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Project Runway?


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Okay - here we go!

Challenge was to take pictures of whatever could inspire them in NYC at night (I'd say Manhattan, but they seemed specific on the NYC inspiration aspect).


Which reminds me, while I'm thinking about it from previous posts.

I was thinking back, and realized that I never had or bought trash bags when I lived in Manhattan for 5 years. My fiance FMCJW never does either.


It's always the grocery store bags, that you throw things in a little container. Then it's just so easy to walk outside your apartment door and toss it in the garbage chute. After growing up in Malibu, I also thought it was such a novelty, that I used to stand there at the beginning to hear it go down.

It falls a long way from the 11th floor!:D


I never even thought about that until the garbage bag dress and Jane110's posts about it.


So, I like this challenge, but sometimes they seem inconsistent (although pretty good this time) on how much does the translation of the inspirational picture actually count?:confused:

Sometimes it seems vital in their decisions, other times it doesn't.


I will say that I did appreciate Sandra Bernhard as a guest judge. I don't know if people realize how long she has been involved in the trenches of fashion, and how much she actually knows.

She also did quite a bit of modeling, when skinny bodies and "interesting" faces were "in". I'll bet that there were more of her "insights" that weren't presented in the editing - and I know an insider scoop here, that her vote did not go to Kenley for the winning dress.;)

I'm happy to say that she is also very sweet and down to earth in person, even though she comes off in editing as bitchy and sarcastic.

But, if they ever needed a replacement for Nina, I'd definitely consider her.

She could bring the same Nina bitchy sarcasm, but with a bit more heart and definitely a lot more humor about herself.


Final thing before we go on here.

When I was watching, I really considered the pictures and took that into account for their designs. That weighed on my opinions a lot, as opposed to just looking at the design as a separate entity.


So onward to the designs...

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Top Three...

And the winner is Kenley.


And I don't agree. Pretty good, but I don't know...

Too much? I can't put my finger on it, but I'm just not as much of a fan of this as the judges. I might not have even put her in the top three, maybe top four or five. Sometimes these things look better/different on the runway under the studio lights...

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And I can't believe I'm saying this, but I might have put Leanne as the winner...


This is a tree grate in the night time rain in NYC.

I think it's creative and wearable at the same time.

I think it's a really great interpretation of the picture.

If you look at the picture, the gray parts are where the light is reflecting and the darker parts are no reflection.


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And Terri...


I did like this for the picture inspiration, and the idea inspiration.


On one of those warm rainy NYC nights, I could totally see this as a perfect going out ensemble.

I'm wondering and thinking, that it might even have worked (maybe even better?) as just the dress alone with the super bare back.


I think the pants added to the street vibe, and the rain vibe though.

I think the coolness and sheer lightness of the fabric did not translate to video/TV well. It looked a lot more "flat" on TV than the fabric really appeared.

Now in a moment, some people who was robbed.:eek:

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Okay, so here's a few that was robbed (whenever I type that I know it's bad grammer, you're supposed to say it in a 1940s gangster movie voice)...


I can't believe I'm saying this, but Jerell.


Look at these pictures, imagine, night time, in the rain...




The colors as night. The tall slim fountain. The layers of water.

I thought that this was well constructed, well proportioned, and a great runway interpretation.


Top three - should a been.

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I agree with Jane110 on this. I thought this might be in the top three based on the interpretation of the picture and inspiration.

Maybe they had issues that Chloe did a similar (but really not - those silly judges) "architectural" dress based on an Art Deco building?!?!

I don't get them sometimes.


I still do know that they are trying to "hide" someone.

I was thinking Terri, or Daniel, but maybe Jane110 is correct and it is Joe.


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I liked it in general, but again it's supposed to be inspired by a metal fireplug.

It was too soft and busy for me - taking into consideration the inspiration.

Not hard tough and fireplug-y enough.

I'm thinking she might have an issue with editing herself?

If she can get a handle on that aspect...

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Mostly retro, with a tiny bit modern. This would be good to post in the jumpsuit thread. I could see several celebutantes wearing this out to a club. I could even see a wider range of ages pulling this off.

But, for the life of me I don't see the picture inspiration. I can't even look at it and remember what her picture inspiration was...

So major points lost for me on that.

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Here's my problem with this one.

It's nothing new at all. It doesn't even fit the model really well.

She actually looked for something leather to take a picture of, so that she could say it was her "inspiration" (a leather horse bridle thing, come on).

And it looks just like something she pulled out of her own closet.

I see no difference between her clothes, and any new idea here.

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Bottom Three



I'm not agreeing with the judges on this one.

In the context of the challenge...

His picture and inspiration was a discarded magazine/newspaper.

To me, it looks more inspired than a lot of the others for the challenge specifically.

It looks like Cinderella's fairy godmother had to "magic up" a dress from what what there. And she whipped this up out of exactly a slightly rumpled magazine.

It moved, it was basically cute, and he also had to lose his model and re-fit for a new model.

I call that rising to the challenge, and at least embodying it.

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And Blayne was not in the bottom three, but I left him for here for the upcoming comparison...


I didn't love it, and I would have liked it a lot more if it had just been one bright color, or maybe a blend of two.

But, this ruffle/seam was absolutely vital to the design and concept of the dress.

You could not take this away, and have the same dress.

It was integral to the idea, and therefore stepped it up in my opinion from this.

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Emily, on the other hand, who was aufed...


I'm not 100% disagreeing with her aufing...


You can remove this badly placed ruffle, and it has nothing to do with the dress itself.

It's placed badly. It should go above her girls, around her girls, up the shoulder, something. The dress design and the ruffle have no cohesion or nothing to do with each other.

It's not even a very good interpretation of her picture.


I would have been fine with the next one leaving, but also am fine in the challenge parameters to have Emily leave.

I also think for TV and casting she looks too much like Kenley, so one needed to go soon.


Look for either Leanne or Jennifer (up next) to go soon, because for TV, they also look and seem too similar so you can't tell them apart.

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Finally, the second to last Jennifer


The lesser of two evils to me in this particular challenge.

So close, but I don't begrudge the judges for keeping her over Emily.

It's more wearable, and has a slight better interpretation of the picture.

Barely, but just enough.

I would have been fine with her leaving, but also I'm fine with her staying.


I just wish the judges would have made up their mind in the top and bottom regarding - was the end result design factor more important...?

Or was the translation of the inspiration picture more important...?


Once again, they seemed to have their cake and eat it too...

Changing the judging criteria slightly for each designer.


That's it for now, what say you?

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Thank you CJW for that great rundown/summation of this week.

I had a ton of thoughts ready to rattle off and you took a lot of the words right from my face!!


I personally just watched off my Tivo and have strong feelings and thoughts here...


I literally scared the bejeezus outta my hubbie when they announced the winner because he was next to me ,looking for something, and I shrieked in horror...literally!:eek:




I soooooo do not get the rationalizations this week....

You all have made some very good, valid points and points of view.

That being said, I absolutely cannot believe that "Hi, I wore my outdoor patio cushions out on a date and on the way was malled by a wacko bridesmaid!" won !

Are they serious?

I sooooo completely agree with Curt here that there were so many other contenders that were just cast aside and literally blown the heck off!


I was in love with Leanne's ensemble.

It was versatile and wearable by many.

I feel she was robbed.


I further agree that Jerell ( although the mask @ bedtime scurred my own eyebows off my forehead and I am still looking for them) made quite the dress.

It followed his inspiration beautifully....


I hope Jane is right and they are hiding/saving somone ( in her opinion it is Joe) because I thought they really glazed right over some good stuff!




Agree that if I hear one more a'licious from him I am writing headquarters.

He is SOOOO a Christian wanna be, as stated.


Suede..are their words? I believe he truly thinks there IS somone else!!

However the dress wasn't awful, for me.



This looked to me as if a volcano had erupted from the girls and the lava was oozing all over the place.

I was a sight!


The Cher meets Joan Jett chic, again, have to agree with Curt here.

I have yet to see soemthing from her that shows any deviation from any other piece she has shown. I understand having a signature look, but this is just not working.

( Although, I do find her entertaining in a twisted way;) )


Well, those are my thoughts and I must say I feel must better now having vented.

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Which reminds me, while I'm thinking about it from previous posts.

I was thinking back, and realized that I never had or bought trash bags when I lived in Manhattan for 5 years. My fiance FMCJW never does either.

It's always the grocery store bags, that you throw things in a little container. Then it's just so easy to walk outside your apartment door and toss it in the garbage chute. After growing up in Malibu, I also thought it was such a novelty, that I used to stand there at the beginning to hear it go down.

It falls a long way from the 11th floor!:D

Oh good, another Hefty "virgin"!

you really stood there to hear it go down the shoot???? LOL!




I will say that I did appreciate Sandra Bernhard as a guest judge. I don't know if people realize how long she has been involved in the trenches of fashion, and how much she actually knows.

She also did quite a bit of modeling, when skinny bodies and "interesting" faces were "in". I'll bet that there were more of her "insights" that weren't presented in the editing - and I know an insider scoop here, that her vote did not go to Kenley for the winning dress.;)

I'm happy to say that she is also very sweet and down to earth in person, even though she comes off in editing as bitchy and sarcastic.

But, if they ever needed a replacement for Nina, I'd definitely consider her.

She could bring the same Nina bitchy sarcasm, but with a bit more heart and definitely a lot more humor about herself.

AMEN!!! She's funny, self effacing and knows fashion!

and probably also never bought garabge bags. :)

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I was in love with Leanne's ensemble.

It was versatile and wearable by many.

I feel she was robbed.


I agree. It was stunning AND it was inspired by her photo, AND true to her style and considering that last week's dress was such a fiasco, she made an amazing comeback. Her skirt and top would be a fave of many. I'd love to have it! She was def robbed! She won that challange, IMHO.



I hope Jane is right and they are hiding/saving somone ( in her opinion it is Joe) because I thought they really glazed right over some good stuff!


Either Joe or Robert.




Agree that if I hear one more a'licious from him I am writing headquarters.

He is SOOOO a Christian wanna be, as stated.


Suede..are their words? I believe he truly thinks there IS somone else!!

However the dress wasn't awful, for me.


Would some pleeze slap Mistah Hollah/licious and Mistah 3rd person in the head. Heather, don't you teach your children to "use your words", apparently, no one ever taught that skill to these two knuckleheads.





This looked to me as if a volcano had erupted from the girls and the lava was oozing all over the place.

I was a sight!


Awful, simply awful. And the saddest part is that Tim warned her about in the design room, but she thought she was too clever to take direction. Her bad.

It looked like it came from the left-over rack of cheap frocks.

did you say you were wearing a copy of it to "the" wedding?


The Cher meets Joan Jett chic, again, have to agree with Curt here.

I have yet to see soemthing from her that shows any deviation from any other piece she has shown. I understand having a signature look, but this is just not working.

( Although, I do find her entertaining in a twisted way;) )


Everytime I see her, all I can think is "Oy". But you're right, she does have a mildly entertaining quality. Maybe it's the spikey false eyelashes on both upper and lower lashes???


Well, those are my thoughts and I must say I feel must better now having vented.


Thank goodness for that???:)

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Thanks for all the work you do on this every week!! Your pictures have piqued DH's interest and he actually watched PR with me this week.:)


When he saw Kenley's dress he said, in his best Arnold voice, "It's a TUMOR!" He couldn't believe it won!! I liked the print, but not the purple stuff that poofed out on one side.....didn't seem like it would be very flattering for the average person.


I wish Leanne had won! The dress really matched the picture and the workmanship seemed excellent when the model walked down the runway.


I'm not a fan of dresses over pants.....but that's just me! The cloth was fabulous, and so was the back of the dress, but I didn't like it with the pants.


I agree with CJW that Jerell was robbed!! The dress was FAB and I think he interpreted the picture very well.


Sleather (perfect nickname for her....whoever came up with it) She is a one trick pony.....if it's not leather she doesn't get very far. I think they are just keeping her (and that 'licious guy :eek: ) just for the drama.


Suede is obnoxious......I can mute him though:D BUT - his model is really cute. She worked that dress really well, and made it pop and be less boring.


I actually thought Keith's dress was cute!! I loved the uneven hem and the way the dress moved. I would have put Blayne or Sleather in the bottom three over him......but they didn't ask me!:(


I think the ruffle on Emily's dress was badly placed, but I wish they had aufed Jennifer - her dress was boring!! Reminded me of the Nun looking dress from last season.


Well - that's just my humble 2 cents!! Thanks again CJW ~ your pictures make it SOOOO much easier to comment.....You Rawk!!!


Till next week!

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Would some pleeze slap Mistah Hollah/licious and Mistah 3rd person in the head. Heather, don't you teach your children to "use your words", apparently, no one ever taught that skill to these two knuckleheads.


Hilarious, Jane! And so true!!

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While we're all picking all the designs apart, I think there's still somethings that have to be considered.


Even though some fall completely flat for whatever reason, the mechanics have to be considered. First they get a cold assigment, figure in their head what they're going to try to do, put it on paper, have little time to pick fabrics and may not have enough time to find the "right" fabric to carry out the design, then they have to execute the design. Although, sometimes some of them look like they should have literally been executed.:p


They have to figure how to cut the fabric and figure out how to put it back together so it fits with everything done under time constraints. What I'm trying to say is even the worst pieces, with the exception of the trash bag dress, a lot of work went into them. Anyone with any sewing expericence can appreciate what went into the item, even though it didn't work, fell flat and possibly was hideous in the end.


There are so many variables involved and sometimes ones you can't control. I can remember starting a piece of jewelry and when it was done, it looked nothing like what I had in my head, because I didn't have the time to properly anneal the silver, or some pieces just wouldn't solder properly or maybe the stone wasn't the right shape. Sometimes everything worked for a nice piece and other times it was just plain bad.:eek:



Even the worst design needs a bit of credit considering what it took to get there. The show definitely does cull the ones who can't do it all...the cream rises to the top.

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Either Joe or Robert.


Who is Robert!?!?

Wasn't he the one you liked from last season?:p

did you say you were wearing a copy of it to "the" wedding?

Oh no Jane!

Catch up girl! You need to check the other thread for dress ideas, jewelry, shoes, etc.

There is no way no how, that Desperate Heather is wearing a copy of THAT to the event of the year!:eek:;):D

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