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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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Hi Gals!


Jennie~ Welcome to the group!!! Congrats on re-starting and re-committing! We have a similar goal, size 10 would make me happy and I'd do cartwheels at a size 8! I do think most of us agree that it helps to wait on the DD to start eating as late as possible. If you've lost 4 lbs already, that's a GREAT start! And congrats on the weight loss up until now, also! Maybe the others have an opinion about the headache, but that happens to me any and every time I start a new eating plan. I think if you hang in there for a couple of weeks, that will go away. Your body and especially those female hormones we're all blessed/cursed with have to have time to readjust.


Elizabeth~ Thank you SO much for the compliment! I still don't have a "bod to match" but it's catching up. LOL And you can bet your sweet bippy I'll be walking onto that ship with 1000 times more confidence than I did in February! ~~~~ Two fasts this week... whoohoo! You are NOT a weak weenie (although it sounds funny to say! :p) .... you are uber-strong and capable! I think your best bet is to keep things in check on Wednesday or you'll be starving on Thursday. Let us know how it goes.


Misty~ Dang, girl! I think we're all coming to trick-or-treat with Lexie next year! :D Hang in there with the house. Holiday time is always a bit of messy time, at least at my house! How did the weigh-in go? I didn't have good luck when I did 2 UD in a row, I've got my fingers crossed for you! ~~~~~~ What did you decide about the concerts???


Nora~ I agree with Elizabeth, I hope your weekend was good interesting. Did you do things for the residents for Halloween?


Brandy~ Did your kids trick-or-treat? Did you all have a nice Halloween? Hope all is well!


I think we lost Ellen and Colleen..... anyone out there??? hellllooooo???? :)


I've got a MAJOR case of short-timer's syndrome. I work through Wednesday, then leave Friday for my cruise. OH..... I almost forgot... speaking of the not-so-rockin-yet bod.... When I tried on all my cruise clothes to actually pack, I was feeling pretty good about myself, so I didn't try on my swimsuits because I didn't want to deflate my ego. I finally bit the bullet yesterday and didn't even cry when I looked in the mirror. Everyone else on the ship and at the beach might run in terror, but I don't even care! LOL :D


All right, back to work for me.

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Hey, all!


Welcome, Jennie! Congrats on the weight loss up to this point. I think you'll find that JUDDD is a great plan. I think there's something to the psychological aspect of knowing that I can eat something I want every other day that really helps me. I hate the feeling of "I can never have a brownie again!!!" With JUDDD, I know I can, within reason, of course.


Nora ~ Looking forward to the weekend story...


Tammy ~ It hadn't dawned on me that your cruise was SOOO close!!! Ooh, I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to hear all about the fun you had and the heads you turned!


Tammy & Elizabeth ~ The money and outfits Lexi got was from family, lol. We took her to where I used to work, my parents', Jason's parents', and Jason's grandmother's. Jason's mom loves to buy Lexi clothes and give her cash. Can't complain!!! She gave her $20, she got $10 from a cousin, $5 from an aunt, and $5 from an uncle. I write down in a notebook who gives her what and why and deposit the cash into her savings account, so that one day, when she gets her money, she can see where all of it came from.


Ugh...now on to the depressing news.... My weigh in sucked. I gained 0.5. That seems to ALWAYS happen with b2b UDs for me for some reason! My husband had his 3rd DD yesterday and managed to make it a water fast, so now I'm freakin' determined to do one! I'm going to do it tomorrow and re-weigh Wednesday, and readjust my weigh in day to mid-week from now on to cut me some slack from the weekends. There's so much stuff going on the month of November... Ugh. Oh, and I'm convinced Halloween candy comes directly from Satan. We still have a TON leftover... I wish I could convince Jason to take it all to work or something.


Walmart was putting out their Christmas decorations while I was there a few minutes ago. I can't wait! It's my favorite time of year! I even bought some Eggnog. Yeah, that's probably directly from Satan, as well...


Have a great day!

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I forgot to answer about the concerts... So far, I have decided to definitely go to the first one, which is REO Speedwagon. I'm taking my vitamins religiously and I bought some of that Airborne stuff at Walmart today. I'll keep hand sanitizer in my pocket. As soon as I get home, I'll strip off my "germy" clothes and shower and then Lysol my car interior. Surely with all these precautions, I'll be fine. ??? So I'll see how the first one goes and then decide on the second one, Jason Aldean. In my mind, I have more or less decided to go to it, too.... I'm just waiting on a "nod of approval" from hubby! He's the one who has me the most nervous about getting sick and "ruining our vacation."

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Good morning!


Misty~ Bummer about the weigh-in, but 1/2 lb can come from water or anything. I think it's a good idea to move the weigh-in from Monday. I do mine on Friday on purpose, because weekends are usually when we have more stuff come up. ~~~~ I'm so glad you're going to the concert (first one at least). I think those precautions will keep you healthy as can be! Don't let hubby scare you about ruining your vacation. He could just as easily bring a bug home from work. I think you'll have a blast and you'll be glad you went! ~~~~ That's a GREAT idea to keep a notebook for Lexie's savings account. I bet that'll be so cool for her to read through when she's older. She'll see how loved she was even when she was teeny. :)


Oh, and I think you're right.... candy and eggnog both come from Satan. LOL

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Wellllllll.... AWF yesterday was also a bust. I made it until 7:30 last night, then caved and made 400 calories worth of chicken nuggets (8 nuggets). I was just uncomfortably hungry and cranky. BUT, OF FREAKIN' COURSE (LOL), my husband successfully completed his second water fast! Oh, and he's already dropped 6 of the 12 lbs. he was hoping to lose before the cruise. Men suck.


And, I no longer wonder...now I KNOW...that yes, eggnog is from the Devil. I drank an entire quart all by myself in 1 1/2 days. That's 1400 calories worth of eggnog. No more eggnog in my refrigerator unless company is over or I bake with it!!!!!


Thankfully, Jason took the rest of the Halloween candy to work with him today.

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HI Everyone-

A quick note. My sister is coming home from the rehab facility tomorrow. She has done well since the total knee surgery.

Friday I take that dreaded test I told you about. I am bummed.In the past you found out right on the spot if you passed or not. Now they make you wait until February! Oh well not much I can do.


Misty- I understand the Eggnog thing. Our local dairy makes the best. I saw it before Halloween. I refuse to buy it until Thanks giving.

One of our local radio stations is playing Christmas music 24-7. Geesh lets not rush it.


Hope everyone has a great day!



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HI Everyone-

A quick note. My sister is coming home from the rehab facility tomorrow. She has done well since the total knee surgery.

Friday I take that dreaded test I told you about. I am bummed.In the past you found out right on the spot if you passed or not. Now they make you wait until February! Oh well not much I can do.


Misty- I understand the Eggnog thing. Our local dairy makes the best. I saw it before Halloween. I refuse to buy it until Thanks giving.

One of our local radio stations is playing Christmas music 24-7. Geesh lets not rush it.


Hope everyone has a great day!





Glad to hear your sister is doing well, and I want to wish you well on your test! You'll knock 'em dead, I'm sure!


Oh and I must admit, I, too, am a Holiday Season Rusher.... I've been listening to Christmas music today, and we're putting up our tree next weekend, lol. C'mon, Nora, you know "it's the most wonderful time of the year!" lol I really am still like a kid when it comes to Christmas. I love to extend the season because I always feel my best around this time of year. Happy, thankful, surrounded by loved ones.... Yay, Christmas!!! :D

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Thanks for all the warm welcomes! I'm looking forward to getting to know you all. Sorry I made my first post and then skipped out for 3 days! My phone line was down. No internet, no emails, no Facebook. I was not a happy girl.


Misty - I think it's easier for men to fast. I've known several men who have fasted for extended periods of time for religious reasons. I can't imagine being able to for more than a day. I really think there is something different about their physiology that makes it easier. And I agree with you about the "I will never have another brownie" feeling. That always gets me, and when I fall off the wagon, I fall real bad! A couple of years ago, I had lost about 50 pounds, and in November I told myself I would just take a break for the holidays. Well, somehow the holidays lasted until the following May! LOL It's funny, but it's not.


Nora - yes, I'm a nurse. I haven't practiced in years - I've been staying home and homeschooling my kiddos. My youngest graduates next May!


Tammy - hope you have a great time on your cruise and get plenty of rest and relaxation!


Well, my weigh in was on Monday, and I lost 5.5 pounds last week! I know the first week is always more, and I'm not having any kind of expectations like that in the future, but that was exciting. I'm not having the headaches this week. And my son brought home Halloween candy, but there was no good stuff (i.e. - Snickers or Reeses) left, so that was a real plus!


I'm trying not to think about Christmas yet! All the stuff to do. I'm going to be a bah-humbug for another couple of weeks.


Hope you all have a great rest of the week.

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:DTAMMY - have a wonderful time...TOMORROW!!!:D- wouldn't it be great if you could post some pics?! looking forward to hearing from you.


Jennie- 5.5lb!?! how Wonderful. You are well on your way.


Misty, on my awf tuesday i ended up eating a grape, a piece of lettuce (had to make lunch salads that evening) and 6 crackers so i could take my meds; so don't feel bad about caving. I marvel that you would even attempt one with having to chase little Lexi - you need your energy. awf again today in the hopes of a good weigh in tomorrow. I like to weigh in on Fridays as if I am going to overeat, it's more likely to be during the weekend.


And I am totally into the festive season too. we are going to the kids house on Nov 28th to help decorate their tree and then they are coming to ours on the 5th; we'll decorate, feast and watch "It's a Wonderful Life"-knowing the evils of eggnog, it's one of the rare occasions I'll have it in the house.


Nora, you know your stuff and I'm sure will ace this test - then you will feel more in the mood to celebrate the coming season. glad your sister is doing well.


Off to walk by the river (the parks across the street) so I don't have to be around here at lunchtime. Bloody cold out - the weather people lied - IMAGINE!!!!!:rolleyes:


Have a great day all, Elizabeth

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slow but steady change in the right direction:


aug 10: 187

aug 19: 181

sep 11: 177

oct 9: 177

oct 16: 176

oct 22: 175

nov 6: 174


felt elated when I weighed in this am - then turned on the news. Glad that turncoat/monster lived - he was deprived of a martyr's death. Let him suffer on this side of the veil for a while before he goes over to face what awaits him on the other side.

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Hey ladies!!!!


Just a quick note since I'm sitting in the airport terminal waiting to GET THE HECK OUT OF DODGE!!! YAY! (As you can tell, I'm pretty excited!!!)


I weighed in this morning and stayed the same, 162. (forgot to copy and paste my history)... I was okay to with maintaining because I had 4 drinks Wednesday evening (to get vacation started) and also had some fried chicken. It didn't have breading, but it was much more fatty than I've been having.


And I was a good girl here a the airport and walked the entire length instead of taking the people-mover thingy. :)


Oh Misty~ I'm like you, I love Christmas, too. I like it when they start selling Christmas stuff because it just creates more anticipation... it's so festive!


Elizabeth~ Great job! I must not be aware of the news story you're talking about, I guess I need to catch up. Or maybe not, I am on vacation after all. Y'all can keep the world in order while I turn myself into a rum-soaked sun raisin, right??? :D


Jennie~ WOW! GREAT start to the program! And I totally agree with you about men being able to handle fasts better than us. Must be because they're already so full of.... well.... full of something!!! LOL!


Nora~ You'll do great on the test today! Be confident! I know it's SO hard to wait that long. February? wow! We're all pulling for you! I hope your sister's doing well, too! You are so busy... don't forget to take a deep breath every now and then!


And on that note..... I'm off to post real quick on my roll call boards and then I'm over and out! My plane just pulled up and is unloading the other passengers. I've got my flip flops on, so Florida, here I come!!!!


I'll try to post some pics. If I can't during the week, I'll definitely get them out there during my long layover on the way home.


Have a great week!!!

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Good Morning Ladies!

Well I took the dreaded test on Friday. I took the test at a Sylvan Learning Center.What an experience. You have to put all your belongings in a locker. Then you had to turn pockets inside out to show you had nothing that could help you on a test. No water bottles cough drops tissues or sweaters allowed. If you needed a tissue you had to use one of theirs. I also had to take my watch off. Go figure! There where several people there taking various exams and one poor girl was coughing her head off.

Any way it was the worst test I have ever taken. I did find out later that they are now grading on a curve so maybe there is a prayer for me! ;)


I decided I want to lose 10# by Christmas. I am going to do the no flour/no added sugar thing again and do a form of the JUDD thing. For those who joined recently I did start with this plan but had some issues.


Tammy- Hope you are having a great time and relaxing!


Elizabeth- Having weird weather here too. Snowed on Friday and today and this week will be in the 60's. Today I will be out in the yard with the family raking. Lots of good exercise! Congrats on the weight loss!


Misty- I was a holiday rusher. It was great fun when the kids still believed in Santa. I think last year I rushed the season as my father in law had just died and then I think I got tired of all the decorations and clutter. So the day after T-giving I will be in all my holiday splendor.


Hope all our doing well!


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Nora, so glad the test is done and wondering what dense bureaucrat set up the exam terms. Right away people's anxieties will be intensified if you can't have a few comforts as harmless as cough drops, tissues and water! i would have been a basket case. Don't see they'll be accurately measuring a person's knowledge so much as how they react to stressful environments. And then they make you wait months for the results? Sadists. Good for you for seeing it through.


Hey, CC buddies south of the border, a couple of people have told me that thanksgiving is a bigger, more important holiday to US citizens than christmas; is that true? I sort of doubt it but then I don't know everything;)....yet


hope all are having a great day. I'm nodding off at work - tempted to crawl off to bed in one of the exam rooms for lunch. Seriously though, I do tend to eat more crap when I'm tired so have to watch myself.


Tammy, I'll bet checking in here is the last thing on your agenda but in case you do - have something tall and cool for me okay? Of course I speak of liquid libation now - anything else tall and cool you have we'll want to hear all about when you get home:D!



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Hey, all! Sorry I haven't posted in a few days... Things have been nuts around here for some reason... Two of my best friends got into a huge argument, my hubby and I had one, and my dad and SIL did, too. Sheesh! I'm blaming in on the full moon we had the other night. All have made ammends except for dad and SIL so far. Not sure when or if that one will get resolved...they're two stubborn people!


Other than WWIII, things have been okay. We had a baby shower for my friend Saturday, and she loves penguins, so I tried my hand at making a penguin cake. Check it out:




She loved it, so it was a success!


I tried re-weighing on Friday but was still up a half pound. Ugh. Ah well. Hopefully this Friday's weigh in will be better. Hubby gave up fasting on DDs, but he lost 7.5 lbs. in one week! Don'tcha just hate a man's metabolism? lol


Speaking of rocking the weight loss, way to go, Jennie, on your first week's results! Awesome! I hope you continue to like this WOE.


Elizabeth ~ Your plans for decorating a tree with your family sound great! I love, love, love decorating the tree! Since I was just a little girl, decorating the tree has been a family thing.... When I was just little, my dad's work buddy taped a Christmas special off the radio for my brother and me. It was called Conway Twitty and the Twitty Bird, Merry Twismas. I am forever grateful to this man because that tape has become as much a part of Christmas for me as decorating a tree or opening presents. It wouldn't be Christmas without Conway! It's a kid's tape, obviously, where Conway and the Twitty Bird visit the North Pole and stop to sing different Christmas songs throughout. It's 50 minutes of pure joy for me, and I know Lexi will cherish it through the years, as well. Oh, and excellent job on the weight loss!~~Oh, and to answer your question, I don't think Thanksgiving is bigger than Christmas, at least not down South where I live, anyway. I'm in the Bible Belt, so we enjoy both, but I have to say Christmas is definitely the bigger holiday.


Tammy ~ I hate you.


Nora ~ I agree with Elizabeth on the sadists administering and grading your exam! Cruel, cruel people, but I know you did well! Good for you setting a 10 lb. goal before Christmas! I wish you luck and success! Welcome back to JUDDD. :)


Tammy ~ I was just kidding above. :) I'm just jealous is all, lol. Can't wait to hear ALL about your trip! I hope you are having a fabulous time!


Well, while the baby naps, I better get supper started. Everyone have a great day!

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Hi Gals!

Elizabeth-Interesting. I think that Thanksgiving has all been forgotten here. It seems now a days that people just get through it to get to Christmas. I do like T-day. This year I volunteered to work at the Nursing Home to give one of the full timers a chance to be with her grand children. Besides it is good Karma :)


Misty- Loved the cake! You are so creative. Is the family feud over?


Hi to the rest of the gang!


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Hey, girls. Just checking in. My weigh in this week was a bummer. I didn't lose anything. I knew it wouldn't be good - I cheated too much over the weekend. But I got back to it on Monday morning. I am getting used to the DDs. Waiting until noon to eat is a good tip - it's working for me. Last week I didn't exercise either because I had a cold. But I'm back to being good now.


Misty - the penguin cake turned out so cute! You did a great job on it.

Sorry about the feuding going on - it always stresses me out when people I care about are fighting.


Nora - that test sounds positively nasty! I'm glad you got through it, and I hope you don't get sick from the one who was coughing. Good night, you would think they should at least provide a quarantine room for sick people who have to take the test, with swine flu rampant as it is!


Elizabeth - sorry it's so cold where you are. I wish it would get a LITTLE colder here in Texas. It's hard to get into the holiday spirit when it is mid 70s outside, at least for me. You would think after 20+ years of living here, I would adjust!


Tammy - if you're not back yet, you better still be have tons of fun! I'm jealous too.


So, I have a question. Is there a lot of information in the book that would make it worth it to buy it? And how do you all eat on up days? Do you try to watch what/how much you eat pretty close? Do you ever take a day and just eat whatever you want? Well, that was more than one question. Thanks in advance.


Have a good week,


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Jennie ~


No, I didn't find too much helpful information in the book, but I liked reading the scientific research that supports this diet. It has helped me when people tell me "it can't be healthy". Most everything you need to know to do the diet is on his website. There are quite a few recipes with the nutritional information in the back of the book, but I haven't tried any yet.


As for how I eat on UDs.....hmmm...I think I can sum it up in one word: sinfully. From the beginning, I've treated UDs as treat days, knowing that one day I'd probably have to stop doing that because the diet wouldn't be as effective. I think I may be getting to that point about now. I'm going to start trying to reign in my UDs soon, but I'm not going to stress about it here around the Holidays. Most weeks, I show a loss on the scale even though I eat sweets, pastas...well, basically whatever I want...on UDs AS LONG AS I STICK TO TRUE ALTERNATION. I don't know why that's been the key with me, but it has.


If you have more questions, ask away! :)

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Boo. Weigh in today wasn't great. I lost just a smidge from where I gained last week, but I'm still above my last good weigh in. I'm 195.2. I know I haven't been doing very well. I've sneaked (is that the right word?) a few pieces of fudge here and there on DDs this last week. Bad, bad Misty! I gotta get back in gear!!!! I don't know what has happened to my willpower!


Anywho, UD today, and it's TIME FOR ME TO FLY! lol, I'm off to the REO Speedwagon concert! Hope everyone has a great day!


7/13 215.2

7/20 211.4

7/27 210.2

8/03 210.6 (started JUDDDD)

8/09 206.4

8/17 207

8/24 204.6

8/30 202.6

9/06 202.2

9/14 200.6

9/21 199.8

9/29 198.4

10/06 199

10/12 198

10/18 196.6

10/26 195

11/06 195.6

11/13 195.2

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Hi Ladies!


I'm not home yet, but made it halfway. I'm riding out the last hour of my 5 hour layover in Memphis. I just had my Corky's BBQ (Super-YUM) and am thankful for the free wi-fi to kill the time.


I had a GREAT week. Of course, it was a cruise, so that's a given! Actually, we had really rough weather the first 3 days and the last 2 days thanks to Ida. The ocean was rougher than I've ever had on a cruise and there were gajillion mph winds those days. When we were on the beach in Nassau, the wind gusts kept blowing sand in our ears, we actually had to flush out our ears when we got back. LOL Our cruise director (Ryan Fitzgerald) was awesome, though, and kept the activities active and interesting and was really good about letting us know about things that had to be changed due to the weather. There were more and cooler activities than I've ever had on a cruise. There was a breakdancing duo that did a couple of short, amazing shows and taught a couple of hip hop dance classes. Oh yeah, in case you're wondering, I took the class and busted-a-move! LMAO! I also took a little class to learn the "Thriller" dance. It was awesome! If my daughter thinks I embarrass her now, wait until I chaperone her next school dance! hahaha! They had a magician on board that went around doing card and little magic tricks and he was really good. He taught a little class, too. This worked out good for me because, well, to put it bluntly, he was way yummy and joined me for some drinks later. Of course that was last night and we were both bummed that we hadn't met until the last day. Just my luck, right?!? *pout*


Elizabeth~ Trust me when I say I had "tall and cool" covered. And the drinks were good, too! :p:eek::p LOL


Okay, and here's "THE" story from the cruise. Let's start by saying it was a rather strange cruise crowd. Not necessarily in a bad way, and I definitely don't want to come across as a snob, but even the staff were talking in terms of "what's up with these people this week?" Again, not trying to sound like a snob, but there was a very large "trash" crowd. This story sort of explains it.... So we're at the dance club the first night and watching this man and woman dance so "nasty" that we thought they were gonna have sex right on the dance floor. The thing that was so puzzling was that he was clearly gay and at times would go around and dance this way with others. But he always came back to this one lady. They were grinding and rubbing and you-name-it. So after a little while I ran into her in the ladies room and asked her if she knew him or if they just met, etc. She said, "Oh yeah, he's my brother." OHHHHH MYYYYYYY GAWWWWWWD!!!! :eek: Needless to say, they became the talk of the cruise. Everyone was talking about "the brother and sister" and people started calling the dance club "the incest lounge." When I get my pics uploaded, hopefully you'll see what I mean! Oh yeah, and they kept pulling their shirts up under their chest so they were just dancing with their bellies hanging out. LMAO!


Other than all that, it was a nice time. We met a really nice couple that we spent a lot of time with and I made a few more friends from here and there. It was definitely different being on a cruise with someone, though. He was a perfect cabin-mate, but I think I'll stick with going solo.


And back to the real world now......


Nora~ I SO feel your pain. All of my insurance exams that put fancy letters behind my name are done at Sylvan. Ours is a little less rigid than what you described, but I definitely know what you mean. And yes, good for you setting a goal for Christmas. With the holidays coming, it'll be a tough time of year to stay on track. We'll all have to pull together!


Elizabeth~ Christmas is definitely bigger here than Thanksgiving. I can't even imagine why someone would say otherwise. Strange. Hang in there with the cold weather!


Misty~ Don't stress too much about the scale. You're headed back in the right direction! On the willpower, do you think you're in a "comfort zone?" That happens to me once I make some good progress. Like I feel and look better, so I'm not as strong-willed. It should be the opposite and motivate us but it doesn't seem to work that way. The penguin cake is awesome! I bet she loved it! And..... how was the concert????


Jenny~ I agree about the book. Probably not worth buying. And peanut butter fudge.... whoo.... you and me both, sister!


And now for my eating.... I did NOT seek out a scale or weigh on the cruise. haha! Of course I know I gained, but I really don't know how much because none of my clothes got tighter. Even my super favorite pants that I just started to fit back into were falling down on the last night. (no, not because of the hot magician, either! :p) I ate pretty much low carb most of the time, but let's just say the whiskey sours were flowing rather freely. I walked an insane amount and danced my booty off. In fact, my legs are killing me from all of that stuff that I'm going to pretend counts as exercise.


Just like on my last cruise, on the last day, my feet swelled up terrible. Today they're barely stuffed into my flip-flops and they look like watermelons. I think it's the combination of doing so much walking and dancing in high heels and not drinking enough water. I know I'm retaining water like crazy. I'll guzzle water tomorrow and will probably get back on track with the diet on Monday or Tuesday. I'll wait to weigh on Friday and see how it goes.


I'm totally rambling, and my flight's getting ready to board, so I apologize if I missed responding to anything important. I ended up bringing the wrong camera cord, so I can't post my pics yet, but will post the link when I do.


It's good to get caught up with you gals! :)

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Hi Everyone!

Welcome back Tammy!

I too get swollen feet during a cruise. I think it is because the salt in the food and the water. Squeeze some lemon into your water and the swelling will go down.


Hi to the rest of the gang. Will post more tomorrow!



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Welcome back Tammy! I know it's hard to come home but it's lovely to "hear" you again. Hysterical (and a mite disturbing) about the weird sibs. too bad about the magic-man but then, a romantic ending of "what might have been" rather than a disillusioning harsh light of day experience can be nice. Looking forward to your pics! I never had the foot swelling thing but I remember feeling like the land under my feet was tipping and swaying when I got home.


had a bad time last week with the plan. both my water days I felt ill all day from hunger and ended up pigging out when I got home from work. Today I'm having a salad at lunch in the hope of avoiding that pit fall. Also, started resveratrol on Saturday so hoping for some good effect from that. Tried on all my cruise clothes and, even with the use of Spanx, still need to lose 10lb not to look ridiculous. 2 months to go and here comes the festive eating season.


Misty-how was the concert? Hope you had a blast


Jennie-isn't it funny how people think you can adjust to weather you are not suited for? I put up with it - but I have never adjusted, and, apart from 7 years in England, I've spent my whole life in Saskatchewan. I'm right smack in the middle of freeze or burn land. Our usual weather has nothing moderate about it. It's a great place for other reasons: low pollution, reasonable standard of living, no great disasters (occasional tornadoes), stable politically, lots of room, but weather?!! :p it sucks. We fantasize about retiring to Victoria in BC - beautiful scenery and weather. Bloody expensive though.


Nora- that was so sweet of you to give up your holiday for a co-worker; not many would do that. And yes, what goes around comes around.


Hope this finds all well and happy and Tammynot too depressed about the end of the vacay - Elizabeth

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Hey, ladies. Just wanted to post a quick note to let you know I haven't dropped off the planet. Things are just super hectic around here right now. I will post more and address Tammy's vacation synopsis soon, I hope. I really enjoyed reading it and am looking forward to pictures. In the meantime, can you all please keep my baby brother in your thoughts/prayers/positive-energy-sending-brainwaves/whatever your religious or spiritual beliefs are? He is 27 and having back surgery tomorrow where they will be removing a SEVERELY herniated disk which has been causing him excruciating pain for quite some time. After the surgery is said and done and I know he's safe, I'll be able to post more.


Thank you!



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let us know when you hear about baby brother Misty - we'll be thinking of you both. This is probably the type of surgery I'll be up for when I get my neck done-scary stuff I know. I'm hoping they can just kill the nerve somehow in my case.


Well the Juddd is no longer working so well for me - or more likely, vice versa. So I'm going to change it up a little with a group at work who are starting WW; I won't be going to the meetings but will be doing it informally with the group. Maybe that will be my lifetime "WOE" - "the constant change:rolleyes: method". It's either this or put me in a coma one week a month ;)


Hope all are having a good day-will be checking regularly in hopes of good news about baby bro-elizabeth

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Good Morning Ladies!

I have today and Friday off from work plus the weekend so I will be able to relax and de-stress a bit.


I forgot to follow up on my 'interesting story' from a few weeks back. I was driving to work at the nursing home. It was about 6:20 am. I live in a some what rural area. This time of year I am always extra cautious about looking for Deer. I hit one several years ago and I will never forget it.

So I was driving on the highway. By then I was in the city limits of Syracuse. I saw something out of the corner of my left eye. A deer was running on the opposite side of the highway. He jumped the guard rails onto my side of the highway. A lady ahead of me (about 1/4 mile) hit the deer. She hit it so hard her truck went side ways. She pulled over and at least 3 people pulled over her to help. So I grabbed my cell and dialed 9-1-1. The dispatcher was amazed that this happened in such a populated area.

Fast forward a few hours.. I had to send one of the nursing home residents to the hospital. I have to let the Ambulance folks into the building. So on the way up to get

the resident I chatted with them and told them about the Deer. They had responded to that accident. They told me the lady was fine but the Deer "not so much" :) apparently it was a huge buck and went at least 200# Yikes!


Things have been stressful for me. Some how I managed to gain 5#. I think between the test and taking care of my sister and running her all over for appointments (not that I mind) is getting to me. Also I am not sure when I can take my cruise. At work they put in a new rule only one person can take vacation at a time. As I am low man on totem pole that leaves me out. I could have requested time off months ago but if some one higher on the list asks for it I am out. So for the next 3 months there is not enough free days where I could plan a cruise. I sent an email to a higher up and the reply is "sorry but do not pay for any vacations unless you are guaranteed the time off'. What a way to plan something!

Elizabeth- I hear that WW has new plans now. Hope it works for you. I laughed at your synopsis of the place you live in. Sounds like Syracuse. The weather 'sucks'. However we have had no snow yet which is very strange.


Misty- Had your brother in my thoughts and prayers all day yesterday. It was funny the day you went to see REO Speedwagon I heard 3 of their songs on the radio. Probably cause I have Sirius radio in my car and listen to classic rock.


Tammy- So glad you had a good cruise. Weird about the brother and sister. My bro and I dance together but not like that!


Jennie- where are you from originally? I always thought it would be cool to live in Texas. Cause I get sick of the winters up here.


Ok been yakking too much. But I have found something that maybe a help to all of you. I was reading an article in Women First magazine. It was written by a registered dietitian. A good way to suppress your appetite and full of vitamins.

Take Chia seeds - not to be confused with the chia pet :D I got my at a health food store. Take a 1/3 cup of seeds and mix with 2 cups of water. Mix well and put in the fridge for 12 hours. This will make a gel. Eat a 1/2 cup twice a day. This really fills you up and you eat less. They taste kind of nutty and I sprinkle a little Splenda on it. So far has worked great.


Have a good day!


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