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Project Runway?


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In regard to Fergus' comments - Chloe said herself this was her "dream" evening collection, which may not be for the average woman or consumer. Chloe has proven in her business the ability to clothe people of all ages and sizes. Santino's introduction of his mother may embarrass some mothers, but probably not his. She didn't seem anything but proud. What many people find vulgar, others only see as normal. Though I'd never call my mom "the ----" because she wouldn't appreciate it, I know people that have called their parents and it was appreciated.

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It is long past the time that Santinos' mother should have washed out his mouth with hot soapy water.


Maybe the time has come for the models to pick what designer they want to work with instead of the other way round. If a model wore the winning design that week they would have a chance to "jump ship" to a different designer. Or after every challenge the models pick from the bag for new designers??

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I have to drive by Red Lobster every day on my way to work. So everyday I have to think about Santino and his hilarious Tim and Andre going to Red Lobster skit. As annoying as Santiono was, his Tim Gunn imitations were killer!!


Carry on!!!

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I'm so happy for Daniel! What a killer offer considering he's only been out of school for a year!


Sorry he didn't win, but I'm very happy for Chloe. I'm planning on stopping by her boutique next week and seeing what her new stuff looks like since they just re-opened.


We just got home from seeing the new Cirque du Soleil show and I kept thinking that THAT would be the perfect place for Santino! He could design some great costumes for that company!


Not really thrilled with any of the collections. There were a few items, like Daniel's 13th dress, a couple of his suit looks, and some of Chloe's and Santino's dresses...but overall I thought they were just ok.


I will miss Tim Gunn and Andrae. Very happy that Nick's name is out there and he has had a gown on the "red" carpet. Good for him!!!!


I will never look at chiffon or Red Lobster the same again.


Make it work people and carry on!



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Sorry he didn't win, but I'm very happy for Chloe. I'm planning on stopping by her boutique next week and seeing what her new stuff looks like since they just re-opened


Please come back and let us all know about Chloe's shop, I'm sure we're all curious.


I agree, I liked Nick and his designs a lot, I'm glad he's getting some work from this.


Has anyone heard what Austin Scarlett is up to now?

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  • 4 months later...

Tim Gunn: So, Andre, it's a whole new season, we should bring this thread back up again.

Andre: I'm on my way to Red Lobster, I'm not really concerned about any of those Cruise Critic fashion people.

Nick: They are so wickity-wack over there, but, let's just bring it up again, so that they have some wickity-wack stuff to talk about.

Tim Gunn: Well then. Cruise Critics Fashion Board people...

What do you think of this new season?

Whose designs would you wear on a cruise?

Which of those dogs did you think were the cutest?

What was Keith thinking?

What is Angela thinking?

What Project Runway designer would do the best "cruise clothes" from Season 1, 2 or 3?

Make it work!

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I was so excited to be picking up dd at the airport last night that I forgot to tape PR! Aaahhh! Then tonight I didn't even realize it till all the showings had aired. I'll have to tape the 2AM show. I went to the website to see the schedule and saw it was Keith! Drats! I knew it, I just knew it. He was so arrogant last week. But his designs were perfect!


So what about Chloe's shop? I thought she was sweet, her clothes simple and wearably elegant. But Daniel and Santino were amazing and Nick too. Daniel sputtered a bit at the end for the show at Fashion Week. What was with the purses? It was a bit odd.


Jay, paging Jay, where are you Jay? I did see his show at the start of this current season, but I still haven't seen his line. When did he say it was coming? Fall 2006? Wouldn't that have already shown? I did like him but I also liked the girl. Can't think of her name now. Though she seemed a bit poohey on the where are they now show that aired this summer. Oh, what is her name? I know it, it's right there, it's exotic...what is it??!! It was a toss up between Jay and her, but I was glad he won. I loved that dress where he did the bodice like the Chrysler building and his show at Fashion Week was unique.


Oh, Keith. You idiot! What DID you do? How could I have missed it and now have to wait another hour?! I might as well stay up all night, well, morning now. I don't think I can sleep w/o knowing what you did! :cool:

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Ahhhh Curt... ;)

I am getting to know you soooo well!:rolleyes:

I KNEW you would resurrect this thread.. I just knew it!

Glad to be of service to ya!:D

Yes, thank you!

You are my "best friend" and "supporter" on these fashion boards.:D

Everyone keep talking about Project Runway...

desperatehousewife, I'm going to start a new thread for us in the Floataway Lounge (which hosts/monitors is hopefully the correct place for that, please let me know if there is another or better place).

So check that.

Do you watch Project Runway, because you should!

You would have so much fun with it!


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Mdmom07: sorry you missed it! I was kind of let down. Keith was really being a jerk...so I wasn't sad to see him go. Maybe he has a bit too much Santino in him ;)

Tim Gunn: So, Andre, it's a whole new season, we should bring this thread back up again.

Andre: I'm on my way to Red Lobster, I'm not really concerned about any of those Cruise Critic fashion people.

Nick: They are so wickity-wack over there, but, let's just bring it up again, so that they have some wickity-wack stuff to talk about.

Tim Gunn: Well then. Cruise Critics Fashion Board people...

What do you think of this new season?

Whose designs would you wear on a cruise?

Which of those dogs did you think were the cutest?

What was Keith thinking?

What is Angela thinking?

What Project Runway designer would do the best "cruise clothes" from Season 1, 2 or 3?

Make it work!

I had a feeling with your PR innuendos that this thread may just find its way back!


Keith: too bad, so sad. Arrogance will get you everytime. Glad to see him auf'd.


Angela: well that child just doesn't think!

She needs to join a quilting bee and just be done with it!

Wish Malan would have been able to stay instead. He SO amused me!


Love Michael! Not his hoochie-mama look, but his other stuff is well done. He has a great eye for women!


Laura (I think that's her name...the red headed NY lady with 5 kids): love glam!!!! She'll need to shake it up a bit though...she's too predictable.


Allison...I think she'll be a sleeper...her stuff is always so modern and chic.


Vincent: did way too much coke in the 80's! He needs to chill out. Way too loopy for my tastes.


Jeffrey: He needs to get out of his comfort zone and realize not everyone wants his look. He has great ideas...they just don't translate well for most women.


Kayne and Robert...oh those boys have some great ideas! Robert reminds me of my hair stylist! Love him...but don't think he'll hang in there if he doesn't do something dramatic.


Kayne...well hon, not everyone wants to dress for a pageant!


Ok...who am I missing????


I'd wear a Nick, Chloe, or Daniel V from last season. Nick and Dan seem so nice to work with. Keep driving by Chloe's shop...still haven't been back in since it re-opened.


I promise I'll stop in soon and report!


Carry on!





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I was so excited to be picking up dd at the airport last night that I forgot to tape PR! Aaahhh! Then tonight I didn't even realize it till all the showings had aired. I'll have to tape the 2AM show. I went to the website to see the schedule and saw it was Keith! Drats! I knew it, I just knew it. He was so arrogant last week. But his designs were perfect!



Don't want to tell you too much, but that's why he's no longer there!

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Ok...who am I missing????



You forgot Ule. I like her dresses. She actually uses patterns tastefully.


I thought the first teamwork episode that both Angela and Vincent should go, but on another board everyone was blaming Angela and not giving any of the blame to Vincent. After this week's episode, seeing Vincent's face when he, Kayne, and Robert were working made me realize that I was right. That not all the problem was Angela. AND what is up with Vincent and the stupid hats.

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You forgot Ule. I like her dresses. She actually uses patterns tastefully.


I thought the first teamwork episode that both Angela and Vincent should go, but on another board everyone was blaming Angela and not giving any of the blame to Vincent. After this week's episode, seeing Vincent's face when he, Kayne, and Robert were working made me realize that I was right. That not all the problem was Angela. AND what is up with Vincent and the stupid hats.

Oh my! How could I forget Ule!!!???!!!


She has a great eye...I love her ability to mix colors/patterns.


Vincent and Angela...oh they were a scare! Vincent's hat issue is just part of his flash-backs to the 80's! I can't handle his whining.


Tim should be saying "Make it stop people" instead of "Make it work" with those two!


DH just said I forgot Bradley. Poor Bradley.


What can you say about Bradley? I have an overwhelming feeling that I should make him milk and cookies! And I'm not the motherly/nurturing type.


I will say...in Keith's defense that his dress last week's challenge was great. I'd wear it on a cruise (are we back on topic??? ;) )



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Mdmom07: sorry you missed it! I was kind of let down. Keith was really being a jerk...so I wasn't sad to see him go. Maybe he has a bit too much Santino in him ;)

No Keith is a totally conceited jerk, who thinks that he is better than eveyone over he doesn't have to follow the rules - because I'm learning now that he was actually running out and checking the Internet for extra info, that the camera guys knew, but didn't know if it was apporopriate to tell anyone. (Hey their job, is just to film stuff, that's what they do).

It's only because Kayne noticed the pattern books that he "smuggled" in that anyone paid attention to what was going on...

That being said...

Santino was a jerk, but esentially doing that for TV. He did not take anything he did or said seriously. He had a sense of humor about himself and his designs. That's why the producers invited him back to judge who was getting onto this new season. Keith has NO sense of humor about himself at all.

I had a feeling with your PR innuendos that this thread may just find its way back!

Truly thank desperatehousewife. She is the one that brought it to my attention that this was a previous thread, and apparently apporpriate for this board. Othewise, I would not have known.;)

Keith: too bad, so sad. Arrogance will get you everytime. Glad to see him auf'd.

Yep. "asshat"...

Angela: well that child just doesn't think!

She needs to join a quilting bee and just be done with it!

I'm SO not a fan, and the only reason that she is still on is because of Laura and Michael being on her team. Also, she is "good reality drama", so they will keep her regardless...

I'm going to guarantee you, that the producers already have the top three in mind (which is more likely okay, 3 of these top 5 will be our top 3).

So, regardless of the "edit" they will keep those, and also keep anyone who is going to create good "drama", because it makes for a better TV show. The "drama queens" will stay around for good TV, but the real top choices will stay around until the end. We just don't know who those are yet. My personal fan favorite right now, is Michael to get into top 3, but other than that, I haven't decided yet.

Wish Malan would have been able to stay instead. He SO amused me!

Me too! Genuinely a nice person, and I loved his little Austin Powers laugh. People please, you NEED to listen to Tim Gunn!

He didn't, so he got Auf'd.

Love Michael! Not his hoochie-mama look, but his other stuff is well done. He has a great eye for women!

Okay, yes, absolutely!

But, okay (Michael is a straight guy designer, designing for what he wants to see, or likes on women), I loved his hoochie-mama look!:o

Michael can design any cruise clothes for any women that I go out with, and I'll be happy! Oh yeah!

Laura (I think that's her name...the red headed NY lady with 5 kids): love glam!!!! She'll need to shake it up a bit though...she's too predictable.

Yep, Laura...

Totally agree, can she please stop wearing any of those low cut open blouses that show her sternum of death. I don't need to see rib cages between your boobs on the front of women.

Allison...I think she'll be a sleeper...her stuff is always so modern and chic.

Yep, maybe...

What is her weird accent though? I'd totally go out with her, if she wasn't blonde!

Vincent: did way too much coke in the 80's! He needs to chill out. Way too loopy for my tastes.

LOL! Chill out dude!

Jeffrey: He needs to get out of his comfort zone and realize not everyone wants his look. He has great ideas...they just don't translate well for most women.

I can't even tell you how dissapointed I am in him as a Hollywood Rawk and Roll designer. He's giving us a bad name. So far, everything is three colors - black, beige, and taupe! One time, fine...

Now, I'm all Uuggghhh!

Kayne and Robert...oh those boys have some great ideas! Robert reminds me of my hair stylist! Love him...but don't think he'll hang in there if he doesn't do something dramatic.

Kayne...well hon, not everyone wants to dress for a pageant!

Ok...who am I missing????

I'm still working, so I can't think right now. But, they are like the funniest gay odd couple. What was Robert thinking? And Kayne, is already "set" for the rest of his life now as a successful pageant gown designer. Regardless at this point of what he does, he will be fine, and make a bunch of money.

I'd wear a Nick, Chloe, or Daniel V from last season. Nick and Dan seem so nice to work with. Keep driving by Chloe's shop...still haven't been back in since it re-opened.

Okay, so first of all Nick is high up and respect in my book, because he came up with the term "wickety-wack".

(Insider scoop - all of the models LURVED him, and wanted to be with him and "convert" him. They all loved and wanted them some "Uncle Nick").

Chloe, please let me know what's going on with her and her store...

I'm "otherwise engaged", but if you go there and see her, please let her know that "straight" guys in LA (who watch PR) want to date her in two seconds. Cute, smart, talented, great personality, we want her over ALL the models!:D

Daniel V is doing fine...

I promise I'll stop in soon and report!

Carry on!

Make it work, and let me know!


PS Get Chloe's card and number for her shop for me. I could hire her at some point...(I'm serious);)

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Oh my! How could I forget Ule!!!???!!!

She has a great eye...I love her ability to mix colors/patterns.

Here's my only problem with Ule (I love her accent, and personality, hawt hella sexy), BUT, she has designed almost the same dress (cut-wise) all the time. And it doesn't support women's boobage! Great for models, but any real woman wearing any of her outfits, there is major boob problems so far.

Vincent and Angela...oh they were a scare! Vincent's hat issue is just part of his flash-backs to the 80's! I can't handle his whining.

Tim should be saying "Make it stop people" instead of "Make it work" with those two!

Both just need to go!

DH just said I forgot Bradley. Poor Bradley.

What can you say about Bradley? I have an overwhelming feeling that I should make him milk and cookies! And I'm not the motherly/nurturing type.

I think that he is just "lost" in a lot of ways...

But, ummm, I open if you ever want to make me milk and cookies!:)

I will say...in Keith's defense that his dress last week's challenge was great. I'd wear it on a cruise (are we back on topic??? ;) )

Getting there....;)

But on what cruiseline and what night would you wear Keith's red high collared dress from last week?

Which cruiseline and evening would you wear that for?

(I'd probably jump in for pictures with you at that point, because I would be so impressed, but just curious).


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Why didn't one of you e-mail me and tell me to watch this show? Kidding. I just "found" it and wow! I love it. Fashion, trauma drama, intensity and Miss USA. The thing has it all. I'm in love.


I agree about Uli's dresses. I need support. The girls, they wander.


Shame about Keith. I'd copy that dress he made out of a sheet in a heartbeat. It would look great on a cruise.

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I was so excited to be picking up dd at the airport last night that I forgot to tape PR! Aaahhh! Then tonight I didn't even realize it till all the showings had aired. I'll have to tape the 2AM show.




You need TiVO!!!!!!


Haven't you heard Rumplestilskin?

No one told you yet?:confused:

Ohhhh... I see..sorry you did not know..

Well ,it is the year 2006!!!!

Yes, I said 2006!:eek:

Yes I know the horror of it all, it'll be okay. ( Smoothing hair down in comforting manner)

Poor thing, you have been asleep a long , long time!


Now, go get yourself a TiVO!!!!!

:D :D :D

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I'm mad at the TIVO people. They have decreed that you may not fast forward through commercials on some shows. They've decided it's akin to stealing. Like a commercial has ever sold me anything, well since the fourth grade and the Captain Crunch fiasco.

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You MUST tell me where you heard this horrible information!!:eek:

I purposefully watch shows after they tape to doooo exactly that!!!:eek:

Yes... I am yelling!:eek:

Please tell me you ARE joking?!


I have no personal knowledge of this, it's all from my techie husband. Who I will direct to this forum right now.


Honey... (I called him and told him to get over here. Poor guy).

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Just saw the, "Sternum of death" comment! Hilarious.


I like Kayne and Bobbi, but they are not going to have staying power. Barbie does not LOOK like any model or human being I've ever met. Who looks like that? Okay maybe that Holly girl from, "The Girls Next Door" (shut up, it's my favorite show on TV), but that's it.

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Yeah, yeah, I know about the Tivo. The kids and their friends have been saying that for over a year now. lol!! If I miss one more beginning 5 mins. of 24, I'm off to the store! I have to call the kids' friends to get them to make me a tape! :rolleyes:


Ule is fine for high fashion because they have no girls to support! :p


So I stayed up till 3AM and saw Keith plummet. WHY? What a dodo!


I actually liked Angela's suiting. Even the rosettes were tolerable, though not the ones on the back of the collar. That was odd. Laura saved that outfit!


And back to the Vincent - Angela fiasco, I never thought it was Angela, maybe 25%, but Vincent was not ever planning to have her contribute. She just played it wrong w/ the designers and judges.


Bradley, is like a wet puppy, but even last week when he couldn't make anything until the last minute, I was shocked/impressed but what he came up with. Very Danielish I'd say. He could be a sleeper too, but what did he do to those brown pants? Aaackk!


Allison is adorable, she could definitely win this.


The Hollywood rocker dude - he looks like he needs a long, hot bath and his designs so far don't do anything for me. I didn't care for Keith's design w/ the halter armholes hanging by the waist, but he did a terrific job on those pants!

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