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Top Chef

Curt Jerome Wild

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The Bravo web site led me to believe last night would be a match between LeeAnn and Marcel. Instead, it pitted folks from seasom 1 against season 2. And Leeann wasn't even amongst them! So it's great she has a steady job with Top Chef as culinary producer (whatever that means) but I wanted to see her.


Didn't stay tuned for the intro of this season's competitors.


I was amused that Marcel continued to do his foams.


New week the real fun begins.

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LOL! I thought that you'd be here!

I was really disappointed in that Season One against Season Two challenge. It just all seemed anti climactic somehow.

And Lee Ann as Culinary Producer, means that she basically organizes all of the food, ingredients, everything they need for the show on and off camera for the food challenges. Probably some of the dining displays, etc.

I know that she also likes it because she gets to work with and interact with all of the guest judges.


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Hey, CJW...


Love your new uptown image. I keep wondering if your reality evolves as your images do. I'm glad you're watching.


I loved LeeAnn. Glad she's happy.


Stephen didn't get under my skin as much this time, though I thought it was a hoot that his wines weren't just served for their dishes.


And how about the plain omelet winning?

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Well, the two finalists from last night looked like the two to beat. Though I picked out the quick fire challenge winner as the thing I would most like to taste at first glance (not knowing a thing about it but looks, of course).


Too bad for the Southern boy. I would like to see my part of the world better represented. Tough challenge for some one like him -- down here, lamb is considered exotic. Oh, yeah.


So wish i could have tried some of those dishes. The butchers in my neck of the woods all know me for asking: Have any different animals? LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...
So... I guess no one is watching. Or cares.



Patience is a virtue...;)

Been out of town, so going to catch up on the first two episodes this week...

Want to get to it and post some ideas and opinions, before the next episode on Wednesday!

Hang in there!:D


PS Yes, my avatar changes, thanks for noticing!

I'll explain later!:rolleyes:

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So... I guess no one is watching. Or cares.




I've been watching with my son (14) - got him hooked on the show last season.


It is certainly an interesting group this time... Who do you like/dislike from this group?

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I can't keep them straight yet, and the way the Bravo website is set up makes it too time consuming to get their names straight.


It kinda irritated me that two of the best chefs were female, but they picked the male as the winner; and two of the worst chefs were male, but they eliminate a female. I've felt there was a male bias in this show right along.


I am always amazed by the quick challenge. Everyone loves my cooking, but if I had to make something up right on the spot, it would be deer in the headlights time:o


We've been watching Hell's Kitchen. too, but I think I'm going to quit. It's really not about their creativity, it's just about their restaurant kitchen skills.

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Finally got to see the first two episodes...

Some general thoughts...

I realize one thing now that in my opinion "hinders" the show.

One of the best parts of Project Runway is Tim Gunn, helping, trying to advise and "mentor" the designers. They learn, we learn by watching his suggestions, etc.

Tom made it very clear that he is not a "mentor", he is the head judge that is just basically reporting back to the other judges (which then means that he's giving some upfront "biased" opinions based on what was going on before in the kitchen).

I really thought that one of the best guest judges from the past two seasons was Ted Allen; knowledgeable, fair, helpful.

I wish that they would put him in the Tim Gunn role to "mentor" the chefs, and keep Tom out until final judging.

I think that you can tell someone's "potential" more, if there are suggestions during the creative process and they can adapt and change and grow. So, we never get this.

Also, I'm watching this season with a different eye (or should that be tastebud); as I guess they got better ratings last season with all of the edited and manufactured "drama"; so I'm going to adapt for that.

By setting them up in the same hotel space (which before males and females were seperated) AND with a pool and jacuzzi - they just showed their hand to me.

Show One:

Quickfire challenge, I definitely think that Micah should have won that, so well deserved.

I think they are already editing or trying to edit Hung to be the "bad guy", "cocky guy", or "rebel", so we'll see how that plays out.

Elimination, Trey and Hung at the top, with Trey winning, okay I guess.

Bottom, Brian, Dale, and Howie.

I personally thought it was really funny with Howie quoting Anthony Bourdain's book to defend himself!

It's one of the things on all of these types of shows that "bother" me (just a nit pick) is that the judges can be very inconsistent.

So, for him to defend himself with the judges own published words I thought was great. (And I think that Anthony appreciated the humor of it as well).

So, I guess Dale was just in over his head.

I also thought it was interesting that some of the best dishes were with some of the most difficult and the easier ingredients were more toward the bottom.

I'll do my thoughts on episode two in a post after this so, that I don't lose this one.


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Episode Two:

Quickfire/Citrus Challenge

CJ, Hung, and Trey as top three with Hung the winner.

Editing for Hung and Trey to be early favorites. So, I don't think they'll win. Maybe get into final four.

Elimination Challenge/High End Gourmet BBQ

Manufactured/edited drama with Joey accusing Hung of stealing his "watermelon" idea. Joey is early edited to be a big "whiner/cry baby", so is that foreshadowing of more to come?

Brian, Sara, and Micah are the top three.

Brian wins for the seafood sausage, which seemed to fit the challenge best to me; but who ever knows on this show, as we can't ever taste the food?

Trey, Joey, Howie, and Sandy are the bottom four.

Trey for not executing well.

Joey and Howie for not being "upscale" BBQ, and Sandy for not being BBQ at all.

So, I do think that Sandy should have gone, because she really did not utilize anything BBQ; so didn't fulfill the challenge requirements.

Joey then is again a big whiner saying that Howie should go home, even though he didn't taste his food, so has no idea what he's talking about.

(I bet that he would have said Hung should have gone home, if Hung was there).

I really liked Sandy, but she missed the point of the challenge.

I don't think Joey will last much longer.

I do think that it will be a female or non-caucasian winning this year.

I'm calling it now. I think that they are "stealth editing", so we don't see who the real talents and front runners are yet.

I suspect that we'll see someone come from behind or it will be Micah, Hung, and Trey at the finals. One of those is too obvious for me now though as far as their editing is going.

Interesting, interesting.


PS Now waiting for some hot tub drama!

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I personally thought it was really funny with Howie quoting Anthony Bourdain's book to defend himself!




That was one of my favorite parts - I've read his book and remember the part Howie was quoting from...

and you're right - Howie was defending his approach, not making excuses.

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Have to agree with you both - one of the best Top Chef moments to date was Anthony B's reaction to having his own words come back to him.


I also miss a "mentor" for the chefs - ala Tim G. - Must say I hadn't thought of Ted for the roll. He would be great - he has such a good aproach to both food and people - but I would miss his input at the Judges Table. Have to say I love his critique on Iron Chef as much as Top Chef.


Can't wait to see what happens tonight.


CJW - Good rundown on the early editing and the "characters" that are being developed.

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It certainly was a good night for Howie. And a bad one for Micah.


I had high hopes for Micah at the beginning. Of course, they started making her look like a conflicted woman, which made her early exit easier to swallow.


I would have sent home the person who did the seafood sausage on lentils(Sarah?). I thought a new take on weenies and beans was the best choice to redo. I don't know why she didn't make her own sausage in mini patty form. You don't have to do the casing thing, which isn't that hard anyway.


I kinda like Dale and Hung. I don't feel like the girls have shown us much, but they haven't been on camera much either.


The judges really complained about the dishes being boring, but they really asked for two things -- healthy and updated. It seemed to me that everyone took updated as just a reiteration of healthy.


A couple of the dishes I was most interested in went by so fast I couldn't even read the descriptions.


I keep worrying about CJ. He is impossibly tall. It used to make my back hurt watching Emeril bend over to cook on the Food Channel. Imagine CJ! He needs a special kitchen design.

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It certainly was a good night for Howie. And a bad one for Micah.


I had high hopes for Micah at the beginning. Of course, they started making her look like a conflicted woman, which made her early exit easier to swallow.


I would have sent home the person who did the seafood sausage on lentils(Sarah?). I thought a new take on weenies and beans was the best choice to redo. I don't know why she didn't make her own sausage in mini patty form. You don't have to do the casing thing, which isn't that hard anyway.


I kinda like Dale and Hung. I don't feel like the girls have shown us much, but they haven't been on camera much either.


The judges really complained about the dishes being boring, but they really asked for two things -- healthy and updated. It seemed to me that everyone took updated as just a reiteration of healthy.


A couple of the dishes I was most interested in went by so fast I couldn't even read the descriptions.


I keep worrying about CJ. He is impossibly tall. It used to make my back hurt watching Emeril bend over to cook on the Food Channel. Imagine CJ! He needs a special kitchen design.

LOL! SeaBunny at SO much of this...

So just quick points here... (based on my bolding of your quotes above)...

Brian made his own "from scratch" Seafood Sausage in the gourmet BBQ challenge, so there's your mix up...

Person that did the sausage on the franks and beans redux..."Lia"

Just used some pre-made frozen chicken sausage or something...

Check my info or previous posts on editing theories now...

I'm not basing this show any more on what I'm seeing on screen, because I think that the producers and editors are trying for more "drama"...

So, I'm still holding to my theories (read my above posts, as they are still holding in theory) that there are some "not noticed", "not edited" dark horses that will come from behind...

I LURV your mention of CJ, as I had not noticed before (just waiting to get to the actual show)...

But notice in the credits (which I think is half the editors/director/cinematographers - and half CJ having fun with how tall he is), he actually has to "bend down" into the frame in his opening credit shot!

He wins me over now with that alone!

He's got to have a sense of humor about himself in order to agree to do that!

That's my report for now!



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Padma and Salman Rushdie are calling quits I see...




They always seemd like a strange pair to begin with. Sort of an Arthur Miller/Marilyn Monroe match.




We've been big fans of Survivor from the get go, so I'm used to getting hints from the editing thing. But typically the top players and two folks likely to get the ax are the ones featured in any episode. They just "save" the others to keep the show feeling fresh later on. We make a game of who's going based on the editing.


I suspect that you're seeing a fair amount of the eventual winners already. As well as the chosen "villains." The girls just don't seem to be either.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I take back what I said before about the editing. There really doesn't seem to be a master plan here.


Unlike most "reality" shows where the editing really starts after the competition is complete, this one seems to be more episode-by-episode.For that reason, I don't feel like I know anybody yet. They have no consistent personalities becuase they haven't been "cast."


I have to say that right now I'm getting a lot more From Hell's Kitchen (I adore Julia) than this season of Top Chef.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OO I am glad some one is watching..I too adore Julia and understand she hasnt a chance in Hell to win...But she has Chef Ramseys respect. He recognizes her talent and offered to put her through Culinary School...I really think he was this close() to keeping her last night..


Rock..OMG can we say arrogant..He sure thinks hes superior to the girls..I wouldnt be suprised to hear he beats his wife..JUST KIDDING...


Out of the three that are left I think Jen should win..She probably has the most experience..and she seems to hold things together under pressure...

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OO I am glad some one is watching..I too adore Julia and understand she hasnt a chance in Hell to win...But she has Chef Ramseys respect. He recognizes her talent and offered to put her through Culinary School...I really think he was this close() to keeping her last night..


Rock..OMG can we say arrogant..He sure thinks hes superior to the girls..I wouldnt be suprised to hear he beats his wife..JUST KIDDING...


Out of the three that are left I think Jen should win..She probably has the most experience..and she seems to hold things together under pressure...


I was so happy when Gordon Ramsey said he would send her to culinary school. That was my dream for her. She's amazing. I think that's a better reward for her than winning would be.


As for Rocco... did you see his reality series "The Restaurant?" It certainly didn't make me like him. Now, his mom was fantastic, but he seemed unfocused.

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I have to admit. I like the "villians" this season -- Howie and Hung. Poor Hung, he looked like he'd been whipped.


The food tasting challenge was really easy. My non-cooking hubby named the first item up correctly just on sight, while the contestant got to taste it -- tomato paste. Only a few of the items seemed difficult. They do this on Hell's Kitchen, but the contestants are blindfolded and have to go strictly on taste -- much harder.


CJ and Tre got the challenge right. It seems unbelievable to me that no one else (but Hung) understood you needed to freeze things separately. Arm chair quarterback that I am, I said that right off. I also thought the tiny meatballs might not cook fast enough, which appeared to be true.


I am so sick of Chef Tom. Could he please shut up about black truffles!!! Boy, does he have a narrow view of Mediterranean flavors! He adds nothing to this show. He's like a tattletale.


Did anyone else think Rocco looked like he's had some "work" done? I saw that he's going to have his own show with Bertolli sponsoring.


About Hell's Kitchen....


I was shocked to see Jen go. But I felt from almost the first that Chef Ramsey wanted Rock. Theoretically, as an executive chef, Rock would have the most experience and would be the best person to "hire."


Last season, I figured from day one who would win on Hell's Kitchen, because only one preson had anything near the experience necessary. This season the contestants were more experienced overall, but (going by the caption job title only) Rock has the most.

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Well, that was an obvious one. Could she have tried harder to be eliminated?


I was surprised at some of the food choices for a late night, hard drinking, hard partying crowd. Lots of carbs and fats are what appeals to you then (not that I know:p ). The shrimp and grits were perfect. The 'sliders' would have been, too (Is that a normal name for tinyhamburgers? It was new to me.). The creviche sounded like a terrible idea. The last thing I would want is something all acidic.


I felt like the judges didn't take enough into consideration the type of dishes offered -- not that it would have changed theoutcome. Tre would still win and Sara would stil go home.


If Howie doesn't win this show, I still think he has what it takes to be a highly successful chef. How many famous chefs do you know of that are real team players? I've never heard of one.;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, that was an obvious one. Could she have tried harder to be eliminated?


I was surprised at some of the food choices for a late night, hard drinking, hard partying crowd. Lots of carbs and fats are what appeals to you then (not that I know:p ). The shrimp and grits were perfect. The 'sliders' would have been, too (Is that a normal name for tinyhamburgers? It was new to me.). The creviche sounded like a terrible idea. The last thing I would want is something all acidic.


I felt like the judges didn't take enough into consideration the type of dishes offered -- not that it would have changed theoutcome. Tre would still win and Sara would stil go home.


If Howie doesn't win this show, I still think he has what it takes to be a highly successful chef. How many famous chefs do you know of that are real team players? I've never heard of one.;)



Not that you OR I would know or think about that or anything...

But, "sliders" I think are more of a north eastern term (coined from White Castle)...

That being said, I'm SO backed up on my info and reviews here...

Long story short, not suprised at the outcome of Hell's Kitchen at all; but also really surprised (in not a good way) at how the red team acted on that last challenge (how's that for editing Julia to seem super "cool" during the show)?!?!

Then, just for later on Top Chef (because I definitely realize that I much prefer that show, it's more about actual food and cooking)...

I LURVed the "gourmet hamburger" challenge!

And I lurv and hate the "restaurant wars" challenges!

I love seeing them, but I hate (in that I don't think it's fair, and there is absolutely NO WAY to judge fairly) when some people cook, and some people have to decorate, or be front of house or whatever...

You can never accurately judge on that...

Finally, last thought for now, I really and truly prefer Ted Allen as a judge as opposed to Gail, or anyone else...

He does seem to be the most fair, and open minded on looking to take everything into consideration...

'Nuff said...


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