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Everything posted by jwlane

  1. (wondering what difference it makes.....)
  2. And a couple of years prior they exceeded 16%. Those thinking current rates are abnormal are historically challenged.
  3. It was a rhetorical question (I knew! bought 1st house in '83). They just think it's bad now.
  4. You FUNNY! What were mortgage rates 40 years ago?
  5. "Small Group" offerings are typically priced at a premium.
  6. Last week (but it's happened a couple of other times) the name and birthdate in my profile has been changed. However, it's easy to click on that and correct the data.
  7. Take a moment to read the article in post #15.
  8. @cruisestitch has nailed it. If they tell you to arrive at 4, they wouldn't deny you boarding at 4. That said, you'll be golden if you arrive before that.
  9. Look no further than the fact that RCL stock reached an all-time high yesterday. I'm looking at a mock booking for our 7 February Edge sailing and it IS there ($1215 for a concierge cabin).
  10. Send an email to CXC@celebritycruises.com if you'd like to notify them of your needs prior to sailing. They'll note it on your rez.
  11. No one would disagree, but painting with a very wide brush besmirches the beautiful people you mention. This type of activity has not been occurring around the area in question.
  12. Like I said, for those that mean harm, it's beyond their means, i.e. inaccessible.
  13. 12 mph, 20 mph, niggling. For those that mean harm, the claim stands. Haitian unrest has not been significant in the north, especially around Cap-Haitien (see #15). BTW, you mentioned vendors. Guess what the compound near the entrance is probably used for?
  14. That's a great thing about Google maps. One can get a great feeling for how "paved" roads are by asking for directions. Then one would see it takes 30 minutes to go 6 miles from Cap-Haitien to the entrance to the resort. I guess it's a little more than a goat path.
  15. I'm glad you mentioned Cap-Haitien. https://apnews.com/article/haiti-cap-haitien-capital-gangs-violence-3e101149ced94ce0da41d9621234f41c
  16. I think they're referring to a P1, Deluxe Porthole Veranda.
  17. Virtually inaccessible Labadee is isolated some 80 miles from the center of the unrest in Port-au-Prince!!! Y'all know there were 18 murders in Nassau in January (which has a Level 2 travel advisory).
  18. The Easter award for the day goes to..........
  19. I want merchants to require me to provide the 3 digit code. And not sure why X would need ANY CC info for a transaction using OBC.
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