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Hi gang!


You all are doing so well! It's inspiring! I haven't gone near my scale in a while...but I'm not totally out of control. I plan to get in a little better shape between now & Christmas for skiing...or maybe snowboarding.


Annie, good to hear from you! I'm sorry you're not doing well...I hope you feel 100% very soon.


Quick post today, but I'll be back soon!

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It's been awhile since I've posted, but I've been reading and trying to stay caught up with everyone. I've now lost a total of 56 pounds since the first week in June. I've been up and down a few pounds, first with the cruise, then Thanksgiving. Went back to induction for a few days (Mon-Wed) to get back into moderate ketosis and hopefully I can stay on WOW for awhile. I sure would like to hit that 60 pound milestone before Jan 1.

Made the mashed cauliflower for Thanksgiving and it was a hit. I really liked it and plan to make it again soon. Bought some canned pumpkin....keep reading on here that some of you like it, so I'm gonna give it a go....

Everyone rememeber to take time for yourselves during this busy Holiday season...

Always lurking,


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Sorry, it's been awhile since I posted...busy with the holidays and all...


I am 3 lbs from goal. So close... I am working on improving my pre-maintenance ways but it's hard because it's not a carte-blanche to eat WHATEVER but sometimes it feels that way... it's just difficult moving up a level and being so close to goal.


I did well on Thanksgiving. It was just the 2 of us. I had cornish hens, homemade pumpkin macadamia soup, beets, and asparagus. I didn't make the faux mashed potatoes because hubby didn't like them and we opted out of stuffing for this year because I felt any bread would be too tempting and I'd either over do it or end up on a bread binge with his stuff in days to come. He had the same dinner except I got him a can of skillet corn which he ate instead of beets. It was plentiful and tasty and we had leftovers!


But this month overall was a flop. I have trouble resisting cookies at work approx 1 day/5 each week...the other days I do fine but one stressful comment or day and whoosh, the right baker has cookies in there and I go to town. Even 1 and I feel bad but still. Plus I had some car issues and had to have it fixed a few times which created stress and led to cheating... but we survived!


I tried 3 vegetables this week: brussel sprouts (from green giant- yummy!), butternut squash (from mackenzie's- also yummy), and creamed spinach from linda's recipe site. The creamed spinach was awful. I also picked up mackerel at the store (the kind meant to eat as an appetizer- way too salty and fishy- very yucky- but I choked it down for the omega 3 benefits at a half fillet a day and also becuse I hate throwing food out!).


Hope y'all are well... 1 week til my cruise! 3 lbs to go... I'm moving back towards induction eating for the next few days to see if I can get these last 3 lbs to budge... I know its cheating but I DON'T CARE!!!!


Have a great weekend.

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Hello Everyone!


Sorry I haven't posted lately, been fighting the "I don't want to diet anymore blues!!" So dumb, the holiday was not a problem for me, but I was in a emotional eating rut, you know you cheat and then kick yourself because it wasn't worth the cheat! But I'm back on track and I gained 2 lbs and now I've lost those 2 lbs...again! :mad:


Jean-What a great Mom you are! Painting is tough work!

Jocelyn-Glad to hear DH is going low carb also, makes cooking so much easier!

Annie-Sorry to hear of your health concerns, please take care of yourself.

Gooselace-You are such an inspiration! Have a great time on your cruise!

Noel386-Way to Go! Have fun!


It's 68 days till my cruise, would really like to lose another 10 lbs before I sail. So need to get focused again. Got try more food choices. It's cold out and I want stew,soup,chili's. Got to make them differently, that's all. And speaking of cold out, we are supposed to get 12" - 18" of snow between midnight and on through till Tuesday morning!!!:eek: My grandsons can't wait, but I CAN!! That's why I'm soooo looking forward to my cruise!! But I do like what one 85 year old woman said about when it snows..."it's like God changed the bed linens, fresh and white." Now if I only didn't have to shovel or drive in it!:p Take care everyone, thanks for being there for me!!


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Hi Gang,

Been busy so I 'll have to make this short:) Second week in a row with no loss.. Donna, I am in the same boat as you, did fine in Thanksgiving but it is cold out and I have no motivation (read: no cruise booked:D ) to get me going. I have not been excercising and yesterday I had 3 YES 3! Light beers while watching football w/ DH....Needless to say I feel like (rhymes with rap) today. I have to get back on track and start working out and drinking more water.


I am glad everyone else is doing well and staying the course....I think I need to make up a few new recipes to get me in the spirit of this WOEing again.

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It is so hard to stick with WOE right now isn't it??? Plus I've been fighting a cold, so WOEx is lacking too....I am trying to fight the urge to "hang it up" for the Holidays...I have worked too hard, darn it, so I don't want to gain a bunch just because it's the Holidays.... :eek:


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Hey Karen-I so understand how you are feeling. A cold makes you feel yuck, and comfort food is all you want, or at least something simple like a can of soup and crackers!!! But don't give it up, I remember when I first started and was so unhappy about losing anything and you wrote me and said you'd be there as a diet buddy for me if I needed it. Well I'm here for you now, let me know if you'd like my email and we'll hold each other up!!:) The holidays are such a hard time because there's stuff everywhere!! At work they have cookies, doughnuts, and crackers and stuff. It's so hard to resist!! Especially if I haven't planned properly like today. I ate a small breakfast and didn't eat lunch and so I was starving when 3pm rolled around!! And those boxes of crackers sure looked good!:( So hang in there hon, you've worked too hard to let it go till after the New Year!! We're ladies in RED girl!


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Hey there Atkineers! Time to fire up these boards! Sorry I haven't been around for awhile - I had that surgery on my neck and was out of it for awhile. However! Lots of swelling is down and I'm feeling a lot better then a week ago today! lol!

It has taken care of some medical issues I'd been having for a few years now - but my Surgeon forgot one little task to do while I was under :eek: ...my chin lift! Rats! he he

Really though...it wasn't in the schedule - but I was hoping that while he was already there and scrubbed up..... oh well. ;)

Swallowing has been pretty difficult so the softer - the better. I have to say that even though each meal hasn't been always Atkins friendly - I tried not to totally stray away. A loss on the scale - no, but no huge gain either - whew!

I'm with you Donna & Karen - blustry winter days and holidays - wow! It's hard, huh! :( So How about a big pot of chili? I used 5 lb ground beef, some beef broth, chili seasoning - topped with cheese - I made this a couple of weeks ago when we got our first winter blast, and it kinda hit the spot!

Pink - Your close to your cruise - Hope you have a great time!

Donna & Karen - you gals have done so great this year!

Annie.... :( I'm so sorry you had to cancel your cruise - I do hope you will start to feel better soon!

Lisa, Tom, SFS......been a while since you've posted...you guys ok? Busy time,eh?

Jocelyn - Funny how a Cruise can be a big motivator for helping us keep in line?

Ok, back to some work - kinda piled up while I was gone. :eek:

I'll be checking back again soon...

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Hi Jean! Glad to have you back on board (hehe) and I am especially glad that the surgery went well and that you are almost healed.:)


Donna & Karen, I feel ya....it has been a particularly stressful day and the cookies in the other room are looking good...but Karen, your WOT (way of thinking) is def what I will keep in mind "I have worked too hard darn it!"


BTW, just trying out a new saying WOT, what do ya all think?:D

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WOT - yep! It has a lot to do with what goes across our lips - and onto the hips! Especially Mine! :eek:

Cookies & Treats on the table - Do we think 'oh poor me, I can't have any?':( Or

"Man, all of that flour, sugar, chocolate & sprinkles - I'll be on a sugar high for about 15 min and then crash and feel crummy the rest of the day! - Not to mention thowing my system totally off of it's high fat burning self!" ??:cool:

That's my thought for the day.....what about you guys? SFS, Lisa, Tom...Come on,

What is your WOT stratagy to get through the holidays?

This would be a good 'Tip line' thread for reminders that we can get to Jan 1,2008 with little or no weight gain! I would love that!


The best thing about this board is the support we have for each other....but you have to jump in here 'be heard' or it's going to be a long December! lol!

And to think of how busy these boards will be on Jan 1 with people wanting to start a new diet for the New Year :eek: , but we can encourage each other before it gets here!


Have a Low Carb Thursday!

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Hi gang!


Yup, I need y'all...between the blues & the blahs...no binging, but plenty of desire for easy comfort food. Karen & Donna, you hit it on the head...the cold wants comfort, the busy-ness wants easy...neither good for a body needing fewer carbs.


I've gained 7 pounds since my cruise, and since getting back on track a couple of days ago, I've lost one. Thank goodness I'm still in the 160's. I did join a gym, so that will start next week, and I've decided to train for another triathlon in May. Like Jocelyn, I need a goal...& no cruise in sight!!!


This morning there just wasn't anything I felt like eating...so I made myself eat some tuna. I wanted to just grab some crackers. So 2 small victories today.


Karen ~ it's good to "see" you! Fantastic news!!!! I'm so inspired by your success!


Jean ~ I'm glad your surgery went well & you're recovering well. I absolutely do not want to wait for the new year...how cliche!!:p Not checking in really has hurt me. I will try not to do that again. It is super busy right now...but I can't let that undo all that I've worked for.


Pink ~ come on, girl! You can do it!!!! The home stretch!!! Very exciting! You'll be leaving any day now, yeah? Bon Voyage!!!


Jocelyn ~ I like WOT!!! I think that's where it all starts, don't you? When I'm in a good WOT, sticking to my WOE is easy...but lose the WOT, lose the WOE. It's just so easy for the brain to sabotage itself.


Donna ~ I have thought about you through these storms. I'm such a wimp when it comes to winter and suffer from SAD...I wonder if we had snow if it would be better. We just get ugly & cold here. Not much snow...but then every now & then it gets warm, like it's supposed to this weekend. Stay strong!


Annie ~ are things any better? I miss you!


Tom ~ I miss you too! What's new??


Okay, gotta go. Lots to do! Hello to everyone else. Happy Thursday everyone!

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Happpy Friiiiday!!

Hey There Lisa! - So how do you go about training for a triathlon? Where will this event be held? Wow!! Good for You! - finding a goal that will motivate you to healthy eating and excercise - and before the New Year! ;)


Cloudy and cold this morning - but will still bundle up and walk this afternoon!

I think the pup needs it more then I do! Ah! The energy!!! :eek:


Keep it Low Carb!:)

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Hey there everyone!

Jean-so glad you are feeling good again!! So good to hear your "voice" ! Your chili recipe sounds great. Also going to make some butternut squash soup too!

We got 10" of snow by Monday! It was quite the drive into work that afternoon I'll tell you!! What normally takes me 30 mins took 50 mins. Alot of people called out, but the hospital was quiet. Whew! But Thursday was bright and sunny and a whopping 25 degrees! My twin 3 and half year old grandsons and I went out sledding! I had more fun than they did I think! I've forgotten how much fun snow really can be! I get too bogged down in "I've got to shovel, scrape and drive in it"! Kind of like when I don't want to eat the way I really should. You can get too bogged down with "I don't want eggs, don't have anything, don't want to chop a salad again". So, going to try some new foods, and do a little ahead cooking for myself, gosh darn it! And change my WOT!!

I'm going to a party at a mexican food resturant. YIKES!:eek: So I downloaded thier menu and got my advance plan ready for Saturday. I'm actually going to make some cheese crisps to take with me so I can scoop some salsa and quacamole! So wish me good no carb thoughts please! Let you know how I do on Monday!

Take care everyone, you ALL inspire me!!


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Hi All,

Finally got a minute to sit down and write, the holiday's are sooo busy, but it is worth it:)


Ed and I finished decorating the tree and the house yesterday, it looks really nice. We also decided to host New Years Eve this year since we are going out to dinner Christmas Eve and my sister is hosting Christmas Day. This will be her 1st time hosting a holiday and I think she is excited:D She told me what she was making, which sounds delicious-baked ham, mashed sweet potatoes, fried sweet plantains, but I asked her if she wouldn't mind if I brought some of my own food...she was ok with it, I didn't want to hurt her feelings but I wanted to sick to my WOE & WOT. I think I will bake her a special train cake, she will like that.:)


BTW, I am glad you all like the WOT saying. Lisa I think you are right, WOT has a lot to do with WOE;) Also, can I just say Wow!!!! Training for a triathalon, you are an inspiration!


As for me, I still haven't gotten back on the treadmill...I just can't bring myself to get up in the morning and do it b4 work. And by the time I get home from work I am exausted, mmm maybe I should try to do it during work? It sounds like a good idea lets see if that works. Am I down 1 lb this morning so things are looking up.


Donna, 10" of SNOW OH MY! Sounds like you had a blast though, that is great! How did it go at the restaurant? I was thinking of Mexican the other day but then I decided I might not be able to resist the chips so I didn't go. But what a GREAT idea to make cheese crisps. I think that would be just yummy with salsa! You always have the best food recipes, thank you.


Jean, I just went back through the posts and I must have missed your one about the cookies LOL!!!! I love it! I also think your idea about a tip line is excellent...


The other day I saw a sign that read "Life is too short...eat cookies" and then I started thinking "is that true?" then I thought of course not!!! Life is too short not to feel comfortable in your own skin!;) And even though my weight loss has slowed a little, I still feel great, my clothes fit better and I am getting compliments from people who haven't seen me in a while. That will be my WOT for today!


Just one last thing as I am going on and on and I have to get to work:p I made a custard the other night with splenda and it was Yummy. It was from the Princess cookbook but I just changed it to be low carb. The recipe also calls for raspberries, I am not up to that point yet so I left them out but you all can add them...Here it is:

2 cups cream

1 vanilla bean (I used vanilla extract 1 tsp)

5 egg yolks

1/4 cup Granulated Splenda

1 cup red raspberries

1 cup golden raspberries


Preheat oven to 325


Bring cream and vanilla just to the boiling point in a sauce pan. Meanwhile mix the eggs and Splenda in a bowl to form a smooth paste. Remove the cream from the heat and SLOWLY mix into the egg mixture until all incorporated. Return the mixture to the stove over a double boiler (I just made a pot of boling water and put the glass bowl I had the egg mixture in over it.) Cook the mixture stirring continuously for 2 to 3 minutes until it has slightly thickened. Remove from heat and fold in raspberries.


Place 6 5 ounce custard cups (I used 3 small oven safe bowls) in a water bath in a baking pan using enough water to come half way up the sides of the cups. Equally divide the custard into the cups and bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until custard had set (My custard took 40 minutes b/c my bowls were bigger) Enjoy.

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Just read the custard direction and just wanted to make sure that you all knew that the water for the water bath goes outside the custard cups, try not to get any water in the cups or the custard won't set....It may sound silly but I made that mistake once:rolleyes: :D

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Good Morning!

Went back to see the Surgeon yesterday - - ya know what bugs me?!?! It's getting on the scale in the morning and knowing I'm within a pound of two, from where I know I currently am - then go to the Dr's office and step on their scales and they keep on moving that little weight farther and farther to the RIGHT!! :eek: Aaargh! And it's more then where it should be! So these evil scales make it kind of hard to figure out - just what is my WEIGHT?!?!! :confused: Well, with a bit of healthy venting on this thread - Yesterday was yesterday - Today is Today. My WOT today is - Don't step on Dr office's scales....they'll really bum you out the rest of the day! :p

Tonight is DH birthday - - I love that guy...he picked a Steak House for his dinner tonight! LOL!

Jocelyn - I'm going to have to try that custard....sounds really yummy! I'm glad you get to take a few extra dishes to your sisters for Christmas dinner!

Hello Everyone Else! I know your peeking in on us from time to time...that's great! Stop in and say hello - let us know how everyone is doing!

So with that- - I'm reheating my sausages for breakfast here at work - and

then that's what I'll do...some work!

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Good Morning!



Hello Everyone Else! I know your peeking in on us from time to time...that's great! Stop in and say hello - let us know how everyone is doing!




Back from my cruise on the HAL Westerdam, and happy to report that I didn't gain any weight. I'd lost 5 in preparation, so that's all to the good. Because we spent a few days with my friend's son & DIL in Miami before the cruise I was able to buy some low carb treats (TastyKakes "Sensables" chocolate chocolate chip finger cakes) and thin crackers (Kelvi) to go with an occasional cheese plate. Ending up only having one - all the cheese on the plate fit on one cracker!


Also bought a 6-pack of diet tonic water (our cabin had a little fridge) and on the way to dinner we'd stop at our favorite bar, where the bartender would bring me a glass with gin on ice, slice of lime, and add my tonic. Then he'd keep it for me for another drink later in the evening.


The ship's "no-sugar added" ice creams were good, and I was always able to get horseradish sauce for my salad dressing. My only lapse was deliberate: Holland America's specialty restaurant doesn't have any sugarfree desserts, but has a famous Chocolate Volcano Cake, which I had for dessert the night we ate there. Delicious and so rich I only ate 3 spoonfuls of it before giving the rest to my cruise buddy. Don't even want to guess at the carbs, but I had planned for it and since my weight has stayed steady, apparently no harm was done.


Planning, both in terms of taking along substitute foods, and in knowing when to make the occasional exception, was one of the keys, I believe, to my steady weight loss (from 260 lbs to 130), and especially to keeping within a 10 lb. range for nearly 7 years now.


Obviously, results will vary - but I hope sharing some of these tips as well as recipes, may help others.

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Oh Gooselace-you are such an inspiration! Sounds like you really enjoyed yourself. I am hoping to also plan ahead for my cruise also. Take a few things with, so I can stop those dreaded voices that call to you..."come here, don't I look yummy? Just a bite, ok maybe two?" I'm just having such a time with cheating on really stupid things. Eat good all day and then slip up on silly small stuff I really didn't want. *sigh*


The mexican resturant went really great. Had a big salad with grilled chicken and veggies and guacamole on it! Had them bring me more salsa and put it on too. I did good, that was easy, it's the times at home that screw me up.


So I have'nt lost anything more. I just lose and gain the same two pounds. Feeling kind of loserish of the other kind. I'll keep trying.


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donnerpumpkin - What are those "stupid things" that call to you? Maybe we can figure out a low carb way to answer them. For some people it's the crunch they crave, others sweetness, sometimes it's just an association with a holiday or a special childhood treat.

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Happy Thursday!

DH called and said let's meet for lunch - what a great idea! He wants to check out a new Deli that just opened up a couple of weeks ago. Ok, I'm thinking I'll get some kind of salad or wrap. Well, what actually happens is DH orders the Big Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich - on white :eek: that we'll split. Yup...temptation right in front of me - so I did it! I took a bite! :eek: Oh! Oh! pheeewt pheeewt - That was the worst tasting white flour sub roll I've ever had! If I jump off the wagon....it's got to taste really really good. I just ate the inside and left the roll.

Don't have to worry about going there again!

Donna - after I re-read you post - boy was I stupid with that sub or what?!?! It happens sometimes :(

gooselace.... You did so great on your Cruise! wow...260 to 130 - your just a small shadow of yourself these days! So what kind of holiday treats do you have around your house? No Christmas cookies or candy, right? Nuts?


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NMCruzzin - yes, plenty of nuts. Especially pstachios, because they take so long to open, and then are tiny. I also make spiced pecans and sometimes give them as gifts.Easy recipe if anyone wants it.

For Christmas we always get a box of sugar free Russell Stover chocolates from my brother. That was the brand (not sugar free, of course) we always had when we were growing up. In our house it wasn't a holiday until someone "invited" Russell. :)

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Oh Oh!! gooselace...I want it! I have found a sugar free eggnog recipe, but want to try making it - before I share it. I'll let you know how it goes!

Russel Stover's been around a LONG Time!:D jk gooselace! :D I do love their marshallow mint puffs - that was when I used to eat marshmallows...


Are ya low carbing it today Everyone?

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Here's the recipe - enjoy. I usually prepare several batches and tie up packets of them in a couple layers of colored plastic wrap for little gifts and to accompany tips. Our postal delivery woman, whose husband is diabetic, always gets a batch - not allowed to accept tips or most gifts. Lots of people give her candy or cookies so she really appreciates the pecans.

- Spiced Pecans --

1 egg white (or equivalent of "Just Whites")

2 Tbsp water

1/4 cup Splenda

Beat egg white with water until foamy, gradually adding 1/4 cup Splenda. Add 3 to 4 cups pecans. Drain.

Combine (or sift together)

1/2 cup Splenda (spoonable, obviously)

1/4 tsp. ground ginger

1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg

1 tsp ground cloves

1 Tbsp ground cinnamon

Add nuts and stir until all are coated.

Spread nuts on cookie sheet (lined with foil, Release, if you have)

Bake at 250 degrees for 25-30 minutes, stirring occasionally. It's okay to have a few stick together, rather than all separate.

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Here's the recipe - enjoy. I usually prepare several batches and tie up packets of them in a couple layers of colored plastic wrap for little gifts and to accompany tips. Our postal delivery woman, whose husband is diabetic, always gets a batch - not allowed to accept tips or most gifts. Lots of people give her candy or cookies so she really appreciates the pecans.


- Spiced Pecans --


1 egg white (or equivalent of "Just Whites")

2 Tbsp water

1/4 cup Splenda


Beat egg white with water until foamy, gradually adding 1/4 cup Splenda. Add 3 to 4 cups pecans. Drain.


Combine (or sift together)

1/2 cup Splenda (spoonable, obviously)

1/4 tsp. ground ginger

1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg

1 tsp ground cloves

1 Tbsp ground cinnamon


Add nuts and stir until all are coated.


Spread nuts on cookie sheet (lined with foil, Release, if you have)

Bake at 250 degrees for 25-30 minutes, stirring occasionally. It's okay to have a few stick together, rather than all separate.

I tried that and it made the nuts taste rancid maybe I let them cool to long what gives did I do somthing wrong.............HELP:eek:

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