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Where did the boards go?

Norfolk Brit

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I couldn't get in last night either. I almost had to be carted off in one of those special jackets with the sleeves that tie in the back!

I was going into serious withdrawals!



Who is left with only a slight nervous tic this morning.

And I DID try closing the browser and trying again!

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As you have all figured out by now, last night we seemed to have another server hiccup.


We have eight servers and apparently one of the eight is in a bad mood.


I don't understand why only having 7/8ths of our server power is causing such a problem but computers have always been somewhat mysterious to me. I know how to use them, but when something goes wrong... Forget it!


Anyhow, the IT person is working feverishly to get everything back in its proper state. In the meantime, I apologize for any inconvenience and withdrawal symptoms you may be experiencing.

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Not only would I not tip that server, I would tell the maitre d' servers of your displeasure.


I think (as a communications, data communications and sometimes IT professional) that the servers do not have the work evenly distributed. It is possible IT might want to look at the architecture used in your server farm. It also happens (as happens in telephony) that the system may either grab the facility (in this case server slot) with the least usage, which of course, the one taking no users would continuously be the one with the least usage, or it may always go to that server first. In telephony, we sometimes have to busy out the first (faulty) unit of a T-1 circuit or a trunk. I dealt with this just last week!) You may find that you have to "busy out" whatever facility goes to that server, be it a T-1, PRI, Trunk, or IP address, so that it by-passes that one. Numerous times I tried dumping out and starting up again with a fresh browser. It seemed to lead me back to that same server. I don't know how your servers are set up, and how the load is distributed, but you might look into that, so you can isolate the offending piece in the event of future issues.


Just a thought. Can't put all of my IT experience and training to waste. No one has asked me lately the internal parts of data communications, Where the word Computer bug came from (Hint, it was a woman and she was an admiral) or the difference between distributed architectures, Star architecture, Ring architecture, or all of that other worthless stuff they taught me when I was in IT! Although I did do a crossword puzzle today which had ENIAC as an answer! (I got it right!) And we have an Altair 8800 in the basement!




Who doesknow alittle about data communications and servers. But not much! (Okay, I worked in our IT department and wrote most of the I/O and mainframe communications cricuits fro the phone company and all of the data for most of our 134 central offices for about 15 years, including all of the infrastructure for our ISP, many years ago, before most people had ever heard of the internet; and still do GPRS, EDGE, and UMTS data support)

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I think (as a communications, data communications and sometimes IT professional) that the servers do not have the work evenly distributed.

Well, I'll pass it that to our IT person!


It seems to me that if 1 of 8 is not happy, and the load is properly distributed, one should be able to get in about 1 of 8 times (after emptying cache and restarting the browser) - but it seems to me that when the site is out, it's just OUT. So it would make sense that the load isn't being distributed properly.


But then, when have computers made sense?

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One more thought, Doug. Are some forums hosted on certain servers and others on different servers? Just a thought!

I don't mean to sound like I have the answers. I am just a curious person, who tries to understand when things go wrong. Troubleshooting is what I do for a living! It's what I am best at, so I just naturally think that way.

Sorry for sticking my nose in. I'm sure the IT people know what they are doing.


But I still believe the machines are plotting to take over the world! <G>



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One more thought, Doug. Are some forums hosted on certain servers and others on different servers?

That's not the impression I get, but I don't know. It is an interesting thought.


I have always tried to access the main Boards page (http://boards.cruisecritic.com) and never any individual forums. If I can get into the Boards, I can always get to all the forums I want to get to.


So, I would suspect that all the boards (and indeed possibly the whole site?) are hosted on all the servers - but here I go again using logic, which never works for computers ;) .

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As you have all figured out by now, last night we seemed to have another server hiccup.


Anyhow, the IT person is working feverishly to get everything back in its proper state.


That would be New Jersey - right? What state did it go to???

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I agree with Malcolm and Karie....when my trusty Cunard forum bookmark left me with that dreaded service unavailable message, I figured I'd outfox it and went to cruisecritic.com, got the home page, clicked on forums and....got the same message.:mad:


Thankfully all looks well this morning...we all got to have our morning libation with CC and Mary's poor cat got to starve...again. Mary, has anyone told the cat that cats are hunters and if breakfast isn't there on time to just go find a mouse to eat? Then again, my cat never ate them...just lugged the dead ones to the kitchen to show them off to me.:eek:


Cheers, Penny...who is so far BEYOND un-technical, there isn't even a word for it;)

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Thankfully all looks well this morning...we all got to have our morning libation with CC and Mary's poor cat got to starve...again. Mary, has anyone told the cat that cats are hunters and if breakfast isn't there on time to just go find a mouse to eat?


Hello Penny, yes someone did once tell me something about catching my own food, but I find the idea rather distasteful. Also I have overheard rather disparaging comments about my waistline and general indolence being bandied about. Most unfair; I simply find blood sports morally unacceptable.

Anyway, let's get to the most important point, which is my adoption via ebay. Have given further consideration to my Madonna plan; am I right to be concerned that she may turn me into the latest must-have designer handbag once the press attention has died down? If so, you are my second choice, but the dog has to go. Not sure how I am going to get to you though; QM2 sounds good, but I'm sick after a mile in the car (I know this because the vet is 3 miles away and refuses to move nearer).


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Hello Penny, yes someone did once tell me something about catching my own food, but I find the idea rather distasteful. Also I have overheard rather disparaging comments about my waistline and general indolence being bandied about. Most unfair; I simply find blood sports morally unacceptable.

Anyway, let's get to the most important point, which is my adoption via ebay. Have given further consideration to my Madonna plan; am I right to be concerned that she may turn me into the latest must-have designer handbag once the press attention has died down? If so, you are my second choice, but the dog has to go. Not sure how I am going to get to you though; QM2 sounds good, but I'm sick after a mile in the car (I know this because the vet is 3 miles away and refuses to move nearer).



Ahhh Martin...the life of the indolent. While I confess to occasional bouts of pure indulgence myself....sleeping on my parents bed ranks high on the indulence scale...these are interesting people to live with. When they decided to become early retirees last year, I suddenly found that they expected me to contribute!!! Me, who had led the life of a country gentleman for 3 lovely, lazy years. Now I'm expected to go out in the morning and fetch, yes fetch,the newspaper at the end of the driveway....and then I'm expected to get the mail at noon from the box. And this morning I am off for one of my Therapy Dog nursing home visits...which by the by, I thoroughly enjoy...I LOVE to make people smile and feel happy. So you see, life in my household isn't all indolence....they'd probably make you catch the occasional lizard that gets in. And of course, if you like to venture outdoors there are hazards from poisonous snakes and wayward golf balls...and goggles are mandatory for rides to the beach in the convertible. So trust me, it's not all fun and games here...our vet is 3 miles away too but she's VERY nice except for her fetish about weight...she expect...no, DEMANDS a slender body from her patients, so you might have a problem there. As to the QM2, make sure you get one of those voyages that stops in Florida...my parents will not go to NY!!


Oh yeah...I'm NOT moving...do you think I'd give up this good life? I don't mind cats...I think...they're kind of like squirrels in a way, right? They run around and chase things plus there are lots of wild cats living around here and they can teach you how to catch mice and stuff...and avoid the snakes.


I'd pass on that ebay idea..never know who you might get bidding on you. It's OK with my Mom if you come and you might just get to like me too. Besides, I'm bigger than you so you'd have to like me!

Cheers, Bear

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OK, so I just got back from helping to make people happy and while on my way to my nap, I had this thought. IF, and that's a big IF, you're thinking of living with us, I want to make sure you're nicer than my human Grandma Mary's cat....I have to stay on the porch at her house and her psychopathic cat tries to claw at me through the sliding glass door. Unprovoked, I might add, as I am always my usual genteel self...even tho banished to the pool enclosure...and not allowed to swim in the pool I might add. Talk about adding insult to injury...I'm a Golden Retriever...swimming is our middle name.:D


So I figured I'd better qualify that invitation and repeat, just in case I wasn't clear enough the first time,...I AM NOT leaving!!:p Other than that you can come. I'd like to know how nice those QM2 kennels are in case I talk my peole into a B to B crossing someday. OK, off to nap...on the bed


Cheers, Bear...who'd post you a picture so you could see how handsome I am if my Mom wasn't such a computer moron

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OK, so I just got back from helping to make people happy and while on my way to my nap, I had this thought. IF, and that's a big IF, you're thinking of living with us, I want to make sure you're nicer than my human Grandma Mary's cat....I have to stay on the porch at her house and her psychopathic cat tries to claw at me through the sliding glass door. Unprovoked, I might add, as I am always my usual genteel self...even tho banished to the pool enclosure...and not allowed to swim in the pool I might add. Talk about adding insult to injury...I'm a Golden Retriever...swimming is our middle name.:D


So I figured I'd better qualify that invitation and repeat, just in case I wasn't clear enough the first time,...I AM NOT leaving!!:p Other than that you can come. I'd like to know how nice those QM2 kennels are in case I talk my peole into a B to B crossing someday. OK, off to nap...on the bed


Cheers, Bear...who'd post you a picture so you could see how handsome I am if my Mom wasn't such a computer moron


a cat replies........

Dear Bear,

Your lifestyle sounds so exhausting that I had to lie in a darkened room for a few hours to recover after just reading about it.

Incidentally, how come a dog can type?


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Good morning Martin...


Ahhh, typing...easily learned. Mom is on CC so much that it was easy to learn watching her type. I do better after my grooming session when my nails have just been trimmed tho, and with 4 paws I have a good shot at hitting the right keys....plus I have spell-check! You should try it....when you're not sleeping that is. ;)


Cheers, Bear

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Good morning Martin...


Ahhh, typing...easily learned. Mom is on CC so much that it was easy to learn watching her type. I do better after my grooming session when my nails have just been trimmed tho, and with 4 paws I have a good shot at hitting the right keys....plus I have spell-check! You should try it....when you're not sleeping that is. ;)


Cheers, Bear


Afternoon Bear,

Thanks, I was very curious. Naturally, cats don't need spell-check.

Now, I've had a great idea; I'm coming over as part of the world cruise, together with all my staff (there's just five of them) and anyone else on the CC boards who would like to join us; it's really kind of Penny to offer to foot the bill. Needless to say, we don't travel in s******e

Can't wait, Martin

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Um, Martin....I have bad news...my Mom said that you can come...if your Mom sends you, but we don't do staff over here. So...I guess we'll forever be like ships that pass in the night. And my Dad's afraid that if I see what it's like to have staff, I won't bring the newspaper in every morning.


By the by...I'm impressed...even my Mom has to use spell-check...after she mutters some bad words I"m not supposed to know ;)


Gotta dash...time to put all my toys away. You'd like it here...they keep me pretty busy doing stuff around the house and it would be nice to have some help. Cheers, Bear

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Hello Penny, don't suppose you know where Martin's got to by any chance? Gather from reading this that the ghastly little reprobate has been in contact with your dog.


Also missing is my best Louis Vuitton suitcase. If he turns up on your doorstep we really don't want the idle little b****r back, but I would appreciate it if you could return the case.


Good luck, Mary

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Good Morning Mary....well aren't they a couple of foxes though. I wondered why Bear was in fixing up the guest room and singing "here kitty, kitty". Guess I shouldn't have left my laptop on the couch!


Will do, but Louis Vuitton luggage???Hmmmm, always wanted one of those nice ones. OK, I'll be a sport and send it back but the cat will have to pull his weight here...lizard catching and poisonous snake yard patrol...I'm told by locals that snakes don't like yards with cats in them. If he hasn't left yet you might want to point this out to him. Bear might not have been clear enough about that.:rolleyes:


Cheers, Penny

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Morning Penny, tell Bear not to bother with the guest room. Based on long and bitter experience, on the first night you'll find him in your bed (and I may have forgotten to mention that he's the size of a small hippo), on night 2 you'll be on the floor, and by night 3 you'll be in a tent in the garden.


Karie, losing a Louis Vuitton suitcase is a small price to pay.


Enjoy snake patrol, Mary

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Heading back onto topic for a moment - although the conversation between Bear and Martin is astonishing, what animals get up to without our knowledge:eek: - has anyone noticed that the boards seem much more responsive that they were before the down time? All that having to make copies of long posts doesn't seem necessary anymore.

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Animal? Despotic little tinpot dictator is more like it.





That's it...HE and the suitcase go back!! Darn, and I really did need a new suitcase too. Sorry Mary....the invite is retracted!


Sorry Malcolm...back OT it is...the "boys" just needed a tad of comic relief.;) And yes, I seem to have noticed the same thing altho old habits die hard and I still copy....just in case!

Cheers, Penny

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Famous last words - I tried to log in about half an hour ago and got the message "Service Unavailable":(



Arrrrrrrgh!!!:mad: I missed that mini event!! But at least here you are only after half and hour so that's an improvement of sorts over the last few times.:rolleyes: Maybe we'd best not pay it any compliments?


Cheers, Penny...who missed all the lack of fun by going camera shopping!! I am going to take some AWESOME pictures on this ship!!:D

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