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June 8, 2014 Breakaway Cruise to Bermuda with the Kids!


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Nice review. Brings back memories of my cruise to Bermuda. It is such a nice, clean, friendly place!


I am also reading your European review and loving all the pics. I do have a question for you. In your pics, your mom is wearing a blue cross-body bag. Do you know what brand it is? And do you know if she liked it and how suitable it was for traveling? I have been searching for months for a new "personal item" travel bag and this one caught my eye. Thanks!!!

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Nice review. Brings back memories of my cruise to Bermuda. It is such a nice, clean, friendly place!


I am also reading your European review and loving all the pics. I do have a question for you. In your pics, your mom is wearing a blue cross-body bag. Do you know what brand it is? And do you know if she liked it and how suitable it was for traveling? I have been searching for months for a new "personal item" travel bag and this one caught my eye. Thanks!!!


Hi! I'm glad you're enjoying the review, and thanks for reading my Europe one too!


As far as the bag my mom uses, she got it from Magellan's and I did a quick look and it seems to be this one:






She used it for the first time on our Europe trip, but has used it several times since then. She bought it for the security features, but has continued to use it because she likes the size of it and the many pockets it has. She's also pretty short and likes that it has adjustable straps so that it doesn't hang too low. She's recommended it to some friends, so I think she really likes it a lot!

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Today was our second day in Bermuda and today we had a plan! Originally we planned to go to Horseshoe Beach for the day, but yesterday something else caught our eye! Hartley's Helmet Diving!! This is sort of like Snuba....so we booked this yesterday afternoon, we hoped for morning availability, but only could get afternoon. But we would make do.


So, that being said, it was an early breakfast, off the ship and down to the Dockyard to find the 'Special' bus to Horseshoe Bay. We walked down the hill to the beach and I rented one beach chair for myself. Then it was off to the cliffs. You just can't keep a 14 year old boy away from climbing huge cliffs! This boy had no interest in spending hours at a beach...until he saw it! Then he was in heaven! A beach with cliffs and caves to explore!


Anyway, this was perhaps one of the most beautiful beaches I've ever seen. And we were there early, so it wasn't too crowded. I feel in love right then and there!
























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Exploring in one of the caves - Megan leaves her mark!




They saw fossils and all kinds of little sea creatures. They loved it!








This is the cove where a lot of people snorkel. Again, Alex went off back into the rock formations and I didn't see him for quite some time...









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I am loving your review. It caught my eye since we are going to Bermuda in a few weeks on the Dawn, and I have kids as well (although my oldest is 10.5).


I do have a question about bringing your Nikon DSLR. I am a bit of a hobbyist and take pictures every single day. I am debating if I should bring my DSLR on this cruise along with my Olympus waterproof camera. We will be snorkeling, so I will definitely bring the Olympus (and that is actually why we got that camera back in May). However, I am not sure if I am going to miss not having my regular camera with me if I just rely on the Olympus. I am used to bringing the DSLR along on all of our outings, so toting it around really isn't the issue. I think my concern is more about what to do with it if I go swim with my family on the beach. How did you handle that?



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I am loving your review. It caught my eye since we are going to Bermuda in a few weeks on the Dawn, and I have kids as well (although my oldest is 10.5).


I do have a question about bringing your Nikon DSLR. I am a bit of a hobbyist and take pictures every single day. I am debating if I should bring my DSLR on this cruise along with my Olympus waterproof camera. We will be snorkeling, so I will definitely bring the Olympus (and that is actually why we got that camera back in May). However, I am not sure if I am going to miss not having my regular camera with me if I just rely on the Olympus. I am used to bringing the DSLR along on all of our outings, so toting it around really isn't the issue. I think my concern is more about what to do with it if I go swim with my family on the beach. How did you handle that?




Thanks for following my review! I'm sure you'll have a great trip, and your kids will love it!


I know I couldn't travel without my DSLR! But I did have some concerns on our beach day. I didn't want to leave it on the ship because, as you can see, super photo ops! But I also knew I wanted to be able to get in the water. I'm not used to traveling solo with the kids. Usually my husband is there and one of us is almost always back a the chairs, not necessarily planned, but it just works out that way. This time he didn't come, so I knew I'd have to be extra cautious. So, the only time I was really away from the camera was this morning. And only for about 15 minutes. For the most part I had my DSLR with me. But I may have been risking my luck, but I put it in my beach bag, under my chair, and had towels over the bag so it wasn't totally obvious there was a bag there. I didn't spend more than about 15 minutes in the water and kept an eye on my chair. Now, obviously if someone wanted to steal my stuff they would have gotten it before I could have been back to the chair.


We went on 2 excursions on boats - one catamaran snorkel, and the other the helmet dive. I left my camera in my bag. If when I got back on the boat my camera was missing I would have said something right then to the captain and I would hope he would try to find out which other passengers may have taken the camera. On one website it was mentioned that it was safe to bring belongings that they would be watched.


That being said, I do own one of those locking backpacks. It can be secured to a chair or something that can't be moved, say on a boat. It has a padlock and a key. I forgot to bring it on this trip and I wished I would have. I would have felt more secure if I had my camera in that. Sure, someone could have taken my entire beach chair, backpack included hanging from it - but that's a lot more obvious.


I think my love of taking pictures has to outweigh the risks of what to do with the camera. Where there's a will there's a way! :D

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The caves look beautiful, though I've visited my share of caves in my life. I have them planned on our Bermuda itinerary. Would you recommend seeing them?


We did enjoy the caves. But that being said, I don't know that I would put them before some other more anticipated activities if you have something you're looking forward to more. We've been to other caves as well and caves are sort of pretty much similar to one another. I think we liked the combination of the caves and zoo/aquarium as our first day in Bermuda. A nice way to see some parts of the island, ride the ferry, see a bit of Hamilton and go at our own pace. It was nice that they didn't take a full day either, so you can combine them with something else. I think you'll enjoy them!

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Awesome, thanks! I believe we'll leave them on the to do list.


We did enjoy the caves. But that being said, I don't know that I would put them before some other more anticipated activities if you have something you're looking forward to more. We've been to other caves as well and caves are sort of pretty much similar to one another. I think we liked the combination of the caves and zoo/aquarium as our first day in Bermuda. A nice way to see some parts of the island, ride the ferry, see a bit of Hamilton and go at our own pace. It was nice that they didn't take a full day either, so you can combine them with something else. I think you'll enjoy them!
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Oh, also, that pullman bed in the cabin...


Is it the kind of thing that can be set up/taken down daily or is it a huge pain and something that is left open all week? I wonder if whomever ends up sleeping on that is better off using the couch.


I'm stuck in a balcony room with my mother and sister on this one.

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Oh, also, that pullman bed in the cabin...


Is it the kind of thing that can be set up/taken down daily or is it a huge pain and something that is left open all week? I wonder if whomever ends up sleeping on that is better off using the couch.


I'm stuck in a balcony room with my mother and sister on this one.



I would think your cabin steward could put it up/down every day. For whatever reason this cruise ours didn't. It didn't bother us because we were never in the cabin during the day. But last year we sailed on the Epic and our steward did put it up every morning, and then down each evening. It does make sitting on the sofa nicer, and you won't bang your head! :eek:


You may want the sofa instead of climbing up the ladder. Just keeping in mind that you then lose the sofa as a place to sit as long as it's made into a bed. There are no other chairs in the room to sit.


I would think if you tried one, say the the pullman, for a couple nights and didn't like it, just ask your cabin steward to switch you to the sofa bed.

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After lunch we went back out and did our sort of spur of the moment excursion. Something came across me yesterday and I was just swept away with all of the water and I decided that we just had to get UNDER the water! It may have had to do with watching the list of excursion options on the tv in the cabin! But we booked a Helmet Dive and it was time to go! This was slightly different from Snuba, and I had remembered reading some reviews on this particular tour operator before we went. So, here we go!


We met our group right at the dock by the ship. There were 13 people booked, small group. Our captain took care of the paperwork and off we went. He was quite the eccentric type. On our way out to our "dive" site he went over the helmet procedure and also talked quite in depth about the reef system and fish we may get to see. You could tell just how passionate he is about the ocean and its inhabitants!


When we anchored we were divided into two groups. We were in the first group. We had to put on wet suits, which was interesting. We got our instructions and down we went! We were only in about 10-12 feet of water and it was a very controlled environment.


The first 20 minutes or so were spent with Greg, the captain, feeding a the fish and taking our pictures in groups. We always had our hands on a bar so that we would be right in the same spot - no wandering off! He's been going to the same spot for years so the fish know him and come right up to him and his passengers. They will nuzzle you and let you "pet" them. Kinda cool actually!











Here we got to pet Charles - the big fish!










After the pictures, Megan decided she had enough and went up to the boat. The rest of our group got to have a guided tour of the reef. Greg had 2 sticks with him with descriptions of what we'd see. We walked along the bottom and he'd point to various corals or fish and then show us on the sticks what we saw. He fed the anemones, which was pretty cool. He fed some coral even! We were down there for at least another 25 minutes or so!


Then we went up and the other group went down. During this time we got to enjoy our time out in the open ocean! It was just beautiful!









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I think one thing that stands out most to me about Bermuda is the color of the water....












All in all, we had a great time on this outing! Afterwards, it was back to the ship to get ready for dinner. Tonight we went to Cagney's. Dinner was good. Our server was fantastic!


After dinner, the kids played big chess for a bit! Sorry for the bad picture - but I did want to show that there was big chess on the ship!






Afterwards, I'm pretty sure Alex left us as usual to go to the teen activities and Megan and I probably went to see what was going on in the Atrium or Headliners.


Another perfect day in Bermuda! Tomorrow....we stay pretty close to the dock - but still enjoy all there is to see!





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Looks beautiful but I think I would be claustrophobic


That's what Megan didn't like. She felt very anxious and didn't like the water by her chin. She was afraid she wouldn't be able to breathe, even though you could breathe perfectly, but she really didn't like being down there at all. Once we were done the pictures, she wanted no part of it at all. She went up on the ship and "worked on her tan" as she says! :cool: It's definitely not for everyone, but it's a great alternative for someone who would like an experience sort of similar to diving, but doesn't want to or can't do a true dive. It's definitely not as deep, but it's much different from snorkeling.

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I Am in the same situation as you were on your cruise. This will be my first time traveling with our children without my husband in a couple of weeks. I have a question. Do I need to bring any kind of permission from my husband to take the kids to Bermuda by myself? We all have passports. Do I need anything else?

Thank you


I had wondered the same thing. I always hear stories of needing permission, especially for single parents, but how would anyone know if I was a single parent with or without custody vs a married parent traveling alone with my kids with custody? Other than the fact that we all have the same last name. So, I did call Norwegian before leaving and they told me that I didn't need any special forms. I still was a bit nervous checking in, the last thing I needed was to be stopped because I didn't have my husband's permission to take the kids out of the country! I've read stories where that's happened - not on a cruise but say to/from Canada for example! So, you can call to double check, and there is a form on their website to travel with a minor without a the parent - but see, you are the parent.....so it seems you don't need it.


Have a great time! :)

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I had wondered the same thing. I always hear stories of needing permission, especially for single parents, but how would anyone know if I was a single parent with or without custody vs a married parent traveling alone with my kids with custody? Other than the fact that we all have the same last name. So, I did call Norwegian before leaving and they told me that I didn't need any special forms. I still was a bit nervous checking in, the last thing I needed was to be stopped because I didn't have my husband's permission to take the kids out of the country! I've read stories where that's happened - not on a cruise but say to/from Canada for example! So, you can call to double check, and there is a form on their website to travel with a minor without a the parent - but see, you are the parent.....so it seems you don't need it.


Have a great time! :)


Thank you for responding so fast. Couple of years ago my husband took our kids to Canada by himself and we had to feel up a special form and have it notarized. Our kids have my husbands last name and mine is different. So my understanding is, no one ask you anything and you were able to go without any proof. Is that right?

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Thank you for responding so fast. Couple of years ago my husband took our kids to Canada by himself and we had to feel up a special form and have it notarized. Our kids have my husbands last name and mine is different. So my understanding is, no one ask you anything and you were able to go without any proof. Is that right?


Yes, I didn't have to have anything filled out, and no one asked me anything when we checked in or went through security when they looked at our passports. However, we all have the same last name. I would call NCL and ask them if you should have their form filled out since you have different last names. I'd hate to have any question when you arrive at the check in. Better to be safe then delayed in any way!

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Yes, I didn't have to have anything filled out, and no one asked me anything when we checked in or went through security when they looked at our passports. However, we all have the same last name. I would call NCL and ask them if you should have their form filled out since you have different last names. I'd hate to have any question when you arrive at the check in. Better to be safe then delayed in any way!


I'll call my PCC tomorrow and yes you are right it's better be safe than sorry. I booked this cruise almost a year ago, made plenty of changes through my PCC since then, but it never cross my mind to ask.

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