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Anyone on Atkins?


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Congrats LISA!!!! That is Fantastico!!! Your going to be looking sooo great on your trip to FL!!!


Kiraryker - I get a case of the Atkins shakes from Sam's about once a month and use them when I am running late and am on the run! But follow it up with a big glass of water! They do not stall me... I think I've read where maybe some shakes do? Anyway, I'd rather have something like that in me...then something junky that is easy to grab for - plus there are days when a little chocolate something can go a LONG way!


Wedding was Beautiful!! I have about 4 weeks of Party foods and fun to get off...and I'm hitting the gym again on Monday!

I'm really ready to get my schedule back - and it not all around the wedding planning, errands, parties, appointments etc.... I loved seeing my daughter getting married and it's the biggest party we have ever thrown...but Salmon and Steak at the reception...It rocked!! Gulp...yes...I had wedding cake...but danced the night away!!! It's Life! I'll just have to really work it for awhile in the gym!!


Cerabella!! Happy Cruising Woman!!


I'll be back on Monday!! See ya's then!! :0)

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This is my second time on Atkins, first time was about 8 yrs ago, lost quickly and maintained for 2yrs. This time around I'm having a devil of a time. Been on induction for a week, sticks are showing moderate. Haven't lost a pound..bummer big time!!! I'm 65 so old age might have a thing or two to do with it..lol... Not eating an over amount of anything. Breakfast today was a sm. piece of chicken with goat cheese and coffee and h2o. Lunch was a few small pieces of gouda cheese, pieces of chicken and about 1/4 cup of homemade coleslaw w/splenda. Dinner will be either steak or fish with fresh green salad.. my normal meals follow a simalar pattern just not over eating at all... any suggestions............PLEASE!!

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Lisa- Congrats on making it to the sweet spot! way to go-- can't wait for you to hit your goal!!!


Jean- So glad the wedding went well. Your daughter is lucky to have someone to do all the details and dirty work-- I'm sure she had a great day and will never forget all you did to make that happen. And um wedding cake, who refuses that??? Good luck with restarting back on LC way of eating.


DH and I just had the most fabulous vaca to the maritimes. Earl hit right smack in the middle of it so we had to get our tails out of Nova Scotia and back to New Brunswick. Did a lot of driving on a few of those days. But overall the most beautiful scenery, friendliest people (Canadians are so great with tourists), and lots of tasty food varying from down home cooking to sweet decadent pastries once we got into quebec city and montreal. I went off diet while we were there- stuck to mostly LC but had at least a piece of bread or taters each day... like lobster roll in bar harbor maine I ate the roll, fried clams at fundy bay, or at this little country cafe where we had a nice breakfast I limited to just 1 of 4 slices of whole wheat country bread I was served... but once we got to quebec/montreal all bets were off. I ate croissants for breakfast, croutons on my caesar, rice with my indian food... I was naughty.


We did hiking almost everyday until Earl then it became more of a sitting vaca, lots of driving, with a little walking in the cities/shops etc each day but nothing near the calorie burning that happened in the national parks that first week. I'm grateful I came back just 3 lbs heavier after all those buttery croissants.


My puppy is glad to have me back and is spending the day snuggling with me while I catch up on bills and whatnot. The crisp fall chill is already in the air here-- not sure how that will impact our ability to do long walks/hikes...as winter will surely strike soon. BRRRRR!!! But I wholeheartedly recommend an atlantic maritime Canada cruise if anyone is considering it because its just the most beautiful/friendly place ever! We may take a cruise this winter (just a short one to Bahamas or something) but now that we have the house we may just do some long weekend trips next spring instead. Uncertain how finances will play out.


Hope you all are well! Glad to hear everyone is working out. I start up on p90x again this evening...blahhh...will probably be hurting quite a bit this next week or two but know I wont be closer to goal if I dont start kicking butt sooner than later...



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Jean ~ congrats to your daughter! I'm so glad it went so well & I bet you're so glad to move on! :)


txmom ~ it's amazing how our bodies respond when we put the right things into them! Congrats for the 11 pounds & look forward to hearing more about your success!


kiraryker ~ it's been a while since we've seen you! Good to have you back! I do use Atkins shakes as a supplement, or when I just don't have time to eat, but I try to eat as much real food during the day as possible. It actually can slow the metabolism to severely restrict calories. You mentioned a jump start, so if it's a temporary thing maybe it will work for you. :) You definitely want your diet working for you & not against you! Keep us posted! Boy can I relate to needing the exercise...my body is so much different at 42.


dondiane ~ Welcome! Keep with it & you'll soon see a "swoosh" of weight starting to budge! Don't give up & let us know how it's going!


Pink ~ thanks! That sounds like such a great vacation! It's awesome you came home with only 3 extra lbs. - you'll get that off in no time. Nothing like a puppy to make you feel loved! :)

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Good Morning Low Carbers!:D


Pink - Your Cruise sounds like it was a great time!! and there is nothing like the love of a puppy that misses you! I know you'll be working those 3 off in a very short time!:)


It's good to see that this thread continues...we all hit low spots at times but the important part of 'growing up' and knowing what to eat to keep at a healthy weight is a life style change, not a quick fix. It's hard to lose some of the same lbs that we have all had to do at one time or another, but I think what can help is that inner determination to keep at it!

And AGE does play a big part in this whole health thing!! That's why to it's almost dangerous to just throw in the towel and think it'll come off as easy as it did 3-5-7 years ago. Your now 3-5-7 years older!:eek::p


And with that....I went back to the gym yesterday...and I did 30 min of treadmill and added 15 min of biking! It felt good!:)


Have a terrific day....*It's your fork and it's your choice!;)

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Well I weighed in again today at the doctor. I'm down 14 pounds total since 7/6/10 and 8 lbs in two weeks with the doctor. I'm replacing one meal a day with the Atkins bars, and am not eating past 6 PM.


I'm not manically checking Keto sticks like I was in July, but I know I'm in Ketosis. I'm so thirsty it's crazy. I'm drinking a ton of water, but can't seem to not be thirsty!


Liking working with the doctor, and having to go for weekly weigh ins. Fingers crossed. If I lose 1.4 pounds a week between now and our cruise, I'll be at my goal!

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txmom!! Great Job!! You Go Girl!! You'll be rocking those Cruise clothes for sure!! Accountability to your Dr's office is a great motivator that your going to have to step on those scales for them to track your progress!

Your not eating after 6pm....is a great boundry for you...it's amazing how much we can 'munch, snack, little bites, stuff out' in the 6-9 or 10:00 bedtimes!! Those are dangerous hours for me!;)

Keep drinkiing that water...it's so good for you!!:D


Allergies have me in a fog right now...the pollen from all of the weeds are really dragging on me....it's all in the really high counts for our area! :eek: Felt to tired to do the gym last night...so I took Sadie for a walk last night instead...she loves it, and it does me good too!:p I slept really hard and long last night so today I feel better! Rest is very important to our bodies!


Keep it classy and low carb out there...you can do it!:)

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I've been back since Sunday...they just made me get off the ship even tho I protested!:p


Good to see great progress on these boards ~ we are the only ones who can muddle thru all the diet propaganda & figure out what is best for our particular bodies...even when traveling & out of our comfort zones, there are good, healthy choices to be found. That's what I tried to do on my vacay...did I go off plan some? - certainly - but not too much, & I made mostly healthy choices....so much so that I stayed in ketosis, & only picked up a couple of lbs from Sunday to Sunday!


Whew! So much for the one lb per day theory when you cruise...or, as they say, 'get on ship shape, get off the shape of the ship!' - hehehe:eek:


I am suffering too from symptoms of the ole common cold...first DH picked it up while on the cruise, then DSis started sneezing & hacking...then, when we got home, & I thought all was well, well...I succumbed to the crud too...So, I feel for you Ms Jean...the one 'good' thing is my appetite is down...we'll see how that factors in when I weigh tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow I will see a lower number...yes, I'm sure of it...who's with me!?;):D



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I've been back since Sunday...they just made me get off the ship even tho I protested!:p


Good to see great progress on these boards ~ we are the only ones who can muddle thru all the diet propaganda & figure out what is best for our particular bodies...even when traveling & out of our comfort zones, there are good, healthy choices to be found. That's what I tried to do on my vacay...did I go off plan some? - certainly - but not too much, & I made mostly healthy choices....so much so that I stayed in ketosis, & only picked up a couple of lbs from Sunday to Sunday!


Whew! So much for the one lb per day theory when you cruise...or, as they say, 'get on ship shape, get off the shape of the ship!' - hehehe:eek:


I am suffering too from symptoms of the ole common cold...first DH picked it up while on the cruise, then DSis started sneezing & hacking...then, when we got home, & I thought all was well, well...I succumbed to the crud too...So, I feel for you Ms Jean...the one 'good' thing is my appetite is down...we'll see how that factors in when I weigh tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow I will see a lower number...yes, I'm sure of it...who's with me!?;):D




That's great that you stayed in Ketosis. I never even thought to check while on board, but what a great idea!


My mom started the same program I'm on a little over a week ago, and lost 6 pounds the first week. She's really excited.


I'm traveling for work this week. I'm bringing Atkins bars with me for Breakfast or lunch, and will figure out something at dinner. Wish me luck!

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Cerabella! Welcome Back!! And GOOD FOR YOU for the very little gain!! Hope you had a great time...except for the bug you got...yuck!!


I've been going to the gym 3x's a week and today I finally felt the benefits of it! It's is so nice of our bodies to finally give us some kind of sign that all of the work we have been doing.....!!:p


I'm being a good girl and headed to Sam's for items for this week!

Plan ahead....!

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So.... what's everyone eating this week?


At our house:

rotisserie chicken from costco

curry chicken (DH will have rice with his, I'll just have mine in romaine lettuce wraps) with bell peppers

plenty of caesar salads with chicken slices and broccoli (my crunchy veg of choice in there lately)

chicken parms (with homemade tomato sauce) obviously no breading and mine will be again on a salad (with balsamic) while DH has his w pasta

some tuna cans with mayo for lunches


We have been hiking up a storm. Already been twice this week. Going to keep heading out to enjoy foliage and the last of the warm weather until it rains/gets too cold. Pup loves it and we get 2-4 hours exercise in with every hike doing easy-moderate trails in our mountains!


My goal is more likely to lose 1-2 lbs/month instead of per wk as I dabble with some higher carb choices in an attempt to make this a more permanent lifestyle change and also since I'm so low now anyway that these last few lbs are killer to lose and dont melt off as easily as the first ones did. Maybe if I were stricter I could but I get the feeling now that I'm basically at a great weight that people are watching me more. And sometimes feel self conscious about what I do/dont eat in social situations (parties, gatherings, workplace) because I feel like people always ask me what I'm eating for lunch when they see me in the break room or observe whether I grab a bagel mid-morning too. Sometimes it is very awkward to refuse those high carb snacks because people feel like I'm restrictive like I have an eating disorder or something. Anyone else relate??? People get upset when they think you're dieting and your weigh looks fine to them (esp when they're much heavier).




Also, does anyone have any REALLY great low carb soups/stews. We will be needing some warm comfort food soon and DH is already suggesting baked mac and cheese, poutine like we had on the trip (fries with gravy and cheese curds for those who havent been up to Canada), and potato based stews... eek, help!!!!

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Hi Pink!

We had grilled chicken last night on the BBQ....and grilled Zucchnni strips too.

I made enough for my lunch today.

Then DH had a few hash browns to finish out his meal.

I've never been to the point of people wondering what I was eating...that's in my 'I have a dream' dream.....but, because I love flavor, it's fun to see when we go out to eat how my DH and some friends will say.."I'll have what she's having"...haha! I love that!

My new favorite afternoon snack is 2 big celery sticks, and the small on the go cream cheese with chives to scoop with . It keeps my tummy happy when I go to the gym after work, but I also feel like the crunch is a good thing too!

I'm getting the soup/stew urge too...maybe because it's finally feeling a bit more like fall around our area, instead of in the 90's!!

One that works for me...and is easly...

A small pkg of Chicken Thighs.....in the crock pot with about 6 cups of water, some onion, celery and spices....let that cook until I get home- it will be simmering for about 4 hours on warm. Take the chicken out....and de-bone, chop into chunks and put back into soup. That's like a basic start for me. Some days....I might add 1 cut up potato to simmer with the chicken for the day....then add 2 cups of medium heat green chile and let simmer 1/2 hr...and that is my low carb version of green chile stew! -- sprinkle cheddar cheese on top.

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Re: checking ketosis while on my cruise....ummmm, no, I actually didn't take the strips with me :p, but since I was still in ketosis when I got back, I had to assume...hehehe!


Oh my gosh! This is what my DH cooked last nite, I was thrilled...he wrapped shrimp (prawns) in bacon & seasoned them w/ good stuff & went out in the torrid Texas heat & grilled them...add to that steamed mixed veggies & brown rice (for him also) & yumm, we were good to go...


However, that being said I am apparently suffering PCD...(post cruise depression...) & I have made a few choices this past week or so that I certainly normally wouldn't have otherwise...grrr...I am still trying to walk w/ my little Aussie girl & keep on track as much as possible...I have a goal really, really within site...must be like the little engine that could...


Too early in Tex for soup thoughts...we're in the mid 90's most days, & started planting cool season annuals (pansies, cabbage, kale & snapdragons) the day after we got back from our cruise...& by we, I do mean I am in the greenhouse, which is kinda like a sauna...hmmm...

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EEEEEEEEk!!! We booked another Cruise!!:eek::D

It's not until 2011....but wow...it's going to be great and we're traveling with my sister and her hubby! :D

Cerebella....when are your 'good' outside temps...I don't think I've ever read that in your posts! I think it's great that you keep walking with your doggie! Tonight it's walking night for us...it rained all day and night ...could go anywhere!

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Ok...I posted my countdown clock! I'm beyond Excited!

and now I have to work work work....so I'll be in good shape to take this Cruise!

My sister is retiring from the school that she has been at - at the end of this year..so next fall we are celebrating her retirement and everything else for 2011! :p

Her hubby has family in Italy, so we hope that we will get to meet them too!

The weekend...wasn't so good for me...I went on a Ladies Retreat up in the mountains...wow...do we have some good cooks up there! eeeek! :eek:

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Well I'm a month with the doctor as of this week, and I lost 12.2 pounds this month, and 17 pounds since July 7th. I'm pretty happy with how it's going.


It's 12 1/2 weeks until our cruise. I'd love to be down another 19 pounds, but 14 would be great too!

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Something else I wanted to post here... probably the hardest part of all this. As of right now, I'm 48 hours without Diet Coke or Caffeine. I know this is common sense on Atkins, but I truly have fought it. I love Diet Coke, and drink it WAY too much. If you are familiar with Sonic think 2 or 3 route 44's a day. That is A LOT of Diet Coke.


I'm really trying to be strict this time, for my over all health. Last night, I fell asleep at 6:30 PM, but today, I'm feeling pretty good. Let's see if I make it to 7 PM tonight.

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Congrats Txmom to 1!


I am personally caffeine addicted. I still have at least my 16 oz coffee and then a tea later in the day (sometimes decaf but still) and then often have diet soda and or coffee on days off of work.


That's a huge success!!!!

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WOW just found this thread.Ran out to the dollar book store and bought Atkins books. Need to lose addtional 20 or 30. So here I go. With all your input lets see what happens......My name is Linda live in Calif Had lap-band in Jan lost 30lbs. But all has stopped .Looking at that Magic cruise in Sept 2011. Never been on Carnival. But going on a little 5day Oct 25-29 to see what there like. Hope this works ..It has to if I do I right.

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