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Boo to the Halloween on the Highs Seas Crew Oct. 2016, Fantasy Trip Report


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We did get checked in and then we were eventually led off the ship.

It was so beautiful and had just got done doing one of the little rain showers. I was clicking away with my camera and we were all talking….I didn’t even notice what I had taken a picture of.


32705020246_f106549306_z.jpgtor3by Jenseib, on Flickr


Did you see it…..a double rainbow in that shot…


32365830990_452bf89143_z.jpgtor4by Jenseib, on Flickr


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It was now that Alexis said….Hey! There’s a rainbow!



31091046831_f13bbf67ba_z.jpgtort7by Jenseib, on Flickr

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30383718374_e2fc9211ab_z.jpgtort4by Jenseib, on Flickr



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We kept walking down the pier, following our leader.


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And I kept clicking.


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This was our first siting of the whole ship while we stood on dock…you can’t get these views of it at Port Canaveral.


32745797135_09cc20a419_z.jpgtor10by Jenseib, on Flickr



32665967251_60fddaffec_z.jpgtor25by Jenseib, on Flickr

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32665966971_62fb8d327b_z.jpgtor26by Jenseib, on Flickr


From what I understand, the port area of Tortola is just being built up with shopping. I guess only until recently, this area was pretty bare. It is not completed yet, but there were some stores open in here.


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We were heading to these buses.


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We climbed aboard and made the short ride over to Dolphin Discovery.


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We were led to an area where we would be given a basic class on dolphins and what would be happening. We were told what we were allowed and not allowed to do, how to do each of the swim options and how to be careful with the dolphins.

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We then were told where the cubbies were to store our things and given life jackets. And then they took pictures of each family.


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This picture also came on the CD…it was an actual picture taken that day.


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We all got in the water. They warned us that we might get itchy. I forget exactly why, but there was something in the water that could irritate the skin. I will admit that the water was not super nice looking. And as time went on I did get itchy in spots. Abby did too, to the point that she didn’t want to be in the water.


We all took turns doing different things and the photographer got shots of it all. Claire did the push board as her first activity.

I actually think Claire was the first one to go out and do it. No one would volunteer to do it first so we just kind of gave Claire a nudge.


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30645134301_74e1ffafae_z.jpgDSC_4089by Jenseib, on Flickr

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And Claire’s turn.


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And then I had to go out for the foot push on the boogie board. I did not like this at all. I have floppy feet. There is some medical term for it, but the slang is floppy feet. I have feet with basically no support and they are very flexible. The dolphin comes to your foot and you are supposed to have it in a certain position and keep it basically stiff. The dolphin found my foot and pushed and stopped and readjusted…..he did this a couple of times. The trainer kept telling me to make sure my foot was stiff…I was, the dolphin just knew my foot sucked and he couldn’t get a good position to push me.



30645020861_213b8226f8_z.jpgDSC_4397by Jenseib, on Flickr

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Here is another start up with the dolphin coming in behind me.


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And now Claire was going to ride the dolphin by holding on to his fins.


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And my turn.


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30101022944_2ae3a1a1f5_z.jpgDSC_4690by Jenseib, on Flickr


Abby was not a fan of the whole experience. I could tell Gail was a little impatient about it all. We were doing this for her basically. Gail kept telling her this is her one and only time to ever do this until she was an adult and wanted to pay for it herself. LOL.


Here are a few pictures of Alexis and Abby’s experience.


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Alexis was making the funniest faces.


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Abby finally got brave enough to do some mild interacting.


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32837530772_469a9fc05f_z.jpgDSC_4338by Jenseib, on Flickr


Rob finally got her talked into doing the boogie board but she would only go out there if he went with her.


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And…..she was not a fan!


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She refused to go back for the ride on portion.


Alexis went though.


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Again, the faces are so funny.


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32837526212_f067b20bd9_z.jpgDSC_4615by Jenseib, on Flickr

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After everyone had their turn…and some people did not do all of it either…like Abby…we then all got out and they had outdoor showers to rinse off. I was itchy, which surprised me as I don’t usually get too affected by stuff like that. Gail typically does and she wasn’t feeling too itchy. Abby however was super itchy and was sure she would die. They rinsed her off.Discovery Cove also said they had something they could put on you if you felt it was too itchy and I think Gail may have taken them up on that for Abby.


31062269962_325470b8a2_z.jpgtort34by Jenseib, on Flickr


We then grabbed our things from the cubbies and some of us went to the bathrooms. They have basically a semi-trailer with bathrooms init. They weren’t great, but not horrible either….and better than an outhouse.


I snapped some pictures as well.

31062268932_63cd3349e6_z.jpgtort35by Jenseib, on Flickr


31975206873_25d7ef4690_z.jpgtor94by Jenseib, on Flickr


We then went into the gift shop and looked around. Claire and Alexis both found a shirt they liked. I found one for myself and I should have tried it on. The style I got ended up running pretty small and though I could wear it, it’s pretty tight. I need to lose a good 20 lbs to make it look decent….of course I need to lose a heck of a lot more to make anything look decent these days.


Then we headed over to a room with computers and were helped to look at our pictures. They took a lot, which was nice. I only shared just a few of what was taken. Of course we bought the CD’s. We are probably not ever going to do this again, so I better have a keepsake of the moment. And let’s face it….you all know I am a sucker for pictures.


We had to wait a bit for the CD and once we got them we headed back to the buses and headed back to the port.


We separated once there as Gail’s family was going to head back to the ship and Claire and I decided we wanted to look around a bit. We stopped in a few shops and then I found the Del Sol Shop. Yep, Claire loves to look in those. And who do we find in there? Gail’s family. Alexis loves it too. LOL.


The girls ended up getting nail polish that turned colors in the sun. I put some on one fingernail….and it goes on kind of clear and it really does not have a strong color. I also had a coupon for a free gift from the ships coupon pamphlet and it was a rubber ring that changed colors. The shop was also connected to the bamboo shop….which the name is escaping me right now…and there was a free gift for that too, which was a bamboo necklace.


Gail ended up getting more things too, though I am not sure what all she got, I know there were shirts in her hand when she was checking out.


After that we headed back to the ship.

Claire went to shower and I went off for a walk while I waited. I started talking to some people I had met..and we would often chat daily when we would see each other…and they had gone snorkeling. They showed me some of their pictures. They had a really cheap underwater camera and even on that camera the pictures were so neat. It made me kind of wish I had gone snorkeling. LOL. I put that on my possible to do list if I ever get back to Tortola.


We stopped off and got some lunch. I think just chicken strips and fries today and I did not take pictures….I know…bad me!


I headed back to the room to shower and get ready for the evening as well.


32665966041_d154841ef7_z.jpgtor31by Jenseib, on Flickr



31975220903_69118d3775_z.jpgtor32by Jenseib, on Flickr

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32409057430_71d9f07d46_z.jpgtor38by Jenseib, on Flickr


It was pirate night tonight and Claire had a new pirate costume….which she absolutely loved. I actually bought it online without asking her if she liked it because it was super cheap….so cheap that even if she didn’t like it I felt that it wouldn’t be a waste and I was sure I could find some use for it later. I lucked out and she liked it….She is so picky these days and even when stuff is cute she will say its ugly…I think just to disagree with me. LOL.


30838347510_76b7196bc6_z.jpgtort26by Jenseib, on Flickr


30838347020_68f5196ac4_z.jpgtort27by Jenseib, on Flickr


The necklace thing she had on was a gift from my Mom in her fish extender…..and it broke by the end of the night. Mom was mad and took it back after we got home.


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The sun was setting and it was so amazing.


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They sounded the horn, which I think was letting us know it was time to leave.



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32665952791_c49eb33873_z.jpgtor96by Jenseib, on Flickr

The sunset was just gorgeous and the camera could not even come close to capturing its beauty.


32409064920_fc183f2263_z.jpgtor77by Jenseib, on Flickr


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32409064600_dd5833c420_z.jpgtor79by Jenseib, on Flickr


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While getting ready we had ordered room service…for no other reason than that we could.


31975220153_b3ca8ba2c5_z.jpgtor40by Jenseib, on Flickr

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Even though we weren’t really hungry, it was tasty.Claire doesn’t do much in the way of cheese unless it’s in some sort of cooked food, so the cheese plate was for me!


32748779586_175e1509fe_z.jpgtor41by Jenseib, on Flickr


The sky was producing new colors every few minutes.


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32409064290_1345b54483_z.jpgtor80by Jenseib, on Flickr


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I tried to do facebook live as we were pulling out but it kept cutting out.



32409063530_a9a73e6c4f_z.jpgtor83by Jenseib, on Flickr

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31091045811_f31bdfa3f8_z.jpgtort9by Jenseib, on Flickr


32748778996_2c07f301cb_z.jpgtor44by Jenseib, on Flickr


32748778896_214b37631c_z.jpgtor45by Jenseib, on Flickr


The show tonight was Taylor Mason. Since I have seen him several times now this year, I decided to skip and Claire went with Amanda to watch it.


I did some exploring.


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A quick stop to peek at the clubs.


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It was pretty quiet in the atrium currently.



31945992654_d5b4710205_z.jpgtor48by Jenseib, on Flickr

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When the show was over I found all the girls. Abby made herself comfy in her princess chair.


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They left to get ready and I told Claire we had to get a picture taken.


We waited in line and they had pirate chocolate at guest services and I told Claire to go grab some.


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A few pirate pictures.


32413809600_d72ff38737_z.jpg032by Jenseib, on Flickr

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32794137625_36421e7550_z.jpg031by Jenseib, on Flickr


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We headed back to the room to get Claire’s pirate hat and had this guy waiting for us.


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Also a letter…which I will admit….we ignored! It said that we could not go on our balcony during the fireworks as debris could fall and to be sure everything was removed off the balcony.


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We then headed to the pirate party. I messaged the family and no one responded. I have no clue where they were and why they didn’t come.


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This was the strangest pirate party. Usually everyone is up and dancing around and having a good time. All the people in front were sitting down…all of them! It was so odd. I have never seen this before…and part of this party is they teach you a dance…so why would you sit?



32409069090_18b2a20f67_z.jpgtor60by Jenseib, on Flickr

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The story line is that Captain Hook is taking over the ship and we need to prove we know all the stuff that pirates know.


32409068550_eab47f14bf_z.jpgtor62by Jenseib, on Flickr


31975204383_6faa89930b_z.jpgtor109by Jenseib, on Flickr


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It was a fun party….but I wish everyone had joined. And like I said, it was weird that everyone was sitting. This is the same party that the Dream has and I have never seen people sit for that one before…of course I have only been on the Dream twice.

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It was now time for dinner so we headed to Enchanted Garden. Katie and Thad were eating at Palo as were Laura and Jan.


We got settled into our seats. Geoff wasn’t there yet and Aunt Mary said he was on the phone with his mom. He often does have to check in on her when he is gone, so this is not unusual at all.

Geoff also had been telling us all day he was ready for pirate night but Aunt Mary would not let him get a new costume for this trip.He was mad as he had a lot of great ideas. I kept telling him not to worry because his costume last time was amazing and many people re-wear their costumes.


This was Geoff last time…He went all out and the kids loved it.


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After a bit a server came over and told us that we had a special guest who wanted to visit with us. I knew right away that Geoff had been lying….he was coming in full gear once again but I just bet it was a new costume….and I was right.


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I didn’t think it was possible but he outdid himself once again.


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He had trouble keeping his facial hair on and after awhile he ended up ditching it while he ate.

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Geoff’s parrot could speak too. It recorded what you said and then you could replay it and it would say it with a parrot voice. After dinner, Geoff went to show Aunt Laura and Jan his costume and Jan had fun playing with the parrot. Jan has a thick polish accent and it was so funny to hear the parrot talk in the polish accent.


Time to eat!

I took a picture of the flower lights starting to open.


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I got a shrimp salad and it was the strangest thing ever…why is it served in a mug?


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Claire and Gail’s girls got specialty drinks.


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And it lights up.



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Claire’s normal meal of 2 steaks.


32409067200_c563e4ff32_z.jpgtor68by Jenseib, on Flickr

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