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Project Runway?


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I love Project Runway - I was so happy last season when Jay won - he actually lived in my neck-of-the-woods so it was like rooting for the hometown boy!


I agree with you about Nick - I would have also said Santino, but for his performance last week. However, he was in the really difficult position of leading a team. I also think that he is a bit arrogant, which could be his downfall with the judges. I'm going to hope that Diana continues for some time - although her designs are quirky and 'mathmatical', she really has interesting vision and I tend to like her designs.


Yippee! I'm so glad I have someone (any others out there?) to discuss the show with - I don't know too many people that get into it, like me.

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I love Project Runway - I was so happy last season when Jay won - he actually lived in my neck-of-the-woods so it was like rooting for the hometown boy!


I agree with you about Nick - I would have also said Santino, but for his performance last week. However, he was in the really difficult position of leading a team. I also think that he is a bit arrogant, which could be his downfall with the judges. I'm going to hope that Diana continues for some time - although her designs are quirky and 'mathmatical', she really has interesting vision and I tend to like her designs.


Yippee! I'm so glad I have someone (any others out there?) to discuss the show with - I don't know too many people that get into it, like me.


I also was rooting for Jay! Thought Kara Saun was a little too predictable. I was ticked that the no-talent Wendy Pepper got in when every other designer was much more talented and I loved Austin Scarlett!


I think that Micheal Kors, Heidi, and Nina Garcia have a wait and see opinion of Diana. Her nerdiness throws them off plus she readily admits she doesn't read the trades but I think she has talent.


I like Santino's arrogant confidence. Would love Jane's input on this but I think you would need a combination of those two plus talent to make it on Seventh Avenue!

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I started watching this season and love this show. I definitely think Nick will be in the finals. Santino is just a little turd. He should have been OUT last week. I hated to see Daniel go, I love his designs, so classic and clean. And Daniel had the guts to say he'd go over his associates. Santino was just putting blame everywhere and his **** lingerie was not IN.

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I also was rooting for Jay! Thought Kara Saun was a little too predictable.

I agree - Jay was so much more inventive than the rest. I liked Kara's designs, but Jay was better overall in my opinion.


I was ticked that the no-talent Wendy Pepper got in when every other designer was much more talented and I loved Austin Scarlett!


I wanted to strangle the judges when they sent Wendy to Fashion Week and not Austin! What were they thinking?!?


I like Santino's arrogant confidence. Would love Jane's input on this but I think you would need a combination of those two plus talent to make it on Seventh Avenue!

I also agree that his confidence can be a great asset, but I'm concerned that he will p*ss off the judges with some of his comments - Nina didn't seem too pleased with his refusal to take her critique.


I started watching this season and love this show. I definitely think Nick will be in the finals. Santino is just a little turd. He should have been OUT last week. I hated to see Daniel go, I love his designs, so classic and clean. And Daniel had the guts to say he'd go over his associates. Santino was just putting blame everywhere and his **** lingerie was not IN.


I'm not that upset that Daniel is out - he had his shot last season and I think they should have given someone else a chance. He does what he does fairly well, but he doesn't work well under pressure, he can't compromise on the slightest detail and his designs tend to be 'older', IMHO. I just don't think he is well-suited (no pun intended) for this kind of competition - you can't make everything perfect in such a short amount of time and funds!

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I also agree that his confidence can be a great asset, but I'm concerned that he will p*ss off the judges with some of his comments - Nina didn't seem too pleased with his refusal to take her critique.




Santino really frosted Nina's butt didn't he? She kept her cool I thought.

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Finally someone else to watch the show. My husband thinks I'm nuts.


Agree with everyone. Santino is a little too much which is ashame cause think he could go places if he toned it down a notch.


Like Nick for the overall. Diane is defintely a contender if she learns quickly! Can't wait for the new one next week. Rooted for Jay the whole time when it came to the finals last season.



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I love project runway. Santino is a little more arrogant than I can handle. I did like him at first, but now he is getting a little annoying. I hate that he thinks that he had to win every challenge and when he doesn't he puts down who did win. I am also very glad that Jay won last season. I can't wait to see his clothing line in 2006. I am not sure who I really like this season yet, still a little to early. I do like Nick I like his ideas and clothes. My husband also thinks I am nuts for watching all the time, but I have caught him watching Project runways I have recored on our DVR.:p I can't wait until Wed when another new episode comes on.

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I am so upset that I hadnt heard about Project Runway until they had a marathon leading up to the last finale. I've only seen the last 3 episodes of season one (though I will be watching the DVD of it I recieved over the holidays to catch up soon). Anyway, after that, I was addicted.


This season: I think Santino has talent; his blue dress in the first challenge was gorgeous, I want it. He is definitely arrogant though, it turns me off, but I'd still buy his clothing. I just would rather not deal with him directly, lol. I also like chloe a lot. Her designs really appeal to me, as I am younger (a college student). And oh, Daniel Franco, if only he could deal with having time restraints. I think what he designs is gorgeous. He isnt suited well to the competition because he puts so much detail into his clothing, and that is hard to do with a certain amount of time. You can tell by looking at his clothes that they are well made though.

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Personally I think they leave people in like the Pepper and Santino for tv entertainment value. If there wasn't someone to hate it wouldnt be as fun to watch. Wendy's facial expressions and Santino's whinning & pouting when he doesnt win is enjoyable.


I loved watching Jay and Austin last season. They could have had their own show and I would have watched over and over. I think Austin spent more time in hair and makeup than his model


I think Santino should have gone for sure after mouthing off and blaming others and taking no responsiblites for the failure. The stuff was hideous


I agree Santino's first dress was beautiful. and the Barbie doll one was good but Nicks on the money.


Ohhhh.....If Diana would only move her upper lip when she talks.


I love this show and none of my friends watch.

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I think Santino and Nick will definitely be in the final. There are several that can fill the at large spot: Chloe, Daniel, and Kara with Andrae and Zeluma being the wild cards.


Next to go: Marla and Diana in the very next challange with Emmett not too far behind. Marla can't sew and has no creativity and Diana can't make the transition from conceptualization to end result. Her dress last night was a mess and a Versace knock-off.


Just my predictions.

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Yep - I agree that Marla has GOT to go. She really has no idea what she is doing and I was even hoping the judges would make an exception and do a 2-fer! What was she thinking? It was a BAD copy, too.


Most people will think I am crazy, but I am liking Santino's designs less and less each week. He uses the same ruffly, ruching elements in everything - I just don't want to see the same thing every week!


I still love Nick's style and thought he should have won this week. His designs have a modern elegance that appeal to me.


Chloe is in the running, in my book. Diana - well, I love her concepts, but the reality is never quite up to speed with her ideas. I'd love to see her in a few years with more practical experience.

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Finally able to watch the show this weekend as I missed it on Wednesday night...

I think they made the right choice with Guadalaupe(sp?) being let go. Her dress design was a disaster.:eek:

Do you really think that Nicky Hilton will wear Santino's dress? It was all ruffly and what about that roping....it looks like the stuff I use for tiebacks for the drapes. Sorry, but still not convinced this is the new wave of what's to come in fashion design.


Would love to see what they would design for "cruises".:p

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I love this show also. Wish I had watched it last year. I personally can't stand Santino. He really rubs me the wrong way; is way over the top, both in terms of personality, and overdesigning. All that wickedy wack is distracting and unflattering, IMHO. And enough of the babydoll dresses! I did see that the Nicky Hilton dress was up for auction on the project runway site.


My favorite so far is Nick. I also like Chloe, Daniel and Diana.

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Just got caught up on the show (gotta love Tivo!)


First...Love Nick! His personality and his talent!


Second...why did Daniel Franco go and that hack Marla get to stay? Enough of her already. Hate whiners and she has no talent.


I actually liked Kara's dress design for the Hilton chick....thought Nick should have won.


Santino is just to abrasive. The Divas should be wearing the dresses LOL!;)



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Found this thread yesterday!! Couldn't wait to watch last night, but it was over before it started, so to speak. I mean honestly, like they were going to kick off Nick and Santino. They found a way to keep Santino after the awful Lingerie.....


So long Marla and poor Diana.:o Marla was there a week or two longer than she should have, but poor Diana was outmatched by the 'stronger' personalities. She was doomed from day one.


Now we are down to the 'real thing' here people. No more, I'm a lawyer but I have great fashion sense, or I own my own shop, I know how to sew, I can do this. The claws are out and they are staying out! Yipee!!


I want to see what's his name cry for real this time!!!


Lest you think I'm totally morbid, I work in the fashion industry and these people amuse the heck out of me!!!


My only problem is I'll miss the show the week I'm cruising. Boo Hoo:rolleyes:

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Up until last night I thought for sure it would be Nick, Santino, and someone else in the finale with Daniel, Chloe, and Kara as the wild card for that slot.


Now I think it will be Nick, Daniel, and Chloe in the finale.


Unfortunately Santino will never cut it as a designer unless he gives up that, "I'm a fashion genius and the rest of you are moronic dolts" attitude.

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I'm in agreement, BlueHerons - Daniel just keeps hitting them out of the park! And Chloe is right there too. I was disappointed to see more of Santino and less of Nick in their design - but not surprised. Can you believe Santino's "lots of women don't know Michael Kors" comment - to THE MAN HIMSELF! He needs to learn how to pucker up every now and then. I'm happy to see Marla go but I wish I could see Diana in a few years - who knows, maybe I will! ;)

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- but not surprised. Can you believe Santino's "lots of women don't know Michael Kors" comment - to THE MAN HIMSELF! He needs to learn how to pucker up every now and then. I'm happy to see Marla go but I wish I could see Diana in a few years - who knows, maybe I will! ;)

Santino sure knows how to ingratiate himself with the judges.


I think Diana is just too insecure with herself. Perhaps after a few years with a good mentor she will find her stride and not be so uncertain. She is so young.


Glad Marla is gone.


Still hope Nick wins...but Daniel may be the one to watch. He reallly nailed this one. I like his laid back attitude as well. Seems like an easy guy to work with.


Can you imagine Santino working "under" someone else?



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Okay, how in the world does Santino survive? His and Nicks outfit design was a disaster. I think they wanted to get rid of Santino (after his comment to Kors) but that would mean letting Nick go too.


Chloe and Emmetts outfit was on target (didn't Emmett come up with the design?) and I really thought they had nailed it but alas Daniel and Mr.Crybaby took away the honors.



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Okay, how in the world does Santino survive? His and Nicks outfit design was a disaster. I think they wanted to get rid of Santino (after his comment to Kors) but that would mean letting Nick go too.


Chloe and Emmetts outfit was on target (didn't Emmett come up with the design?) and I really thought they had nailed it but alas Daniel and Mr.Crybaby took away the honors.




I think Emmett is great but he just doesn't have enough talent. Kind of like Kara Saun last season; fantastic designs but not original enough.


I am hoping that Santino will redeem himself and stop being a complete ASS.


Telling Micheal Kors women don't know him is like telling God he didn't design the world right. Mr. Kors does have a bit of an ego. However, I can see Santino's point that someone just starting out would not be able to afford Micheal Kors.

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Telling Micheal Kors women don't know him is like telling God he didn't design the world right. Mr. Kors does have a bit of an ego. However, I can see Santino's point that someone just starting out would not be able to afford Micheal Kors.


That completely floored me when he said that! And I Hate the "eye rolling" he does.


About buying Micheal Kors.... our local Macy's is selling Micheal Kors and when it hits the sale racks it's a great buy, better than Banana Republic. I've even found some of his light knit sweaters in our local TJMaxx, and I'm always thrilled when I see that!


BTW - LOVE, LOVE this show, have been "hooked" since 1st show, 1st season. Also enjoy the boards on bravotv web.

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That completely floored me when he said that! And I Hate the "eye rolling" he does.


About buying Micheal Kors.... our local Macy's is selling Micheal Kors and when it hits the sale racks it's a great buy, better than Banana Republic. I've even found some of his light knit sweaters in our local TJMaxx, and I'm always thrilled when I see that!


BTW - LOVE, LOVE this show, have been "hooked" since 1st show, 1st season. Also enjoy the boards on bravotv web.

Wow...didn't know TJ Max would have some of Kors' stuff. I really need to check that store out.


Love the show too.


I think Tim Gunn is a hoot with his blunt comments...like when Guadalupe said her design was horrible Tim responded that he wasn't going to debate that. I think he's one of my fave parts of the show.


The local news station had an article on their web site about Chloe yesterday. Didn't realize her boutique was so close to me. May be worth it to stop by and check out her shop.



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