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Liberty 4/11 W. Carib Full Review Part 1


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What a week! Flew into Miami 4/10 w/ wife and 2 yr old got in around 5pm. We like to rent a car and do pre-cruise shopping etc. so did all that and had a fabulous Cuban dinner near Staybridge Suites Miami Airport West. Sat. we slept in got up had their breakfast buffet then returned car to airport around noon & took their free shuttle to the port. We stayed in Cabin 9205 Cat 11 so w/ VIP boarding we had no worries w/ lines. We arrived to the port around 1:30 and we were on the lido deck by 1:45 w/ drinks in hand after dropping a couple things off in the cabin. This is our 2nd time on Liberty and our 5th and 8th cruise but our first w/ our son. Before our son our cabin of choice was aft balc but needed the extra cabin space w/ him. Before I go any further I am going to get this balcony thing out of the way and clear any misconceptions about it so furture travelers who decide to do the suite guarantee will be more than satisfied when they are assigned 9205 or 9206 in conquest class as this is all i can speak for. It has been discussed in numerous threads regarding the actual size of the balcony in 9205 w/ the notion being the balcony is the same size as the rest of the balcony rooms which is approx 1/2 the size of cat 11's and only 35 sq feet. This is not true and I can tell you first hand that the balcony in 9205 is 65 sq feet so book the suite guarantee and have no worries about a small balcony. We had one lounge chair, 2 regular chairs and 2 tables on our balcony w/ room to spare. Another thing about this balcony it is said that you can be seen by people who go out the "secret door" onto the deck. This is also not true but what is true is the balcony of the monster penthouse suite adjacent to our cabin does extend out as its 120+ sq feet so you can see on to their balcony & they can see into yours....no big deal as they can see into every balcony on that side of the ship since it extends out over the the entire bridge. Ok got that our of the way no onto day 1. Headed down the hall to pool area on Lido which is exactly a 3 minute walk to the pool bar 4 minutes w/ a 2 year old if he's walking. I was also concerned about the this as 9205 is as forward as you can be but it never was an issue getting to buffet, fish n chips pool area etc. We had a DOD by pool then headed in for fish n chips then back to pool for another drink by which time we were at sea. Our biggest concern this cruise was how our son would take to camp carnival so we decided to give him a day to get used to being at sea before bring him there but we talked about it w/ him. First night we just did casual buffet dining as we usually do and found it decent. The sezshwan station in the buffet we ate at twice during the cruise was above average. Took a walk around the shops deck 5 after dinner then headed back to cabin to get little one settled. We figured prior to cruise we would take turns doing our own thing if on certain nights our son was either not in camp carnival or being the first night he wasnt going to be there anyway so my wife took her turn first and she went down to spa to make some reservations then the casino for a little roulette. She got back around 10 then I headed down to log a couple hours at the NL tex holdem table. I will say that this table is the greatest addition Carnival has made to the casino and ship in general. I played until around 1 am (early night) won $350 then headed back to cabin for a 6 hour nap which for me is and hour longer than my normal night sleep. Day 2 we started out at breakfast buffet which as expected was very average but you have to eat something. Day at sea so our goals for the day were to see how the pool situation would work out for him. We figured the kid pool on deck 12 near camp c. would be the best way to start. Our kid is in swim diapers so let the attacks begin but before you do just read on a bit before going nuts. There was nobody up there come 11am so we dragged a couples lounges from the front of the ship deck 12 over to kid pool area about 20 feet and parked ourselves there. We spent 90% of our lounging time in this spot an found it very peaceful and for the most part quiet which is worlds away from the madness at the pool area on Lido and because we had our son it was a better place for him to be since the kid pool was there. Ok people the pool is a foot deep at it's deepest point and there were i'd say 75-100 different kids all between the ages of 1 and 5 in the pool during the course of the week and of all these kids i would say 75% of them were wearing swim diapers. Here is the reality of the situation. Carnival rules state no diapers of any kind worn in pools. Nobody paid any attention to this including Carnival empoyees themselves because the only time a Carnival employee came to the kid's pool was one time a mother complained about a small child probably around 1 who was not wearing anything under her bathing suit so the employee kindly came over and asked the mother to remove their child from the pool but did not say a word about the other 10 kids in the pool who were wearing swim diapers....go figure? Oh well we went 7 days and ours and many other kids w/ their parents had a great time wearing their swim diapers in the kid pool. No worries. Uh oooh here come the germ phobs :eek:. Alright camp carnival intro was next since we had Harry's reservations this 2nd night which was also first formal night. Let's jus tsay his first introduction did not go very well and we were called back w/ in 10 minutes of dropping him off. Oh boy what a long trip this is gonna be since his dining habits are not the best yet so we had thoughts of buffet every night and cx harry's reservations on a regular basis. More in a bit........

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ok so it's day 2 we just cx Harry's reservation because there was no way we were putting him into cc and having to get called to pick him up after just opening a 00"Clos Du Val and the escargot arriving the table so we rs it to thursday 7:30 which was Ocho Rios day and ship departs 3:30 so a few more days to get him adjusted to things so hopefully it will happen. So we are attempting open dining w/ Jack in tow tonight. If we can manage dinner in 60 minutes or less we have a shot of not upsetting the entire dining room and if so we just head to the buffet again. Ok all decked out, take some nice pictures and sit down to hopefully a nice dining experience. We are sat at our table and 20 minutes later the first server of the night approaches our table. We place our order explaining our situation etc. then we try and place a drink order and we are told we had to wait for ther bar server to take it which is another 15 minutes later so it's 35 minutes after being sat and no drinks. Long story short 55 minutes after sitting down we are served our drinks and shortly after that our apps arrive. Needless to say we had to leave table shortly after this as Jack hit the wall...off to the buffet. Service in open dining was much improved on our day 4 experience but tonight was wll below satisfactory for a Denny's. More to come....

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day 2 con't....after our 2nd night of buffet we decide to walk around ship for a bit before heading back to cabin. At this point we are coming to the realization he might not accept cc at all and this was the way the cruise would continue to go so we set our goals low and planned to make the best of the situation.


Day 3- Cozumel-The the time change begins an hour back we go to island time which becomes ship time until later in the week. We planned a laid back day at Nachi Cocum for our excursion which my wife and I have both been to and love. We knew the layout of the pool there and planned on Jack to be able to use the shallow end of it to play in which he did for a good portion of the day. Nachi's the best as is the service you receive there. We arrived there after a 15 minute taxi ride to welcoming smiles and escorted to our papaya covered lounges and table. I don't want to bore anyone here so I'll keep it short. Excellent drinks, food and top notch service and plenty of sun from 10-4. We get a cab back to the ship and head back on to shower before returning to island for a little shopping and a big Fat Tuesday drink.


We head back on board around 7:30 head to buffet for light bite salad and shrimp quesadilla then back to cabin around 9 to settle down jack for the night. We thought about getting a crib for the room because there was plenty of space but opted to try out the couch which was turned down nightly to a bed just by taking pillows off back and placing on floor. He sleeps in crib at home and adapted well to this w/ no problems. Ok he's settled down and my wife's off to where ever taking her turn and my turn to enjoy this beautiful balcony and a Don Julio Margarita from one of the 6 liters I smuggled on using of course the undetectable Rum Runner flasks. Ahhhhh....so my wife gets back around midnight, i'm passed out on the balcony and too tired to head down for a session of hold em so to bed we go...to be con't

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Day 4...figuring on a sleep in day at sea type day w/ no schedule to follow we put out the room service card for breakfast having requested it to arrive around 830-9am and of course it comes right at 8:45. CC service is the best and this is what keeps us coming back. Despite that 1st experience in open seating we know they were getting used to their rotations and figured it would improve as we never had bad service on CC. Anyway not much to order from room service for breakfast but continental type stuff so cerela for the kid, bagel & cc for my wife and bagel, cc, onion & salmon for myself (i could live on this for breakfast!).


We head up to the kids pool area deck 12 forward port side to loung out for a few hours and that we did, beautiful day w/ very gentle breezes around 88 degrees feeling like 80. This part of the ship can be quite windy on sea days w/ little protection from wind but today was nirvana. We mke the apprehensive attempt putting Jack back in Camp C. after some fish n chips for lunch which are always excellent. Ok, we head to main pool lido after dropping him off for some drink and fun and just stare at the phone they give us because we know they are going to call us because he was crying when we dropped him ff so how long can he possibly last. 15 minutes, 1/2 hour, an hour go by and no phone calls we salute to a Day 4 Cap C. success. Not wanting to push our luck we head up to Camp around 3:30 2 1/2 hrs of total timeto find him interacting and having a blast and now he does not want to leave....go figure


Ok, back to cabin around 430 time for a little nap while wifes getting a massage/facial off to dinner open seating around 7 after bring Jack for some pizza and dropping off at cc. Again watching the phone waiting for it to ring thinking the worst and no rings!! We sit down to our 1st solo dinner wife and I, that bottle of Clos Du Val wheeeew this is what it's all about. Excellent service tonight lamb for my wife flat iron steak for myself it's not Harry's but better than buffet! We stopped down to coffee shop and grab coffee and a couple of choc covered strawberries and a choc tart (much better than any desserts elsewhere on ship) and sit down to enjoy a little live music before picking up Jack at 10.


Late night for him so he crashes the second we put him down. My wife is beat she crashes ad i'm so loaded w/ energy I don't want the night to end so I don't let it! I head down to hold'em table and long story short catch flop after flop and card after card finally checking out up $1,200 :D around 3am. All the time I'm thinking the next morning is coming quick and it's a short nap before Moby Dick tours takes us out at 9:15 for a 4 excursion of Snorkeling & Stingray City...more to come

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Great review so far. Congrats on your win in the casino!


Did you keep any of your capers, or have a good memory?;) We want to be sure we have a table for two. We have requested it, along with traditional dining, but if we don't get it Do you know where the matre'd is located that first day to request changes? And what time?

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Great review....keep it coming :)


mafig - Look in the capers you get at boarding. That will tell you what time the Maitre D is available (in the forward dining room). He is very accomodating, we have asked for and gotten a table for 2 on our past 2 cruises :D

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Great review....keep it coming :)


mafig - Look in the capers you get at boarding. That will tell you what time the Maitre D is available (in the forward dining room). He is very accomodating, we have asked for and gotten a table for 2 on our past 2 cruises :D




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OMG just had day 5 all done hit submit and lost it!!!!:mad: Here we go again. ok after my 3 hour nap it's off to Stingray City and snorkeling w/ MD tours who I can't say enough about from their personal service to attention to keeping their #'s of passengers to a minimum...the best. As our tender announcement goes gets called I'm stretching for 1 last minute of sleep thinking it can't be time to wake up already. The door knock and there it is the 6 cups of coffee i ordered at 4am sweeeeet! Off to Grand Cayman. Tender gets us there 40 minutes prior to our excursion departure so my wife and son shop while I stretch out on a bench and pass out for a bit...much needed. You know you are beat when you can pass out after 6 cups of coffee.


Bus leaves for 1st snorkeling then SRC at 9:15 off to snorkeling where we reach the reef we will be checking out. My wife did not get off the boat for this after I told her I came face to face w/ a Moray Eel which was immense. After swallowing 3 mouthfuls of salt water and nearly ripping my arm off on a piece of coral I managed to snap a pick of something and will post if it shows what I saw. I did not think i was capable of swimming that fast but I was on the boat w/ in 30 seconds of this encounter. Ok I'm done w/ snorkeling for the time being now i know why i only have been 1/2 dozen times. The crew laughed and said they were harmless if you keep your distance but also said they have teeth like daggers. Off to Sting ray City and what a time it was. I've been as well as my wife but 1st time w/ son and the pics we got were priceless of him getting the famous Stingray kiss and not fearing them in the least puting his hands all over them, just priceless. If you have been get back as it gets better 2nd and 3rd time and if you have not make sure you don't miss it as it's truly one of the memorable excursions of the trip and lifetime for that matter. back to the ship


Bus stopped at 7 mile beaach which is beautiful but since we were at Nachi for a day and going to beach in Ocho Rios we pass and headed 1st back to ship for a bite and grab the stroller which we probably could have brought on boat but just thought it would have been a hassle. Anyway grabbed a bite at fish n chips while on board and headed back for some rum cake (cofee flavor this time and excellent) and some special rums. Of course they let you sameple as much of the rum as you want w/ a puchase so indulgent me put on an open bar clinic...just kidding only had 3 shots. Ok back to ship again boy this tender is getting old. It was very close this time a lot closer than the RCL ship that was out there and only took 3 minutes ship to dock.


It's now 4pm ship sailing soon time for a DOD not sure what it was to be honest as my booze bill was $1,500 alone so the names of them all kinda meshed together coc rum, pineapple, apricot coc vodka?? maybe i'm combining a couple of them?? All good anyways. I used this time to tell my wife that i'd babysit the kid while she went to the spa and told her i would watch him in the room where I knew we would both pass out.;)


Dinner time casual tonight buffet pizza for jack then drop him at cc and try to wacth a show. I walked out of the show 20 minutes in because I thouht it was aweful but unless i'm seeing like cirque du soleil or something similar i usually don't like many and all I can hear in my head is Simon Cowel telling a contestant that sounded like some ghastly cruise ship performance w/ that wonderful accent of his. Hilarious. My wife was right behind me as well and felt the same way. Oh well everything can't be great. Went down for a little piano bar and back to pick up Jack and back to cabin to put them both down and i'd be off to play some poker right? Wrong...I passed out before both of them and woke up to ship docking in Ocho Rios. Sucks getting old. :o Day 6 to come..

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Taking a break fro the day to day stuff to talk about the ship and staff a bit. To answer the one question about table for 2 thing will not be a problem just see matre'd when after you board at some point and let him know what you would like and i'm positive he will accomodate your request. As far as the open seating went on our 3 nights there we were seated w/ in 5 minutes each time on request for table for 2 at a 4 top which is more of a request than just being seated at 2 top w/ the one time having our son there. As far as the waiters and staff go besides that 1st night we had excpetional service.


Capers I don't look at much but my wife was on top of it although I'm not sure she saved them.


I can't say enough about our cabin steward. This guy went well out of his way to grant every request we made. Not only did he do a lot for us but he performed his job w/ a smile on his face and took great pride in his job. Of course if you read my previous posts on tipping these gentlemen, we make it a habit of tipping them up front which may or may not add to the service you receive. All I know is when i asked for extra ice he brought and maintained not an ice bucket but a big red cooler that was filled, topped off and emptied daily. I know the pillow menu is a thing of the past but we received some pretty special pillows on requesting addional ones. I can go on but I prefer to keep him out of any trouble.


I'm not sure if I just didnt notice it before because we traveled w/ out a kid but the entire staff from servers to cleaning people to crew go out of their way to entertain kids and interact w/ them sometimes telling us stories of experiences of their own all unprovoked. It would be very easy for them to just do their jobs but to have the upbeat and positive attitudes that most of them have is beautiful thing to see and it makes the whole experience that much more special. CC should be thankful to have these people on their payroll. I tried to remember some of their names at first but there were so many positive interactions w/ so many different ones it was impossible. I'll finish up w/ review tomorrow

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Great review! Did you feel you had enough room for the 3 of you in your balcony cabin? Also, was your son able to open your stateroom door on his own? When we sailed on DCL this December, my just-turned-3 year old liked to open our cabin door whenever possible:eek:. Just curious. Thanks!

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Great review! Did you feel you had enough room for the 3 of you in your balcony cabin? Also, was your son able to open your stateroom door on his own? When we sailed on DCL this December, my just-turned-3 year old liked to open our cabin door whenever possible:eek:. Just curious. Thanks!


we were in a Cat 11 Suite which is about 100 sq ft larger than a balc cabin and no way would we have enough room in anything short of cat 11 for the 3 of us. Our room of choice prior to our son has always been balc aft wrap but the way prices are now it makes sense to upgrade the extra $100 for a cat 11 for the extra room if traveling w/ any more than 2 for us. The extra balcony just isn't worth it for almost the same price as cat 11. As far as the regular balc room goes the savings is significant enough where 3 could make it ok but it's just worth it to us to have the extra space, tub for the kid, vip on and off ship w/ him helps a bunch being able to show up late on embark and sleep until whenever on debark and just stroll off the ship was a nice bonus, couch w/ room in front to drop them big cushions and still have plenty of room. With a crib in there i could not imagine a balc size room. Space is everything and w/ a child you find yourself in the cabin a lot more unfortunately than you would be as a couple so you really enjoy that extra space not tripping all over each other. As far as the door goes he tried to grab it a couple times but there is a lot of pressure on door when moving since it opens out and could not budge it and while docked we just locked it w/ latch up top. I had him out there several times w/ me both sitting in chairs and he would sit up against the glass counting boats. I was originally concerned about balcony and him prior to cruise but after seeing him standing on chair and the top of the railing barely at eye level I saw no way he could get in any trouble but still never left him out there unsupervised.

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Thanks for the info about the room size. Right now we are in a 6E (230 sq ft with floor to ceiling windows on the Spa deck). To upgrade to a Cat 11 would be an extra $990.00. I'll keep watching prices though. The priority boarding would be great with a little one. For now it looks like we have the next largest room available.

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Day 6-Ocho Rios--after a long slumber 9+ hours the most I think I've had since college and w/ Jack sleeping until 8:30 and my wife who would sleep until 11 if nobody told her to get up this by far was the most solid night of sleep for the 3 of us and a much needed one at that. We had no plans for Ocho Rios w/ Jack at his age the Falls were out of the question unless we left him on ship in cc which would have been a gamble. We originally talked about Dolphin Cove w/ him but figured late in the week that we would appreicate another chill out day on the beach in the bay close to ship so that's what we did. We live close to the Ocean where we live and spend our summers chillin on the beach so it's something we enjoy. Breakfast was a quick stop at buffet on way off ship. We met up at breakfast by coincidence w/ a little friend Jack made in cc who was w/ his mom and g-mother who we knew from kiddie pool area who had no plans other than what we were doing so they joined us on the beach.


The walk to the beach (5 minutes) area could be a bit of a pain w/ the peddlers but if you treat them w/ respect and tell them what your plans are they will back off. If you are wishy washy saying I don't know, I don't think so, maybe later they will be all over you. There will be 1 or 2 fellas who will want to be your personal servants when on the beach which is great. They will get you chaise cushions, drinks, jet ski rentals or whatever you need and you can easily negotiate w/ them as this is their living. They would rather sell you a Red Stripe for $3 that cost them $2 than lose the sale when you decline it for $5. The rum punch is made w/ a local jamaican rum which resembles a meyers rum and is quite strong. After several drinks the clock hits noon and we are all feeling pretty good, the kids are playing on the beach near the water peacefully, sun is blazing and life could not be better. The water is crystal clear in the bay a bluish turqoise and you can ee the bottom w/ ease. The deepest part of the water was about 6 feet out where they had it roped off and it's as calm as bath water. Air temp about 88, water temp 78 so we all just floated about on some rubber float things they brought us. This was as relaxing an excursion as we had even Nachi because it's in walking distance and just goes to show you can do nothing on port days and still have a blast!


Ok it's now 2:30 ship leaves 3:30 gonna head back. Skipping the shopping which is nothing special here we go back to the ship....to be con't

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Thanks for the info about the room size. Right now we are in a 6E (230 sq ft with floor to ceiling windows on the Spa deck). To upgrade to a Cat 11 would be an extra $990.00. I'll keep watching prices though. The priority boarding would be great with a little one. For now it looks like we have the next largest room available.


no doubt you have a nice size room and it should be plenty comfortable. Spa deck is great right below CC and very convenient. There is a little single elevator thjat only fits maybe 2 people and a stroller which was probably just made for that purpose that goes up to CC 12th deck right by spa that we used a bunch of times. There are stairs there as well but w/ a stroller it's the only way to get to 12. Since we have not used this part of the ship in past it took us a while w/ the elevator thing having to take different ones in different areas to get where we needed to go. Right outside CC is that peaceful deck w/ the kid pool.

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Day 6 con't...back on ship around 3 having had a good amount of sun & drink for the day we drop Jack off at CC and head back to the cabin and crash for a bit. Around 5 we get up and get ready for 2nd formal night where we have our 2nd Harry's reservation. Our reservation is 7:30 so before getting dressed we pick up Jackk at CC and take him to his favorite place (pizza) for dinner, back to room to wash him down and get hime ready for another round of CC while we hopefully get a few hours to enjoy Harry's. Drop him off at 6:30 and head to sushi bar for an eel roll & a drink before heading to Harry's.


We took some time and posed for some pics along the way which we have done on numerous occasions thoughout this cruise more so than normal probably because of the extra one in our party. We head up to Harry's and are seated at a 4 top w/ in 3 minutes of our arrival. W/ in 2 minutes we are greeted by our waitress and told of the specials. My wife is not a meat eater per say but will occasionally have the worst cut of meat imaginable if marinated properly like a lndon broil or something but she will not usually order any kind of steak no matter how good it may be. What a shame. We ordered a caesar sald for 2 which was made at the table and was perfect. The dressing contained some anchovies as any great Caesar does and even though my wife hates them she loved the salad so no worries. I had some extra placed on mine. We ordered escargots for 2 as well and I'm pretty sure they were of the Helix variety and absolutely delicious. For those who have not tasted them it's a snail of course and taste like the greatest mushroom you have ever tasted, we both loved them.


For main entree my wife of course ordered the the 12 oz lobster tail which was huge and although I do not believe it was from Maine like they claimed it was quite tasty for having to be previously frozen which I understand has to be done but turns me off to ever oredering one on a ship. I had the 14 oz NY strip med rare w/ side of mushrooms to go w/ the Opus One 96' Cabernet I brought w/ me. I eat in fine dining establishments across the US because my job invloves entertaining clients and can honestly say that this cut of beef ranks right up there w/ the best I have tasted in all my years of dining. From the service to the food Harry's is quite a step up from the regular dining room and my plan for our next cruise to get there at least twice if not more. I'm not one to go crazy about desserts like some but my wife said it was excellent and she's the sweet tooth. It was some type of tiramsu/coffee/chocolate cake. Ok having stuffed ourselves a little too much we roll ourselves down to the piano bar for a bit before having to pick up Jack at 10. We bring him to the cabin find out how his night went & settle him down and he's out like a light. There is no chance I can lay down at this point having just finished one of the richest meals I've had in a weeks so down to the casino I head for a little hold'em...ok a lotta hold'em.


We all know each other by name down there at this point as it was a very communal table all week and this is what attracted me to the table more than anything. For those who play poker there is a different feeling you have when you sit down to play. For one you play against other people and not against the house although house rakes 10% which is a little nuts. People BS at the table and on the terminal in front of you it lists everyones name where they are seated so you are using each other's names w/ out asking them so a very social event. I'm up a bunch at this point so tonight i'm playing a little looser than normal calling fairly large bets w/ nothing but draws and let's just say when the cards are going you way you can't stop it. I almost felt guilty hitting open ended straight on the turn crushing the dude to my right who lives 10 minutes from me at home. We previously exchanged emails both being golfers etc. and I really felt bad on this one as we both went all in w/ big stacks.....don't think we're playing golf anytime soon. :( Oh well that's poker. Sorry for boring some of you who kept reading but I had to give a little detail on the game that all but paid for our vaca. Early night still only 2am but now that i'm digested to a point i can lay down i'm gonna call it a night. More to come..

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I wonder if we met last week...


Was in Harry's the night you was and we spent time in the piano bar.


very possible & what's funny is I remember you talking about having booked premium PH suite next to me in 9205. I wanted to upgrade at one point after hearing about the size of our balcony but came to be it was not true. I saw this PH suite 1st booked then open then booked again so not sure if you moved. Did you wind up w/ this cabin or one on port side? In one thread that we both chimed in on where there was talk of the 9205 balcony size etc and only remember because of pic and your name. There was a middle age gent and lady w/ 2-3 daughters (very polite in hallways) in that suite to my left. If that was you what did you probably had Wi as a steward, he was great.

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very possible & what's funny is I remember you talking about having booked premium PH suite next to me in 9205. I wanted to upgrade at one point after hearing about the size of our balcony but came to be it was not true. I saw this PH suite 1st booked then open then booked again so not sure if you moved. Did you wind up w/ this cabin or one on port side? In one thread that we both chimed in on where there was talk of the 9205 balcony size etc and only remember because of pic and your name. There was a middle age gent and lady w/ 2-3 daughters (very polite in hallways) in that suite to my left. If that was you what did you probably had Wi as a steward, he was great.


I was in the port-side 9200. I did meet the chap in 9199 as he came over to introduce himself... very nice guy.


Our steward was Chona.


Here's my review: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=971983


More photos in my sig.

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