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100+ lbs to lose???


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Welcome here Caroline!!!! Way to go on the weight loss. Slow and steady wins the race!!!!!


Hi Leah! Thanks for the welcome; how've you been?


I am partial to Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs, myself. I can take or leave a peanut butter cup, but the eggs...man. I can't be trusted around them, though, so if I want one I can only buy ONE. I have no will power when it comes to sugar.

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Sorry Leah. I completely forgot to answer you. The one on Baronne was nice but a good walk to the terminal. What rate did you get at the one at the Convention Center? We stay at the Sheraton whenever we stay downtown. As a matter of fact we're checking in on April 4th for that weekend. My daughter's birthday is today (she's 18) but she wants to wait to celebrate on the 4th because she is the 2nd to last to turn 18 in her group and they all want to be 18 so they can go to the French Quarter. We usually stay in the Governors Suite which is a two bedroom with the giant "parlor" in the middle with the bar and kitchen. We had her Sweet 16 there. She babysits for the Director there and he covers the entire bill, parking and all. They are VERY good to my girls.


You will be right where you need to be. There is a street car now that runs along the river from the Riverwalk to the Flea Market. It stops right at Cafe Dumonde too. Will you be parking a car? If so, make sure you check the parking rate for the week. You may be better off going to Dad's house and having him drop y'all off at the hotel.


Welcome Thistoo! And GREAT job! You are right - it will stay off if you do it right!! Congrats and keep up the good work! We are all behind you and WITH you in this.


Awww Stacy! That's so sad! You saved that little egg and waited for the perfect moment and HE STOLE YOUR MOMENT! Look at it this way instead - he saved you from having to work off those extra calories!!


Hope the Migrane goes away Leah! Ok, everybody, Shhhhhhh, Leah needs quiet!


Weigh in is tomorrow!!! I thought I would be a smart@$$ and pull my 20's (jeans) out of the closet since I FEEL like I've lost a good bit AND since my daughter told me yesterday that I look like a bag lady in my jeans (those were actually my 24's - I alternate between a pair of 22's and 24's) and that I could not wear them anymore. So, just for $hits and giggles, I tried my old 20's on. THEY FIT!! Wooohooo! The lowest I have are 18's which I was only able to get into for a few weeks last summer. I was on a roll, went from 265 to 218 and then had surgery. :mad: Gained most of it back :( So if I can get back into those soon I will be a happy camper!!


Wish me luck!!



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Hello all!!


I don't need to lose 100 pounds (more like about 20), but I DID lose 100 pounds about 8 years ago. Occasionlly I put a few on, but mostly kept it off. You all don't need any more advice...I am sure you know what it takes to get it off...just wanted to drop in and say "It can be done!". Never lose hope and a pound lost is a pound of fat gone from your body forever!! Keep up the great work and support! You can DO IT!!:D

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WOW Vickie that is GREAT!!!!! YIPEEEEEEE. My goat size for the cruise is 22, I wear at 26/28 now. Some of those are getting a little loose. I have a dress haning on my curtains in our bedroom that I want to wear on the cruise!!!!! Put it on and it went on but doesn't fit as well as I would like!!! Anyway CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!


We booked our room online and got it for 59 plus tax, 15 for rollaway bed for T and 16 for parking that night. We know that parking for the week at the cruise terminal will be 70. Will we be able to see the ship from this hotel??? the other hotel we had was gonna be 85 after taxes and don't know about parking but not as close as we are now right????


Hey Caroline, I am doing so so. Not been real motivated lately but hoping to get back on track!!!!


Hey Jens thanks for the vote of confidence and the success story. How did you lose your weight??? and what sizes, weights did you lose from and to?? I am nosy sorry!!!!!

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I went the low fat route and I work out a lot. when I am maintaining I do jazzercise 2 days a week and a boot camp style work out 3 days a week. Right now (trying to lose before my cruise...so I can gain!) I am working out 6 days a week. Portion control is what it's all about and the hardest thing for me. I went from a size 26/28 and 273lbs to size 14 and 187. I got all the way down to 165 and size 12...but proved to be WAY to hard to maintain. I mean...I had to completely cut out tacos for crying out loud!! Who can live like that??!! So...I indulge once a week, on Saturdays with my DH, and really watch it the rest and stay happy at a size 14. BTW I am 5'10". It has been a long journey, but one well worth it. I feel great and I think I look great and so does my DH. Just make small goals...like 10 pounds. Then reward yourself. If you can't get into a smaller size then maybe an inexpensive piece of jewlery or a book you have been wanting. I even set daily goals...today no candy, or jazzericise and cardio kickboxing. I never looked at my ultimate goal...did not really have one. Just wanted to be "less" and healthier. If I can do it (and I love food and love to NOT exercise!) then anyone can!!

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Thanks for your story Jen!!!! Any inspiration is good for me at this moment!!!! Hope you continue in your maintance!!! Pop in anytime and add your 2 cents, but not 2 lbs.LOL. Just a little humor. You know we, the overweight, are all so jolly!!!

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Thanks, Vickie, and congratulations to you! That's such an awesome feeling, fitting into a smaller size. Keep going and you'll be in those 18s in no time :D


Leah, I hope you start feeling better soon. I know how it feels to lose motivation, absolutely. It's no fun, but you'll pull through. Having this board to talk about it with people who understand helps me a lot, so I hope it helps you too.


And on that note, I am going to go work out. It's circuit night, which is horrible but totally works, so I'm going!

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I would recommend using a stationary bike. Get on that thing and just keep biking until you are sweating like crazy. Bike and Bike and Bike. Try to just drink water and you can start losing a ton of weight each month.

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Hi everyone! DH was off yesterday so I didnt get on the computer very much. Seems like a lot of movement on this thread yesterday.


Jen - Congrats on your weight loss. You are an inspiration to the rest of us that need to loose a bunch. :) Welcome to our group.


Caroline - Great job!! Keep it up. The slower you take it off, the longer you will keep it off. Keep up the good work. I am proud of you. Welcome to our little group. I also LOVE the peanut butter eggs too, but cadbury cream eggs still my fav. I cant even have one right now. My dr has me checking my glucose 3X a day to see where my sugar levels are at. She told me that they are still too high, so sweets are a no go.


Leah - :( I do hope you feel better. I can sympathize with you. I also get migraines. I have had to put my head on a heating pad at times just to help it go away. I keep my bedroom extremely dark just for moments when I do have one. Mine seems to be triggered my hormone changes mostly, but there are times when I get them just because. Let us know how you feel today. {{hugs}}


Vickie - Yes, he stole my moment. That seems to be a pattern with him. He is now paying for his crimes and has no freedom. As for me, I have always been the type to share, so I guess it shouldnt have been a big deal. I am now paying for my love of Cadbury Cream Eggs. I guess we all have to pay for different things in different ways. Congrats on reaching a smaller size jean. That is fantastic. Here is wishing you good luck today on your weigh in. Happy birthday to you. We always tell the person who is celebrating happy birthday, but we often forget the parents - it is a birthday for them too. Mom and dad had to be there in order for it to be a birthday for them - so happy birthday to you and your daughter!!


Ok, I am going to get ready and walk around our block while Spiderman rides his bike. Nothing like running some energy off him. Then it is off to the playground to run more energy from him. Sometime today it is off to the store.... will it ever stop... does a mom's job ever end? I am so tired. I have never been this tired in my life. He was born in July 2004 and I dont think I have stopped since. hehehe kidding I love being a mommy. Wouldnt change it for the world. Have a nice day everyone, talk later.


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Hey y'all!!! I weighed in this morning! 2 pounds down!!! I'll take it!!


Leah, sorry, you won't be able to see the ship from your hotel only because the ship is directly behind the terminal and the Convention Center and terminal itself is "tall" so your view will be blocked. Unless the hotel is more than 15 stories which I don't think that one is. Sorry!:confused: BUT, you can walk across the street and go into the Riverwalk and go out on the balcony that runs along the back of the mall and BAM, it's right there in your face!! We sat on the balcony (they have chairs and tables) and watched as Mom left for one of her cruises. She didn't know it but the girls made her posters that said Bon Voyage MiMi, we love you. And of course she knew it was for her and she called us on our cell to say thanks, it made her smile!! Not that she wasn't smiling already - she was leaving for a cruise!


I like the group we have formed here :D I feel almost like I am accountable to y'all and that makes me think twice before putting those damn cadbury eggs in my mouth. Tomorrow is going to be the big challenge. The crawfish boil for Jamie's birthday party (thanks for the birthday greetings - I feel the same way!), cake, and just a lot of food in general. My sister is doing ribs, chicken and sausage for those that do not eat crawfish (:eek: not eat crawfish?). I feel like I have to be good and lose weight because I can't very well be cheering y'all on and putting my two cents in if I can't even follow my own advice. SO, in a nutshell, THANKS for making me ACCOUNTABLE!! :D


So everyone, have a great weekend!!


Oh, wait, I have to tell y'all something funny! As you know, my daughter turned 18 yesterday. Well, she comes to me as I am going to bed last night and says: "Mom, we're all going to Rendon Inn tomorrow night. Can you pick us up if Adair's mom drops off?" Ok, first of all, Rendon Inn is a bar that I WENT TO when I was in college!!! Second of all, I asked her, when did she turn into my son? She said "what?" I said, when did you grow balls? Cause it had to take balls to TELL me that you were going to a bar when you just turned 18 TODAY! So, we agreed that when my husband gets back in town this afternoon we will discuss it. I guess I have to let go sooner or later but don't TELL me you are going to a bar! ASK ME!! So, just wanted to let y'all know I now have a SON!!


See y'all - Vickie

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Hope the weather is pretty for you and spiderman Stacy. Good point about Vicki!!!!!! I normally give my mother a rose on MY birthday!!!!!!!:) .


T made my vicki cry last night. Just out of the blue he wrote her a little card saying she was the best thing that has happened to him and I in a long time. Now she and I have been together 4 years in July, so this was just a shock but beautiful. We are trying to figure out what he is up to!!! But she just said he was special to her to!!!!!!!!!! I thought that was very sweet, I kinda teared up too and I am not a cryer!!!


anyway went to gym this am for weigh in. Scale said 313. Which is back down 2 of the 3 I had put back on so I was pretty happy beings I have not been to the gym all week and not very good on food. Wasn't dressed for a workout but decided to do my crunches (100) side twists(25 ea side), bicep curls(25), and then tried something new. I don't know what it is called but I had to hang by my forearms and bring my knees up to my stomach. I have never been able to do the first pull up even when I was smaller and played sports!!!! so I was nervous to say the least. Well I hung there and did 5 QUICKLY and figured out how to get down. But I did some!!!!!!!!


Vickie, hope yall have a great time in NO for your daughters birthday!!!!!!!!!!


Hope you all are having a good Friday. Let's see those NUMBERS!!!!!

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Yeah Leah!!! That is great. I think it is fantastic that you are trying new exercises. Keep it up. T sounds soooo sweet. I know that made you extremely proud of him.


Yeah Vickie!!! You did a great job! I too like the group we have formed. Not only does it help us be accountable, but there is a friendship with others who is going through the same struggles and common interest. Hope you have fun at the birthday party. Can you send some of the crawfish down to me? just kidding. I had to laugh at your daughter "son" wanting to go to a bar. I too was very bold like that.


Weather turned ugly yesterday. We went out for our walk around the block (1.1 miles) and over halfway through very few rain drops hit us. Seemed like it was going to stop, so I loaded Spiderman into the car and got him over to the playground where his daddy works. We get out there and I spread out a blanket to sit on. He is playing, I'm reading and then - - - it starts to sprinkle. We were out there maybe 25 minutes. As soon as we get home (5 min away) the bottom drops from the sky. It stormed all afternoon and evening. Today should be better. I hope.




Hope everyone has a great weekend. Talk later. Stacy

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Congrats Vickie on the weight loss. That is great. Sorry I missed your post yesterday we must have crossed!!!! That is very funny about your DD. I have never understood why you would want to go to the bar if you couldn't drink!!!! I guess I am just getting old. Cause when we do go to the bars(very rarely) we dance and not big drinkers, anymore!!!!!!!! Hope yall are having fun today!!!!!!!!!!


I also agree about loving this board. Especially since I am suppose to meet vickie face to face in few months. so she will know if I have been honest all this time or not:eek: :eek: . Which of course I have, lying would be stupid and self detromental, imo.


Stacy, sorry about yesterday's weather. Hopefully you found something to do with Spiderman inside.


A bit of new about T, last night he went with friends to the skating rink, which in its self is a big deal because he is little for his age (14y/o, 5', 78 lbs) and is very shy and kinda afraid of the bigger kids, then stayed the night with the friend. granted it is next door but still is a step forward. Little steps, kinda sounds familiar huh:p .

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That is great about T. Maybe he will take this experience as not being as scarey as he once thought. He will be on the go so much you will have a hard time keeping up with him.


Ok, just needed to share with everyone. We were at church today and Spiderman truely surprised us. They brought all the younger children out into the congregation to sing a little song before church was over. Who do you think lead all the children to the front of the church waving palm leaves?? That's right. My little Spiderman. When they got to the front they all stopped and sang a song. Who do you think everyone heard? Yeap, Spiderman again. Plus he knew all the words. We had so many people come up to us at the end and tell us that they didnt hear anyone else because he was louder than the rest. They absolutely loved him and the way he sounded. I was so proud of him. Surpised also that he did so well since he is always in constant movement at home.


Hope you all are having a great Sunday. Talk later. Stacy

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Thanks Leah. Yeap, pretty proud of him yesterday.... today not so much! He has so much energy and is driving me up the wall today.


Ok, so we have to go to my mother in laws tonight and wont be here tomorrow. So I changed my appt from tomorrow to today. I have a new weigh-in and I am pretty excited about it. I lost 6.6 lbs this week. That is a total of 20.7. Only 11.1 more to go before I hit my 10% mark.


Everybody have a great Monday and will talk soon.

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Thanks Leah. Let me just say, my MIL finally was able to see her little "angel baby" as she calls Spidey in his glory. She now understands why I am so exhausted all the time. Just returned home. Very tired. Talk later. Good luck this week everyone.

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Yayyyyy to everyone!!! Stacy - WOW - I have to say it again - WOW!!! I am so proud and envious of you!!! You are all an inspiration to me!


Sorry I've been absent lately. Had the big birthday weekend, husband is traveling a lot and I'm staying on top of the girls with homework (only 26 school days left for Jamie, my Senior), appointments with the dressmaker (I HATE URSULINE'S GRADUATION DRESS RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), work, gym (have not made it every day so I'm not expecting huge results this Friday, but I am staying in check for the most part. Guess what y'all? Boss walks in today and hands me a huge Easter basket filled with guess what? Cadbury eggs!!!! Stacy - if we weren't in the same boat (or should I say SHIP on this board?) I would send every last one of those damn eggs and sign the card - Love your Cousin!! But we would not want to tempt you. Besides, I don't think Spiderman needs any more sugar (ENERGY)!! So, will we be seeing him on American Idol in 12 years or so?


Leah - I want T!!! He sounds like an incredible young man!! You and Vickie are so lucky to have him!! Give him a hug for the Other Vickie!!!


Wendy and Caroline - y'all are being awfully quiet!! Is that a good thing or a bad thing?


Ok, so I'm going upstairs and I'm going to measure these thunder thighs like I said I was going to do what a week ago?


Here's to hoping for a 6 pound week like Stacy!!!!


We can do it!!!!!! (Should I try out for an Adam Sandler movie??)


See y'all - Vickie

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Hey Vickie. Glad you wrote in to let us know how you are. Dont forget to breath. Dont let the stress get to you.


Stacy - WOW - I have to say it again - WOW!!!

You have to remember that I am going to a clinic to help me loose. I also walked a lot more last week. I was trying to run energy off Spidey, but I helped myself while I was at it.


Boss walks in today and hands me a huge Easter basket filled with guess what? Cadbury eggs!!!!



Stacy - if we weren't in the same boat (or should I say SHIP on this board?) I would send every last one of those damn eggs and sign the card - Love your Cousin!! But we would not want to tempt you. Besides, I don't think Spiderman needs any more sugar (ENERGY)!! So, will we be seeing him on American Idol in 12 years or so?

I have been doing really good with temptations lately. It is my hubby that is not. However, I would sit down and eat every last one of those damn Cadbury Eggs. I had to laugh when I read this. We just might see Spidey on AI in 12 yrs or so. He is such a ham. My MIL was a singer with her sisters (they toured as their own group) back in the day, so he gets it honestly.


I know a lot has been going on, but I have faith that you have lost!! Keep up the good work.

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Hi all, Sorry I have been quiet, but my son had exams this week and a good friend lost her dad yesterday, so its been nonstop here. Then my dear husband(said with sarcasm) tells me that since our anniversary is Saturday that he wants to take me to Fire and Ice tomorrow night. I'm like what???? I am trying to diet and be healthy and you want me to go eat at the place with the best cheesecake in the world? MEN!!


Had my weighin on Monday and I lost 1lb, which is better than gaining a pound, I keep telling myself.


Have a good night all


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Wendy - How dare he??? Jamie's friends took her there Friday night before they went to the Quarter. Stay away from the cheesecake! She brought her leftovers home (Crawfish Fettucine) and my husband and I finished it off for her. But seriously, go have fun. It's not every day your hubby takes you out for your anniversary! Just remember the next day to jump back on that diet wagon. If it makes you feel any better, I devoured a burger at Hummingbird Grill yesterday (the new one in Harahan). I didn't order fries so that was a step in the right direction. I'm fretting Friday! We are frying trout and I have a weakness for trout swimming in tartar sauce and Louisiana Hot Sauce. I'm sweating already just thinking of it. Trying to be a good Catholic does not pay when you are on a diet. Good thing "fasting" calls for only one meal on Good Friday!


Heading to Bonco girls! Another obstacle! It's Italian night in honor of St. Joseph's Day! Ok, so I just realized - the Church is making me fat! HAHAHA!


Talk to y'all tomorrow!



P.S. Are my girls the only ones that did not have exams this week? What school is your son at?

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