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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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I'm sorry you have to wait so long.


I don't know what's wrong with me......but, I couldn't wait. We haven't cruised since January [i know it's only 8 month ago] but I'm having the worst withdrawls.


If I watch a T.V. show and there's a cruise ship in it.....I drool!


I have the "bug" and, that aint good. I'm willing to work until I die, if it means that we can cruise more often. And, according to Morey......it means just that!!!! :o


I know Cindy, the waiting is the hard part. When we crossed over the Verrizano bridge coming home from the August graduation, there were two cruise ships down below. Then the next morning I was channel surfing and the Disney Cruise special was on. But if we want to use our vacation club, we have to wait till then. We even have some mutual friend puppy raisers thinking about going with us. You "MAY" know who I mean. :D

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DKD, 2013 is a long time away!!! I bet you won't make it til then. Every year John says we are not going to cruise this year, and by August he is looking for somewhere to go. As far as your choice of travel companions, good luck with that!! That must make for an interesting trip. But as we all know, puppy raisers are the best!!

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Sorry Roz it wasn't yours. I don't think you are going to the Bahamas. If Morey would get his butt east , we could go on a cruise together. :(


It's not going to happen as long as there's something in the news about "something" that happened onboard an airline.

Thousands of airplanes fly daily......one thing happens and Morey's doing the "see", "see" thing with me.

He used to love the thrill of flying......now, forget about it!


He loves the open road.......[How funny is that, living in L.A.]

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Unfortunately I am just like Morey. I am terrified days before the flight. I'm a terrible flyer. But I also realize if I want to go on cruises (which I truley love) that I would have to suck it up. John has been pushing for an Alaskan cruise, the thought of the flight to Seattle is incomprehensible to me. We went to Vegas once 5 1/2 hours and it was horrible. Luckily we make sure we fly on an airline that has tv's and that keeps me busy. John said we could fly to you and go on a cruise from San Diego, but of course I gave him the look :rolleyes:

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Unfortunately I am just like Morey. I am terrified days before the flight. I'm a terrible flyer. But I also realize if I want to go on cruises (which I truley love) that I would have to suck it up. John has been pushing for an Alaskan cruise, the thought of the flight to Seattle is incomprehensible to me. We went to Vegas once 5 1/2 hours and it was horrible. Luckily we make sure we fly on an airline that has tv's and that keeps me busy. John said we could fly to you and go on a cruise from San Diego, but of course I gave him the look :rolleyes:


I heard that.......Tell me when and where we're cruising to! I can't cruise from February - June, it's our "Primacy" months for fundraising. But, every other month is perfect. :)

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It's not going to happen as long as there's something in the news about "something" that happened onboard an airline.


Thousands of airplanes fly daily......one thing happens and Morey's doing the "see", "see" thing with me.


He used to love the thrill of flying......now, forget about it!


He loves the open road.......[How funny is that, living in L.A.]


Does he get in cars? There are millions of more car accidents than there are plane incidents! So his reasoning is not at all sound and is quite unreasonable.


They do have fear-of-flying therapy and classes he could go through in order to fly again, too.


Flying is one of the safest forms of transportation.

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Does he get in cars? There are millions of more car accidents than there are plane incidents! So his reasoning is not at all sound and is quite unreasonable.


They do have fear-of-flying therapy and classes he could go through in order to fly again, too.


Flying is one of the safest forms of transportation.


Quam: We've flown all over the world before I had a Service Dog and with Brenda [without incident.] We've had some wonderful times.....We've also had a deadly car accident [by all rights he should be really frightened about getting into a car.] Of course, we now drive a huge SUV [i won't drive anything that doesn't allow me to see over the other cars] and, I never drive behind a vehicle that I can't see over or around!

He just flat-out refuses to get on an airplane. I go myself with Brenda and he stays behind. I don't like it [i love his company].....but, sometimes there's just people and stuff that I want or need to see and driving isn't always the quickest route.

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With 176 pages to this thread, I gave up trying to find if anyone taking their service dog on a cruise had done so in Europe, so I thought I'd just ask.


So, has anyone taken their dog to Europe, either via plane or cruise, and are there countries to avoid and those that allow service dogs more readily?


Hi, I cruised with my service dog from North America to Europe this year and last year. We returned by plane.


We stopped in the Canary Islands, Spain, Portugal, France, Monaco and Italy. We had no problems. The only stop I would not take a service dog ashore would be Gibraltar. I was warned by the Gov't rep there that the monkeys attack dogs.


The flights back to North America were long, which included having to be at the airport 3 hours ahead, due to our flight being a charter. But, as usual my service dog Oz was a trooper.


You will need an EU health certificate for your service dog, for the first country in which you are stopping. After that you don't need to show any ID, as you will already be in the EU. Your dog will also need a microchip that is readable in the EU. The North American microchips are not readable by the EU scanners. My dog has two microchips, one for North America and one for the EU.


If you go to the British Isles, that is another story all together. You will need about 6 months head start for getting the required blood work done and permission granted.


Hope this helps.

Edited by MCDW
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The only stop I would not take a service dog ashore would be Gibraltar. I was warned by the Gov't rep there that the monkeys attack dogs.


Bad monkeys!! :p LOL. It had to be said!


There are monkeys in St. Kitts (I think it is), but they actually have befriended the dogs there and even take rides on the dogs' backs. Gives a whole new meaning to "monkey on your back"! :D


Your dog will also need a microchip that is readable in the EU. The North American microchips are not readable by the EU scanners. My dog has two microchips, one for North America and one for the EU.


I believe you can also option to bring the scanner that reads your chip instead of double-chipping with an ISO chip. The problem with this is renting/buying a scanner can be expensive (I only found one site that does it and their terms are ridiculous, I wrote to AVID and the e-mail bounced back, and to buy a scanner would be $200 [which would be worth the cost compared to the rental cost if you were planning at least two trips where you'd need it] - I haven't yet asked my vet if they ever rent/loan out one of their scanners). (My dog was microchipped before the U.S. had ISO chips readily available. Now that they are, my next dog will definitely be chipped with an ISO chip. But I will not double-chip my current dog.)


(I'm looking into the scanner thing for the Caribbean country/countries that require it [i forget which one{s}, but at least one on my next cruise does]. I'm guessing it won't really be needed for a cruise, since they never see the dog, only the paperwork, but I'm going to ask my vet if they'll loan out one of their scanners [they have more than one, so it won't be putting any lost pets taken to their office in jeopardy or anything].)

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I hope everyone's having an enjoyable summer.......here, in L.A. it's cooled off for the past few days giving us a nice break.


I'm sure you've all been seeing or reading about bed bugs being seen in hotels and cruise ships. For folks who are curious about how it's dealt with when it comes to Service Dogs, it's very simple. People who own a Service Dog not only keep them on Heartguard [protecting their dog from the heartworm], monthly but the dog is also on Advantix [or a similar product], monthly, protecting the dog from fleas, ticks and other parasites.


No one who sees a Service Dog should ever be concerned about the dog bringing in anything more than you may bring in or on your very own luggage.


Are some dogs mistreated and ignored, maybe but Service Dog Orgs. are very careful about informing people about the proper care and treatment of their dogs. And, handlers take the responsibility seriously.


We are great "watchdogs" for each other. If I see a Service Dog that I think looks like it may need a brushing or something else.....I let the handler know. We all, who have Service Dogs, appreciate the fact that we do look out for each other!

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I must add a bit of information I got from my Vet in regard to bed bugs and dogs......the bug does not like light or fur so, if it were to be present most likely it would be on the dogs belly and easy to spot.


Also, it seems that K9 Advantix and Revolution had the most effect on the bug. Since the bug stays on the skin for a period to draw blood much like a tick, it seems that the product in Revolution and K9 Advantix was the most effective.


Brushing and bathing and checking your dog meticulously works the best.


Always check with your Vet if you have any questions.


I'm not a scientist or a doctor but I am concerned about our dogs and their exposure to the same places that people are in hotels and cruise ships.

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HELP!!! Does anyone have any info on taking the dog to St Maarten or St Lucia? Any contact info?? I have called and written everyone and am at my wits end :confused:. If we take another cruise with this dog, John can do all this dog permit stuff, or we can just stay on the ship. Any help would be much appreciated.



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HELP!!! Does anyone have any info on taking the dog to St Maarten or St Lucia? Any contact info?? I have called and written everyone and am at my wits end :confused:. If we take another cruise with this dog, John can do all this dog permit stuff, or we can just stay on the ship. Any help would be much appreciated.




Oh! Cindy! I hear your frustration. Yeah! Good luck with John doing the paperwork! If he's anything like Morey and so many other men I know, they wait until we're done and than ask, "can I help?" Although, my brother does all the passport/licenses, etc. for his family so I guess it's possible, just not probable in my case.

I always ask my Vets office for the information on what Brenda will need in the way of Immunizations/paperwork, etc. They have a complete list of all the countries/islands, etc. and what is required for travel to them with a Service Dog.

Have you asked your Vet's office or CCI?

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Well by some miracle I have the St Lucia permit form. I don't know how I got it but I did. Now all I need is St Maarten.


Roz, I didn't know that my vet knew any of that stuff. Sometimes you can find the requirements but then you need the permit form which is whats hard to find. I found somewhere that you need health cert and a rabies shot recieved no more than 30 days prior to our visit. So I guess he would have to get his shot a year early? I'm confused and need to give this up til tomorrow. I'm hoping Quam might know something, she knows everything!!



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Well by some miracle I have the St Lucia permit form. I don't know how I got it but I did. Now all I need is St Maarten.


Roz, I didn't know that my vet knew any of that stuff. Sometimes you can find the requirements but then you need the permit form which is whats hard to find. I found somewhere that you need health cert and a rabies shot recieved no more than 30 days prior to our visit. So I guess he would have to get his shot a year early? I'm confused and need to give this up til tomorrow. I'm hoping Quam might know something, she knows everything!!




My Vet provides the State of Calif. Dept. of Food and Agriculture Certificate [not all Vets can provide this]. He also has the information as to what is needed for the various ports. I don't think all Vets can provide this either.

You're right......Quam does know a lot about the requirements. Hopefully, she'll be able to pass along the information that you need.

I called my Vet [hoping I could get it for you] but they don't give the information over the phone.

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Roz, the requirements for St Lucia are ridiculous. It would cost us a bundle for him to get in. Here's the link http://www.malff.com/images/stories/conditions_for_imports/PetSchemeDogCatRev7-06.pdf


Besides one test has to be done 6 months before we cruise. Since we only have 4 months to go, I don't think that will work. They also want lyme disease vaccine, microchip, wormed, and who knows what else. Would have been nice to atleast get off and shop at the dock. Oh well, less paperwork for me. :D

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Roz, the requirements for St Lucia are ridiculous. It would cost us a bundle for him to get in. Here's the link http://www.malff.com/images/stories/conditions_for_imports/PetSchemeDogCatRev7-06.pdf


Besides one test has to be done 6 months before we cruise. Since we only have 4 months to go, I don't think that will work. They also want lyme disease vaccine, microchip, wormed, and who knows what else. Would have been nice to atleast get off and shop at the dock. Oh well, less paperwork for me. :D


I can really appreciate all the "rules" that are layed down because some folks will bring an unhealthy dog onboard and even try to get one onto an island.

Once you've passed Immigration upon debarkation of your cruise this should be enough! The Immigration officials, for any particular port, examine your documentation before anyone is allowed to go off the ship and, they even interview the ships Captain and crew as to your dog handling and the behavior of your dog, this should also be enough......they will sometimes overlook some of their own restrictions and allow you go on land. It happened to us.

It's a risk...but, in no way was I going to do all that they required [it was obscene to put a perfectly healthy and well maintained Service Dog through such testing.] Not with all that I had already done to prepare Brenda for the cruise. And, if the worst occurred one of us would stay behind with her.

We had no problem....the officials greeted us at the bottom of the plank, watching Brenda's behavior and my control of her. We passed with flying colors and had a wonderful day......a bit too hot and muggy but a great experience.


I do not advocate "not following the rules and guidelines" that are set down by various countries for our SD's. But, when I think they've gone over the top on their demands and restrictions I get a bit more assertive than usual. I show all of her documentation and health examines and it works for me.

Have fun on your cruise.

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I know they have the rules for a reason. And I can appreciate that they want to keep disease off the islands. I just think the international health certificate is enough. It shows you have had all shots, rabies and tick meds. Wex has a tatoo, we are not going to microchip him too. Although we live in a high tick area, not to many vets are pushing the lyme disease vaccine, mainly because it doesn't work. Blood tests must be done at "approved facility". Where's that? The health cert has to be done by a vet surgeon. And I love these microchips, you have to make sure that you have one that that particular country can read with their scanner. Didn't someone say they had to get another one implanted? I read that somewhere. It's just funny how every island is so different. Some all you need is the health cert and some want the the dog quarantine. Like I said, less paperwork for me. I just love to cruise, it doen't matter if I get off the ship or not.



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I know they have the rules for a reason. And I can appreciate that they want to keep disease off the islands. I just think the international health certificate is enough. It shows you have had all shots, rabies and tick meds. Wex has a tatoo, we are not going to microchip him too. Although we live in a high tick area, not to many vets are pushing the lyme disease vaccine, mainly because it doesn't work. Blood tests must be done at "approved facility". Where's that? The health cert has to be done by a vet surgeon. And I love these microchips, you have to make sure that you have one that that particular country can read with their scanner. Didn't someone say they had to get another one implanted? I read that somewhere. It's just funny how every island is so different. Some all you need is the health cert and some want the the dog quarantine. Like I said, less paperwork for me. I just love to cruise, it doen't matter if I get off the ship or not.




You GO GIRL! I hear ya!!!!! ;) You and I would be a riot together. And, John, well he'd have to stay onboard and take care of Morey and the dogs!!!!!!! :p

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Oh! And, you know what else....[before Quam comes in and balls us out].....I'm not going to microchip Brenny either. She's been tattooed [and the last time I looked, she's not a biker chick] and, doesn't need any other form of I.D., Tattoo or any other invasive procedure done to prove who she is!!!!! Whew! I'm done!

I bet when you get to that port, they'll let you off the ship with Wex.

Now, I have to go prepare myself to "duck", I feel some balling out coming!!!

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I was actually thinking about Quam when I was writing. I know she is not going to like things I said. Sorry Quam!!!! As far as the microchip goes, the CCI gods do not recommend them. With the tatoo they don't need a scanner and lets face it, it's cool! :cool:


Oh and as far as John goes, he can handle Morey and the dogs!

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I was actually thinking about Quam when I was writing. I know she is not going to like things I said. Sorry Quam!!!! As far as the microchip goes, the CCI gods do not recommend them. With the tatoo they don't need a scanner and lets face it, it's cool! :cool:


Oh and as far as John goes, he can handle Morey and the dogs!


I bet he could. And, I love him for that!

When Morey needs his chair and we're using it onboard a cruise Brenda becomes a different sort of helper. She likes to walk right beside "him" instead of me, it's amazing to see.

Have a wonderful weekend and stay away from those Eastern Hurricanes.

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I was actually thinking about Quam when I was writing. I know she is not going to like things I said. Sorry Quam!!!! As far as the microchip goes, the CCI gods do not recommend them. With the tatoo they don't need a scanner and lets face it, it's cool! :cool:


Oh and as far as John goes, he can handle Morey and the dogs!


I bet he could. And, I love him for that!

When Morey needs his chair and we're using it onboard a cruise Brenda becomes a different sort of helper. She likes to walk right beside "him" instead of me, it's amazing to see.

Have a wonderful weekend and stay away from those Eastern Hurricanes.

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