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100+ lbs to lose???


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Hello Everyone, My name is Gina. I have 112 pounds to loose. I started a life style change (don't like the word diet) using the biggest loser online club two weeks ago, and I have lost 10 pounds. I am simply eating healthier, and exercising routinely which is 4-5 times a week.


I started the program weighing 282 and I am down to 272. We are planning to go on the Carnival Victory that leaves in October to the Bahamas, and I hope to loose as much weight as I can prior to then.


I previously sailed on the Carnival Celebration. Each time I was constantly feeling out of breath, tried, and wasn't truly able to enjoy the cruise because of it. Where now my goal is to not only walk on the ship thinner but in better shape so that I can do all the walking, and enjoying the full benefits of cruising.


Best Wishes



HI Gina! Congrats on your weight loss. We leave on the Carnival Liberty Oct 18. I too hope to loose as much of this weight as possible. Not only because it would make me healthier, but we want to try for another baby after I shed some of the pounds. We already have a 3 yr old. Just makes it harder to get preggers when you have a lot of weight on you. Keep up the good work. I know you can do it. Please post back with your progress.


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Hi ladies. It has been a long time since anyone posted on this board. Stacy, please don't be embarressed here. I am also over 300 lbs. 312 to be exact. But I started the month of February at 325. You will do great just need the right mind set. these boards are a great place to vent, journal, get encouragement, etc.... I find them very theraputic. Gina, good luck on your journey too. Vickie, I hope your weigh in went well. Mine is "officially" tomorrow but I check everyday at the gym. Obessessed..:cool: . Well hope you all had a good day and keep in touch. I am Leah by the way. Sorry.

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Hi Leah. Congrats on your weight loss. I am embarressed that I let myself get to this point. My dad has diabetis and I knew that I could happen to me, but yet I still did nothing until now. I have a really good Dr. and my husband has joined me to shed a few pounds too. I have the really good support system that I have never had before. That makes all the difference. Glad you logged on. Check back in and let us know how you are doing.

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Hi Leah. Congrats on your weight loss. I am embarressed that I let myself get to this point. My dad has diabetis and I knew that I could happen to me, but yet I still did nothing until now. I have a really good Dr. and my husband has joined me to shed a few pounds too. I have the really good support system that I have never had before. That makes all the difference. Glad you logged on. Check back in and let us know how you are doing.


I understand what you mean. both of my parents have high b/p and my mother is diabetic. at 41 I have now been put on high b/p meds. My first goal is to be under 300 then to come off of the b/p meds. I also have very good support. My dr. is a personal friend of mine and my partner is also trying to loose weight. She only has about 60 total to loose but she is very supportive of me and my goals. We both would like to be alot healthier. She has been on meds since age 19 with her b/p so I doubt she will be taken off, she is now 36. Well I have ramble on enough. Will post my "offical" weight tommorrow when I get back from the gym.

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Weigh in is over!!!!!!!!! AND - - - - I lost 4 pounds!!!!! I'm doing the Happy Dance AND the Double Digit Dance! Today is 99 days until my next cruise!! Two good things in one day!! So, as of today I am 238!! This morning I did 4 minutes and 20 seconds on the Elyptical (sp?) too so that's big (for me!!) I promised myself that I would try the Elyptical every morning at the gym before I left. I could barely do 30 seconds two weeks ago. Built up slowly because if anyone has done it you know that thing HURTS!! Then my little smart @$$ daughter (18 next week) gets on and does 10 minutes and does not sweat or frown! Then again, she's 87 pounds soaking wet! But she pushed me and encouraged me to stay on past the 3 minutes I did yesterday so I think I'll keep her!


So hang in there y'all!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!! Let's hear about some more weigh in's!!


Have a great weekend and keep the big picture in focus. I know weekends are hard when it comes to eating. Stay focused y'all!


Vickie :D

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Good morning, all.


Just wanted to chime in here with a success story to lift your spirits.


When my partner hit 330+ pounds last year (and was facing double knee replacement surgery) and realized he was at the point where he'd have to go to the big and tall stores to buy clothes, he made a "mind change" and a lifestyle change.


All he did was two key things:

- he almost completely eliminated high fructose corn syrup from his diet.

- he stopped eating late at night. (He often used to have a Stouffer's turkey tettrazini or some such at around 11 or so.)


That was it. No counting calories or points, no enormous exercise program.


He lost 50 pounds in the six months leading up to his surgery, and 50 pounds in the six months after. He has remained steady at 230, but wants to lose another 20 or so, so we have joined a gym. It's a little harder getting him there (me too!), but he's on his way.


What we have come to understand about diets is that they don't work. Diets you go on and off of. But if you change your lifestyle, you can change your body shape and keep it for good.


Best of luck to everyone trying to get healthy and stay healthy!

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Weigh in is over!!!!!!!!! AND - - - - I lost 4 pounds!!!!!


YEAH!!!!! I am doing a happy dance for you too. That is great! I started my exercise program today. It was hard, but not as hard as I thought it would be. I also bought some new clothes a size smaller than usual by catalog order, received them yesterday, AND THEY FIT!!! I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work. GO VICKIE GO!


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Good morning, all.


Just wanted to chime in here with a success story to lift your spirits.


When my partner hit 330+ pounds last year (and was facing double knee replacement surgery) and realized he was at the point where he'd have to go to the big and tall stores to buy clothes, he made a "mind change" and a lifestyle change.


All he did was two key things:

- he almost completely eliminated high fructose corn syrup from his diet.

- he stopped eating late at night. (He often used to have a Stouffer's turkey tettrazini or some such at around 11 or so.)


That was it. No counting calories or points, no enormous exercise program.


He lost 50 pounds in the six months leading up to his surgery, and 50 pounds in the six months after. He has remained steady at 230, but wants to lose another 20 or so, so we have joined a gym. It's a little harder getting him there (me too!), but he's on his way.


What we have come to understand about diets is that they don't work. Diets you go on and off of. But if you change your lifestyle, you can change your body shape and keep it for good.


Best of luck to everyone trying to get healthy and stay healthy!


Thanks for stopping by and sharing your partners success story. It is great that he has kept the 100 lbs off. I agree, diets dont work. I am learning that due to border line diabetis I have to change the way I live. I know that I am addicted to sweets, breads, and pasta. I will never be able to eat these again. The temptation will be too much. That's my addiction and I am now recovering from it. I accept this. I want to be around for a long time for my child, and this is just what I have to do. Best of luck to you and your partner. May his last 20 or so pounds come off quickly. Check in with us and let us know how all is going.

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I also weighed this am and was down to 311.5 that is a total of 13.5 lbs for the month of February. And I was sick, no workouts, and ate ice cream and fast food for 1 1/2 weeks. So I am pretty pumped.




Vicky, very jealous of the 99 days too. We still have 6 months left. But I need that time to get 51.5 more lbs off. That will put me at 260. That is what I weighed 4 years ago when I met my Vicki!!!!! So that is my goal before the cruise!!!!

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Thanks for stopping by and sharing your partners success story. It is great that he has kept the 100 lbs off. I agree, diets dont work. I am learning that due to border line diabetis I have to change the way I live. I know that I am addicted to sweets, breads, and pasta. I will never be able to eat these again. The temptation will be too much. That's my addiction and I am now recovering from it. I accept this. I want to be around for a long time for my child, and this is just what I have to do. Best of luck to you and your partner. May his last 20 or so pounds come off quickly. Check in with us and let us know how all is going.


Good luck in managing your eating. It's a huge challenge to stay completely away from entire food groups. I had a friend who was like you -- addicted to cookies, etc. She never ate two cookies. If the package got opened, she ate them all. She went on a severe calorie restricted diet, measuring everything she ate, never eating out. She lost 150 pounds. Kept it off a year, then went off the measuring diet. She has now gained back 170. Even with a 6-week stay at a residential eating disorders program. If you make a change, you have to make it for LIFE. And I think it's hard to say you will never have sweets, bread or pasta again. But if that's what you need to do (like an alcoholic does with liquor), I sincerely hope you can.


The thing about my partner is that he doesn't seem to have to deny himself anything. If we are out, sometimes we split a dessert. He just doesn't do it every time. There is ice cream and candy in the house, but he almost never eats it. When he feels like dessert, it's usually cottage cheese with some fruit. But on occasion, he has a cupcake or a cookie. Just a lot less often than he used to.


One bonus I forgot to mention -- his blood pressure is way down and he has been taken off of two hypertension medications.

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Good luck in managing your eating. It's a huge challenge to stay completely away from entire food groups. I had a friend who was like you -- addicted to cookies, etc. She never ate two cookies. If the package got opened, she ate them all. She went on a severe calorie restricted diet, measuring everything she ate, never eating out. She lost 150 pounds. Kept it off a year, then went off the measuring diet. She has now gained back 170. Even with a 6-week stay at a residential eating disorders program. If you make a change, you have to make it for LIFE. And I think it's hard to say you will never have sweets, bread or pasta again. But if that's what you need to do (like an alcoholic does with liquor), I sincerely hope you can.


The thing about my partner is that he doesn't seem to have to deny himself anything. If we are out, sometimes we split a dessert. He just doesn't do it every time. There is ice cream and candy in the house, but he almost never eats it. When he feels like dessert, it's usually cottage cheese with some fruit. But on occasion, he has a cupcake or a cookie. Just a lot less often than he used to.


One bonus I forgot to mention -- his blood pressure is way down and he has been taken off of two hypertension medications.


I totally agree about getting rid of one whole food group. Now I am well overweight so not an expert or anything but I have to believe that you just make a lifestyle change. Eat smaller portions, less calories ( which will happen with the smaller portions), eat healthier, and excercise. I see "skinny" people eating ice cream, cake, fast food, etc.. Just not as much as I ate and probably not as many times. And then I see these same people at the gym!!!! Well just wanted to put my 2 cents in. Hope you all are having a good day.


Thanks for the uplifting story about your partner. Mine is also losing weight with me before our cruise. She is down about 8 lbs. for February. But she was also bad for about 2 weeks ( no gym, eating bad, etc.) So she has 6 lbs to go to be under 200. Her goal is 135. I say no that is too little, maybe about 150. But we will see.

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mistereks so glad your partners bp is down and he is off the meds. That is great.


I agree, the changes that we make are for life. I have accepted this. I am realizing that I dont live to eat, but rather eat to live. We have cleared all pastas, breads, etc out of our home (which were prominent at every dinner we had). The clinic I go to is also giving me really good tips about getting around some of these issues. For my sweet tooth, Walden Farms (they are on the internet) has dipping sauces that are fat free, sugar free, calorie free, cholesterol free, carb free, gluten free and 100% guaranteed. 3 flavors of chocolate, marshmellow, and carmel. I will have a tbs or two and it cures my sweet tooth. They also have other things that I have not tried yet. But it is switching to foods like this that makes me say that I will not touch the other stuff again. I am so glad that your partner has the will power to control his portions. I wish that I would have done that years ago. Then maybe I would not be facing boarder line diabetis in the face.


Well, everyone have a great weekend. Happy exercising!

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Hey Vickie, are you actually in NO or surrounding area? I was born in Marrero and raised in Bellle Chasse till I was 5. My Dad still lives in Belle Chasse. Never thought about the 10% mark I have 20lbs left. Maybe I can hit it by April 16. We are going to see the Olympic Softball team play ULL here!!!!! I am so excited!!!!!!!!!

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Hi Leah! We are in Metairie! So you were a "Wanker" as my daughters refer to their high school friends that live on the West Bank. We have a girl here at the office that lives in Marrero and we laugh sometimes when she gets upset, we tell her, don't go all Marrero on us! We tease her because she tells us the women in Marrero are tough and don't take any crap off anyone. So Dad is still in Belle Chasse? I hope he faired well during Katrina. Not sure if you are familiar with the East Bank but I grew up on Folse (Ever been to see the lights at Copelands house for Christmas? We are two blocks from his house). Mom and Dad finally got to move back into their house in August of last year. That FEMA trailer was the same size as Mom's master bathroom - seriously!


So, keep that 10% in sight. Make it your first goal. I am making small goals. Each time I hit my 10% I will celebrate (Happy Dance, Movie, maybe even a tuna steak at Zea's) and then set my next goal at the next 10%. So I have 20 pounds to go to my first 10% too!! We weigh in tomorrow morning and I'm hoping for at least 2 pounds. It's not much but hey, if I can lose 2 pounds a week it will take me a year to lose 100 pounds and it will probably stay off if I do it gradually.


So the Softball Team - is it your team? Where are y'all from (now)? I have a nephew at ULL!! Not on any team though! But even if he was, I'm sorry (not really!) to say that I ONLY cheer for LSU!!!! GEAUX TIGERS!!


Take care Leah and keep us all up to date on your progress!!



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Hello all!


I started this thread because the other one was just so overwhelming with over 900 posts, but no one has posted there in over 3 months.


SOOOOO...Here I am, wondering who else out there has over 100 pounds to lose. I figure we can offer each other some encouragement.


Ideally, I'd like to lose about 140lbs. I'm about 20lbs less than I was when I cruised in August 2007 and I'd LIKE to drop about 50lbs before my next cruise in August of this year.


I know I'm not alone out there!!!!!???? :)


I belong to WW and I am a big believer. Just the comraderie and friendliness of my weekly meetings has made such a huge difference.


I joined with a friend. She weighed 375ish, I weighed 174.8


She is down 128 lbs and I am down 24 or so. I took 6 or 7 months off as I was out of state caring for my terminally ill sister who died in November. I got back on the program in January (my husband and I stayed at my sisters house for a while to help her husband and son (14 yrs old) get back on their feet emotionally and logistically).


I do the flex plan and highly recommend it. Others will recommend other programs. I think the key is, most programs are good - the key is implementation and commitment.


SO while I choose WW, other choose Atkins, or Jenny, or NutriSystems ...it doesn't matter as long as you choose one that is right for you and is one you can live with and commit to.


I started the Insulin Resistant diet 3 weeks ago (a male friend of ours did that and lost 60 lbs in 3 months)...and being a female, and 50, I have lots of obstacles to overcome and I have found that cutting out refined carbs is absolutely the key for me. If I go 5 days with eating all my WW points and do not have refined carbs, I drop 4-5 lbs. That is without exercise and not starving. I eat plenty of food and don't allow myself to get hungry.


Good luck and let us know how it is going!

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Hi Mybagsarepacked. Congrats to you and your friend for your weight loss. I absolutely agree with you. It is all about implementing and continuing commitment. Whatever program works - to each his own. I know that going to a clinic is working for me. This is the only accountability that I have that is making me stick to it. Would have tried WW, but my husband works a lot of hours and I wouldnt have anyone to take care of my 3 yr old while I was at meetings.


I am so sorry about your sister. I will never know how hard this has been for you since I do not have any siblings. I pray that you, her son, and the rest of your family are coping as well as possible without her. :hug:


Good luck with your weight loss. We are here for you.

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Hi everyone. Having a really crappy last 2 days. up 3 lbs., son's school told me that he has been very anxios, crying, and depressed during school and suggested meds., then I got a ticket this am for expired registration which I didn't know was expired.:mad: :mad: So have reverted to bad habits, eating bad things, not going to gym. Don't know how to break this cycle!!!!!


Anyway, my dad and his wife faired very well compared to others. They live close to the Naval base, next street over actually, so their power was restored at the same time as the bases. had some roof damage but minimual flooding in there house. Stayed with me for 3 weeks, they left on a Saturday and then we had to evacuate because Rita was coming toward us. We faired pretty good to considering we live in a mobile home. downed trees and electric pole and that was about it.


Congrats on weight losses this week.


Bagsarepacked, congrats to you and your friend on weight losses. And my condolences on your sister. My prayers will be with you and her family. My son's father(my husband) passed away six years ago this Sat. and it is still hard some days. My son is 14 now was 8 when this happened. My partner lost her father when she was 6 so is very helpful with son and understanding about our ties with deceased.


Hope you all have a very good afternoon. Will weigh tomorrow so will post good or bad news.:eek:

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Hi everyone. Having a really crappy last 2 days. up 3 lbs., son's school told me that he has been very anxios, crying, and depressed during school and suggested meds., then I got a ticket this am for expired registration which I didn't know was expired.:mad: :mad: So have reverted to bad habits, eating bad things, not going to gym. Don't know how to break this cycle!!!!!


Anyway, my dad and his wife faired very well compared to others. They live close to the Naval base, next street over actually, so their power was restored at the same time as the bases. had some roof damage but minimual flooding in there house. Stayed with me for 3 weeks, they left on a Saturday and then we had to evacuate because Rita was coming toward us. We faired pretty good to considering we live in a mobile home. downed trees and electric pole and that was about it.


Congrats on weight losses this week.


Bagsarepacked, congrats to you and your friend on weight losses. And my condolences on your sister. My prayers will be with you and her family. My son's father(my husband) passed away six years ago this Sat. and it is still hard some days. My son is 14 now was 8 when this happened. My partner lost her father when she was 6 so is very helpful with son and understanding about our ties with deceased.


Hope you all have a very good afternoon. Will weigh tomorrow so will post good or bad news.:eek:



Take a deep breath. Focus. You can do this. Drop the cookies! Dont you dare eat that hamburger. You do have the will power to do this. These are little obsticals that are in your way and you need to push them to the side. We are with you 100%.

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Good morning everyone! Leah, I want you to know that there will be some hurdles, we are just to heavy to JUMP over them right now. So we need to walk around them for a bit. It's ok that you reverted back. Now, just start going forwards again. That's all you've ever known so it was easy and natural to eat bad things when you were stressed and angry. I do it too! We all do! I bet Stacy does it too! What I do is I talk out loud to myself and say ok Vic, get your act together. Finish the donut, the damage is done, now start thinking positive. Since I'm a good listener I usually listen to myself (LOL!). You seem to have had a lot come together all at once and you were overwhelmed. Your son may be anticipating the anniversary of his father's death and it is getting the best of him. I would suggest taking him to the gym with you and introducing him to weight lifting. He's a teenage boy that is going through serious hormonal changes right now and probably starting to notice girls, etc. Let him work out his anxiety at the gym. Maybe ask a guy at the gym that you often see working out - tell him about your son and what he is going through and ask him to "teach" your son or introduce your son to weight lifting. Remember, he is lacking a male role model for the past 6 years and now may be the time that he needs a man to talk to or look up to. I'm sure you and your partner (Vickie? I think you told me her name was - nice name!!) are loving and nurturing to him but there comes a time when a boy may start to feel uncomfortable asking for help or dealing with issues that he feels Mom would not understand. And thank goodness Vickie is able to commiserate with your son about losing a parent so young. She will be able to understand what he is going through and may be able to tell you how her mom handled these type of situations with her.


Keep your chin up! We are all behind you!! Be positive.


On a lighter note, I weighed in just now - down 3 pounds this week. I'm at 235. So let's see, that's 17 pounds to go to the first 10%. I'll take it! My first cruise is June 7th to the Eastern Caribbean. Would LOVE to be at or below 200 by that trip - so I would have to lose on average 2.69 pounds a week to accomplish that. Then I have the European Cruise beginning September 6th. So that would be 12 weeks later. If I could be at or around 175 I would be thrilled. I know I have to be realistic but I'm hoping and praying that I do it because we are going to be doing some serious walking, especially in Russia and Poland. I want to enjoy my trip, not be exhausted.


Let's see those weigh in's guys!!


Have a great weekend and stay focused. Remember the BIG PICTURE!!




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Vickie - Great advise to Leah. I would have never thought to give that advise - still new at the mommy thing. :) But I am glad that you offered it. That is what we are all here for - encouraging and helping.


Congrats on your weight loss this week. Keep it up. YOU CAN DO IT!!! :D

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