday because after the attack started I took a pain pill and went to bed. After I woke up I was able to drink the ginger ale and eat some saltines. I am feeling better this morning and am going to try to run some errands and do my grocery shopping today so that I can do some cooking tomorrow or else I will be stuck with whatever processed food my 21 year old will make for me. I am not a fan of canned soup & mac & cheese. Funny, neither are my thighs!

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Day 50

Daily weight change: 0

Total weight change:-10.5


I wound up going shopping with my daughter yesterday in Albany. Since it is a 2 hour drive from my house, we spent a good part of the day in the car. We went to 2 malls and Trader Joe's (my fave). I love that they have so many great organic products that are reasonably priced.


I feel like I won a major victory with my own personal temptation and influenced my daughter's as well. Normally any mention of a trip to Albany is accompanied by "ooh, Cheesecake Factory" as it is conveniently located within mall #1. We had lunch next door at PF Chang's because my daughter had never been there. We both had the seared Ahi Tuna salad with Asian Vinegarette which was both light and delicious!!! We even managed to escape Albany without getting cheesecake to go (although hubby seemed a bit disappointed when we came home empty handed).


I am having my surgery tomorrow, leaving for the hospital at 4:15am:confused: Although I should be home sometime in the afternoon, I seriously doubt that I will be up to posting tomorrow.


Yesterday's menu



2 boiled eggs



Seared Ahi Tuna Salad w/Asian Vinegarette



1/2 cheese bagel twist



Vegetable lasagna

Green salad w/basalmic vinegar



100 oz water, 2 cups coffee

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What a week this has been!! Monday morning my darling hubby challenged me to see who can hit the 100 pound weight loss mark first. This is a wager that is accompanied by serious consequences. If I lose, I have to clean his semi truck inside & out including waxing and polishing all of the chrome. If he loses, he has to clean (inside & out) all 29 windows in our house and build me some storage shelves in the basement.


About 2 hours after this little wager, he came in from messing with his truck and was complaining about chest pain, numbness in his left armpit and nausea. Needless to say, we set out for the emergency room. They ran several tests on him and admitted him to ICU for overnight observation and stress testing in the am. Preliminary evening test results were coming in quite positive so DH & DD (who is a registered nurse) wouldn't allow me to cancel my gallbladder surgery. DD & DS alternated between the both of us and we were both discharged late Tuesday afternoon.


It seems that DH's chest pain was severe reflux brought on by antibiotics he had been taking for a sinus infection. They also discovered that he has pre-diabetes. Blood pressure & all heart tests were great. He has to take oral medication, monitor his sugar levels, follow diabetic diet and exercise. This has been a very good wake up call for our family. He has been fantastic about checking his sugar levels and eating properly since he came home. I am so proud of him for taking this seriously. Previously he has always been all talk and no action. I also think it is helping that he has seen a dramatic improvement in our little dog Cricket's energy level since she started her prescription dog food and insulin regimen.


As expected, I had some issues with the anesthesia and spent Wednesday & Thursday trying to sleep between ginger ale and cracker meals. Friday, I felt well enough to go with DH for his follow up dr's appt but after stopping at pharmacy and wal-mart I think I overdid it. Pain was much worse last night and I had to take meds for it, something I hadn't done since Wed morning.


I am feeling better today and am hoping to be back to my regular eating plan by tomorrow. It is really hard to drink water when you are nauseated or in pain. I did get on the scale this morning and was up another pound from my pre-surgery weight. I have no idea if it is actual weight, fluid retention or inflammation from the surgery. I really don't care, I am just happy to know that I won't be having any more gallbladder attacks.


Hanging in there and looking forward to getting back to normal. One day at a time. ;)

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Day 56

Weight: 229.0 (That's right, I am posting my actual weight from now on)

Daily weight change: -3.0

Total weight change: -12.5


Yep, I am officially over it! I guess I finally realized it was safe to post my actual weight on here because if you guys know that I have 100# to lose then I obviously don't weigh 120 now:D It is still a big deal for me because even my sweet hubby hasn't known my weight for a very long time now. However, I have come to understand that putting it all out there makes me more accountable and I need all of the accountability that I can get.


In addition to seeing the inflammation/water weight drop off this morning, I am actually feeling very good. The pain seems to be gone and the best way to describe my present situation is mostly discomfort. I am walking and bending over much easier, getting up and down from sitting or laying doesn't make me feel like I am 110 years old today!


I am still not allowed to drive until Tuesday and can't go up & down stairs for at least another week. Fortunately my 2 story farmhouse has the master on the main level and I have my DS for any necessary trips to the basement freezer. He has practically taken over the entire 2nd floor as his "apartment" anyway. I have had to reschedule a few things because I guess I thought since this was a day surgery procedure I would be back to my normal self in 2 or 3 days-- wrong!! My resident RN (DD #1) was kind enough to remind me that it was still major surgery and they did an awful lot of poking around in my gut through the four relatively small incisions.


I am back to drinking my dandelion root tea this morning. I am totally amazed at how much I miss this stuff when I don't have it. I have really grown to

love it. I have tried 3 different kinds and while I like them all, I definitely have

my favorite.


Pure dandelion root loose leaves from the health food store - this one is my least favorite, it seems much more bitter.

Yogi - Detox (Good mixture of other flavors)

Tazo - Everyday Detox (This one is not at all bitter and tastes much like the other green teas that I enjoy)


I drink this tea with 1 teaspoon of local honey.

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Carla, I'm so glad that you (and Cricket) are feeling so much better. There's nothing like pain and/or discomfort to sideline our positive goal achievements; kudos to you for keeping your strength and conviction about your lifestyle change going strong.


I know what you're experiencing with your diet and the change to your habits and taste buds. When I first found out about fat percentage calculations, in food, (a long, long time ago), my DH and I drastically changed our diet. It seemed that weight left us effortlessly... but... we had quiet a fat-filled diet, without knowing it! We ate "healthy," but we did ingest a bit of olive oil, nuts, etc. My point to this is that... one day I just craved a dish that I had loved from an Italian restaurant. My DH indulged me and we went there for dinner. When the dish arrived, I was aghast at the amount of floating olive oil on the plate. I ate it; I did NOT enjoy it. And, afterwards, oh I felt so bad... my body just didn't digest that meal in the same way, at all.


So I understand the cravings... and the changes in taste. It's all part of the process.


I just wanted to chime in and give you props and tell you that I lurk on your thread to make sure that things are going great for you. And, I'm so happy that they are!

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Day 58 (I couldn't post yesterday, internet issues:mad:)

Weight: 231

Daily weight change: +2.0

Total weight change: -10.5


I really hate not getting my water in. It is amazing how quickly this affects the scale. It is totally all my fault. It seems like anytime I get outside of my normal routine that I forget to drink it. I don't know why exactly, it's not like I suddenly start drinking soda or something. I gave up diet drinks 58 days ago and have only drank ginger ale when I was sick (none in several days). I guess I just get busy and forget to drink anything.


DD #2 & my son in law arrived yesterday from Canada for a quick 24 hour visit. She said she just had to see for herself that Mom & Dad were OK. Personally I think she was in desperate need of family hugs - we hadn't seen them since Christmas. Just to prove that I am doing well, I cooked 4 meals in the short time they were here. Combine that with a full day of trying to clean my neglected house and it is no wonder I forgot to drink & even eat when I should.


I love them dearly and really hate to admit this but I am glad that they are all gone now. I am totally pooped!! I need a nap and want to focus on me - I feel really selfish :confused:

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What a week this has been!! Monday morning my darling hubby challenged me to see who can hit the 100 pound weight loss mark first. This is a wager that is accompanied by serious consequences. If I lose, I have to clean his semi truck inside & out including waxing and polishing all of the chrome. If he loses, he has to clean (inside & out) all 29 windows in our house and build me some storage shelves in the basement.


About 2 hours after this little wager, he came in from messing with his truck and was complaining about chest pain, numbness in his left armpit and nausea. Needless to say, we set out for the emergency room. They ran several tests on him and admitted him to ICU for overnight observation and stress testing in the am. Preliminary evening test results were coming in quite positive so DH & DD (who is a registered nurse) wouldn't allow me to cancel my gallbladder surgery. DD & DS alternated between the both of us and we were both discharged late Tuesday afternoon.


It seems that DH's chest pain was severe reflux brought on by antibiotics he had been taking for a sinus infection. They also discovered that he has pre-diabetes. Blood pressure & all heart tests were great. He has to take oral medication, monitor his sugar levels, follow diabetic diet and exercise. This has been a very good wake up call for our family. He has been fantastic about checking his sugar levels and eating properly since he came home. I am so proud of him for taking this seriously. Previously he has always been all talk and no action. I also think it is helping that he has seen a dramatic improvement in our little dog Cricket's energy level since she started her prescription dog food and insulin regimen.


As expected, I had some issues with the anesthesia and spent Wednesday & Thursday trying to sleep between ginger ale and cracker meals. Friday, I felt well enough to go with DH for his follow up dr's appt but after stopping at pharmacy and wal-mart I think I overdid it. Pain was much worse last night and I had to take meds for it, something I hadn't done since Wed morning.


I am feeling better today and am hoping to be back to my regular eating plan by tomorrow. It is really hard to drink water when you are nauseated or in pain. I did get on the scale this morning and was up another pound from my pre-surgery weight. I have no idea if it is actual weight, fluid retention or inflammation from the surgery. I really don't care, I am just happy to know that I won't be having any more gallbladder attacks.


Hanging in there and looking forward to getting back to normal. One day at a time. ;)


Hi Carla so glad that you are feeling a bit better and that your DH will be ok. I thought I would let you know That I also am from New York about a hour west of Albany. My boyfriend is also a Simi truck drive. In fact we just got back from doing a load of wine wahoo! to Maryland. I was also a truck drive for a short bit but I am a hair stylist in my normal career I took a 4 month break and drove.

I checked back a few time to see if you had posted because I had wondered how you were doing . It seems that we both are about in the same boat with are weight loss with are starting weights and such. I am on a bit of a Plato right now and have not lost anything but thats ok because im shore I will get over it though everyone tells me I look like i have lost much more.

Well take care for now ASH:D

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I can totally relate! I was down 1# this morning too. I think 225 is going to be a real celebration because I feel like I have been between 229 & 232 forever!!!


I took Cricket to the vet this morning for her all day glucose monitoring to see if her insulin dosage needs to be adjusted and she has lost 2.1# in 16 days. My dog has done better than I have.:(

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Day 59

Weight: 230

Daily weight change: -1.0

Total weight change: -11.5


Now that I have this surgery (and hopefully all other family medical scares) behind me, it is time to focus on me! Although I have been very discouraged lately because of the crazy chaos in my life and the scale has reflected it, I have decided to take the time this morning to make note of all of the positive lifestyle changes that I have incorporated into my life.


1. I am drinking 1-3 cups of coffee per day. (Down from 1-2 POTS!!)

2. I drink between 8 -20 glasses of water per day.

3. I have no artificial sweeteners, diet, low fat, fake stuff in my diet.

4. I eat beef no more than 1 time every 5 days.

5. I limit animal protein to 1 (4 oz) serving per day, remaining proteincomes from other sources.

6. I am eating 6-10 servings of vegetables per day.

7. I have totally changed the way that I shop & eat - No processed foods!!


Benefits from these changes:


I definitely have more energy.

I feel better about myself.

I no longer have an insatiable sweet craving at night.

No more munchies while watching television.

I am sleeping better at night.

My appetite has curbed itself and I find that I have to remind myself to eat lunch.

I waste less produce because I am constantly using it and see it BEFORE it goes bad instead of discovering it afterwards.

I am becoming more creative and sneaking veggies into other things - shredded zucchini & mushrooms into lamb burgers (makes expensive meat go further as well).

I plan my shopping, cooking and eating which in the end actually saves me time and money.

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Day 59

Weight: 230

Daily weight change: -1.0

Total weight change: -11.5


Now that I have this surgery (and hopefully all other family medical scares) behind me, it is time to focus on me! Although I have been very discouraged lately because of the crazy chaos in my life and the scale has reflected it, I have decided to take the time this morning to make note of all of the positive lifestyle changes that I have incorporated into my life.


1. I am drinking 1-3 cups of coffee per day. (Down from 1-2 POTS!!)

2. I drink between 8 -20 glasses of water per day.

3. I have no artificial sweeteners, diet, low fat, fake stuff in my diet.

4. I eat beef no more than 1 time every 5 days.

5. I limit animal protein to 1 (4 oz) serving per day, remaining proteincomes from other sources.

6. I am eating 6-10 servings of vegetables per day.

7. I have totally changed the way that I shop & eat - No processed foods!!


Benefits from these changes:


I definitely have more energy.

I feel better about myself.

I no longer have an insatiable sweet craving at night.

No more munchies while watching television.

I am sleeping better at night.

My appetite has curbed itself and I find that I have to remind myself to eat lunch.

I waste less produce because I am constantly using it and see it BEFORE it goes bad instead of discovering it afterwards.

I am becoming more creative and sneaking veggies into other things - shredded zucchini & mushrooms into lamb burgers (makes expensive meat go further as well).

I plan my shopping, cooking and eating which in the end actually saves me time and money.


This is GREAT! SO HAPPY FOR YOU!:D I think 225 will be amazing also. I find that I also am eating about 4 oz of lean meat a day. Im finding that I no longer crave meats and really dont care for the taste of it anymore. I cant begin to explain how much meats I have put in the garbage in the last month. I have incorporated a protien shake and sometimes two a day.

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It is amazing how quickly cabin fever sets in. I have been in the house since I came home from the hospital on 3/12. I wasn't allowed to drive for a week. The first few days were fine since I felt like crap anyway. Wouldn't you know that we got a good sized snow yesterday and I wasn't about to tackle that for my first excursion - I was really tired from the family visit anyway.


I had a couple of appointments and went to the grocery store. All in all, I was gone for about 4 hours. Although it felt great to get out, it certainly zapped my strength. I had to lay down for a while before dinner.


I know I am able to accomplish a little more each day but I am really anxious for my energy to get back to my pre-surgery levels. My goal is to try to keep adding a little more activity to each day and build on my success.

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Day 60

Weight: 230

Daily weight change: -

Total weight change: -11.5


I was a little disappointed this morning when I got on the scale because weight was holding steady from yesterday. However, since this is day 60, I took my measurements to compare to previous ones. WooHoo!!! I have lost 6.25 inches overall. Talk about being excited and motivated! After all, it is inches that truly matter!


Although recent events have put me a bit behind my schedule, I know that my goal is totally attainable. I am going to be successful in losing my excess weight but even more importantly, I will achieve and maintain healthy lifestyle changes!


Yesterday's menu:



1 cup flax granola

1/2 cup Coconut Vanilla Silk



Green smoothie



Spicy vegetable soup

Salad w/pear & goat cheese, EVOO & basalmic vinegar



4 oz Roasted Pork tenderloin

1/2 cup mashed potatoes w/butter :)

1 cup cooked turnip greens



2 cups coffee, 2 cups dandelion root tea, 1 cup chai tea w/ VC Silk, 115 ounces water

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