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Adventure Drinking Age Question


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what happens in the cabin is no ones business, (except now I made it everyone's business only because I posted that)... does not matter. The room steward does a great job in keeping the beer cooler full of ice all the time... and the chances of being kicked off the ship for such a silly minor thing is pretty unlikely. drunken, unruly behavior and tearing up the ship.. then yes.. I would expect to be thrown off the ship... but this is not an issue that warrents disembarkation.. am I worried? NOT IN THE LEAST!

those who think its wrong... that is ok.. we are all entitled to our own opinion, for me, I will do what I think is best... and I see no problem with it.. not like she is getting skunk face drunk...:eek: but 1-2 beers is not a big deal.. beer is only 3.2 % alcohol, hardly enough to cause a problem. At least I have no fear of her sneaking drinks or getting drunk with friends. At least if she has a beer or two, she does not have to hide it and she is home, not out driving or sneaking it from a friend... smart in my book.. I have a wonderful responsible daughter. Those who disagree... so what... it is ok to disagree. :)


Illegal is illegal, regardless of where it takes place. Not only are morals in question here, which you seriously lack, but the message you are sending to your child that laws don't pertain to her. If she were in your home under your supervision and commited some other crime, which yes, underage drinking is, is she or you not responsible for that either?

It amazes me what some people will try to justify.

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Here's a site that summarizes underage drinking laws in all states if you want to look up to see if it's legal in your state for a parent to provide alcohol to their children. http://www.alcoholpolicy.niaaa.nih.gov/stateprofiles/


In Texas it is. However, they have very stiff laws concerning anyone else providing alcohol to a minor (up to $4000 fine and up to 1 year in jail and 180 day suspension of driver's license) and zero tolerance for minors who drink and drive.


That said (putting on flame resistant suit) on our last cruise when my daughter was 17, 2 or 3 times at dinner I bought her a drink (a Bailey's type shot {like a French Kiss}). Oh, and I used my free drink coupon for her, I got her a BBC. I always let her have a sip of my wine at dinner if she wanted to taste it. In Jamaica she had half a beer and a few sips of rum punch, in Grand Cayman she had a few sips of rum punch, in Cozumel at the Mexican cooking class she had a couple strawberry daiquiris. She never drank when I was not around. Onboard ship, if you give your kids a drink and do it responsibly and discreetly I doubt anyone will notice or care. Be aware you're under the ship's jurisdiction and therefore their rules.

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My 2cents...... It doesn't really matter what the ATF says or wicapedia for that matter. If you came to my house, there would be no alcohol served to a minor. That's the rule IN MY HOUSE. And when you go on a RCCL ship, you are in their house. their rules. don't like? don't go.


of course there will always be those that think they are above the rules or the rules don't apply to them. we can argue this point til the cows come home. those that think it's okay to break the rules will never be convinced they are wrong.

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WOW.. I have no issue with an 18 yr old drinking under parental supervision, but age 10?? that is ridiculous... and very scarey!!:eek:
According to Wikipedia, those aged 11-18 are allowed to consume alcohol in Barbados - if they are with an anteater:




Maybe they had one along, and he looked 11. :)

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Illegal is illegal, regardless of where it takes place. Not only are morals in question here, which you seriously lack, but the message you are sending to your child that laws don't pertain to her. If she were in your home under your supervision and commited some other crime, which yes, underage drinking is, is she or you not responsible for that either?


It amazes me what some people will try to justify.


no justification here, just my opinion..and thanks for your opinion as well..:)

My child knows the law, but as I said, is it not better that she drink 1 -2 beers AT HOME (only occasionally at that) rather than sneaking around with friends in an unsupervised environment? and secondly, my daughter is more mature than most, has had her same job for almost 3 years, manages her own bank accounts, pays her own bills, is a straight A student and has a full scholorship to college. And yes I understand that it "technically not legal" but I would rather have her home and safe, than away and dead.

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My 2cents...... It doesn't really matter what the ATF says or wicapedia for that matter. If you came to my house, there would be no alcohol served to a minor. That's the rule IN MY HOUSE. And when you go on a RCCL ship, you are in their house. their rules. don't like? don't go.


of course there will always be those that think they are above the rules or the rules don't apply to them. we can argue this point til the cows come home. those that think it's okay to break the rules will never be convinced they are wrong.


and I can appreciate your thoughts and comments on this as well.. IF my daughter had an under age friend here at the house, she knows that I would never allow the friend to drink in my house, and my daughter would not be drinking with her friend here either. I would never want a mad parent (with good cause) to get on to me for allowing their underage teen to drink. (I would not allow the friend to drink at my house even IF the parents say it was ok for them to do so... neither would I expect any parent to allow MY daughter to drink in THEIR house, even if she may have 1 -2 beers on occasion in my house. On the rare instance that she does have a beer, it is never around or with friends and she is completely supervised and does not drink at all if she had a beer at home. So there are regulations, and we feel a lot better that if she has a drink (ocassionally) it is at home, safe environment and not out with friends unsupervised.. she does not drink much, so this is not an all the time, every day type occurance.

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what happens in the cabin is no ones business, (except now I made it everyone's business only because I posted that)... does not matter. The room steward does a great job in keeping the beer cooler full of ice all the time... and the chances of being kicked off the ship for such a silly minor thing is pretty unlikely. drunken, unruly behavior and tearing up the ship.. then yes.. I would expect to be thrown off the ship... but this is not an issue that warrents disembarkation.. am I worried? NOT IN THE LEAST!

those who think its wrong... that is ok.. we are all entitled to our own opinion, for me, I will do what I think is best... and I see no problem with it.. not like she is getting skunk face drunk...:eek: but 1-2 beers is not a big deal.. beer is only 3.2 % alcohol, hardly enough to cause a problem. At least I have no fear of her sneaking drinks or getting drunk with friends. At least if she has a beer or two, she does not have to hide it and she is home, not out driving or sneaking it from a friend... smart in my book.. I have a wonderful responsible daughter. Those who disagree... so what... it is ok to disagree. :)


Well, yes and no. I don't have any issue with it unless it directly affects my cruise experience. However, it is RCI's business because they say it is, and they own the ships. It is their business if someone harms another person in a cabin; it is their business if someone uses illegal drugs in a cabin; it is their business if pax sneak on alcohol for in-cabin consumption (again, something that doesn't affect me unless it causes inappropriate behavior that has a negative effect on my cruise); it is their business if any pax buys or supplies alcohol to pax deemed underage by RCI no matter where it happens on the ship. Do I think you're going to have a problem? No. Is it technically possible that RCI could remove you and your family from the ship if your under-21 y/o drinks alcohol, even if it's in the cabin? Yes. I can't see it happening unless your daughter was behaving inappropriately or was obviously drunk to the point of affecting others.



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Well, yes and no. I don't have any issue with it unless it directly affects my cruise experience. However, it is RCI's business because they say it is, and they own the ships. It is their business if someone harms another person in a cabin; it is their business if someone uses illegal drugs in a cabin; it is their business if pax sneak on alcohol for in-cabin consumption (again, something that doesn't affect me unless it causes inappropriate behavior that has a negative effect on my cruise); it is their business if any pax buys or supplies alcohol to pax deemed underage by RCI no matter where it happens on the ship. Do I think you're going to have a problem? No. Is it technically possible that RCI could remove you and your family from the ship if your under-21 y/o drinks alcohol, even if it's in the cabin? Yes. I can't see it happening unless your daughter was behaving inappropriately or was obviously drunk to the point of affecting others.




ok to all who said what happens in the cabin is RCCL business... to a point I will definately agree, such as say the use of illegal drugs (that is totally unacceptable) and in the case that someone harms another passanger in the cabin... truly understand those examples. Now in the case of my very mature, level headed and not at all out of control 18 yr old, she is never to the point of "drunk" by having only 1 -2 beers, and rarely at that..however, she does like to have one or two on vacation... chances of being thrown off? not a worry for us, she is not one to get drunk and act all stupid and crazy, she is not one that will violate or disturb anyone else's vacation experiance.

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Illegal is illegal, regardless of where it takes place. Not only are morals in question here, which you seriously lack, but the message you are sending to your child that laws don't pertain to her. If she were in your home under your supervision and commited some other crime, which yes, underage drinking is, is she or you not responsible for that either?


It amazes me what some people will try to justify.


Really now. Questioning BearySweet's morals is over the line.

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To the comment about violating traffic laws, I don't drive!


Alcohol IS an illegal drug to someone under the legal drinking age. Plain and simple.


And questioning the morals is not unjust. Asked if I would rather have my child drink at home where it's safe...more importantly, I would rather teach my child that it is wrong and illegal to drink before the age of 21 here. AND teach my child that when in someone elses property, you respect their rules. But the parent would have to respect them first.

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[quote name='hstrybuf']Really now. Questioning BearySweet's morals is over the line.[/quote]

Thanks hstrybuf,
and I do in fact have morals.. I know that many wanna give me the parenting 101 class... but with all due respect, re-read my posts and you will then see where I am coming from. Right or wrong.. it really does not matter to me, as I know my daughter, and I know her boundries and limitations. If I were dealing with a troubled teen who was always in trouble and had no respect for others, stayed out late every night and did not care about school or work, then it would be a whole different situation, but we are dealing with a teen that is a straight A student, has a full paid scholorship to any college of her choosing, has maintained the same job for over 2 yrs, manages her own bank accounts, pays her own bills, and is respectful to everyone. Very mature... I am truly blessed and proud to have such a well mannered and intelligent daughter, especially in todays society.. there are many parents who are dealing with troubled teens and raising a kid in this generation is NOTHING like when we were kids.
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Geez, you guys were reading too much into my question! :p Well, I too am a very responsible teenager (straight A's, high moral standards, etc.) and won't drink unless the ship allows it AND have the supervision of my parents. However, I am a little bit disappointed that the thread where I asked a simple question turned into questioning morals and parenting. That wasn't my intent at all and I want to apologize to those who have been offended. Now that I was cleared up on the rules and regulations (thanks, by the way), I won't drink on the ship. The only time I would drink (if at all) would be on the islands where it is legal and with my parents with me. I've been raised to respect laws and abstain from illegal activites, but if it was truely "legal" on the ship then I would like to try some drinks. Vacation is a time to experience new things and have fun right? Well, thanks for everyone's imput and again, I'm sorry if anyone was offended on this thread.

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How will you explain to another child of yours that she will not have the same privileges (if possible)? Let's say you have a troubled child that is not quite as perfect as the first one, how will you tell that child that she cannot drink at 18?

It will be a tough one, to try to point out how perfect the first one was, and how different the second one is.

I'm just using a for instance, because all of our children are not perfect. In our house, we use the laws to help us dictate our rules in the home regarding illegal alcohol and drugs. What do you use as a barometer for what is wrong and right?
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[quote name='StormGoddess'][INDENT]

[SIZE=3]Illegal is illegal, regardless of where it takes place. Not only are morals in question here, which you seriously lack, but the message you are sending to your child that laws don't pertain to her. If she were in your home under your supervision and commited some other crime, which yes, underage drinking is, is she or you not responsible for that either?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]It amazes me what some people will try to justify. [/SIZE]

OK...I have really, really tried not to jump into this, but just can not resist responding to this arrogant, uptight, holier than thou post. Storm, your intolerant attitude is jumping off of the page here. Who are you to question someone's moral position on letting their 18 year old (old enough to get married and vote let's not forget) have one beer! Do you carry this attitude when you travel? Have you ever had a meal in a trattoria in Italy where just about everyone of every age has a glass of wine in front of them? Do you scowl and preach morality then? Have you ever had lunch in a pub in Ireland or Britian with families at every table and little kids getting sips of mom and dad's beer? Would you walk out because of the insult to your morals?

Man, this kind of intolerance in travel really bothers me. It marks the difference between a tourist and a traveler for sure. Keep your nasty opinions to yourself! We're not interested.

Sorry to my fellow cc-ers for the outburst...you can see from my history of posts this is not my norm, but really, give me a break!!
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[quote name='StormGoddess']To the comment about violating traffic laws, I don't drive!

Alcohol IS an illegal drug to someone under the legal drinking age. Plain and simple.

And questioning the morals is not unjust. Asked if I would rather have my child drink at home where it's safe...more importantly, I would rather teach my child that it is wrong and illegal to drink before the age of 21 here. AND teach my child that when in someone elses property, you respect their rules. But the parent would have to respect them first.[/quote]

Maybe not unjust, but that's your opinion and one that's against the TOS of this board to express in public.
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[quote name='DJan07']Geez, you guys were reading too much into my question! :p Well, I too am a very responsible teenager (straight A's, high moral standards, etc.) and won't drink unless the ship allows it AND have the supervision of my parents. However, I am a little bit disappointed that the thread where I asked a simple question turned into questioning morals and parenting. That wasn't my intent at all and I want to apologize to those who have been offended. Now that I was cleared up on the rules and regulations (thanks, by the way), I won't drink on the ship. The only time I would drink (if at all) would be on the islands where it is legal and with my parents with me. I've been raised to respect laws and abstain from illegal activites, but if it was truely "legal" on the ship then I would like to try some drinks. Vacation is a time to experience new things and have fun right? Well, thanks for everyone's imput and again, I'm sorry if anyone was offended on this thread.


Derek, these threads sometimes take on a life of their own. There's nothing you can do about it. Most of the posts are no longer directed at you. Whatever you do, have a great time! :)
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[INDENT][quote name='babsinpbg']OK...I have really, really tried not to jump into this, but just can not resist responding to this arrogant, uptight, holier than thou post. Storm, your intolerant attitude is jumping off of the page here. Who are you to question someone's moral position on letting their 18 year old (old enough to get married and vote let's not forget) have one beer! Do you carry this attitude when you travel? Have you ever had a meal in a trattoria in Italy where just about everyone of every age has a glass of wine in front of them? Do you scowl and preach morality then? Have you ever had lunch in a pub in Ireland or Britian with families at every table and little kids getting sips of mom and dad's beer? Would you walk out because of the insult to your morals?

Man, this kind of intolerance in travel really bothers me. It marks the difference between a tourist and a traveler for sure. Keep your nasty opinions to yourself! We're not interested.

Sorry to my fellow cc-ers for the outburst...you can see from my history of posts this is not my norm, but really, give me a break!![/quote]

Who am I to question? How about a citizen that obides by laws. Let's try. this isn't Italy nor Ireland. Laws are different there. I am not scorning the fact of drinking. I am scorning the fact that she blatently admits to providing an underage person with alcohol. Hey not my fault that years ago the law changed the drinking age. May be old enough to get married and vote, but still not old enough to drink.
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[quote name='babsinpbg']OK...I have really, really tried not to jump into this, but just can not resist responding to this arrogant, uptight, holier than thou post. Storm, your intolerant attitude is jumping off of the page here. Who are you to question someone's moral position on letting their 18 year old (old enough to get married and vote let's not forget) have one beer! Do you carry this attitude when you travel? Have you ever had a meal in a trattoria in Italy where just about everyone of every age has a glass of wine in front of them? Do you scowl and preach morality then? Have you ever had lunch in a pub in Ireland or Britian with families at every table and little kids getting sips of mom and dad's beer? Would you walk out because of the insult to your morals?

Man, this kind of intolerance in travel really bothers me. It marks the difference between a tourist and a traveler for sure. Keep your nasty opinions to yourself! We're not interested.

Sorry to my fellow cc-ers for the outburst...you can see from my history of posts this is not my norm, but really, give me a break!![/quote]

Thank You for your input. I am not turning my 18 yr old into an alcoholic, she only drinks occasionally and has 1-2 at best, rarely... that hardly condones an alcoholic in the making. But I will always stand by what I said, that if she is to drink a beer I am much more in favor to drink it at home and not out by "sneaking" and then possibly face attempting to grive home.:eek: She is smarter than that, but if you stick to the hard fast rules, and LAWS that NO is NO, if a teenager wants to drink they WILL regardless if mom approves or not, so lets say for morality sake, I say "NO WAY..you are not 21 and you cannot drink that beer'" if she wants that beer bad enough she will get it someplace and from someone.. so then what? she is out in a place that I have no idea where she is, hanging with a drinking crowd..(that oughta be a great thing for peer pressure and influence) :eek: So I stand by what I say, that if my 18yr old drinks a beer now and then, at least she is home, and safe, and not sneaking away to get it.... I find that a much better alternative to being out with a party crowd of friends, that she has absolutely no interest to be around in the first place..... nuff said :)
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[I]BearySweet2Cruise:[/I] I was only trying to point out that technically RCI doesn't care whether it's illegal drugs or underage drinking. They say both are not allowed and can get you thrown off the ship. I seriously doubt that would happen to you. It's just that under the rules RCI makes no real distinction between underage drinking and any other behavior that violates the rules we all agree to live with when we cruise with them.

I do not question your morals or your values. I do not know your daughter and have no opinion one way or the other about her behavior. However, I have always found it slightly disingenuous for parents to say that they'd rather have their "mature" underage child drink at home (or with them) than have the same adult child "sneak" around drinking somewhere else. My question is exactly how mature it is to sneak around and drink when you know it's illegal? The two things do not belong together as an argument, IMO. A mature 19 or 20 y/o will know it's wrong to sneak around and drink, and will not do so. Now, a parent who says, "I believe you are mature enough to have a couple of beers with me even though I know it's against the rules" is not using that argument, but rather is making a choice and a decision that is between the parent and young adult child. I make no value judgments about that because each person is different, and as long as it doesn't negatively affect my cruise, I don't care overly much.

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Besides, having an occasional beer at home, is a little different than illegally packing a twelve pack so she can have a few in her cabin every night on a cruise.

Parents would be amazed at what their kids do when they're not around. The best parents in the world don't know everything their kids do when they're with their friends.

If she is permitted to drink at home, then she probably drinks when she is with her friends, but just doesn't tell you because it will disappoint you.
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