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"Live from" ms Volendam to Alaska! My First HAL Experience

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Day 5: Glacier Bay National Park




This morning, I had planned to wake up earlier since I had read that at 7:30am, the Park Rangers would be coming on board to narrate our visit to Glacier Bay. I wound up waking up at 8ish.

I got ready and woke everyone else up for breakfast. Those who needed to shower did, and we were ready by (close to) 8:40am. We all headed upstairs for breakfast as we entered the pathway to Glacier Bay.

There wasn't much to see at the moment since we had just barely arrived.


Today for some reason, we got paper menus (as in, photocopied looking). I don't know if they ran out of menus or something, but it was a change. I took pictures like usual.

The content was the same, just the display had differed.




The paper was large and folded in half. Here's the left side:






And the right side:






It was quite nice to be eating breakfast while doing scenic cruising ^^.


I noticed that our server didn't seem to know what was on the menu because when I ordered something that gave to options for a lot of different fruits and said "all the fruits",

he asked me to list all of them. o_o okay then. It doesn't really matter anyways because he got my order wrong. Whatever.


I took this while waiting for our main food. It was cute because it had a little HAL tissue paper tied to it :D



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While I was taking this, a different server came over and offered us some of the daily baked goods. I got this one:




and shared it with my sister:




It was mildly sweet and had the texture of a croissant. Hm. Not bad for someone who doesn't normally eat bread.


Eventually our real food started to arrive. First was Mom's Fresh Fruit Plate:




My Bagel and Lox:




The bagel was a bit hard but okay. Salmon good, cream cheese - goood. :)


Then came my "Cottage Cheese and Fresh Fruit". ... -_- Why. Just why.




This is the thing he made me list. No cottage cheese. Just random fruits. The banana was pretty gross too. They were wet D:.


Here was Mom's Eggs Royale (Dad got the same):



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Sis's Eggs Royale with a side of Smoked Salmon and Turkey Bacon:




Bro's Egg's Benedict with Hash Browns, Corned Beef Hash and Bacon:




Finally (the adorable ones I've read about) my Belgian Waffles with Strawberry Compote & a Hash Brown:




Cute, right? :D


After that, we headed up to the Lido to see what was being served for breakfast up there.




Here's what I found.


First up, a LOT of Smoked Salmon: (<3)




A variety of mini cereals:



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Something I disliked about it was the set up. Due to my small stature, this forced me to reach REALLY far to just BARELY grab one. :( I'd have felt somewhat embarrassed if somebody had seen it. It was really hard to reach! (I'm 5'1.5" o_o)


I also spotted some sticky buns (which I had also read about prior to my trip):





I then headed to the Lido Pool to check it out. A small gap had been opened in the glass casing and I could hear a woman over the speakers. It was the park ranger!


I noticed that (because it was glacier day) they had some merchandise set up for people to buy:




I never actually bought any of that stuff though.


I also noticed that they had set up some decorations around the pool for the occasion.




Cute (:


I don't remember why, but I believe Dad went off to do something and agreed to meet us in the Crow's Nest. So that was what we did. This is where we saw the park rangers stationed. They had a little table set up and had brochures everywhere. I had read online that the Crow's Nest was a great place to be during glacier day. Personally, I'd have to disagree. I really didn't like the spot at all. First of all, it was really crowded. You could barely find yourself a seat! Secondly, the glass & windows are SO DIRTY. YOU CAN'T GET A SINGLE GOOD PICTURE WITHOUT GETTING WHITE STREAKS IN IT. *sigh*


Anyways, I took these while we waited for Dad:




(Haha this guy looked funny :D)




Sorry for the blur D:

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I also noticed this as soon as I walked in. They had set up a station with hot drinks (& ice water) with snacks/cookies. Here are my shots as I move across the table (starting from the right side of the table):


Ice water:




Snacks (muffins, cookies etc.). I tried a cookie, turned out to be peanut butter. Gave it to Sis, as she likes peanut butter more than I do.










They were serving (from the left): Hot water, Decaf Coffee and Coffee (plus milk).

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I noticed that they also had a couple plates of back up cookies on a shelf across from the table.






After a while, I decided that I didn't like this spot, so I told my family that I would be leaving and taking pictures from outside.


I turned around and took a goodbye shot of the Crow's Nest. This was of the emptier area, far away from the crowd:




I went outside on deck 9 and saw that the entire railing that was facing the Lamplugh Glacier. I waddled around (stupidly wearing flats, I would later come to regret this). I noticed someone leave the railing and quickly plopped myself in the gap that opened.


I took a few shots of what my view off the port side of the ship from left to right:







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Here I stuck them together for you guys!




After that, we headed down to deck 3 and went (completely forward) to the bow of the ship. Here are some of my shots off the front of the Volendam:






Personally, I thought the bow of the ship was the best place to be on glacier day, not the Crow's Nest. At the bow, you could see everything! Even though it was chilly, it was worth it!


Apparently according to the park ranger lady (of whom we could hear perfectly from the bow), the mist above the water was created because the temperature of the water was colder than the air. This was why it was so hard to see some things.


We took some family pictures, had some other people take them for us and headed back inside. We went down to our rooms and took off all of our coats. Well. Everyone except me. I was going to go back outside and document our whole journey to Margerie Glacier. See the sacrifice I do for my family? I went outside to go freeze to death so that they wouldn't have to. How considerate right? :P


We agreed to meet at the Rotterdam at 12pm for lunch. I then watched the rest of my family get in the elevator leave me :,(




I turned around and went back into my room to get to monopod. I then went up the stairs to deck 3. This is when I noticed this. There were actually A LOT of these around the ship during my cruise. Random staircases were closed off because of these.




I then went outside on deck 3 and looked around. I saw that there was a server handing out Dutch Pea Soup to anyone who wanted it. Around 70% of the people around me were drinking it. Pea Soup isn't really my thing so I just took a picture of it :)



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I then took this shot before I went back up to the bow:




When I reached the bow, I saw more Pea Soup!




This was also set up near the starboard side entrance:




They were trying to sell some alcohol to the adults that were there. They even had a cheese and cracker sampling area:




Something else I saw were crew members selling hot chocolate in a HAL mug. That's the blue mugs/thermoses to the left:




I stayed up at the bow from the time I got there (At 10am ish) until lunch time. 2 whole hours of waiting for the ship to progress further into the park! My goodness, I WAS FREEZING TO DEATH. My feet were pretty much numb (that's what I get for wearing flats D:)!


Here's a shot I took at around 10:30am:



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Around 20 minutes later, I took this shot while I was waiting for the boat to move farther. This shows you around how many people were up here with me.




While I waited, I took a look back at where we were sailing from:




I also took a shot of the little bell that is located front and centre of the Volendam:




About half an hour later, I took this: (Note: Each time frame, I took ~4 pictures. These are just my better ones)




And then another 20 minutes later:




As we slowly approached closer to the Margerie Glacier, the water began changing colour. The park ranger said that this was due to the silt that was leaking from the glacier:



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At the same time this was happening, a couple of German guys (older, 50-60 or so) were standing behind/next to me talking about what the ranger was saying. This was actually pretty cool (their accents I meant LOL). I liked the way they spoke :D


At long last, we had arrived at the Margerie Glacier. And we couldn't see a thing. It even started to rain a tiny bit (we went under a huge grey cloud). I used my scarf to protect my camera (LOL) and awaited the appearance of the glacier.


The fog kind of lifted next to it first:




and then it lifted from the glacier, a little bit only at first, but this was eventually the clearest shot I could get:




I looked around and was pretty sure that this was the farthest that our ship would go, it was 11:50am ish, so I started heading back inside. I ran and bolted for the door as I sniffed my now running nose. I walked inside all numb and satisfied with myself and dropped all the unnecessary things back into my room.


I headed upstairs and saw Sis & Bro playing chess. I went and entered the restaurant first the Mom & Dad. I took this chance to take a couple more restaurant shots before we ate our lunch with our (according to Dad), "million dollar view".






Here you can see the Glaciers/snow capped mountains through the window:




On my way to my table:



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I'm loving these photos (and this whole thread, really). On my cruise, Glacier Bay will be on my birthday, so it's going to be a really special day.


I think I will have to try the Dutch Pea Soup. And I think it's hilarious that they set up a bar out there, although, not surprising, I suppose. BTW, what was the stuff they were selling on the Lido? I could see binoculars and glass animal figurines. What was the rest? Jackets? Blankets? Snuggies? :confused:


My final payment is due next week... :)

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And I think it's hilarious that they set up a bar out there, although, not surprising, I suppose. My final payment is due next week... :)


On our Westerdam Alaska cruise last year we purchased the "alcohol" being offered out there - it was in coffee! (or hot chocolate). I think I got amaretto in my coffee, and DH got Kahlua or Bailey's. At any rate, we purchased the refillable insulated thermos type coffee tumblers and will be bringing them again for more coffee with an extra shot of warmth in it when we go on the Oosterdam this year!


Alcohol in a hot drink can warm you up a bit - learned that trying to sit through football games on metal bleachers in the snow at Iowa State! Hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps... yumm...

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Wonderful Sarah

One of the highlights on Alaskan cruises for my DH is the Dutch Pea Doup. There was a time when it was offered on all cruises at least once a week. Not any more.


Thanks! :)

Haha, it looked really good, I recall the people around me seemed to enjoy it!

What a shame that they don't offer it more frequently!

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I'm loving these photos (and this whole thread, really). On my cruise, Glacier Bay will be on my birthday, so it's going to be a really special day.


I think I will have to try the Dutch Pea Soup. And I think it's hilarious that they set up a bar out there, although, not surprising, I suppose. BTW, what was the stuff they were selling on the Lido? I could see binoculars and glass animal figurines. What was the rest? Jackets? Blankets? Snuggies? :confused:


My final payment is due next week... :)


I'm glad! (: Wow, lucky! Glacier day is pretty much the best day to have your birthday! Lunch especially in the MDR, it's so pretty.


I thought was pretty funny watching them lug that huge table up from the stairs and stuff onto the bow LOL


The other stuff I recall seeing were some Inuit(?) dolls, Alaskan memorabilia, and I believe some HAL logo clothing. Also a lot of books on he ports and stuff with the port names printed on them! I think that one on the right wasa vest?

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On our Westerdam Alaska cruise last year we purchased the "alcohol" being offered out there - it was in coffee! (or hot chocolate). I think I got amaretto in my coffee, and DH got Kahlua or Bailey's. At any rate, we purchased the refillable insulated thermos type coffee tumblers and will be bringing them again for more coffee with an extra shot of warmth in it when we go on the Oosterdam this year!


Alcohol in a hot drink can warm you up a bit - learned that trying to sit through football games on metal bleachers in the snow at Iowa State! Hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps... yumm...


Oo interesting! On ours, the tumblers were filled with hot chocolate (at least that was what that guywas calling) and they were selling bottles of wine and liquor (I believe). :)

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When DW and I did our AK cruise we sailed in late Aug and there was a lot less snow than in your photos.


Oh really? Ineteresting because at the other glaciers I visited in late August 2010/2011, there was snow!


Cool though, was there as much fog/mist that obstructed your view? It made it kind of hard to see anything :/

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The other stuff I recall seeing were some Inuit(?) dolls, Alaskan memorabilia, and I believe some HAL logo clothing. Also a lot of books on he ports and stuff with the port names printed on them! I think that one on the right was a vest?



Oh, I was hoping it was Snuggies. I would totally buy a nice navy blue Snuggie with the Holland America logo! :)

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The dropping of the pea sup is just one more cut back.



There was a time when you did not have to buy the hot chocolate on glacier day with the tumbler.

It used to be free.

Just another way to nickle and dime you.


I noticed quite a few cutbacks actually :/

And yeah, they do do everything they can to get money out of everyone.

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I am so enchanted with your telling of your trip. You have a gift my dear, to make things come alive, and you have a great eye. If your ambitions include becoming a photojournalist, I believe you will be very successful and we'll be seeing your work through the years. Can't wait to read the rest.

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