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I just love reading all of your posts. Good to see all the effort and thought going on.

Kelly: Do me a favor. Don't use that pink type please! I was straining my eyes to read it. Sorry to here about that seizure. Are you taking medication for them???? What a bummer to have them. My neighbor has CP and has them as much as 6 times a day! Fortunately she has a very caring family who watches over her. Hey Kelly, I like your exercise technique. When I go to bed, instead of counting sheep, I'll count butt squeezes:p

Jodie: Next time you walk by that vending machine, give it a swift kick and label it with my name on it!

Lanie: You did just fine when you went out to eat. No need for guilt.

For breakfast today I ate: 2 eggs fried in pam, 2 slices of whole wheat toast with make believe butter spread, a cup of coffee with s&l and skim milk. I did not go over my calorie budget of 400 calories per meal. My 1200 calorie diet per day does not allow me to go hungry, so there is no desire to cheat. If you gals allow that hunger to set in, it leaves the door open for the "Fat Fairy" to visit.

Come to think of it, I don't see anyone posting what they do for breakfast. How many of you are skipping breakfast??????? You all know that is the most important meal of the day. Right?

Tomorrow is our 3rd. weigh in and for Laura, it will be her 1st. Laura, where ever you are, I hope to see you on this thread tomorrow.

That's it for now ladies. I'll be lurking throughout the day for future posts.

Have a skinny weekend!
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1. While walking my dog, I saw that my shadow now has a curve in waist line.

2. I no longer have to lay down on bed to put jeans on and pray zipper doesn't break.

3. My underwear no longer feel tight around the bands.

4. My bras are getting wringles in cups...time for new size.

5. I can bend to tie shoe laces on sneakers and not get out of breath.

6. I'm not feeling sluggish or tired like I used to.

7. When washing my face, it feels thinner.

Anyone else have discoveries they wish to share?
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Quote from Kelly: I didn't choose the pink type, it appeared that way when I posted. I'm sorry it hurt your eyes, but it was not my doing.

I'm taking a break from this board because I'm starting to have some negative feelings when I read some of the posts and the way some people are spoken to here. It feels condescending and not supportive. Not a good thing for people who are trying to help support each other to reach their personal goals. I don't like the way that I'm starting to feel here. I'm beginning to wonder if that is why the board sometimes feels slow and not busy with others typing their own thoughts and feelings........perhaps they don't feel safe to be honest and share their fears here......I don't think I'm alone.

I hope to be back soon.

Dear Kelly: Wow, I was taken back by your thoughts. I didn't get the feeling anyone was being that way on this board. If I offended you by my comment about the pink type, it certainly wasn't meant to offend. Please realize that something in type can be misconstrued very easily because it doesn't convey a person's tone or mannerism. I probably post the most on this thread and that leads me to think perhaps some of my posts have been taken the wrong way. If this is the case, please let me know. If anyone feels the same way as Kelly does, please say so and the situation will be worked out in a friendly manner.

Kelly, thanks for revealing your feelings. I hope you will feel comfortable in being more specific by telling me which posts seemed negative to you. Hope you stay on board and work this out with all of us.

Very sincere about this,
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=blue][i]Hi everyone, just got home from work a little while ago had some chili with a little cheese for supper, a WW dinner for lunch and a 1 pt carrot cake, breakfast was a WW apple cinnamon muffin. OK now I am confused reading the last couple posts, what happened????? I hope I didn't say anything to upset anyone. I always thought everyones posts were encouraging and supportative:confused: [/i][/color][/size][/font]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#0000ff]Kelly I probably only ate half cause I had that darn dip have you ever tried it??????? But then again I can ususally only eat half. I notice I eat slower when out so maybe that is why too.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#0000ff]Nicole Are you feeling better?????????? I hope so.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#0000ff]hey Jodie I was soooooo busy today I forgot to notice the vending machine. Guess I must be down that way more on the afternoon shift.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#0000ff]Regina I too have noticed wrinkles in my bra. my clothes are more confortable too and I feel lighter:D [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#0000ff]Got to run, hope everyone has a good night and hope I haven't offended any one with my posts. LANI[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font][/i]
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I edited my post because I re-thought my words, and decided the majority of the posts on this board are helpful to me. Those were not meant to be shared on this board, thus my edit, and changing of my words. Truly.....it was not worth it! Your "cut and paste tactics" have made me very angry. If you would like to edit your message and un-paste my words, I would greatly appreciate it, and then I would be happy to share more on this board.

Thank you, Regina!

Have a FABULOUS SATURDAY Everyone!!!!
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Hi Kelly....That explains why I couldn't find your post. I thought there was something wrong I was doing when I couln't find your post. It was in my "inbox" in my e-mail which led me to believe you wanted it read. Did not realize. I think once a post follows, it might be hard to undo, but I will try. It was not pasted to be mean. I only pasted because I couldn't find your post and I wanted you to know how I felt. I did not consider it to be a "tactic", but only a helpful tool to work matters out that were bothering you. I will try to unpaste it, but if I can't, I will certainly ask the "supervisor" of this thread to delete it. Sometimes though, when a supervisor goes to delete a post, the whole thread gets deleted and I hope that won't be the case. At any rate, please let us know which posts you took offense or that you thought were not helpful cause I don't think there is anyone on the board who intentionally meant to put you down in any way.

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Hi Kelly,

I went back to the post that you wanted deleted and it would not allow me to delete. I will now get in contact with the supervisor of this thread and ask for it to be deleted and it will be up to the supervisor. Supervisors usually delete when they find something offensive written though, and if they don't find anything offensive, they may choose not to delete it. So, it is now in their hands, not mine, but at least I can say I tried.

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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkgreen]Hi again, just got done working on my gazelle, did 30 min. of running on it. So I feel a little better about that san remo dip and pumpkin ice cream :D . [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#006400][/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#006400]Regina I just love those wrinkles in the bra:D . I have to keep myself aware of my exercise and food choices at all times. Once I lax off then it takes me forever to start up again. That has been a big pitfall for me in the past. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#006400]Hope everyone is having a good night see ya at weigh in in the morning. Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Just returned from a fast pace walk with my Golden Retreiver. I think he loves it more than I do. Phew! I'm pooped! Got to get ready for tomorrow as I have plans to go and see a broadway musical in the city. I will post my weigh in when I get back from the city. Until then....

No sweet dreams, only thin ones:D

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Whoa! I take a break for a day and all you know what breaks loose. :confused:

I enjoy your posts and do not want you to leave. I think you are a wonderful young woman, at least as much as I know of you from here. I have no idea what you must be going thru but you seem to come thru it smiling. :) So I sure hope I did not offend you. If I did, I am very sorry. I think some of us post more than others as this is an outlet for us and some need to share more than others. I can be very shy and sometimes not very forth coming with my feelings. I certainly don't feel anyone is being judgemental. We all have different personalities and are just getting to know one another. Your are a valuable part of this group so please come back!

Oh, as for the different colors, sometimes the lighter colors are hard to read but maybe that is our mood. The way I have been feeling this week I should be going between very[color=navy][b]dark blue[/b][/color] (depressed and down on myself) to [color=red][b]red[/b][/color] (that is when I am reallllllyyyyyyyyy down and have the [color=red][b]mean reds[/b][/color]) to [color=yellow][b]sunshine yellow[/b][/color](happy and glad to be alive) Ok no yellow as even in bold that is hard to read. LOL! I wind up using whatever color this is cause I am too lazy to do anything else and I type very fast. Anyhow, I am rambling, but just want to say that whatever way we chose to express ourselves, at least we are doing it.

This has been a roller coaster week for me. I do not know why,:confused: I am way into menopause(10+yrs) so that is not the reason. I do not want to get on that scale in the morning......but I will and I will report in. It may be late cause it is 1:30am and I am still on my computer. Can't sleep so I will be sleeping in.
Today is my 6th wedding anniversary. I am so happy to be married to my wonderful DH. We are spending the day with just us. So off to bed and try to sleep. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. When will my bra get wrinkly? LOL!:)
Later gang!
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkslateblue]Good Morning Ladies, Hope everyone has a great Sunday. Well I got on the scale and it said: 168.5 :D Didn't measure eyes don't want to read that little tape measure this early:p [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#483d8b][/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#483d8b]Again everyone have a great day. Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#483d8b][b]Thought for Today:[/b] I am closer to my goal with each passing day![/color][/size][/font][/i]
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I just rejoined WW this past week, and while I really enjoy my group, I thought it would be a good thing to get more moral support, and I just love my Cruise Critic boards. I was on WW last spring, but had to quit when I found out I was pregnant. Unfortunately, I had a miscarriage the end of August, and so had a bittersweet reunion with my lecturer this time.

Since I got back, they started the Core program, and I still need to learn all the ins and outs about that. Are any of you on WW also? What do you think of the new program?

And I guess I need to know the rules of this thread. Do you do a weekly weigh-in? Anything else I should know?

Hoping there's less of me soon,
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Good Morning Ladies

Well I'm happy to report that I lost 2.5 pounds this week. Thats a total
of 7.5 pounds since I started my healthy eating program the end of
August. Hope to never see those pounds again. I owe a lot of this to you ladies. I find these boards very helpful. I am a little confused on whats been
going on with some of the posts as I have not been here all week. I hope
everything is ok.

MC welcome to our group. You know what they say the more the merrier.
I think you will find these boards will help you. The ladies on here are so nice.
They give great advice and encouragement.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am having everyone over here for dinner
today. It will be my first Thanksgiving without my Dad as he is in hospital
and I'm feeling a little sad about that. I'm going to try real hard to eat good
today but I am having a "small" slice of pumpkin pie.

I hope everyone had a great week!

I will try and post more on the boards as you may have noticed I'm only
posting when I weigh-in on Sundays. I go to work early and I don't get
home until 7 or 8 at night. When I do get home I'm exhausted and try and
spend some time with hubby then off to bed.

Good luck to all for todays weigh-in.

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To everyone here:

There is only 1 person that I have taken offense to here, but I am over it. Instead of taking something away from myself that I have found to be helpful and wonderful, I am instead applying what I have learned to do in life....[size=4][color=plum][b]POOF-Be gone[/b][/color][/size]! (yes.....in purple!) :) I choose to surround myself with positive happy people who do not bring me down, and most of you are this way here. I'm hopeful that this will continue and this issue can just DIE! It is not impossible (and actually quite do-able if you want to) to edit and then cut and paste, or cut and [b]delete[/b] in this case something that one does not want posted, and that you didn't have the right to post anyway. Thank you to all who have chosen to ignore these issues. To those that have written in response to them, thank you for your support and encouragement.

Soooooooo.....in answer to any of your questions.....I am feeling fine, I am over it, I don't like trouble or trouble makers and I am having a stress free weekend! Now let's just MOVE ON!

Perhaps the stress this week has been helpful. I have lost another 3 pounds this week. Not my goal (too much loss), but I'll take it anyway!

I'm off to the mountains to enjoy my beautiful aspen tree colors and to get away from the toxins of the city! (yes....I'm feeling a little [color=blue]BLUE [/color][color=black]from all of this!)[/color]

Have a wonderful Sunday!
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Hi gang,

I haven't been on the thread this past week and it really shows in my loss of control over my diet. I've had parental issues (with mother in nursing home) which have led to major stress......although no excuse. The good news is that I only gained one pound, however I measured myself since just starting the diet (two months ago) and have lost a total of 15 inches. Thank you everyone, for your words of encouragement, the support on this board is wonderful!!!

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Good afternoon everyone. I am feeling much better thanks, the Mexican stomach bug has disappeared.
Happy Anniversary to crazyforcruisin, hoping my BF and I will be like you guys some day!!
Congrats to everyone with wrinkles in their bras. I just bought new ones a month ago, they are getting big on me now!

Ann-sounds like your long term results are great, don't worry about 1 lb.
I am not sure what happened yesterday, but I feel that people here are more than supportive. I guess it was about somebody's font colour? Not sure.

Anyways, just weighed in at 157.3. I am not sure if it is too accurate b/c I have had stomach issues, so haven't eaten much, but I also haven't be able to exercise.

I will go to the gym 2morrow and get back to my routine. I think I will weigh in Tuesday for a more accurate account. Anyhow, it is a very small loss since last week, but my waist looks pretty tiny. I have lost 4 lbs since we started. My mom thinks my goal weight is too thin (this from a woman who weighs 125), but I am pretty athletic and I think she may be right?

What do you girls think? I don't know think a 1200 calorie diet for me is a good idea. I am WAY to active in my job, gym, I go out on the weekend til 2-3am. I think maybe that is what is upsetting my stomach? I am 5'8 at 157.3 , with a 27 waist, I have some hips/thighs I would like to tone up more, do you guys think 135 is too optomistic or thin? Maybe I think this b/c I have never been 135. Well, I am going to shoot for it, but just Wanted all of your opinions!

I am soooo proud of everyone, even the ones that gain this week. It is tough to keep motivated, especially in this crazy world where food to us can be such comfort and relief from a hectic day. I wish you a great week, may God be with you!
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Good Morning Everyone!:)
The good news is I did not gain! The bad news is I did not lose. So my week of roller coasting did not do too much damage. It is a new day and a new week. The sun is shining outside and in my head! I am starting fresh like last week never happened. My DH and I are enjoying each others company and having a really nice anniversary
I belong to a Bunko group and this is my month to have the 11 ladies over so I am busy getting ready for that as they will descend upon me tomorrow. Bunko nite each month is hard for me as there are just to many goodies set out for dinner and on the tables as you play. I am making things I can eat without depriving the rest. Going easy on the table goodies and I will chat away from the kitchen while dessert is being served. Any leftovers will go home with the girls. The evening begins with dinner at 6:30 and ends with dessert around 9pm. So I probably will not be on here tomorrow. PS Bunko is a dice game and we have a group of 12 women that rotates each month to a different home. The game is not all that important as the comraderie and fun!:)
Welcome MC, this is a great group of women, very supportive and fun. I am on Atkins as that is what works for me. I am also going to Curves 4 x a week. So come in and join us!
Congrats to all the "LOSERS"! :D
Regina, you go girl! You really fought off the fat fairy and got that mind set going! I am proud of you!
Lani, you are doing wonderful. Keep up the good work and keep those inspirationals coming!
Kelly, Glad you are staying with us. I bet the trees were gorgeous! Not to mention the fresh air.
Ann, You can do it! Things should get better for you soon. We are all here to help out.
Joanne, Happy T-day! Congrats to you too on your loss of weight. Have a slice and not to worry. Tomorrow is another day.
Nicole, Glad you are feeling better! I do not think 135 is unrealistic on a 5'8" frame. I am 5'10" and weighed 140 in my younger days. So do not listen to anyone but yourself. If you think you will feel and look good at that weight, go for it! I beat you look great now especially with that tiny waist. As for the amount of calories, can't help you there, I count carbs which for me is alot easier.
Ok, I am off to move the dust around and make sure the house is presentable for my guests. Have a great day everyone!:cool:
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Congratulations to the 'losers'!! Nicole, I'm 5'7" and I don't think 135 is unrealistic at all. Thats my goal.....only 21 more pounds before my cruise in six weeks!! LOL!

Regina, dogs are a great tool in getting exercise. My Black Lab begs me constantly for a walk. It's great exercise for the both of us, even if my dog has to physically drag me most of the way.

Skiiergirl, after reading your posts on a couple of boards, I'm going to finally bite the bullet and join Curves. Its really pathetic because my basement is full of exercise equipment, however I can't get the motivation to even go down there. The support from other women will be good.

Good luck to everyone next week!

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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkslategray]Hi everyone, Glad to see everyone is doing so well.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#2f4f4f][b]Ann[/b] I think you will love curves, like you I have a lot exercise equipment that I haven't been using but since joining curves the last 3 weeks have inspired me to do more at home. The last 2 nights I have done 30 minutes on my gazelle and I love it I use to do an hour a day. I go to curves 4 days a week and go around 3-4 times. It is fun..[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#2f4f4f][b]Jodie[/b] You are doing great at least you didn't gain. Every new day is the first day of the rest of our lives, a new beginning. [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#2f4f4f][b]Regina[/b] you are really doing great, you are an inspiration.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#2f4f4f][b]MC [/b]welcome!!!!! I am doing Weight Watchers and going to curves. I don't have any info on the Core program, let me know what you find out ok. I just do the flex points and it has been working for me.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#2f4f4f][b]Kelly [/b]glad you are still with us. Hope you enjoyed your drive. Great job on the 3 pounds!!![/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#2f4f4f][b]Nicole[/b] Glad you are feeling better take it slow it is always tough coming back from a flu like bug. don't want to have a set back.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#2f4f4f][b]Joanne[/b] Happy Thanksgiving!!! Don't worry enjoy the day. I will keep you and your Father in my prayers[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#2f4f4f]Congrats to everyone for a great weigh in, remember a scale is only numbers one way to determine how well you are doing but don't forget the other ways, how your clothes fit, inches lost, and last but not least how you FEEL inside!!! we are all WINNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! CATCH YA ALL LATER, LANI[/color][/size][/font]
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So glad to hear you are feeling better Nicole and congratulations on those wrinkles in the bra...LOL. Yes, I agree with you when you say it is a crazy world. I don't know what your health background is, so I can only suggest that your doctor advise you on what a proper weight for you would be. Wish I could be more helpful in that area. I did go to my doctor and he did recommend the 1200 calorie diet that I am on now.

Jodie, Bunko sounds like a fun game with your friends. Isn't it great to have friends to share the good times? I can certainly relate cause my neighbors are also my friends and we all get together to share good times, but even just as important, we are there for each other in the not so good times. Yep, the fat fairy among other things, is getting easier to fight off basicly because I am handling stress in a more productive way. Have fun with your guests tomorrow.

Ann...Black Labs are great and very smart! I read somewhere they actually have a simple vocabulary understanding almost equal to that of a 3 year old. Wow,... who would have ever thought to do a study like that? Impressive anyway. Let me know how you make out with Curves and thanks so much for that compliment. I really appreciate it.

Joanne: I am a strong believer in prayer and I will keep you and your family in my prayers and hope all works out with your father.

BTW: I had a great time in the city today without the fat fairy! No comparison to last weekend. So, my determination appears to be growing stronger. :p

Regina :)
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