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Annette - It's crazy but true how people say "You can pick your friends but not your family"


On my mother's side we have the same issue..except it involves people accusing family of bad things that are not true.


Let's put it this way...I went to two graduation parties this year for the same guy (my cousin).


One included part of the family , the next day it included another part of family that the other family can't/doesn't speak to. So it was done in like secret. There is so much drama behind it but seriously sometimes I think I have the most messed up of families on both sides but when I talk to others about it - I know I'm not alone thinking that.


That doesn't bother me as much though because it's not directly affecting me and it happened way before I was born and I don't even know one side of my family because of that (actually I met cousins for the first time at one of the grad parties). I try not to let these things bother me and try to keep telling myself that right now in my life I need to care most about myself and not anyone else.


Anyway thanks for reading my rants. :o


Brooke- Congrats on getting to go on another cruise! btw I wanted to tell you that in October I have to go to my cousins wedding and it's more formal then the wedding I was just in (it's at a very nice resort) and I'm not in the wedding so I'm gonna need help on finding something to wear because besides wedding/bridesmaids dresses I don't know any dress that I can wear!! I just thought of that today and started freaking out.

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I am just checking in. First off, the scale is not being kind to me. As of yesterday, I am up 1.5 lbs. So discouraging, but as I stated before, I need to not get on the scale daily. I know that I am doing all the right things. It will happen.


Online dating is so much fun and so scary at the same time. I loved the whole adventure of it. In 1999, I was on my most successful weight loss journey of my life. I was 2 years out of a bad relationship and ready to move on. I posted a profile and starting getting responses. I went on a few dates with one guy, but kept looking. When I met my husband, I had actually seen his profile and it caught my eye. I didn't respond to it because he lived a hour away. A day or so later, I got an email from him. I immediately thought - this is fate. We exchanged emails for about 2 weeks. Long, detailed, wonderful emails (that I still have printed copies of)! Then we talked on the phone for about 2 weeks. I just knew he was the one for me when I talked to him. We met about 2 weeks later. Weight was never an issue, but I did continue to lose. We married less than 2 years later.


No, no one should "settle". The right person is out there!


Today may be a challenge. Hubby and I are having a date day/night at the CT casinos. There are so many temptations there. I am not a gambler, but I do love Krispy Kreme - and there is one at Mohegan Sun!


Have a great day everyone!

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Brooke- You are going to get in another cruise before I make it to mine. :p Good for you but yuck for me. lol


Jess- I have had the same guy marry both my sisters but praise the Lord he has moved on to another family now. You can just imagine the look on my face at the 2nd wedding when someone walks up to me and goes how sweet you Got a new brother-in-law. I just looked at her but wanted to say nope he's been around a while this is the 2nd time he has been the groom and he basically had an affair with one sister while married to the other. Took many many many years to get the family through that one and their is still some tension between the sisters and even though they are only 1 year and 2 days apart I don't think they will ever be that close.


Kim- I hate the scale!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Krispie Kreme!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How cool is it that you met your husband through online dating and now you can help these girls out.


I can't rememeber if I have even told you girls that I am going to a seminar in Orlando on Friday. I got so much to do and running out of time. Hope that we get to spend at least a day in Disney it would be great to see JC get to see Buzz Lightyear. He was 16 months the last time he was there so he doesn't remember it at all. Natalie has some memories and the older 2 just want to go back.

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Hi All...


Such a challenging weekend!


Hubby and I went out yesterday without the kids. We had lunch at the Hard Rock at Foxwoods. I wanted to enjoy and decided I could - sort of. I had a pulled pork sandwich, broccoli (which I can never spell, but I that substituted for the fries), a small portion of baked beans and a small portion of cole slaw. My husband had a few bites of the sandwich since he had "lunch envy". Not the best choices I could have made, but oh my gosh, I have made SO much worse in the past.


After lunch, we walked around a LOT and went to see the Titanic exhibition. After that, we headed over to Mohegan Sun to line up for a free Vertical Horizon concert. We waited standing for a hour and a half. That's gotta be worth something.


After the wonderful concert, we were ravenous and tried to seek out a sensible meal at 10pm. Again, not the best choice to be eating at 10pm, but we were at the light-headed stage. We found a nice burger place and I had a grilled cheese sandwich and we shared an order of sweet-potato fries. I have somehow convinced myself that those are acceptable. :o


All said and done, not a bad day. We walked quite a bit in those small cities that they called casinos. I did not get on the scale this morning, because I was pretty sure that grilled cheese sandwich and fries would still be with me.


This morning, right back to reality. English muffin and coffee for breakfast; roasted chicken, a small serving of ziti and tomato sauce and a garden salad. I am going to have some cereal and yogurt for dinner.


I am off to feed the kids. Hope everyone is hanging in there.

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Also, Romans and OnePlusStop have formal dresses.....there is this one site called http://www.igigi.com the dresses are beautiful, but expensive....:rolleyes:


PS-I'll be ur sister anyday!




I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I just have an addiction and I can't find a support group for it!




I guess your cruise is coming up next.......have you made any plans?




I think we all have bad weekends. They are the hardest b/c you get around other people and you have lots of choices. Its so much easier to order the fries that come with the dish that ask for a sub, lol. I know I've done it a few times. I've been breaking rules since I got back from the cruise. Its like my body thinks it has permission to just eat now! But if we just keep trying, then we are winners.




BK: Oatmeal and Arnolds' toast with butter

Lunch: McD's grilled chicken with fries and low fat mayo

Snack: Diet Cherry Limemade from Sonic (They had this campfire shake and I really wanted it, but mom was like, "The only reason I stopped here was b/c you said you were getting a diet drink." So, I went with the diet.)

Dinner: Whole grain rice/steamed veggies/grilled chicken stir fry

Snack: I got into the stupid little debbies......boo.


I brought some leftover stirfry for today, so I feel good about that! I have my workout today and I'm hoping that a lot of my evening apts. are over so I can get four workouts in this week.


I believe I'm going to have to go back to the Dr. My back is fixed from the chiro, but the inflammation isn't getting better. I need to discuss with the Dr. what I need to do b/c I need to lose enough weight to keep the inflammation down, but I can't do that when it flares and causes pain. My chiro says vita B is a natural inflammation vita, but I've been taking vita B and it isn't helping. I wonder if I can get a shot of it directly in my back, lol. I guess its time anyway to check my things like chol. and stuff, so I might as well get a blood test done and check for an ulcer as well. If its not there I might need to get back on the meds for inflammation.


I think I might entertain some appet. suppressants as well. I've been stuck on this 30-35lbs for too long and I think I need something to push me over the edge. IDK......I'll think about it.


Good Choices!

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Also, Romans and OnePlusStop have formal dresses.....there is this one site called www.igigi.com the dresses are beautiful, but expensive....:rolleyes:


PS-I'll be ur sister anyday! - Thanks Brooke ;)



Brooke- After I posted I went on to igigi.com and yes they are really nice but $$. But if it's for a wedding and she might have single guys there, then I don't care how much it is as long as it looks nice on me. And that's hard to because I have to order it to see how it looks on. I hope these sites have a good return/exchange policy.

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Kim - Thanks for sharing your online dating story. I have no patience. I started messaging a nice gentleman but the problem is I don't spend all day or night online and I only use the internet at my parents place. By the time he got back to me, I had left. When I returned his message the next day it happened again and deleted his account.


All the other guys I have seen seriously look like losers and not just by there looks, but personality as well. There is not many options for people who live in small towns like me I guess. I even saw one guy on there I went to HS with. :rolleyes:


Annette - That must have felt really weird. This isn't as bad but my mom and I were talking about a lady we know. Her daughter just married a guy last weekend. That guy was married to his new wife's brothers wife. Make Sense? lol

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Brooke- After I posted I went on to igigi.com and yes they are really nice but $$. But if it's for a wedding and she might have single guys there, then I don't care how much it is as long as it looks nice on me. And that's hard to because I have to order it to see how it looks on. I hope these sites have a good return/exchange policy.


I actually saw a girl on this last cruise wearing one of the maxi dresses on there.........it looks really similar to how the models wear it, so I think you will be okay. I'm not sure about their returns though.

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Kim - Thanks for sharing your online dating story. I have no patience. I started messaging a nice gentleman but the problem is I don't spend all day or night online and I only use the internet at my parents place. By the time he got back to me, I had left. When I returned his message the next day it happened again and deleted his account.


All the other guys I have seen seriously look like losers and not just by there looks, but personality as well. There is not many options for people who live in small towns like me I guess. I even saw one guy on there I went to HS with. :rolleyes:


Annette - That must have felt really weird. This isn't as bad but my mom and I were talking about a lady we know. Her daughter just married a guy last weekend. That guy was married to his new wife's brothers wife. Make Sense? lol


That nice fire fighter was hot and nice and cute and I thought we really hit it off, but he has logged on and not returned any of my messages or tried to contact me......IDK what happened.......I'm gonna guess its his problem not mine. Of course I'm getting the freaky guys who have these weird sexual fetishes about big girls......come on......if I don't want a guy not to want b/c of my size what makes you think I want a guy to desire me specifically for my size. How about liking me b/c of ME!

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That nice fire fighter was hot and nice and cute and I thought we really hit it off, but he has logged on and not returned any of my messages or tried to contact me......IDK what happened.......I'm gonna guess its his problem not mine. Of course I'm getting the freaky guys who have these weird sexual fetishes about big girls......come on......if I don't want a guy not to want b/c of my size what makes you think I want a guy to desire me specifically for my size. How about liking me b/c of ME!



Exactly. THat's why I didn't sign up on a bbw site because I know guys can get weird. Although on regular dating sites you do get these guys who are specfically seeking out big girls. uhh, Men :rolleyes:

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Before I forget...


Has anyone ever purchased dresses from buyinamerica.com ?? The name of the site sounds odd, but the dresses look really nice and not too expensive. I have an elegant nice dress already, but I am still considering buying a dress from there. I love that you can buy a matching wrap.


I told you guys about my nice quick online success story, but believe me, I had some terrible ones. (Like the guy who I talked to for several weeks and we met up a time to meet. He kept walking when he saw me in person...)


I hit the 20 lb. mark! I am on break, but I will write more later.

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There is a website called cheapdresses. I have never used them but I have looked around on their site when I was planning our last cruise. THey had many options.


Went to the Dr yesterday. I even got on the scale but I won't be sharing that for now. He is checking my thyroid though. He said the little lump is from a virus that I got that just didn't go away and sometimes it can cause an underactive thyroid. I know it sounds terrible but I almost wish that he said that was the case instead of me just being fat and lazy which is how I feel. I have to go find me some more shorts today since the size 4 and up are not fitting me. Duh on that one.


OK enough of my pity party. Let me ask you girls a question though. Do you ever wonder how other people have such self esteem and confidence. I know a lot of people that are much bigger then me but they wear stuff I could never put on my body. I don't have anyone exceot my lovely kids telling me anything about my weight. I am sure that my MIL has said I have gained weight because she does about any and everybody but she hasn't said it to me. My husband tells me that I am sexy and he actually prefers my backside to be a little on the fluffy side. But I just don't believe it when he says it. It's really a no win for the poor guy.:confused:

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Congrats! 20lbs! Wohoo!




You will let us see the dress you get right?




I tend to think that when your husband says you are sexy he means it. Women in American have just been brought up to second guess themselves. As far as women who wear things.......like that.......well sometimes it isn't about confd. its about attention. Somewhere in their lives they were ignored either by their families or a spouse and they are trying to make up for it. I think God I have a family who loves me and shares their affection with me b/c I wouldn't want to be caught dead in some of those spandex outfits!

I think its okay to have confd. in yourself and if you express that in the clothes you wear then good for you. I do it, I just also am realistic myself too. And if you want my thoughts.....I think women who show the most confd. have the least amount. They are over compensating.




Where for out thou?



I actually logged food!!!!

BK: Oatmeal

Snack: Peanut butter crackers

Lunch: leftover stir fry (1 cup), applesauce, 3 sun chips, and M&Ms (chocolate was needed, but I did wait an hour before eating them)

Snack: low fat yogurt

Dinner: grilled cheese with low fat cheese and wheat bread and a baked potato with ff sour cream and butter

Snack: Italian ice pops for about 60 cal. and some french fries mom didn't eat.


Workout with the trainer. We discussed my stalemate and he gave some suggestions.


I'm going to the Dr. on Thurs. for a work up of blood to check a few things.


Oh, Weigh in: 319lbs.....at least I'm going in the right direction....


Good Choices.

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OMG! I Like go to the Lake on my days off and everybody is on. My post says the last I was on was Thurs. but I know I was on here on Fri. Sat was busy lining things up/ doing laundry. Sun/Mon/Tues - Lake


Annette- I think my diet is easier on 3rds except for caffiene. I had myself drining all water or green tea but I need that pop to get me through the night. So it is either pop or coffee.


Jess- Sorry to hear your having such a bad time. Glad you can vent on here, instead of eat.


Cruising Again Kim- Thanks for your posts.


Brooke-I give you credit on the dating site, just can't force myself to do that. Thanks for missing me :)


I hope I didn't miss anyone. Sorry no food lists I thought a break was needed. And since I lose then gain the same back need to dod something different not sure what? Curves is making me mad but I think I need it for winter summer I can do other things for exercise. We'll see

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Morning ladies. Just let me say that I had to go look for clothes yesterday and was ready to cry right there in the dressing room. I am just going to think on it no more. I know this sounds like an excuse but I am sorry for it in advance. lol I am really going to jump back on things when we get back from our trip to Orlando. It would be so hard to try and eat healthy because we are going to try to eat cheap as possible which means a lot of $1 menus or shared meals with the kids. But we are doing it to try and take the kids into Disney at least one day. I really really pray that JC gets to see Buzz Lightyear. Oh well I have to run got to wake Brittany up for her dentist appt.

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I had the dentist this morning too.....what is it about walking into a dentist office that makes me wrinkle my nose? And sometimes in life things are more important.......like having your son get to meet Buzz Lightyear........you'll always remember that moment and you won't give a thought to what you were eating.




Haha, your just so good about posting.....we thought you'd disappeared, lol. Glad to see you took a day for yourself! Online dating is scary, but I think it also helps me have more confd. I've gotten to the point where I will just straight up tell these guys , "I don't care how big "it" is.........I want a relationship.......not a one night stand." :eek:




BK: Fiber one and toast

Snack: Sunchips

Lunch: leftover stir fry, cherries

Snack: Yogurt

Dinner: Pizza and four slices of it.......I just wanted it so bad!

Snack: ice pops and 1 tbsp of ff whipped cream.


Workout today with the trainer.


I have to fast tomr. from 8am-3:30pm......I'm going to be in such a bad mood and if my sugar drops.........:(


Well, gotta get to work.


Good Choices.


Anyone have any reviews of JetBlue????

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Hey girls


Annette - I too pray JC get's to see Buzzlight year :D;)


Kim- I am soo jealous. We have lakes around here and I have not been able to go because of work in this heat. At least I took next Monday and Tuesday off...I'm sure then I'll still be soo busy I won't be able to go. I agree with you though, sometimes you need those days.


Brooke - Have never been on Jetblue, so can't give you advice there.

Also be careful who you give your number too (not that you have butjust in case) I was chatting with someone for awhile and he sounded like a nice guy..until I did the mistake of giving my phone number. :eek: He sounded so creepy and older. I can't even talk about it because he really was a sick, messed up person and he would call me and leave messages on my phone all the time. Now, I'm not so trusting. I've even thought about changing my number.

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wed breakfast-mcmuffin -ran out out smart ones

wed lunch-ham roll up, 20 doritos, water

wed dinner-meatloaf, sweet potato, green beans, cucumber salad, water -all out of the garden except meatloaf


Jess-no matter how busy your life take some time for yourself or maybe have lunch by the lake -You deserve it!


Annette- didn't know you were planning a Florida vacation, sounds great though. I hope your son get to meet BUZZ, just to see the expression on his face would be worth capturing. When we went we ate Chinese & Italian at Epot for cost saving meals.


Brooke-I agree with Jess watch who you give your number too. Keep up the good work on your meals. I need to get more motivated as I am feeling like Annette ARGH!

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Its so funny you say that b/c I put on my profile that I will not be giving out my phone or going on MSN or wanting to look at their webcam, lol. I kind spell all the things out that I know I don't like.




Thanks for the mini Jetblue review, it makes me feel better.




I've gotten to the point Kim, that I just block guys for really simple things. The simple things I clearly state in my profile. What makes you unsure of online dating, just curious. I'm sure its all those Datelilne reports of people getting kidnapped or killed, lol.



BK: Fiber One and toast

Snack: ..............crap my mind has gone blank...........I can't remember what I ate yesterday. This is why I need blood test b/c my mind is in a fog lately.


My workout went well thought, the trainer said I was improving a lot.


Going for blood work today.......9 hours without food........boo. I did stop and get a big bk. I had ceral at home, then sticking to my no fast food (meaning no drive thru) I went to sheetz (haha, i know, but it doesn't have a drive thru) and got a bagel and hash brown and chicken biscuit and small skinny latte. I ate the bagel and hash brown and 1/4 of my latte and my stomach is already full.........the chicken biscuit I guess will have to wait for another ..........well never......I'll throw it away or give it away.


Wish me luck!


Good Choices

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I'm so bummed. I got an email last night from Mohegan Sun saying I have two Complimentary tickets to see the Goo Goo Dolls, Switchfoot and The Spill Canvas. Problem #1- it's next Wed. and I already took off Mon and Tues, plus it's at 7:30pm and it's a 3 hour drive and I don't get out of work until 6pm. Problem #2 - I posted on facebook who wants to go and nobody responded. I'm obviously not going by myself. If I had someone to go with I'd ask work if I could possibly leave early.


I always forget to post what I ate so here is yesterday's


B: blueberry bagel w/ butter


L: half a turkey Sandwhich


S: handful of smartfood popcorn


D: baked piece of chicken...literally that's all I had, I did make some sort of dip for it though


S: handful of smartfood popcorn, poptart


Even though I didn't eat much, not very healthy choices and the only veggie I got was a slice of tomato and a piece of lettuce. now that I see what I had..I def. need to start journaling.

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I just thought I would check in. It looks like everyone is doing well. I am down 21 lbs. Yahoo! I actually feel great today. The one thing I haven't been doing is recording my food in Spark People like I had been doing. I think just have to use a good old fashioned notebook again! It keeps me honest to see everything on paper (or a computer screen).


I bought a couple sundresses to use as cover-ups on the cruise from Avenue online this morning. With an online coupon I found they were only $13 and change each. They have some nice deals on swimsuits right now, too. I do need another one for my trip, I am am not sure of the quality. I need a "sturdy" suit to hold everything together!


Jess - I wish I could go to that concert with you! I am only a little over an hour from Mohegan Sun. I hope you decide to go. It sounds like a great show.


Have a great day! Kim

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Ok girls I am so so wore out but I just wanted to say have a good week. I will try and get online at least to facebook but that will depend on how good the internet service is. I am planning to get up around 3:30 in the morning and hit the road. I want to avoid some of the terrible heat. It was in the triple digets today.

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B: 2 small pieces of pizza (really my dinner)

L: ham roll, doritos, water

S: homemade chex mix, water

D: chili soup, fritoes, cheese, crunch bar, sierra mist


Annette-safe trip!

Jess- food log not bad

Brooke- reference on-line dating It's my job I see to much LOL

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