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Life goes on today, lol..........I now have a canker sore.......LOLLOLOLOLOLOL. I'm sorry I think its great all this stuff happening........its all really minute in the scheme of things:D.


Well, my boss totally made me blow up my diet yesterday. Let me give you the list first.


BK: Fiber cereal

Snack: light popcorn, 2 small cookies

Lunch: Fish n chips about 1/3rd of the plate

Dessert: Ultimate brownie sundae (brownie, banana, whipped cream, ice cream, cherries, liquid fudge.

Dinner: Light spam, egg sandwich


Okay, we went out for her goodbye party and she was paying, so she kept on insisting we "Eat, Drink and be Merry." Well, I avoided the alcohol, even though they had Miami Vices on the menu to try and conserve calories. Well, the menu had nothing grilled on it.....nor broiled........So, I ordered the Fish and Chips knowing that it would be fried and thinking I would pull the breading off and just eat the fish and only eat half. Well, I pretty much stuck to that. Then she insisted we have dessert. Well, I'm picky about dessert b/c there are things I just don't like and I pretty much had two choices......donuts or the ultimate brownie thing. Well, my boss wanted the brownie too and we both didn't want the pecans (she is allergic, I don't like them) and so I thought "Great we can share." Obviously, she doesn't know that the world "Ultimate" usually translate to "Very big dessert" b/c she insisted we could each have our own. This thing was huge!!!!!!!!!!! She agreed after we got them that we could have shared. So, I did the best I could. I ate the bananas, two bites of the brownie, some of the ice cream and whipped topping and the cherries. Then I stopped. I took the rest of the fish and fries home for lunch today. There isn't much of it left, but it should be enough for lunch.


We didn't get out of there until 3:30. I was close to home so I decided to take the fish home and put it in the fridge, then go back out. I got a couple of shoes and some more pearls for my formal dress and some batteries for the P & S camera. By the time I got home it was too late to clean the car or vaccum b/c I had to make dinner and fix the pearl necklace I broke.


I gotta make up for not working out yesterday and for that crap I put in my body too. Even though Mother Nature is really being a witch today and I feel like my stomach is 10x bigger.


Now, after all that complaining.......Life is still good. I get to go on a cruise with my mom in 7 days and enjoy something that she didn't get to do with her mother. What more can you ask for?


Good Choices and Good weekend.

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fri breakfast - scambled eggs, toast & coffee

fri lunch-hot dog

fri dinner - shredded beef, noodles, chips, birthday cake

For birthday party I think I did well, I just could not leave their had to eat. LOL


sat breakfast - 2 pieces french toast, bacon, coffee

sat lunch- hamburger, green tea

sat snack- peanut bar (100 calories)

sat dinner- steak, onions green peppers, 1/2 baked potato, dinner roll


sun breakfast- smart starts muffin

sun lunch- smart starts fetticine & broccoli

sun dinner- ??

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Hey girls,

I am so glad that we have each other. I just want to say that I feel so BROKEN. I can't just tell everyone that because other people need me or feel like its all their fault. It's not I am just broken. Big fuss at my house tonight and now I am just empty. I don't know if it is still the greif or maybe I have lost my mind. I just don't want to do anything now. I feel like I am slowly falling in a pit and not caring as much as I should. I am not suicidal I strongly believe that God decides who lives and dies. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. Has anyone else felt like this. I mean it is weighing in on everything else. The enemy is in my ear saying you can't handle these kids you are doing it all wrong, your husband is crazy and you have been working to hard in this marriage. I know all these thoughts are wrong but I have never had to deal with them before so it is hard.


Just wanted to get that off I know it has nothing to do with food but at this moment I don't care. I know it has nothing to do with cruise but again even that is not lifting me up.


Prayers would be great. Thanks:(

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Still making good choices.......wish I had you with me this weekend.




Your emotions have a lot to do with food. If you are an emotional eater (like me) then you use food to medicate and in situations like this that can happen. I don't know how much help I can be b/c I'm not married and I don't have kids. But, I think that everyone has these moments especially after a death in the family things can be difficult. It can change a person b/c you have to deal with mortality and sometimes that can make you re-think some things in your life. The process of grieving is different for everyone and if you are trying to be strong for everyone else then you aren't letting yourself grieve properly and that can lead to a lot of stress and problems. When my grandmother died I would find moments to let the grief go. I would go outside at night when everyone was asleep and sit on the deck and look at the sky and cry and remember her. That way I didn't upset my mom, but had time to get through the process myself. I will def. send some prayers your way.


Well, I'm not sure that I will make my goal before I leave, but I will wait for Thursday and see. The cookout was a bust this weekend. Its the same story.......friends and family and I just go into eating mode. I wish I could find a way to break the link between those two things. It didn't help that I was still stressed about work, dealing with the canker sore, and mother nature. But excuses are just that, excuses.


Today I'm going to the Dr. for my ear. It hasn't gotten better and I'm not dealing with these headaches and ear aches on the cruise. The canker sore is almost gone, so that's good and no meeting with our new boss today.


Trainer workout today. I'm gonna see how I feel after I get done with him and if I can I'm gonna do like an extra 30 mins. My back has been catching, so I'm glad I'm going to the chiro before I leave.


2 more days of work and we are headed to Miami. Mom is taking care of the small things this week as she is off. I packed things that didn't need to be ironed and the rest is hanging up ready to go.




Good Choices.

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Brooke I have been meaning to ask if your Dad every said anything more about the trip?? Hopefully it was all that worry for nothing. I can't believe that you are so close to your trip. Think of me as you head out although I must admit I hate to think of the heat in Miami.

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sun dinner - left over beef sandwiches, noodles, doritos, brownie. I had to limit myself as doritoes is the hand me the bag and you don;t get them back kinda of thing. Brownies are my favorite because my grandma made them a lot for me. We dod not have them very often as it is an emotional thing since she is gone. But I only had a small one for the calorie size and it all fit in my calorie plan because I planned it. Things go so well when you pre-plan it is when you don't that it all falls apart.


Mon Breakfast - smart muffin, 8 oz millk

mon snack- peanut bar 150 cal & green tea


Brooke- you said it perfectly for Annette -everyone grieves differently. I east for all emotions

sad-make me feel better

happy-because I eat my favorite foods

depressed- because it makes me feel better and does not talk back, gives me happy feeling


Annette- Brooke said it best and since I am single don't think I can help out much except for Prayers . . . Love ya friend hope you have a better day :) Hugs of sunshine comes your way!!!!!

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I am back! Sorry for my absence most of last week. I had jury duty and my hours were all over the place. I was pooped by the time I got home!


I will catch up shortly. I need to get back on track as my on the run eating last week wasn't spectacular. I haven't officially assessed the damage yet. Thought I'd give myself a week to get back on the program and then check in with my scale. :)

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I am back! Sorry for my absence most of last week. I had jury duty and my hours were all over the place. I was pooped by the time I got home!


I will catch up shortly. I need to get back on track as my on the run eating last week wasn't spectacular. I haven't officially assessed the damage yet. Thought I'd give myself a week to get back on the program and then check in with my scale. :)



Glad you are back. I have never done jury duty. One time they let us go the other I was on bedrest with preterm labor so it was a no go lol.

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I'm with you.....I eat with my emotions. I've been able to keep my emotions under control for a while, but they seem to get the best of me at some points and then it gets ugly.




Dad is still okay at this point. Mom made sure he knew where the numbers were last night and how to contact us and the bank info....etc. I hope he is still in a good mood when we get back, lol.




Things like that can seriously throw you off course, but with your resolve you will be back on point in no time.




BK: Fiber one cereal

Snack: apple, cereal bar

Lunch: Wendy's grilled chicken and fries (had to it was like 2pm and my sugar was dropping)

Snack: Kudos bar

Dinner: Meatloaf and baked potato

Snack: Cereal


Workout: Trainer session


Weigh in: 317.8, this seems to be my new "stuck at" number. I have three days to get this down a lb to meet my goal......I hope I can do it.


Went to the Dr. yesterday, hints the late lunch and it seems I have fluid in the tube in my ear. He gave me a drainage pill and he said I should be good to go.


I'm moving offices today.......again. They are putting me across the hall, its smaller, but it has a window.


1 more day of work!


Good Choices.

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mon lunch - beef with one slice bread, handful chips, brownie can't lie I ate it LOL :)

mon dinner - salad bar, ate out with my uncle we met 1/2 way.


tue breakfast-smart ones quesildilla

tues snack- cinnamon almonds, green tea

tues lunch- chicken strip, waffle fries (5)

tues dinner- ?? going to eat with family they chose a restaurant not online so I cannot find nutrional facts :(


Brook what stress making you move before vacation. Of course I would rather do that knowing when I came back I would not have to look forward to moving.

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praying for you :)


Brooke - Looks like you are in totally need of this cruise. I know work can be tough and even tougher to stick too if it's important to you. Hopefully this vacation will lift your spirits and come back with a clear head.


On Saturday we had a memorial for my aunt that passed away in Dec. On the family inherited home they (her husband and daughter) live on, they had a huge rock and ingraved was my Aunt's name and around the huge rock they planted flowers. During that everyone gathered around the rock and some said a little something about her or a memory they had with her and then they played Elton John's Candle in The Wind and everyone took a scoop (one at a time) of her ashes and buried them around the flowers. It was a very nice service and they also planted a maple tree in her honor (my uncle makes maple syrup also). Then everyone ate and I just picked a few pieces of cheese of my sisters plate and that's it.


We did have pizza during the weekend though and I've been eating half english muffins with peanut butter and bananna for breakfast. Today for lunch I had half a greek chicken wrap was not too happy though as I always get the dressing on the side and when I got the wrap it was soaked and dripping with the greek dressing. I think the new girl made it though.


Anyway Hope you all are doing well. Still LOVING my apartment!! :D

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Brooke- YEAH for you. Hope that one more day is fast and easy!!! In case you get busy and don't get back on HAVE A WONDERFUL TIME! We want all the details.


Kimmers-Let me know how you handle the resturant. By the way wasn't your sister pregnant? If memory is right how is she doing?


Jess- Thanks. Glad you are still loving the apartment.

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Thanks, it didn't take much to move, that gosh I've only been here like 2 years and not 10....imagine the crap in my office:eek:. Do they have anything new in the land of Smart Ones breakfast? I eat them too, but I got tired of the choices they had, so I was wondering.




I'm so glad that you guys got to finally have closure for your aunt. Its so nice to do something more personal. Mom doesn't even go to her mother's grave b/c she says that if grandma was anywhere it'd be on our farm and I think that is true. Their spirit goes where they are loved.




Thanks, I will let you guys know about everything when I get back. I'm glad that Brittany's shoulder is getting better. I'm sure she will be totally recovered in no time. The young bounce back so much easier.


Well, I have to tell you my funny story.


You know how I said that I would weigh everyday until I saw the 316.8 that I needed to meet my goal.........lol. Well this morning I got on the scale and it read 317.2........arghh........so I took off the sports bra........317.0.......mmmmm.......so I striped off the undies.........316.8......LOL. Okay, so I won't count it as an official weigh in, but I will be darned if I don't say that I met my goal before I cruised.



BK: Fiber one cereal

Snack: apple, Kudos 100 calorie bar

Lunch: grilled chicken from subway and bbq baked chips

Snack: apples, Kudos 100 calorie bar

Dinner: Spaghetti, green beans

Snack: Sherbert, pickles, little debbie chocolate cupcake (I was going for the hunny bun, but stopped when I saw 400 calories and the little debbie was 180.)


I'm not sure how I'm going to concentrate all day, but I guess I will try.


Training session this evening and then chiro tomr. and boy does he have a lot to fix. The nerve is hurting again, but its not all the way down my leg yet, so I'm hoping if I get adjusted it will be okay.


Well, I probably won't get on tomr. so I'll wish you guys a good rest of the week......good weekend........good next week......and as always Good Choices!!!!


Bon Voyage!

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Jess- I like how you had something more personal, no matter where you had it it puts closure to the final resting place and there will all be memories. Glad everything is going well for you at your apartment.


Annette- yes my sister is due anyday. I thought she would have it on flag day but she proved me wrong. C-section is scheduled for June 21 unless she goes into labor sooner. Glad Brittany is doing well bummer she can't go swimming.


Brooke- BON VOYAGE! have fun packing and a safe driving trip and cruise ship on Sat. we will miss you but you deserve this trip. Make special memories with your mom. Hope your dad is in a good mood when you arrive home. And that is too funny you alawys crack me up. Yes I believe you made your goal now off for the next one.


I loved this little restaurant we went to. I chose from their "Light" Menu it was between mexican salad or breakfast I chose breakfast. had 2 basted eggs, 1/2 size potato and sausage the meal came with biscuits and gravy, which I did not call that light but took them home. I hope I made a good choice. My cousin ordered the mexican salad and that looked very good too. They had 6 light meals to choose from but no nutritional facts.


wed breakfast - I had 2 of the 4 biscuits from last night for breakfast, 7 oz orange juice

wed snack green tea and chex mix

wed lunch - undecided


have a great day:)

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Hi girls


Well Brooke it seems your not the only one having trouble in the office. I've been going through a lot but it looks like the pot finally boiled over and I spent over an hour with my boss and we both came to the conclusion that I would be happier being somewhere else in the company. It's not the job itself but the supervisor I work with (it's just me and her) and we both don't "click" we don't think the same as we should and we are both not good at communicating to each other. I am really sad about it because I wanted it to work but I wasn't the kind of person she thought and it wasn't the kind of job I thought it would be.


What's even harder is that my boss told me that I need to tell him what I want to do within the company by tomorrow. :confused: I'm clueless.


Tonight is going to be a long night, my head already hurts thinking about it. I do know that I am not going to eat with my emotions tonight, I wont get anywhere doing that.


Brooke after reading all this aren't you sooo excited to go on a vacation? :p


I'm hiding in your suitcase. :D

Edited by Jesscap5
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Wow after reading my last post it has been awhile since I was on here. Since then I became a new aunt to a nephew born on friday. All is well with mom and baby.


Jess- sorry about all the stress from your work. hope things go well. What does your company do? waht choices do you have?


Annette- Hi


Brooke- Off to sailing seas - - so jealous - - but you deserve this my time will come.


wed lunch - ?? Don't remember and also forgot to write down. See I'm not all perfect

wed dinner - taco salad


thurs Breakfast - smart ones quesidilla, green tea

thurs lunch - taco salad

thurs dinner - grilled BBQ ribs, potato, salad, green tea


fri breakfast - meat omlet, toast, coffee

fri lunch - Burger King double cheeseburger, tea

fri dinner tenderloin, water - -Our relay for Life walk - -

fri snack-chex mix


sat breakfast - 2 eggs basted, bacon, toast, coffee, and side of potatos

sat lunch - one taco

sat dinner - chinese -one plate full only & fruit


sun breakfast - smart muffin, milk


I'm trying to make good choices but sometimes I fail. I stayed the same this week and want to lose next so I'm trying. Have not made it to the gym(curves) in 2 weeks my partner went on vacation and I made excuses why I could not go. I am being honest but I am on track now. This starts a new week :) Don't make me feel anymore guilty then I already am.

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Jess- Hope everything gets back on track at work super fast. I am thankful not to have to worry about bosses and co-workers unless you count Richard and the kids. lol


Brooke- Hope you got my funny about not talking to you until you get back. lol Hope your trip is/was great.


Kimmers- CONGRATS!!!!!!!! I just love love love little babies. Not to mention how lucky they are to have such a great aunt as you.


Well my big mouth child decided to repeat something not so nice that my husband said the other night to the ladies husband. Now I am dreading having to speak with them because did I mention this lady is one of my closest friends.:mad: Not happy with her but def upset with the husband for saying it to the kids to begin with.


About to face some big changes I have been putting off for over 6 months and I am not looking forward to it although I know I have to take that step in faith and can't keep going like I have been. At first I think God was just whispering this change to me but now it has turned into pushing and shoving me so I am afraid he may start slapping me if I don't go ahead and do it. LOL Not in the literal sense of course I don't believe that God actually hits people I was using that as an example.


Oh well off to bed. Have a great week.

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Sun lunch- subway, pop -ran out of water :(

sun dinner- spaghetti, garlic bread, turtle cakr little sliver -this is the meal my dad wanted for Father's Day and it was easy to fix.


Mon breakfast-smart one muffin with canadian bacon mm good

mon lunch - left over subway from yesterday so busy didn't get to eat all of the 6 inch

mon snack-apples & string cheese

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tues breakfast-smart ones muffin, milk

tues snack - small apple

tues lunch- one burrito -vegetarian with beans

tues dinner- left over spaghetti, green tea

tue snack- chex mix, capri sun, water


wed breakfast- smart ones muffin


unknown what else for the day . . .

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Kimmers- all sounds good. You are such a sweet person. Are you the oldest or youngest in your family?


I hope Brooke is having a wonderful time on her vacation.


I was very very very very shocked to see that I haven't gained any weight lately. I have eaten terrible and haven't walked like I need to.

I am trying to decide what to so for my workouts. I am thinking that I need to maybe walk less and do more strentgh and toning workouts. I am going to think on it. Anybody have any ideas of what I should try???



I went shopping for clothes and a bathing suit the last two days. We are having family photos next week and I finally have everyone's clothes. I hope not to go to the mall with 4 kids for a long time. I hate shopping for myself stuff doesn't fit like it should. :( But oh well life goes on.


Hope everyone has a great week. I have to take Ellen back to the dentist tomorrow for an abcess on her gums. Thankfully this dentist uses the gas because she is very very afraid of almost everything. lol

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Hi Girls


Kimmer thanks for still posting everything you eat. I always think "oh I should do that instead of..." so it helps me when I'm not sure what alternatives to have.


My biggest problem is the sweets aka chocolate chip cookies. If you can believe it I do pretty good at the rest but I am trying. I've been taking Celery to work and dipping it in peanut butter or weight watchers whipped cream cheese. I used to have vegtables and especially celery that I have never had any since I was a kid assuming I would always HATE them BUT I had celery and I was like "wow this is not what I thought, I like it!" so that was a big suprise for me and I'm thinking I should try to venture out a little bit and try new healthy things because you never know.


I'm not getting a lot of excercise in but I do, do a few on my excercise ball and we have had a lot of parties so I've been dancing till I can't even walk. lol


I hope Brooke is having a fabulous time on her cruise.


Annette - Good luck to Ellen


As for work - I'm back to my old position (not by choice really) and the girl I trained to do my old job is now in the position I was in for the past 8 months. There's a lot behind it but I have been so upset since Friday. Thankfully the tears stopped after Monday but you know..it's just a job and as long as I'm getting paid I don't care.

Furthering my education doesn't seem so far away in my future though..so we'll see. I am very much keeping my options open right now..finally thinking about what's really best for me and what I WANT.

Thanks everyone for your kind words also it really does help, friends and family are what keep me together and without it I would not be able to keep my head together and think straight.


Thanks for letting me vent here.


Take Care!

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I thinks it is great we can help each other. As you can see by my postings I love sweets and I don't deprive myself from them I just make a wise choice to have little or 1/2 of something. I just want the taste in my mouth. It is weird how we have to eat our vegetables. I like cream cheese and peanut butter with carrots & celery and cauliflower and cucumbers ranch dressing I'm not a fan of broccoli unless on veg pizza I like my broccoli cooked. Now that it is summer I like making veg pizzas a lot. I make mine the quick way. cresent rolls rolled out & baked them cream cheese the vegetable one or sour cream & chives then all the goodies with shredded cheese on top.


wed lunch - walking taco - shredded lettuce cheese, taco met and tomotoes in single size fritos, green tea


wed dinner- aunt millie slim buns with light mayo, bacon, lettuce tomato, green tea


Thur breakfast- smart one omlet, milk

thurs snack cinnamon.brown sugar almonds - -awesome & diet pepsi

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Thurs dinner - Mexican but found a new item - grilled chicken and vegetables on a flour tortilla with pico de gallo and lettuce served with rice - -I was thrilled


fri breakfast - smart one muffin, milk

fri lunch - taco salad, green tea, bannana and grapes

fri dinner - grilled chicken sandwich baked fries, water


sat breakfast- one egg, one sausage patty, rye toast, coffee

sat lunch- chex mix and water

sat dinner- Applebees had the weight watcher menu of chicken and penne


sun breakfast- homemade cinnamon roll, coffee

sun lunch- ??

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Hey Girls, just a quick hello! Thanks for all the well wishes while I was gone. Mom and I had a fun time and I'm going to try and post pictures and get a review as soon as I can.


Haven't got on the scale yet, but I will tomr.........I did go to the gym once though!!!!

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