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Cruising to Healthy


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Hello Kim, welcome! :D


It's been so hot these days, I'm sure you all can relate. Every day has been just about 100. When I left work at 6pm the other day it was 101! Which for NH is pretty dang hot! I still wish I could be at the lake swimming all summer though - but I'm stuck at work. My dad put an air conditioner in at my apartment and all I can say is Hallelujah!! It was as hot as it was outside and then the air condioner came and I've never been more relived over that!


Where do I start?


I did a Dunkins' run this morning. Med Ice coffee and turkey cheddar flat- they take the bacon off for me. I only drank half the ice coffee.




Lean Pocket




No idea what I'm doing for dinner. After work I'm going to get a pedi and then I need to get a card and wrapping paper- go home, get whatever for dinner, wrap the wedding gift, sign the card, pack, go get my dress at my parents, bring my laundry home and wake up and leave by 7 am tomorrow morning.


My agenda for tomorrow (like you all want to know anyway, lol)


Leave at 7 am


arrive around 9 am in Vermont.


Make Appetizers all day


4 pm wedding rehersal


6 pm BBQ cookout


9 pm and later - decorate the reception hall


Saturday I'm getting my hair and nails done and then the wedding.


On top of everything else I need my parents to cash my check from work and I don't think they will even give them my check until 5 pm tomorrow and then they can't cash it anyway if they have it because I won't be there to sign it. I also sold an item online last week and was hoping to use the money to pay for my hair, pedi, mani (I'm in the wedding party) but the buyer has yet to pay me. :(


Did I mention my one and only single friend is now engaged? She went from dating to engagement within like 2 months. Between hearing that and watching all my cousins in my family (who are around the same age as me) get married it's been a bit depressing for me.


I hope today, tomorrow and the weekend goes better then it sounds. Wish me luck!

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Brooke- Good luck with everything that they have added on to you at work. I really hope that your stomach gets settled completely I do have stomach issues when I get into eating all the junk and cokes:eek: like I am now.


Kimmers- You are just so sweet you seem to always be in a good mood not just on here but facebook as well. I feel you about the slump I seem to have grown some roots down here.


Jess- I guess in a way I am lucky that I never had to worry about the moving out thing. I went from my parents house to the house next door that Richard and I bought. We got a really great deal on it thank you Lord. We have been doing some painting and we are getting new carpet for our dining room. It looks so nice in there and since we just had pictures made we will have some updated pics for the wall in there. Poor JC never even got a place on the wall like the other kids lol


Kim- How old are you boys? From reading your posts we have so much in common. You will come to learn that I am the one with the really bad memory. I hope that u have great success and that you can learn from all our success and failures. If nothing else you will see that these other girls on here are just great!:D


As for me had another bad attack last night the worst one since they started back up on Sunday. Feel much better tonight except from the soreness from hanging the wall border. Its so cute it say live well, love much, laugh often. Gotta go to bed the lack of sleep is catching up with me.

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thurs lunch- hamburger, water

thurs dinner- taco salad, green tea, oops ice cream one scoop


fri breakfast- waffles, egg, milk


Brooke-understand about everyone eating a healthy meal. maybe start changing some things slowly and eventually everyone will be all eating healthfully.


Annette- WOW you're so sweet to me too. I try to look at positives instead of all the negatives.


jess-Keep up the good work!

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Mom's tried, but dad is set in his unhealthy ways.




I know, it is depressing when it seems everyone is getting married and starting families. But just think of it this way....they now have to share their life. They have to make compromises and think of another person when they make decisions. Not to mention, although kids bring their own joy to life, they have to now plan their lives around little ones. We are still free to be selfish, haha. No offense to anyone else.




I hope you start feeling better. I know how it feels to remember how bad something felt and have the sheer terror of feeling it start to come back again. Its scary




The scale is a scary thing to face. I really was scared of it for the longest time. I hated getting sick and having to go to the Dr. b/c I knew they would weigh me and though I didn't have to know the number, they did. I think I saw a tv show or something and they said something like, "They are just numbers, they don't define you and who you are." I liked that. They are just numbers and b/c I gain or lose weight doesn't really change the person I am, so what is the big deal. That's when I started being open about the number on the scale with people. I would just say it w/out ppl asking me. YES! it was really hard to do it b/c you kinda get those "pity" looks, but then it takes a few mins (for most ppl) to realize that you just did something that even skinny women won't do. Then the admiration and inspiration shines through on their faces and it feels good to be honest w/ yourself and others.



Well, hopefully this work day will fly by as I have plans this evening and some tomr. too. I'm going to a cookout with my friends this evening and then tomr. I'm going to Charlotte for the Michael Buble concert with an old co-worker. I think that is a pretty good weekend......if I can keep myself on track.


We are going out to lunch for a goodbye lunch to our co-worker. Its Mexican. I think I will check out WW and see what they recommend. Although I'm sure it will be chicken and they make all their chicken with peppers in it at this restr. I guess I'll figure something out.



BK: Fiber One and toast

Snack: Cereal bar

Lunch: Subway grilled chicken breast with baked chips and diet coke mixed with some Mr. Pibb. I only do this w/ diet coke b/c it has such a bad after taste.

Snack: Milk and cereal bar

Dinner: bacon, egg, biscuit

Snack: Chipolte Hummus w/ pita chips and then some fiber cereal


I don't really like Hummus.....but mostly the ones I've tasted weren't flavors I liked either. I think this Chipolte can replace my craving for the Jalopeno cheese dip.....tho it actually has 25 more calories I'm sure the nutritional value of Hummus vs. fake melted cheese is better.


Something else new I've tried are these Oceanspray Cranergy drinks. Its suppose to have green tea and vita B in it to help with energy levels....its made w/ splenda and its only 50 calories for the whole 12 Fl oz bottle. I think they are pretty decent when you want something w/ some taste to it.


Okay, gotta get started on this work...have something that need to be done by then end of the day.


Good Choices

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Annette - my boys are 7 and 4. They keep me very busy!


Brooke - thanks for the uplifting words! I, too, cringe when I have to go to the doctor. I had a nasty case of strep last week and was so relieved that I did not have to see my regular doctor. He puts you on the scale if you come in for a splinter. It's brutal. I took the first available appointment with another doctor and was so happy when they walked me right into the exam room. Have a great time at the Michael Buble concert! I am also a fan. I had a chance meeting with him in the Miami airport in 2008. I was coming back from a cruise, sick as a dog with bronchitis and a sinus infection and hadn't slept in days. It was not a great time to take a picture with someone so devastingly handsome, but I did and I only share it with select people. ;)


I have been "behaving" for 3 whole days. Quite the accomplishment for me. I also got on the scale this morning and it was not as shocking as I thought it would be. I still have lost 16 lbs since the beginning of March. (I had lost 19, but gained back 3). I am actually proud of myself that I jumped back in with both feet. I still don't want to post my weight, but we can say it's in the high 200's. :eek:


Today was a good day - small bagel and coffee for breakfast, regular hamburger and yogurt parfait from MacDonald's for lunch (I literally have to eat in the car while in motion on Fridays as I travel from my morning client to my afternoon - so I often grab fast food - but I need to make sure that if I do that they continue to be reasonable choices), hubby made a great dinner grilled chicken/pasta salad (I had about 1/2 cup and it was a healthy light salad)/grilled veggies, snack - watermelon and a nectarine. Not going to lie, tummy is rumbling now. Night time is very hard for me. I love to eat in front of the tv and obviously that is like the worst thing you can do.


I haven't added any formal exercise, but I am just trying to move around more. It's been too hot to walk. We do have a stationary bike in the basement storage. I need to dust that puppy off and see if that will work for me. To be honest, when I was successful in the past, I didn't even exercise at all until was was a good 50 lbs down. I just couldn't do it prior to that.


I am off to bed. If I go to bed now, there is less of a chance that I will visit the refrigerator!



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fri lunch- taco salad, green tea

fri dinner- leftovers spaghetti with piece of meatloaf, green tea, small ice cream cone


Brooke-sorry you cannot get your dad to change. Hopefully everything will work out.

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Kim- My kids are 14, 9, 6, and 4. The older three are girls and the last one is a boy. They do keep you busy and half the time mine keep me on the edge of nutty. :o I know what you mean about the dr office I have to go on the 19th and I am going to simple refuse to get on the scale. I mean if you can refuse medical treatment I don't see how they can force you to get on the scale.


Kimmers- Are you still on the night schedule? Does it seem any easier? How long do you stay on certain shifts?


Brooke- I hope you have a great time this weekend. I have another friend who is going to the concert. Tabloids are saying that Carrie Underwood is getting married today somewhere in GA. I will have to wait and see. I was cutting up with Richard and Brittany telling them that Brittany and I were going to start traveling to every city in Georgia and looking for all the famous country star. I wouldn't honestly do that because I know she is uncomfortable with her personal life being in the public so I do hate that the tabloids will be out in full force. I can't wait to see a photo of her in her dress just hope it will be on her terms and not some freak hanging upside down in front of a tree for 14 hours just trying to get a peek. :eek:


Jess- Wow I remember when I had to be in 3 weddings in 3 months. It was fun but a little stressful. Hope all goes well.

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It looks like my strep throat from a couple weeks ago did not go away! My throat has been on fire. I actually called the on-call doctor and she called in a prescription for me. Now, I don't have to go in and face the possibility of getting weighed. :o I just have to get off of the couch and go pick it up at the pharmacy.


I also used my sore throat as a great excuse to indulge in a a light ice cream sandwich. 160 calories and so worth it!


Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. Kim

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I've read the post, but I just don't have that much time to respond. I have a work load today and possibly the week.


Michael was wonderful, as usual. I gotta figure out how to get those front row tickets!


Hope everyone had a good weekend. I'll try to update later.


Good choices.

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Hey everyone!


The wedding went great. Always a little stressful right before but it turned out just fine..


Brooke I'm so jealous you went to a Michael Buble concert. Also thanks for reminding me what is most important in my life right now...ME!


Food wise hasn't been that great but I'm jumping back on the band wagon and thank goodness it's cooled down maybe I can try riding my old bike.


Have a great day everyone!

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Brooke - I am so glad you enjoyed the show. I believe that he has a fan club that offers presale tickets. Worth checking into!


I am still doing really well staying on track. I have starting recording my food into Spark People and being really honest with it. It's great to see that I am doing all the right things food-wise. Once I am feeling better from my strep throat, I am going to add in the exercise.



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sat breakfast- 2 eggs, rye toast, milk

sat lunch-cheerios

sat dinner- ihop chicken fajita omletand anckes of course, water


sun breakfast- leftovers from ihop

sun lunch - one taco, water

sun dinner- turkey breast, green beans out of garden, broccoli rice casserole, pumkin blossoms, water ice cream


mon breakfast 2 slices bacon, one egg, rye toast, coffee

mon lunch-salad,water

mon dinner-chicken and rice, water

mon snack-tried the pretzel m& m's just 8 though


Brooke- glad you had a nice time at the concert.


Annette I left you a msg on facebook


Kim-sound like your getting the hang of this site.

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OMG! I so wish I could come on here and write the books I normally do. But I really just have so much on my plate right now its driving me nuts.


Interview today for the evening teaching position and a project due to my new VP.


I will tell you that I've 3.2 lbs this week, so 321 is my new weight since I got back from the cruise. I'm getting closer to where I was and then I can move on to my new goals.


Good Choices guys:D

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I have a little bit of time to write this morning.


This new part of my position is killing me. They have kind of thrown me into and my training is still a month away! I had a end of the month deadline on a grant they wanted me to apply for and I was freaking out. Thank God my "mentor" sent me an email pretty much saying we weren't ready to apply for that grant and my VP has agreed. I do have some other grants to work on, but I have some time to get them done and they aren't federal, so they will be a bit easier.


Anyway, I'm trying to do better with my food choices. I'm trying to get back to the fruit and high proteins for snacks, but the diet soda has snuck back in for caff. I've been bad about not journaling my food too, but I've been counting in my head. That has to change b/c that's how things sneak up on you.



Fiber cereal


Cereal bar

Turkey/bacon/avocado sub w/ baked chips and apples

Half a coke zero (I'm drinking the other half now)

Meatloaf and mashed potatoes



I interviewed for the evening teaching position at the college yesterday. I think that was the most relaxed I've ever been in a interview, but that doesn't mean I got it. I have to wait 2-3weeks to find out.


I'm just taking a lot on my plate right now. I've also decided to give online dating another try at this point. The last time I met what I thought was a good guy only to find out he was married. So I'm going back to the same website (its for bbws), so hopefully this time I'll actually meet single guys and be a little bit more smarter.


Thank you guys for dealing with my short post lately.......I promise that if I have to post at midnight I will do better on posting.


Good Choices.

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Brooke - you certainly do have a lot going on. Good luck with the online dating thing. I met my now husband online (on a now-defunct site) in 1999 and we have been married since 2001 and have 2 kids. :)


I am doing really well and I attribute so much of it to both this message boards and Spark People. I have lost 3 lbs in the past week and 19 lbs overall. I would love to wake up, get on the scale and have that be 20 lbs. Something about the sound of 20 lbs is wonderful.



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tues breakfast - two eggs, rye toast, water

tues lunch - taco salad, green tea

tues dinner - chicken leg, salad, fresh fruit, green tea


wed breakfast - one egg, rye toast, milk

wed lunch - fresh fruit, zucchini nut bread

wed dinner - bean, potato, bacon soup, brownie, tea


thurs breakfast - donut, couldn't resist my craving & coffee


Brooke- glad to see some weight comng off


New Kim- I hope your numbers come to 20 lbs. How long have you been at this? What was your starting weight? I can't seem to get past a certain number i think I lose the same 10 lbs and gain them LOL Can you give us some pointers.


Hi Annette, Kim from FL & Jess :)

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hello girls! Missed you all been such a busy week and I looked on my schedule and we are busy till the kids get back to school:eek:. I did make a good choice this morning so I am happy about that.


Kim- Great job with the weight loss. I know how exciting it is to get to see that.


Brooke- Hope things get a little smoother for you once you get use to the new stuff at work. Keep up updated on your online dating attempts.


Kimmers- Do you find it harder or easier to eat health on nights?


Jess- Saw that you were upset the other day hope everythings ok.

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Annette - I was upset. It's a long story but my half brother came up from Alabama and stayed with my half sister but on Friday he called my dad saying he was going to come for a visit. Well I had already left for Vermont that day for my cousins wedding. Later my dad told me he would be back on Monday. I thought great - I haven't seen him in like 7-8 years maybe this will be a good time to put things behind us. I thought my dad and him would show up for lunch but when I called my dad he said he was meeting my sister, brother and her kids for lunch at Catus Jacks. :( He left the next morning by the way and never called or saw me. The point is my brother and sister literally don't care about me.

My sister was very mean to me and I had to go to her work place (hair salon) just to see her and one day I got upset by the way she was treating me and I left and haven't spoken to her since but a few weeks later (this was like 6 years ago) my brother came up and he didn't talk or visit with me. Whatever my sister does, he does. They are so close and he even named his daughter after her. They are also 7-10 years older then me and they hate my mother and treat my dad like crap. I've heard from others that they are very jealous because I have both my parents and I am close to them but honestly I have done nothing to deserve the way they treat me. They don't acknowledge me at all. There is so much in our history some good and most not good but I still care for them and wish things could be somewhat normal but it's so upsetting to me because I have tried many times to be apart of their life but there is nothing I can do if they don't want me to be in there life and only want my dad to themselves.


I ate lunch by myself on Monday rather then with my dad and brother. :(


He's on my facebook and I wanted him to see it. Doesn't matter he won't say anything anyway, I don't even know why I have him on facebook. His wife was on my facebook and that's how I got to see pics of the kids but she defriended me. :(


To top of the week I am getting sick. Running nose, congestion, coughing.


Hopefully I will have a good weekend though- I got a couple days I'm taking off in the next week or two.


Brooke - Great Job with the weight loss

Kim- You as well! I'm gonna have to give Spark people a try again.

Kimmer- Hi back!!

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:(Kimmer - I don't have any pointers. I didn not make the 20 lb mark yet and in fact the scale (not me) says that I gained 1 lb. Impossible. I think I am weighing myself too often. I really should be weighing myself once or maybe twice a week and the most. We all know that weight can fluctuate up and down.


How often do you ladies weigh yourselves?


One way I have been adding a little exercise over the past couple of days is by doing my sons' dance mat with them! It's one of those plug and play things that plays music and you try to move your feet around in the direction of the arrows. It is sort of fun and it is getting my sons off of the couch, too. You could even plug and MP3 player into it for your own music. I actually work up a sweat doing it. I imagine that the novelty will wear off, but for now, it's fun for the family. (My husband is the best at it - scoring almost perfect scores everytime. Scary!)


Jess- Feel Better! Summer colds are the worst. (I am finally feeling better from my strep - I am hoping that this second antibiotic has finally killed off the bugs). Sorry about all the family drama, too. That certainly cannot be helping your sickness. :(


I am off today. I am planning on doing a lot of stuff around the house and maybe hop on that dance mat a couple of times!

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Oh boy, I can't believe I didn't even write yesterday! I thought I did, but then I was like, WAIT!




I'm so sorry your brother and sister can't see what a wonderful person you are, but it is their loss and maybe one day they will really regret that.




So, there was something the other day that I was totally going to tell you and was like, Kim needs to know this and long and behold..........I have no clue what it was. This is what happens to be when I'm stressed, lol.




How's the family? Is your husband still working out?




I'm glad you are enjoying Sparkpeople, it helped me for a while, then I just needed something new and WW has always worked for me until I quit it...hopefully I won't this time.



BK: fiber one and 4 slices of wheat toatst

Lunch: Leftover salmon patties, 1/3 cup of mac n cheese, green beans and watermelon

Snack: peanut butter crackers

Dinner: Grilled chicken breast sandwich w/ swiss cheese and bacon and mayo with fries (I know........stupid beyond belief!)


I'm watching my friend's dog for her tonight as her mother in law passed away this week from cancer and she is going out of town for the funeral. But she lives on the lake, so maybe I can take an evening swim for exercise????


The dating site is........well.........is. I've met one guy that I like, but he hasn't talked to me in 2 days, so I don't know what happened there, maybe he is busy. Plus he is another army guy.....the last one was too and he was the married one.......kinda makes me paranoid. A lot of foreign ppl on this site. I'm beginning to think I'm too picky, but I want them to share my religion since my faith is important, I would like them to be in the US, and at least 23-35 years old with a job and preferably no kids or ex-wives. Haha, maybe I am too picky. Oh well, I'll let you know if Prince Charming comes along.


Good Choices.

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Jess- I hate to think of the stress you must feel about your siblings but I understand it. Sometimes it does happen though. My Papa had 2 children from a previous marriage and when he passed away in 2007 they didn't want to be included at all. Then my Nana who passed away in March has siblings from her father who never claimed her. Not sure if he was married before, during, or after my Nana was born but either way it wasn't her fault. The oddest thing is that they all lived in this same small town but no contact. I am sure they have their rights to be upset about things but now that my grandparents are dead I am part mad at them and part sorry for the wonderful people they missed out on. Of course we have to really check out people that my kids date to make sure they are not dating cousins that they didn't know about lol.


Brooke- I think you know what you want and deserve not to settle. Top of your lists should be religion. That is even biblical not to be unequally yoked. Someone living in a different country is hard for so many reasons, Children and ex's are very hard to deal with so finding someone who doesn't have those things are easier but I do realize that with each year going by in society that is harder and harder to do. I think children without an ex in the picture should be much easier then an ex. Ex's have left damage and are likely to have attitude. I don't know all of Jess situation but my guess would be that her siblings mom probably has a lot to do with their attitude.

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Brooke - I have tried the online dating thing - in fact I just started back up too- but I have no patience at all. Not many to choose from and yes I am picky also.If religion is important to you (as it is to me also) then it's important you find someone who shares the same beliefs and I know that for me I would never date someone with a kid or involved with an ex.


Annette - You are totally right when you said the mother had something to do with their attitude. That is a big reason I wouldn't date someone with kids, etc...I don't want that drama that's already in my life.

My dad's ex wife has been married about 5-6 times and recently had her second fiance leave her. She is very manipulative and even got my mom's mother, sister and best friend too turn against my mom years ago.


Years ago when my sister Jennifer had her first open heart surgery, that was the same day my other sister had her dance receital. Well my dad didn't go to the recital because he needed to be there for my mom and Jen who was having surgery. Well her mother told my other sister Bethany that my dad loved Jennifer more then her and he didn't want to be at her recital. How awful is that?!?! My brother and sister came back and told my parents that she said that.


It was a lot of things like that all the time and arguments. With those kids my mom could never have any say or the mother would be down my mom's throat. They don't believe anything my mom says or even like her. They have stuck by their mother like glue and will not listen to anyone else. So when you say their mother had a lot to do with it- you are 100% correct. They have kids and are in their 30's now also and if they really wanted to rectify things...you think they would at least try.


Brooke I also think you are right when you say one day they will regret it. I have thought about it a lot. If I died today, I think they would.


It's me that doesn't want to regret things and although I want to try to contact them..what is the point if they really don't care? I hate to think about what will happen in the future. :(

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Jess- From my experience I would not go out of my way to reconcile with them since its their emotions that are in the way. I wouldn't not be ready if they wanted to get together or be hateful to them but sometimes these things never get better. My mom has 2 siblings that she never sees they are not even considered family to a degree. My Mom would be willing to get together but it will probably never happen. You would think that guiilt would be an issue but I think these people just decided that they are not related. They didn't even attend my Papa's funeral and in my 30 years I don't remember them contacting him. I do know that their mom had such a hugh part of it and to my knowledge she never remarried. My grandparents were married 58 years when he passed away I mean that is a long time to be upset with someone else.

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