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Good Evening Ya'll,

Welcome to all the new Atkins buddies! This is a wonderful place to find support and good ideas for your new WOE.

Just consider me the poster child of how NOT to do Atkins:p I have been sooooo bad the last two weeks. I have found more excuses for falling off the "Atkins Wagon" and here I am the night before weigh in feeling soooo bloated:( All I can say is"Tomorrow's another day" I did buy eggs, cheese and meats for the week:p Ya'll wish me luck. I have just got to get back to may WOE, I know I will feel so much better.


To those of you who are weighing every day and getting discouraged; just ask yourself if you are feeling better and thinnner and I am sure you will answer, yes. That is what matters.


Thanks for the recipes that you guys posted, I will try some this week.


Jean, Lisa and Tom, glad ya'll are doing good, I hope to be right in there with ya'll next week.



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hello all, i am sooo happy i found this, we are probably going on our annual annv. cruise at the end of nov. and i have been freakin out, i started atkins thu, and so far so good the first few days where pre hell, but now i am gettingthe hang of it i HOPE!!

must lose a good 15-20 pds. started at 148 thu , this mornin the scale said 142, i dont know if this could be?? but if it i am happy.

i usually start off good and then once istop or stall i start being bad so i am hoping to lose more this time!!! plus i am 5'1 so i look chubbyyyyyyyyyy.

well hope all r having a great week.


p.s: anyone been on ncl ? we never been onit i think i am about to book the ncl pearl, any pics?

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Hey Annie - Good to see you dropped by! :)

Tom - Your right - induction is so great at motivating us to cut out the junk and see the scale drop - but it doesn't last forever! I think these last few weeks, my shape has been adjusting - did yours do that to? Forgot my new pkg of mac nuts here for work - NUTS! :D

Welcome Back Kreeb!! So glad you had a great time!! Was your Cruise in the Caribbean? I think these last few months I too have come to the fact that sugar/carbs- - just that bite or two - whoosh there I go down the hill.... :eek:

But you were on vacation!! You'll be back on track in no time!

jbrambach - Do you think that you might have just had more salt then usual?( Does the sushi wraps have a lot of sodium?) I know if we eat Mexican - and it's not me cooking it - the next morning my hands tell me how much more water I'm retaining then normal. Eating out is great - and you don't always gain from eating out - but it's always what food choices did you make. :confused: Your scallops sounds very yummy!

qosmo8 - "switching from Atkins" - You have been doing this WOE for awhile now? Results?

Pamela - Hang in there - if your eating by the book and exercising - it'll show up at the end of the week - really it will! You might limit your weigh in to once in the morning when you first get up, and also pick a day that you will track your weight loss by for the coming weeks/months.


I'm down 2 lbs - and it's been work! Good food choices, walking as much as I can with the evenings getting shorter and some light weights. What I finally get off doesn't come off easy - so I'm glad to see that scale move when I have really put the extra effort in.


Have a great Monday!

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Hi To My Atkin's Buddies!:)

Well, I am in a better frame of mind today. Thank you to all of you for giving such great advice and keeping my spirits up:) You really are a special group of people.

I had my DH hide the scale and told him to only take it out on Tuesday mornings so I can weigh myself once a week.:D

I checked on the carb count list of foods to see if I had a no-no w/o knowing and I did. Little did I realize the Octopus had SOOOO many carbs!:eek: On the list it has squid as 7 and conch as 20-something so if it is somewhere in between there I blew my whole carb count for the whole day with the salad and other things I had that day and combine that with the sodium as Jean pointed out. Yeeesh.


I did get my excercise in today 3 miles on the treadmill and 6 minutes of abs.(haven't been able to do to a bad sinus infection). I usually run for 25 minutes and walk for 5, I found I burnt more calories by walking and it was easier on my body:) so I guess I'll give it a try for a while.


Kreeb, welcome back from your cruise. As other's have said don't be too hard on yourself, you were on vacation and are back at it now.


Jean, congrats on the 2 lb loss!]


Homeschool Mom, don't dispare, just stick with it and come back and read this thread often, the people on this board give such great support.

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Hello Jocelyn:

I just cannot run. I have flat feet and it causes me ankle pain...So I always walk. I also speng lots of time on my feet as a waiter...


Jean: you are so correct... I need to clean up my diet. NOthing really bad just too much of a few "gray areas". Like too much home made sugar free icecream to start... I think my body has been ajusting good I just want to loose a little more FAT. I went up 2 lb and that started the alarm bells in my head...


Hello Annie:

Hello Krebb: glad you had a nice cruise..

Hello ayalond: Welcome, Norweigian Pearl was in Port of L.A. last week.. Looks nice....


got to go pick up kid.

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Hi Gang,

I weighed myself this morning and I was down 4 lbs. I guess it was just sodium etc that made the scale go in the wrong direction:) So that makes 7 lbs for the week. I will chalk it up to a good lesson learned.


Tom, I know what you mean about running, it is just too hard on my body, not as young as I use to be:rolleyes: :D


I have been looking for the DaVinci Syrups, but can't seem to find them in my supermarket. I did find them online, and one place had them onsale for 3.99 a bottle but it was $10 for shipping:eek: . If I don't find them in Target today I guess I will just order them from that place; I really want to try that breakfast shake.


How is everybody else doing today?

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Hi all,


Just a quick check-in, I'm running at 80 mph. My eating has been very good, I'm giving myself some wiggle room for my trip to CA this weekend. Business, not pleasure, but it should be a fun trip anyway.


Keep on going!!! You're doing great!


Jocelyn, weigh to go!!!!:D

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:D hey guys ,

i am too having a hard time finding the DaVinci Syrups , i went to target and whole foods today , they didnt have them. oh well,:(


but on a much happier note i just booked and paid our 11 year annv. for nov 25 on the ncl pearl ,:) so now i am more motivated to lose weight then ever,

actully yesterday was ok and today has been great, i guess it does get easier with time.



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Hello All

Hi Jean.

Hello Jocelyn: Way to go, It does feel great to shed those lbs... :D

It is like there is some kind of wacky higher math to the way we loose.

You would think it would be slow and seady but it is not... the scale does not move for days or weeks and then later whoose... But when we keep with the program we will see results...


Lisa: So you are coming to CA? I am sure you are most likely booked solid, But if you need to come to a memorable fine dining drop by Sir Winston's on the Queen Mary.. Or just drop by the Queen Mary and have a glass of wine in the Sir Winston's bar and say "Hi" ( much cheaper)...

But if your company is paying may I suggest the former... :D I usually work Friday, Saturday, Sunday , Monday nights.... I should also be working this Thursday..

Anyway I hope you have a great trip. We have been having great weather....


aya: Way to go booking and paying for a cruise.... What is the destination ?


Just back from an 1:45 min walk hike :D. I am going to get relentless to these last 10 lbs.... I also am on induction for a few days. But I have a mad variety of meat, seafood, and veggies...


All for now, Tom in Long Beach

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Hi Guys, Still trying to figure if I'm doing something wrong. I just finished my second week of induction. I lost 7 pound the first week and nothing the second. I hope my is water weight also. :o


I took my DS and DD to Subway today for lunch. I ordered the grilled chicken with lots of veggies on a wrap. Then I ate the chicken and veggies only using the wrap as a plate. Scraped it clean! :D The only bad part I sent my teenage DS to get my drink. Instead of diet soda, he got me regular soda. :eek: I knew that thing tasted pretty good, just thought I was really getting the hang of the taste of diet soda or was just really thirsty. :(


Thanks for all the input. I love reading everyone's journey.

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I finally got up the courage to get on the scale Monday after our cruise, and I was up 10 lbs. How is this possible????? I even made my husband get on the scale to make sure it wasn't broken, and he didn't gain a pound on the cruise, and he ate a boatload more than I did. It isn't fair!!!! My TOM was about a week late, so maybe that had something to do with it. I am also not feeling well with a sore throat, post-nasal drip, and ear pain. Waa!Waa!Waa!


My parents are arriving today and will be visiting with us for a month. We have a wedding to go to Saturday and will be having get-togethers with family on Sunday. Since I haven't been feeling well, I'm having a hard time getting back on track. I'm thinking maybe I'll just wait to start over on induction on Monday. Aren't diets supposed to start on Mondays????

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Aren't diets supposed to start on Mondays????


LOL!! And Tuesdays, and Wednesdays and Thursdays etc....

Your so funny! Jump back on the Atkins wagon as soon as you can - continue to make good choices the best you can!

My Mom arrived yesterday for a 2 week visit - she's pulling out the oatmeal and the toaster :eek: ---------hel-l-l-l-p!! LOL!! I'll be ok, I leave for work before she gets going in the morning. :D

Poooor Kreeb....hope you get to feeling better soon!!


Ayalond - Sooo Happy for you to get your Cruise Booked !! YaY!!


Tom - Wacky Higher Math ------- 4 out of 3 people have trouble with fractions! LOL!! - My DH told me that the other day...

But I agree - my "scale" math just confuses me!


Annie.......How you doing Girl?

Lisa - Have a great time - When do you slow down? LOL!!!

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Tom, you are so right with the math comment.:D Way to go on the walks, I think I am going to try a change of scenery (read: instead of my livingroom:D ) and walk outside tonight.


Jean, you crack me up...oatmeal & toaster! LOL I was looking at my toaster oven the other day and wondering what in the world am I going to use that for now.:D


Kreeb, don't lose sight of your original goal. You can do it, I know how it feel to eat well and still gain, but like Tom said, one day you will gain or stay the same and then Whoosh...you will lose that plus more.


Aya, tell us all about the cruise you booked...I love getting ready for a cruise.


News on the hunt for the SF Syrups: After what seemed like and endless search of every supermarket and healthfood store in my area (you would think I would learn to use a phone and call 1st) I have located the syrups.YEAH! Well, actually my mom did, as I have everyone on the look out for them:D She found them at Marshalls. They had Raspberry, Khalua & Amaretto. I will write again after I get home tonight and try them and let you all know how they taste.


On a personal note, I had to take my DH to the hospital last night, he has really bad asthma and waits til the last minute until he want to go...I can't blame him though, who really likes the hospital. He is fine now and back at work, those nebulizers are miracles. But the main reason for me writing this is b/c as I was waiting with him while he was getting the treatment, all I kept thinking (w/o even realizing it) was that I wonder if I have chane for a soda? I DON"T EVEN DRINK SODA!!!! Then I said to my DH, I don't know why I was thinking about getting a soda. I guess it was the stress of the situation made me want something sweet?? Anyway, I got a water and was perfectly happy with it, I just think subconsciously I wanted a soda.


Lastly, (sorry so long) I got my Atkin's book in the mail today.

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Jocelyn - YAY!!!! You found them!! I love the Raspberry YUM! & I have the Carmel. When I finish my shake there is enough left on the side that I dip my finger in and give my puppy a taste.....she LOVES THE SHAKES TOO!:D

My sister has to watch her asthma too - how scary for you and your DH to have to go to the hospital to get relief!!:eek:

Happy Reading!!


Catch ya later!

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Hello all:

I hit the gym really good today and have and energy buzz from that. :D I do weight machines, I am lucky enough to be able to walk to my gym. Somedays I take the long way... Because I really really hate stationary exercise. Minutes become hours for me... The only thing that sort of works is if I have a good book to read on the bike..


Jocelyn: Glad DH is OK. Give yourself a gold star for not stress eating/drinking at the hospital.


Homeschoolmom: The same think happend to my neighbors. lost the first week and second week was disapointing.. If you keep faithful you can loose 1-2 llbs a week... Also gradually increase exercise as you can..

Sounds like you do not have the same break I do as I exercise as soon as I drop my kid off... (otherwise I find stuff to do or excuses).


Kreep: relax about the weight gain on the cruise. What really matters is how we eat / exercise the other 49-51 weeks a year.... Myself I try to be good on vacation because is hard for me to put the brakes on once I get back.. Plus I am spoiled by being around good food all the time so cruise food is less tempting if that makes any sense. Jean is correct that getting back on track sooner is better than later... Even cutting out the real junk is better than just letting things slide more...


Jean: I really think that the closer you get to your ideal weight the more your body resists. That is why I am bringing out the big guns again...

I did good maitance for a month and half... But I have decided that I really want to loose that last 10 lbs.. Plus I know I got a little too sloppy with pre maintainance.... My goal is the top BMI for me that is not considered overweight... What is so cool is that I actually fit nicely in a medium shirt. But it depends on the cut.


92 days until my next cruise!!!

All for now, Tom in Long Beach

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Jocelyn- Wow, Marshall's hum! I know where I'm going tomorrow. I've searched every Wal Mart in town as well as every grocery/healthfood. I'll let you know if I succeed. If I do, someone will have to tell me what to do with them :rolleyes:


Tom-Thanks for all the encouragement. Actually I do have a lot of time. Even though I home school both my teenagers, they take co-op classes Tueday and Thursday mornings. There is no reason after dropping them off I can't get home and exercise, expect my excusses :( I get on my exercise bike every morning as soon as I get up. I just can't go very long. I'm am very out of shape and know I need to take it slow to build up. I do weights every morning also. I'm really waiting for the cooler weather, down in South Texas it is still in the 90's and humid. I can't wait till I can start walking again in the mornings. I'm even planning on working in the yard, doing those squats ;)



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Hello All,

This pumpkin orange is celebration that fall has arrived here in Maine! Leaves are changing and fluttering down like snow flakes. *sigh* wish that was the closest I was coming to snow flakes! Too hot to exercise there in Texas, trade?:p

Jocelyn - glad to hear hubby is OK. And yes, just hanging out in the ER can make you soooo stir crazy, you want to do something, even drink a soda!

Kreeb- Welcome Home!! So want to hear about your cruise!! Hey, I know what you are thinking...if I knew I was going to gaine 10 pounds, I'd of had more fun doing it!:D But it's all good...you enjoyed yourself and you are right back on track again!! Don't lose your momentum, now that the cruise has come and gone!!

Aya- 11th anniversary cruise all set to rock and roll already!! Good for you!

Jean- OH NO, NOT THE TOASTER!!!;) I keep mine hidden way in the back of the cupboard!! But you are so right, as we get older we women just hang on to every *&%#! pound! Come on already!:)

Pamela - Do you use those DaVinci syrups with the protien shake mix? I've been adding some dry to my omelets to boost my protien. Keeps me fuller longer.

Tom- I have fond memories of Long Beach, CA. Have relatives (exhusbands) there and we spent many lovely hours at the beach! And I get what you mean about when you are around "really" good food, other food has to really pass muster before we give up our hard earned WOE! But I know where I would be if I started down that slippery slope as Jean said!

I went to our county fair this past Sunday, it's a really big deal out here, goes for 8 days. It is so much fun, and this year even more fun seeing through the eyes of my 3 year old twin grandsons! But all the goodies there!:eek: I should of gained weight just smelling everything!! So while my family ate french fries and gravy, fried dough (thought I would die), and cotton candy...I found a vendor with grilled shaved steak with grilled onions and peppers. Even put cheese on top! YummY!! And I carried my water. So thinking how righteous I was, I weighed myself Monday morning, only to find I was up a pound!! What's with that!!! (to quote Kreeb!) But I've just tried to ignore it, bodily flucuations as you have all been telling me. So I weighed today and I'm down 3 lbs! Ok, I'll take that!:D But my real weigh in is this weekend, so I'll see then. So you can never tell! But being good and decided to stay induction a little longer. My DD can't believe I've given up my diet sodas! I use to live on them, lol!

Hope you are all having a great week, thanks for being there for me!! Be strong!


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The good, the bad and the ugly:


The good-

My husband is so supportive of me. He helps me when I feel like cheating to stop and think about it and he encourages me by telling me I look great and how much better I look in the past few weeks whenever I feel like throwing in the towel for good.


I lost another 3 inches in the past month even though the scale isn't moving. I was feeling down because I've been struggling quite a bit this month with staying on plan. This is a pleasant surprise. To celebrate my goal we're going to get 3 new da vinci flavors tomorrow at TJ Maxx!


The bad-

I'm feeling very out of control of my eating habits lately. I'm going to do my best to get back on track with OWL, rung 1, and just focus on veggies that I've had before.


The ugly-

I think I may be incapable of food cheats until I hit goal weight. Then I can reexamine. These planned monthly cheat days aren't working out for me right now and that is soooo disappointing.


Plus, my TOM just will not end! Ugh, stupid hormonal imbalances!


It's great to come on here and read how all of you are staying on plan. Very encouraging when you want to break down. Wish me luck as I continue on my OWL journey towards permanently learning to eat this way...

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Hello all,

yeasterday was very hard i was weak and just well blahhhhhhhh and lazy, but this morning started with a bang:

its offical first week done so far i have lost 8 pds:D :) , i am shocked:confused: , i guess now the weight will come off slower but still its the bost i needed.

In the oven now i makeing those cream cheese little muffains will see how they come out.


my cruise, well i am like on steroids after i have bboked, all i do is reaserch and ck out the boat as much as i can, again Nut case me.

we are going on NCL first time on that line for us, we have done , 1 royal, 2 holland, and 3 carnival. so very excited about this one, its going to cozmal and grand cayman, cant wait.:rolleyes:

ok im off to ck on those cream cheese things ill take a pics of them. have a good day all

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Looking back I noticed that we haven't heard from:

gooselace, Kiraryker, Plaugh & Swansonia in awhile - You all doing OK!?!?!

Are you maintaining now - or still keeping your good eye ;) on your goal?

ayalond - you can drop one of those cream cheese muffins right here! LOL!! A lot of the fun of Cruising is the research - Don't ya think? If your looking for a good excursion in Grand Cayman - my DD just got back about 2 weeks ago from her cruise and they did a private - Jet Ski / Snorkel/ Stingray - trip that she thought was terrific!

Pinkbikini - Yeah! for the Good, Hang in there with The Bad, The Ugly ... ugh such a long TOM - so discouraging and hard on you too!! :( So sorry!!

Lisa - Are you in CA now? If not - Have a safe and happy trip!

Annie - What have you been up to this week?

Tom - You just got back from your Cruise and your next one is just around the corner - sigh - you have a lot more vacation days then I do! :p

Int'l Hot Air Balloon Fiest starts tomorrow for 10 days - Second batch of family arrives tomorrow for the weekend - here we go, a week of fun and carbs and laughs and shopping and carbs and chicken wings! LOL!!

Catch ya's later!

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Hi all~


Hopefully next week I'll have time to respond to everyone again.


Kreeb & Pink, hang in there...Kreeb, your 10 pounds will probably drop very quickly...lots of water retention after a cruise.


ayalond, welcome & congrats on the weight loss!


Jean, maybe never....but hopefully after the first of the year things will at least slow down a little.


Tom, I will try to get there! I would love to see Sir Winston's & of course meet the best waiter!!:)


Donna ~ WELL DONE at the fair! You should be so proud!


Pamela, the cooler weather will be here before you know it. In the meantime, squats work in the air-conditioning, too! And I bet your kids would love to join you!:D


Jocelyn, great restraint in the ER! Glad DH is doing better.


Have a great weekend everyone & "talk" to y'all next week!

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Tom, I love when I get that excercise buzz:D


Donna, The fair sound like great fun! Good job on sticking with it and getting those great results. I know someone said it on this board b4 "Nothing tastes as good as thin":)


Pamela, tell me how you made out at Marshalls.


Pink, It is so good that your DH is so supportive, isn't great to hear Wow, you look great honey:) Three inches is wonderful.


Aya, GREAT JOB. Btw, where can I find the recipe for those muffins?


Jean, have fun this weekend. I have never been to a hot air balloon festival, It must be awesome to see all those balloons.


Lisa, have a great time in CA, let us know if you meet up with Tom.


Thank you all for the good wishes for my DH. I called the Dr so he can prescribe an at home nebulizer...


I tried SFS's shake this morning and it was DELISH. I tried it with the raspberry syrup...ohhhh yum! It was very filling though and I kinda felt guilty bc it was so good. Ahhh our guilty pleasures:D Anyway, I decided to have it once a week. Next time I will try it with the Khalua syrup.


I also thought of another use for the syrup, I am going to try it in plain seltzer.

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Forgot to write what I had last night for dinner.


After work I wanted to get on the treadmill, but I also had to make dinner so this is what I did:


I had chicken breast in the fridge. So I took the chicken breast (you can season them) and place a sprig of fresh rosemary & sage on each then I wrapped them with bacon (I use Coleman's Bacon as it has no nitrates) then I put them in a glass pan and baked them at 425 for 40 minutes. While they cooked I got on the treadmill. (Just a note, mine were just a little dry) you can adjust your cooking time. But they were DELISH and my DH really loved it. I made that with a cucumber salad.

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