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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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Good evening, ladies! I'm catching up on posts and preparing for tomorrow. Dun-dum-dun...first down day in about SIX WEEKS! Holy cow! I so dread it. I know it's going to be hard, especially considering the no-holds-barred way I've been eating lately. I know I probably have to restart my "SIRT1 gene" too, and I know that can take about 3 weeks. It's basically like I'm starting over. I'll weigh tomorrow (oh dear God, do I have to?!?!) and start posting my weekly results again. Even though I'm dreading it, I'm looking forward to it, too. I was trying to explain to my husband that weighing X amount is bad, but weighing X amount but working hard to lose it feels so much better. Weighing X, feeling bad about it, but still eating brownies....that's the pits as far as self esteem goes. I plan on exercising tomorrow, and I'm going to start slowly there, as well. Instead of jumping right back into the same workouts I was doing and then feeling like a failure because I can't do them, I'll start with easier workouts and work my way up.


Just FYI, my prego friend who had the fire is no longer prego. She went into labor New Years Eve morning. She was scheduled for a c-section for Jan. 5, but Baby Reagon had other plans! She woke up with pains, but they felt like indigestion or gas pains, so she didn't think it was labor. Wrong! They finally made it to the hospital and she was already 9 cm! They didn't have time for pain meds at all, and she ended up having a VBAC, which she was really excited about because the doctor didn't even want to consider letting her try that. Long story short, everyone is fine. :)


Now that I'm back in the game, I'll be checking posts daily again, and I promise to do better on addressing each post!

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Happy New Year Everyone!


This feels like my NY day. School vacation is over DH is going back to work so back to 'normal'


We got hit with 2 feet of snow over the weekend! I am so thankful it was a non working weekend for me. We had lots of relaxing family bonding. I took advantage of all the boys being home and took down the tree and decorations. I love the holidays but after awhile I get tired of the clutter.


Misty- Great news on your friend's baby. I love to hear successful VBAC stories being a former L&D nurse. Don't dwell on your weigh in. See it as a place to start. We are all there. We can do it.


Patty- welcome back. Thanks for the suggestion on the Chantix. I am taking one mg at dinner time and it seems to be working well.


Krystal- I am the 'queen' of motion sickness. The night before you leave to drive to the port take a Bonine 24 hour release. It is also in generic. You will sleep well and feel great the whole day. This has worked the best for me. I have found you need to treat the motion sickness before it starts.


Jennie-Glad the visit with your daughter is going well. I imagine it is hard for both of you with her being on her own during school time and then coming home.


Tammy- No worries your weight will melt right off! wish I only had 6 weeks before my cruise.


Again every one send me good vibes about my vacation time I should hear soon.


Elizabeth- Loved your speech! A healthy year to all of us!


Hope I didn't forget anyone. Have a great day all!


Nora the snow bunny in syracuse.

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Another day, another year. Time to start all over again; for everything. My youngest son(4) goes back to school today and my oldest son(11) will start his homeschooling today.

Boop3- Motion sickness bites and I definitely know that being proactive is best. I am hoping that the medicine won't make me too tired because I am the primary driver in long haul drives

Misty- That is really awesome that you're friend got to do a VBAC. So many doctors anymore try to avoid them. I had two of my kids naturally, the last one being a 10 pounder. lol. My other child I had an epidural and hated the experience but I had to have it due to pre eclampsia.

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Had my first down day today. I took in about 600 calories. I weighed in and took my measurements.

Here is the first :

1/4--177.4 pounds

I hope to loose 1-2 pounds per week.

That would be 22 pounds before 9 APR when we leave for our cruise.

Good job to everyone for little to no weight gain over the holiday.:D

I'll post again next Sunday, with a loss, cross your fingers.

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Blah. I nibbled a little today, so I know my calories came in over 500. Sigh. It was tough, even more so than I expected. I woke up hungry. I'll Up Day it tomorrow and then try again for a real DD Wednesday. I didn't work out, either. Felt down and depressed all day. I know part of it was because of my post cruise/holiday damage assessment weigh in...I'm up TWELVE pounds! Double blah.


Here's to better days!

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Hi Everyone-

My first day back on track went well. I sure got alot of exercise.Shoveling out and cleaning off cars. Just heard on the news that we have had a total of 52 inches of snow since the day after Christmas! No let up in site either. Oh my aching back ;)


Misty- Small steps. This is a no beat up zone :D you can do it!


Krystal- If I take the bonine at night and have a good strong cup of coffee or tea in the morning I am good to go. Also Ginger candy works wonders too. By the way my name is Nora ;)


Hope all you gals are doing well! Have a great day!


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;) HI, I'm Sue. Started reading this thread cuz it was the first one under lose before you cruise that caught my eye. I need to do something. I don't know if I'm brave enough to post my actual weights but admire those of you who did. I cruise in 2 months! Any amount I lose will be better than nothing. My DH is currently on Atkins but I don't like that diet at all!

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Sue - Welcome to our little group! I hope JUDD goes well for you. Looking forward to getting to know you.


Misty - you are doing good to get back on track! Don't beat yourself up. Here's hoping those 12 pounds come off quickly. I'm glad your friend and baby are both doing well.


Patty - hope your week is going well.


Nora - sounds like you don't even need a planned workout, with all that snow shoveling. Yikes! Take care of yourself and your back.


Tammy & Krystal- hope you are having a good week too.


My first week back was good. I lost 4.2 pounds. I'm trying to eat healthy on most of my up days. My husband started on a major lifestyle change project for the new year. He wants to lose 70 pounds in 5 months. I'm thinking that's a little unrealistic, but we will see. At least he is making some positive changes.


I guess everyone in our little group lives to the north of me - so just try to stay warm this week and be safe.

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I think I am still holding my weight.But I have had two up days in a row. (I was feeling weak, literally) But I did eat healthy things and small portions so I think I am ok and haven't slid back too far. But I will be doing a down day tomorrow with a couple of protein shakes and maybe some lettuce. My cruise is getting so much closer and I am getting excited, but still want very much to get down to a size 12 before I go.

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Good Morning!


Sue- Welcome ! The more the merrier. I like you quote about eating 6 times per day :D


The snow continues to fall. I wish this Arctic cold front would just move on. I see in Florida they have been really cold too.


I was getting cabin fever so I walked down to the gym in knee deep snow. Then I swam laps for 40 minutes. My back was getting tight from all the shoveling. The pool there is really warm as they also do Aqua physical therapy. It felt great. I used to swim when I was in Jr and Sr high school. I was in the best shape of my life. As any trainer will tell you find something you love and do it and it won't feel like a chore.


Does any one watch " Biggest Loser" ? I saw the first show of the new season. One guy lost 34# and one lady lost 23# in a week. That is crazy!


Have a great day everyone!



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Good Morning!

It has stopped snowing for the time. More is on the way.


Patty- You are right. The 'BL' contestants do spend 6 hours per day in the gym.


I watched a show on Discovery Health last night. Confessions of a reality show loser. It was this guy that was the season 3 winner of ' Biggest Loser' in 2006 and gained all his weight back.

Actually I didn't care for the show. I thought he and his wife were very whiny and he has serious depression issues that are not really being addressed. Plus he gave up his job and sits around and expects his wife to do all the house work and take care of the kids. He is getting back into shape. I may watch it again next week. It is on Wednesday

on Discovery Health at 9pm.


Went swimming again yesterday I am enjoying it. Have been sleeping like a rock at night too.


Hope everyone is ok. Tammy, Elizabeth you still with us ;)


Have a good day!


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Well, I've got 2 unsuccessful DDs under my belt now. I don't know what my problem is...I'm having a hard time sticking to it this time. I'm nibbling a little during the day. Can't jump back on the wagon for some reason...


Nora, I love the Biggest Loser! Is it Eric that you're talking about gaining all his weight back? I think I heard he lost 230 lbs., but has gained 180 of it back now. Good for you on the swimming!!!

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Hey everyone, just checking in real quick. I'll try to get caught up on all the posts tomorrow and post more.


I've been "pretty good" this week, but not as strict as I had been before the holidays. I know I've lost some, but my weigh-in tomorrow will tell for sure.


I'll catch up soon.... :)

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Ok so I started Wednesday with a down day, yesterday was an up day and today I'm DD again.....I peeked I have lost 2 lbs. for sure. i like the idea of only dieting one day at a time! I went to bed HUNGRY the first night but I am looking forward to ANY amount I can lose before the cruz. I live in northeast Texas and it is cold today 22 degrees! Looking forward to March and the beach! Enjoy you day!


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Hi again! I don't have as much time as I thought I would, so I apologize if I miss some stuff!


I weighed in and was very very happy. I've lost the 5 lbs I gained over Christmas. Of course in hindsight I'm thinking "Gosh, just imagine what I'd have lost if I stuck to my strict plan and got off my lazy toosh!" BUT.... the no beat-up zone applies to ourselves, too, right? :) I thought about realistic goals this morning and decided that I really want to get to 150 or below before the cruise. I have 5 weeks, so I think that's very realistic. Now the real goal is that I'd LOVE to be at 145 by the cruise. All of my stuff fits exactly how I like it at that weight. I actually just ordered a new dress and got the delivery receipt today. I can't wait to try it on when I get home. You'll probably think I'm crazy, but I'm actually sort of hoping it's too big. It's a size 14 and right now, everything else I'm wearing is a comfortable or loose 12. I still ordered the dress because I think the style is such that I'll want a little more wiggle room. But what an ego boost if it's too big! And it was cheap, so I won't consider it a waste of money.


7/31 - 186

8/7 - 184

8/14 - 183

8/21 - 180

8/28 - 179

9/4 - 179

9/12 - 178

9/18 - 180

9/25 - 178

10/2 - 171

10/9 - 169

10/16 - 165

10/23 - 163

10/30 - 162

11/6 - 162

11/13 - cruise

11/20 - 165.2

11/26 - 161.8

12/4 - 158.8

12/11 - 153.4

12/18 - 156.2

12/25 - Christmas

12/31 - 161.2

1/8 - 156.4



Enough about me....


Sue~ Welcome to the group! (again)... Looks like you're off to a great start! I would caution you on weighing too often with the JUDDD method because you'll find that your weight will really read up and down from day to day. If you do weigh more often, make sure it's always after a DD!


Misty~ Hang in there! I think re-starting after a short time off is MUCH harder than starting a new plan. Take it one DD at a time and when you're struggling, maybe try to think, "What advice would I give the girls on the message board if they were having this challenge?" Thinking that has helped me a lot in various situations. Remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint. Look back at your weight chart and remind yourself that you CAN do it!


Nora~ Congrats on the swimming! Did you hear about your vacation yet? I've been trying to send good wishes that way...


Patty~ Great start for you, too! Keep it up!


Elizabeth and Brandy ~ Hope all is well!


Krystal~ Hang in there. DD's can be really tough and that weak feeling will pass after your body gets more used to the plan. You can definitely get to a size 12... we're pulling for you!


Jennie~ Wow! Great job! And that's great that your hubby is going to be making a lifestyle change, too. I used to be a weight loss program director (ironic, I know) and men lose it so much faster than women. He might just hit that 70lbs in 5 months. If so, can we throw stuff at him? LOL


Okay, sorry it's short again and not very personal. This training is keeping me hopping! Have a GREAT weekend!!!!

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Here is my first weigh in:




Yeehaw for me!!:D 3.2 pounds. I am off to a great start. My husband is dieting also. He lost 5.7 pounds. He is excited.

I hope all of you have a great weigh in this week.



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Still here. I had a weigh-in and lost 3 lbs and then had another and gained 2 of it back. Ugh. I felt I had been eating better and exercising more, so I don't know what the deal is.


Our church started a fitness and healthy eating program. Both my dh and I signed up for it. We got resistance bands and they have been giving us exercises to do with them. We meet once a week with a whole group of people. We weigh in weekly (privately) and then the instructor talks to everyone about eating and/or fitness stuff. He gives handouts and then for the last 45 minutes we all exercise in the gymnasium. We really worked out last night, my legs are still sore. It is so much fun and really neat to see all the people there. We had almost 30 people there, men & women, all sizes and ages from probably teenagerish to 60+. So far dh and I are still doing the JUDDD diet with this, even though the program just suggests to eat 500 calories less than what you should be eating and never less than 1000. :p Oh, well, this is working for me and I will keep on with it for now.




Misty- you talked about having a hard time sticking to it this time around. Do you write everything you eat down. I stopped writing stuff down and noticed I cheated a bit more. You know- a few pieces of cereal here (from giving my youngest a snack) or an extra cracker or whatever. Last week I went back to writing everything down and that has helped the cheating. Of course that is when I gained back those 2 pounds too. :rolleyes:


Patty- great job on the 3+ lbs lost. That must feel so good.


Tammy- way to go losing that 5 lbs from Christmas. That was pretty quick too. We all need a break every once in awhile so don't beat yourself up with the "what ifs". What's done is done and you back on track!


Sue- great on the 2 lbs lost. Tammy is right, don't weigh too often. I try to weigh at least once a week just to keep track.


Nora- that's awesome that you are swimming and even more awesome that you enjoy it! Swimming is so good for you too. I wish I had a place to swim, it's a great whole body workout!


Krystal, I think we have all had those days were we needed to 2 up days in a row. But making healthy choices for those days is very good. That can only help. So much better than just eating junk for 2 days straight.


Jennie- great job to you too on losing 4+ lbs. And for your dh to be on board with you. It makes it so much easier when you have some one supporting you by doing the same thing too.


Elizabeth, I hope you are doing well as well.


Wow, that was a longer post than I meant. It looks like everyone is doing well and losing weight

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Hi all,

First week weight lost: 4 lbs. I had a whole post typed and then the electricity went off so I had to start over, but in the meantime Brandy has done a great job with her summary ;). I actually did both days of the weekend as Up days, so I think I am doing OK. I really like the Special K protein water on my down days to get me by. Easy to carry with you and they are only 30 calories with 5 grams of protein and fiber. You just mix with a bottle of water. You can also buy them already mixed, they just cost more. I have tried the snack bars too, they are 90-100 calories. It helps me to have snacks that I are pre-measured like that so I don't overeat. I also have tea or coffee to fill up between meals.

I haven't started any exercise yet, but hope to soon, don't belong to a gym or anything, might start with walking (my dog would love that). Hope everyone has a good week, keep us posted!:cool:

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Hi, girls. I hope you all are having a great week. I'm watching Biggest Loser too, for the first time. I'm hoping that seeing what all they go through will be motivation for me to stay on track. I agree, working out 6 hours a day is extreme!


Misty - I hope the scale is moving in the right direction for you this week, and that you've gotten used to DDs again.


Nora - Wow! Walking in the snow just to go work out! You rock!! That shows a lot of determination. Just feel free to send a LITTLE bit of that snow down here to me. I miss seeing snow in the winter. But I don't miss the below 0 temps and all that.


Krystal - it seems like I always have a hard time losing after the first week loss. I hope week 3 brings good news for you. Supposedly, the SIRT gene kicks in after 3 weeks of alternation.


Sue - sounds like it's going greatl for you. Yeah for the 4 pound loss!! I was more hungry the first couple of weeks, too. Then it seems like I adjusted to down days better. And I live in Texas too - Fort Worth. You're right, it's been cold here, at least for Texas. LOL I have sure enjoyed the afternoons in the 50s!


Tammy - I did the same thing - thinking what if I had not cheated during the holidays. You're right - not beating yourself up is the best thing you can do. You are doing great overall! How did the dress fit?


Patty - congrats on the 3.2 pounds! I hope this week brings you good news too. That's cool that your husband is losing weight too. You can be supportive to each other.


Brandy - that sounds like a great program that your church has. Having a good support system makes a big difference! I hope the scale moves downward for you this week.


Well, last week's weigh-in was not what I hoped for. I worked hard at it all week long and did everything right. By Saturday, I had not lost anything. I got frustrated and ate too much on Saturday night. My daughter is officially back together with her boyfriend, and he came over for dinner and to watch the Cowboys. So I made enchiladas. And I gained a pound at my weigh in. I get so frustrated when I do that.


Do you all weigh in after an up day or down day? I know over the long haul it doesn't really matter, but my weigh in has been after an up day. I'm thinking of changing that.


Take care everybody, and if you like up north, stay warm!



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HI Everyone!

Sorry I have been MIA. This vacation thing has me stressed!


I was able to get time off in April except the last 2 days. That would do me no good as we would be at sea.

So I found another Royal Caribbean cruise leaving in February. Then found out it was booked.

I pleaded with my boss to let me know ASAP if I have the time off in February. I found a cruise on Norwegian we could do. My boss still has not let me know if I could have the time off. I emailed her and pleaded again. He response was I will work on it some time this week. I am overwhelmed with work. So there it sits!

Pray I won't be shut out of another cruise. Enough ranting from me!


I decided to go back and do the South beach diet. I started on 1/9/10 at 197

Today I am 193.5 ! That makes me happy.


Hope everyone is well. I have the next 4 days off from work. So I will check in.




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Well its good to see everyone coming back for the support and encouragment. I know that it is encouraging for me. This past week has been really hard for me. I am down a total 9 pounds in the past 3 weeks. I still can't fit in my clothes so still a bit worried. But I still have about 2 1/2 weeks before my cruise.

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Krystale - good job! I am cruising in a little over 7 weeks and started pulling out things to see what I could wear last night, so I know how that goes.

Nora - You have to do what works for you, but keep us posted!

I have been going through a lot of personal stress this week (actually the last year) which usually causes me to eat out of stress. I feel determined not to do that this time. I have a grown son who causes me sooo much stress, won't go into details and my husband's work has taken a huge downward turn (self-employed).

Jennie - weigh after down days. Thanks for the words of encouragement.


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