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Hi, Jim,


That's wonderful. Gosh, I'm ready for another cruise <g>.


I have friends I work with who also raved about the Liberty.


Did you get to listen to any great books (non-horror, that is) <g>? I'll bet you were busy sightseeing. St. John is a place I really WANT to visit. I keep hearing how beautiful it is, but we've never gotten over there (only to St. Thomas).




Sorry I did not get a chance to respond earlier, been very busy here. I have been on the Liberty 3 times now and loved all 3. That being said all were for the destinations not the ship. The books I listened too were OK, one was another if a series book line from Michael Connelly about a LA detective. The book is Angels Flight about a detective named Harry Bosch, it was pretty good. The other was another detective series by John Sandford called Phantom Prey (all of his have prey in the title). Good as well.


This was the first time we had gone to St. John, our previous time in St Thomas we stayed there (jewelry shopped and went to the beach). We did an excursion over to St John and it was very nice, different than St Thomas (more hilly and less populated) but enjoyed it very much. I saw a couple of resorts that we drove by when there but not the one I really wanted to see (Westin St. John). If you were a person that needed a lot of nightlife (not me), than I don't think staying in St John would do it for you. It is a lovely island.



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I have used audible air on my blackberry..it does have a great bookmark feature. I have been using it in the car and flights. An amazing very unique book is the The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, and the Zookeepers Wife by Diane Ackerman...both outstanding historical fiction one of my favorite genres right now. Recently read an old SK Lisey's Story...about a widow...I am a new widow and I joke that you know you are healing when you move from grief books to novels about widows. That's why I am big on historical and staying away from romance now. As to my cruise...my first I am doing the Barcelona to Lisbon on Crystal Serenity. Never been to Spain or any of the ports..also doing the golf theme and have signed up for about 5 rounds of golf. Can't hardly wait...my thanks for all the great book suggestions.


Thanks for the suggestions as well. I have heard Diane Ackerman but not read/listened to any thing of heres but will add it to my list. Have not heard of Markus Zusak and will add him as well.


I understand your thoughts on staying away from romance but maybe time will help with that. Lisey's Story is not all that old and a pretty good one. SK does a lot of writing on this topic. I enjoyed it as well but not sure I would have been able to get through it if recently widowed. My hat is off to you. I am sure you are on the mend (healing wise) if you could read that. SK makes interesting points in his stories about moving on from loss.... but I digress. He is a great story teller first and foremost and I even enjoy listening/reading his books that I don't like because he does such a great job of story telling.


Now for cruising, first is ALWAYS special, you are starting on a great cruise line and ship. We have only done the med once bu absolutely LOVED it. Playing golf as well, wow, I am jealous. Been to Barcelona, it was a really large city, went to the church spires....(memory escapes me what they are called, very forgetful) and did Monserratt (I am sure a bastardized the spelling on that) When are you going? Have a wonderful cruise.



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Hi, Jim,


That's wonderful. Gosh, I'm ready for another cruise <g>.


I have friends I work with who also raved about the Liberty.


Did you get to listen to any great books (non-horror, that is) <g>? I'll bet you were busy sightseeing. St. John is a place I really WANT to visit. I keep hearing how beautiful it is, but we've never gotten over there (only to St. Thomas).




I know, it does not take long to get that longing feeling to take another cruise. Just love the feeling when they say welcome back when getting on the ship. Actually now that we became Platinum members at Carnival (10 plus cruises), they say welcome home ... just love it.



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I use audible books and it works fine on my Ipod Nano - just remember to change to "spoken word" in the IQ and adust the speed!




Also noted on your ticker that you are sailing on the Ventura in 2010. Which cruise line is that ship in? I don't think I have heard of it before.



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Hi, Jim,


Sounds like a wonderful cruise. Sigh!


I haven't listened to anything new because my schedule has been crazy. I'm still listening to Comfort Food, which is definitely a woman's type of book. I'm enjoying it, but I've also been renting and watching Murder, She Wrote DVDs because a friend got me kind of hooked on them. Believe it or not, I never watched the show when it was popular, so I'm starting from the first show. Kind of fun and definitely scary enough for me <g>.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, Jim,


Wow! What happened to this thread <g>?


I haven't reported on any new books because I've been busy with lots of stuff.


I just started Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series ... One For The Money. I read this book years ago, but I'm enjoying it sooooo much more in audio format. I drive around listening to it and laughing. It definitely makes rush-hour traffic more tolerable <g>.


I'm also READING a book entitled CRUISING ON THE QUEEN ELIZABETH 2, AROUND THE WORLD IN 91 DAYS, by Bernard Patten. I'm enjoying this a LOT, even with the author's superior air at times <g>. Very good reading if you're "into" cruising like I am.


I guess that's it for the moment. Please keep in touch when you have time.



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Lynn and Jim,


I have been following along...I have to report that...but I did get the Kindle for my birthday...what wonderful kids I have. It is so cool...it is a wonderful thing. I can get books or daily newspapers and magazines. And audible books too....


There are times a real book feels great in your hand and I have to have the Sunday New York Times is great but the convenience is wonderful. I love it.


My reading has been a lot of papers, blogs ect but I did finish People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks, great historical fiction and a good blend of modern day mystery and European History. I am still in my widow how to phase and learning about finance..the kindle is good for switching between different things. I am also reading Paint It Black by Janet Fitch..a little Los Angeles novel that's OK ...I hate to give up on a book so I will hang in there.



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Lynn and Jim,


I have been following along...I have to report that...but I did get the Kindle for my birthday...what wonderful kids I have. It is so cool...it is a wonderful thing. I can get books or daily newspapers and magazines. And audible books too....


There are times a real book feels great in your hand and I have to have the Sunday New York Times is great but the convenience is wonderful. I love it.


My reading has been a lot of papers, blogs ect but I did finish People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks, great historical fiction and a good blend of modern day mystery and European History. I am still in my widow how to phase and learning about finance..the kindle is good for switching between different things. I am also reading Paint It Black by Janet Fitch..a little Los Angeles novel that's OK ...I hate to give up on a book so I will hang in there.






Hi, Karen,


Wow. Kindle does look wonderful. Unfortunately, I can't afford it right now and particularly buying every book. Have you found any "source" for books where they're affordable? I'm afraid it would really add up for me, but I dooooooooooooooo think it's very, very cool. Enjoy!



You touched upon what I feel would be the biggest advantage of Kindle for me. I love to go back and forth between a few books at a time and a newspaper, etc. That sounds wonderful!


I'm sorry about your "widow" phase and pray you are hanging in there and doing well.



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Just found this thread and am so happy! I am always looking for the next best Audio Book or paper book.

Regarding Audio Books: I agree that Jim Dale is by far the best reader around. I have listened to all of the HP books and never tire of his narration. I find that, for me, memoir type books are easier to listen to. I get somewhat distracted and books that are too plot-driven lose me a bit. And when the memoirs are read by the writer, they are even better I believe. Here are some recommendations:

David Sedaris, Augustin Burroughs are two of my favorite authors but I am not sure they are everyone's taste. (essays about their lives, funny, a little cynical)

Kitchen Confidential, by Tony Bourdain, about life in a restaurant is fabulous.

Andrea Mitchell's memoir about covering politics for 30 years

The Devil Wears Prada

Barack Obama's memoir, Dreams of My Father, is amazingly good no matter what your politics. His story reads like a novel.

I Feel Bad About My Neck, Nora Ephron. Great book about getting older


Books read in the past year which I've loved:

Stones in the River (about a little person living in Germany during WWII.)

The Memory Keeper's Daughter

Ghost Light (by Frank Rich, NYTimes Columnist, about his childhood in New York where he developed his love for the theatre)


That's my first pass. I'm sure I'll think of other things!




Looking forward to hearing further suggestions

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Just found this thread and am so happy! I am always looking for the next best Audio Book or paper book.

Regarding Audio Books: I agree that Jim Dale is by far the best reader around. I have listened to all of the HP books and never tire of his narration. I find that, for me, memoir type books are easier to listen to. I get somewhat distracted and books that are too plot-driven lose me a bit. And when the memoirs are read by the writer, they are even better I believe. Here are some recommendations:

David Sedaris, Augustin Burroughs are two of my favorite authors but I am not sure they are everyone's taste. (essays about their lives, funny, a little cynical)

Kitchen Confidential, by Tony Bourdain, about life in a restaurant is fabulous.

Andrea Mitchell's memoir about covering politics for 30 years

The Devil Wears Prada

Barack Obama's memoir, Dreams of My Father, is amazingly good no matter what your politics. His story reads like a novel.

I Feel Bad About My Neck, Nora Ephron. Great book about getting older


Books read in the past year which I've loved:

Stones in the River (about a little person living in Germany during WWII.)

The Memory Keeper's Daughter

Ghost Light (by Frank Rich, NYTimes Columnist, about his childhood in New York where he developed his love for the theatre)


That's my first pass. I'm sure I'll think of other things!




Looking forward to hearing further suggestions





Hi, Debbie,


Welcome! I love it when people discover this board and give their recommendations. Sharing suggestions for great reads is the best!!!


I haven't started the HP series yet, but I definitely plan to listen to all of them. The only Jim Dale audiobook I've listened to so far is A Christmas Carol (last holiday season). He is AMAZING!


I have Memory Keeper's Daughter but haven't listened to it yet.


I would love to hear Kitchen Confidential but so far am not locating it at any libraries near me.


If you like legal mysteries, I would highly recommend Lisa Scottoline.


As far as women's stories, my favorites so far this year are: Comfort Food (Kate Jacobs), The Friday Night Knitting Club (Kate Jacobs), The Beach House (Jane Green).


I'm just beginning Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum Series. So far, very good!


All of my recommendations are easy reads, easy to listen to when you're driving or doing other things. I like books I can listen to while I'm driving, shopping, EVEN cleaning the house.


Please, please keep your suggestions coming! I appreciate it!



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Hi, Jim,


Wow! What happened to this thread <g>?


I haven't reported on any new books because I've been busy with lots of stuff.


I just started Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series ... One For The Money. I read this book years ago, but I'm enjoying it sooooo much more in audio format. I drive around listening to it and laughing. It definitely makes rush-hour traffic more tolerable <g>.


I'm also READING a book entitled CRUISING ON THE QUEEN ELIZABETH 2, AROUND THE WORLD IN 91 DAYS, by Bernard Patten. I'm enjoying this a LOT, even with the author's superior air at times <g>. Very good reading if you're "into" cruising like I am.


I guess that's it for the moment. Please keep in touch when you have time.




I know what you mean about the thread, I guess everyone is very busy. We went away for a long weekend to Cancun (skirted Gustav) and had a great time.


I just finished a new audio book by a new writer Randy Wayne White and the book is called Black Widow. The hero of the this line of books is an ex government agent call Merian Ford. Very good listening.


I really enjoyed all of the Stephanie Plum books and all of Evanovich's books, they are laugh out loud funny.



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I am so happy that you like Lisa Scottoline! She is a Philly girl (my hometown) and I just love the Philadelphia references in her books. She is the author with whom I began my attempt at audio books. I must say that I have enjoyed her last few books less than I did at first; I guess I'm getting used to her formula. I saw her in person at a book festival and I cannot tell you what a scream she is. You just want her to be your next door neighbor. She writes a Sunday column in the Philadelphia Inquirer which is also a riot.


I tried one Janet Evanovich book and had to stop. I did not find the character appealing at all. But now I'm wondering if it could have been the narrator and not the character who turned me off. Maybe I should try again?...


One book that I read which has recently undergone a comeback was Pillars of the Earth, by Ken Follett. That was one of the best books that I read in my life (but a real tome, about 1000 pages in paperback!). If you have never read that, and it is available on audio, get it. Tomorrow!

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I am so happy that you like Lisa Scottoline! She is a Philly girl (my hometown) and I just love the Philadelphia references in her books. She is the author with whom I began my attempt at audio books. I must say that I have enjoyed her last few books less than I did at first; I guess I'm getting used to her formula. I saw her in person at a book festival and I cannot tell you what a scream she is. You just want her to be your next door neighbor. She writes a Sunday column in the Philadelphia Inquirer which is also a riot.


I tried one Janet Evanovich book and had to stop. I did not find the character appealing at all. But now I'm wondering if it could have been the narrator and not the character who turned me off. Maybe I should try again?...


One book that I read which has recently undergone a comeback was Pillars of the Earth, by Ken Follett. That was one of the best books that I read in my life (but a real tome, about 1000 pages in paperback!). If you have never read that, and it is available on audio, get it. Tomorrow!





Hi, Debbie,


I took your recommendation (I loved the "get it tomorrow" comment) and put Pillars of the Earth on hold at my library. Have you read the sequel, World Without End?


That's amazing that I happened to mention Lisa Scottoline and you've met her! She was one of my first audio book authors. I haven't read all her newer books yet as I'm trying to go in order. I kind of got away from them for a while when I veered in other directions. I wanted some different reads (audio book reads, that is), but I'll have to read something of hers again soon now that I've been thinking about her books.


I'm really enjoying One for the Money (Janet Evanovich) because is IS very light. I think you might enjoy her books when you don't want to have to be too analytical. They're just FUN ... great to listen to when you're multi-tasking.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Being a forensic nurse, I like all those cops and mystery things. I just finished Jeffrey Deaver's "The 12th Card," and I've listened to all James Patterson's Women's Murder Club Series....I also liked Lisa See's "Snow Flower and theSecret Fan and Peony in Love." I read all of Kathy Reichs and Patricia Cornwell....but I also like other writers such as Maeve Binchey

and Nicholas Sparks.


I absolutely MUST have a CD playing anytime I am in the car and I

prefer the unabridged version.

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  • 1 month later...

I enjoy any book read by Barbara Rosenblat, CJ Critt, or Tom Stechschulte. I get my audio books from http://www.recordedbooks.com/. It has a monthly cost but I listen to an average of 4-6 books a month, so I feel like I get my money's worth.


Some of my favorite authors (in no particular order) are: Debbie Macomber (Cedar Cove series), Margaret Maron (Debra Knox series), Barbara Delinsky (Flirting with Pete was a favorite, but I like all hers), Dorothea Benton Frank (all of them), Fern Michaels (Pretty Woman is the only one I've "read"), Jodi Picoult (really enjoyed The Pact, but have enjoyed several), Anne Rivers Siddons (Up Island), and the last one I "read" was by Susan Wiggs -- Table for Five.


Other favorite authors have already been mentioned - Nicholas Sparks (Lucky One is his latest -- very good), Sandra Brown, Nora Roberts, James Patterson, Stuart Woods....the list goes on and on. Now, the thing I can't tell you is which books will make you sad (my sympathy for the loss of your mother).


I am absolutely no help on which player to get. I have a SanDisk and it suits my needs, but it is a pain to rip CDs to my laptop, then sync them onto the player. I listen to most of my audiobooks in the car. The MP3 player is reserved for long walks -- makes exercise SO much easier.


Good luck with whatever you decide.

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I enjoy any book read by Barbara Rosenblat, CJ Critt, or Tom Stechschulte. I get my audio books from http://www.recordedbooks.com/. It has a monthly cost but I listen to an average of 4-6 books a month, so I feel like I get my money's worth.


Some of my favorite authors (in no particular order) are: Debbie Macomber (Cedar Cove series), Margaret Maron (Debra Knox series), Barbara Delinsky (Flirting with Pete was a favorite, but I like all hers), Dorothea Benton Frank (all of them), Fern Michaels (Pretty Woman is the only one I've "read"), Jodi Picoult (really enjoyed The Pact, but have enjoyed several), Anne Rivers Siddons (Up Island), and the last one I "read" was by Susan Wiggs -- Table for Five.


Other favorite authors have already been mentioned - Nicholas Sparks (Lucky One is his latest -- very good), Sandra Brown, Nora Roberts, James Patterson, Stuart Woods....the list goes on and on. Now, the thing I can't tell you is which books will make you sad (my sympathy for the loss of your mother).


I am absolutely no help on which player to get. I have a SanDisk and it suits my needs, but it is a pain to rip CDs to my laptop, then sync them onto the player. I listen to most of my audiobooks in the car. The MP3 player is reserved for long walks -- makes exercise SO much easier.


Good luck with whatever you decide.




We certainly like the same authors! The only ones I don't like on your list are Stuart Woods and James Patterson since I don't like scary/gory types of books. And I haven't read/listened to anything by Margaret Maron.


I absolutely love listening to books, though, and agree totally about Barbara Rosenblatt and C.J. Critt being great narrators. I recently finished One for the Money by Janet Evanovich that was narrated by C.J. Critt.


Debbie Macomber's Cedar Cove series are on my "To Be Listened To" list right now.


I absolutely LOVE my Cowon player. It is small, easy to get books onto, and goes everywhere with me. It's really good company to have a bunch of books all the time!


BTW, I'm listening to Marley & Me right now since I want to have "read" the book in case I decide to see the movie at any point.


Have a great weekend!!!



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I agree about doing both. I really enjoyed School days. How is New Noon? OK, I have to ask, what is working at your torch?




Sorry to take so long to get back to you, sometimes life gets in the way. First I loved New Moon, I enjoyed all the books in the series. I wasn't sure at first but ended up really enjoying them.


AS for working on my torch, I am a lampwork artist and make glass beads so I spend about 4 hours a day working on my torch.



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Sorry to take so long to get back to you, sometimes life gets in the way. First I loved New Moon, I enjoyed all the books in the series. I wasn't sure at first but ended up really enjoying them.


AS for working on my torch, I am a lampwork artist and make glass beads so I spend about 4 hours a day working on my torch.







WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just LOVE your lampwork pieces!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! I wish I could afford your work. I have always wanted a glass conch shell, but those butterflys just entrance me. FABULOUS.

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I have a 4GB Creative Zen. It's the best. I've had Zune but it weighs a ton and does some weird stuff with Microsoft when you plug it into your PC. I've also had a Walkman 2GB but adding files to it can be complicated. Too much trouble.

Zen has the simplest software that I've used with an MP3. It's easy to locate and download music, pictures, video, and books.

I use NetLibrary regularly and have a least 4 books loaded at any given time. I'm not sure about the bookmark feature but with Zen if you turn off your MP3 in pause it will pick up where it was when you turn it back on.


One of the best books I've "read" lately is called 1000 White Women. It's one of those books you wish would never end. Also check out My Sister's Keeper, Secret Life of Bees, A Walk In The Woods, and anything by David Sedaris. Trust me, I work in a bookstore.

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Thank you Lynn I'm glad you like my work, I sure enjoy doing it!! Lynn what did you think of the author turned narrator on Marley & Me? I loved the book but didn't enjoy the narration, can't wait to see the movie. I'm going to drag my husband to see it, he doesn't like going to the movies but he does love dogs. Why don't you e-mail me about the glass you might be surprised.

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Thank you Lynn I'm glad you like my work, I sure enjoy doing it!! Lynn what did you think of the author turned narrator on Marley & Me? I loved the book but didn't enjoy the narration, can't wait to see the movie. I'm going to drag my husband to see it, he doesn't like going to the movies but he does love dogs. Why don't you e-mail me about the glass you might be surprised.



I soooooooooo agree with you about the author narrating his book. A lot of times I enjoy it when an author narrates their own book as I feel it has the proper inflection and tone. I'm not crazy about this one, though ... although I love the book and love dogs.


I want to email you, but I don't have your address ... do I? I've been looking here and don't see it.



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Usually when I listen to (or read) a book I get a picture of what the characters looks like, it may not be accurate and it is never what the narrator looks like, but it helps me to enjoy the book. There was just something about the authors voice that wouldn't let me picture the characters. Lynn you can reach me at theraiches@yahoo.com

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Sorry to take so long to get back to you, sometimes life gets in the way. First I loved New Moon, I enjoyed all the books in the series. I wasn't sure at first but ended up really enjoying them.


AS for working on my torch, I am a lampwork artist and make glass beads so I spend about 4 hours a day working on my torch.




Wow, they are special. That is really a gift. I have no talent or patience for detail oriented stuff. I also see you are going on Carinval Dream back to back, I am very jealous.



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