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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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We are learning a new one that I call the "baseball song" where we do an arm phrase in 7 counts that goes cross open cross open down up down. Do you know which one that is? It looks like the signals the third base coach sends. I think it is a merengue (very fast).


That particular arm sequence has a name that I can't remember but I think it has Beto's name in it and it is one of his signature arm movements. It's possible that your instructor added it to her own choreography...I vaguely remember him doing it in one of the recent DVDs but I'd have to look...I will.


And thanks in advance for the warm up/cool down info...you know I'd really like to know more than just the music...I'd love to know the type of movement that she is doing that is so great too. And I totally understand how that kind of "report" could take a while. I sure do appreciate it though whenever you can get it to it.

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So how ironic was this? Tonight my instructor for my Tuesday/Thursday class announced at the end of the class that she will be leaving the area and will only be teaching us until mid-May! I was sort of prepared for it, I was reading between the lines on some of her Facebook posts.


I'm really enjoying seeing how you plan your playlists and the whole thought process that goes into it. I used to teach a 6 hour fashion illustration class to college sophomores, and to keep our energy level up I added music to the class, and worked really hard to match the music to when we were doing quick warm-ups, long studies, etc. Unfortunately that was over 25 years ago, and I had to deal with recording the music on tape cartridges!

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I made my announcement to my Curves ladies last night. There were tears. Mom and I were discussing how there needs to be a new word to identify this kind of relationship. It's not a traditional friendship...but it is friendly...and supportive...and reliable.


Judi...that IS ironic...and I can only IMAGINE what you went through to make your mixed tapes. I used to LOVE to make mixed tapes...I would make the best mix EVER and blast it on my Sony Walkman while I took Callaway, our yellow lab, on a long walk while I sang and danced along.


Mom turned me onto my new favorite software program...eWallet!!! OMG...I'm in love with this thing...and I am getting rid of SO MUCH paper!! I feel empowered over all this paper and information. LOVE it. :D

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Hi everyone. Anita - my thoughts are with you organising your move, very stressful.


We have lots of new tracks in my Zumba class which is great - when you keep doing the same tracks week after week they can get very stale. Some of my classmates don't like having to learn new routines but I think it keeps you alert! Among others we have Tunak Tunak Tun (Bhangra) which my teacher leaves to last (before cooldown) because everyone's shattered afterwards! And La Bomba (Merengue). I love both of those because you feel your actually dancing not just exercising!

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Mom...here is the video for that routine that we were talking about earlier...


For everyone else...this video is the exact routine that ZIN members were given to a song on ZIN 37. Posts like this are rather irritating because they break the ZIN agreement and are illegal. BUT, we were talking about this earlier, so, I'm referencing the video:



This one has a tweak in the choreo but has the same body roll:



This one made up her own chorus, but uses the alternative choreo for a couple of verses...but then you can see she does the same choreo toward the end:



Anyway...this is one of my current favs...


My chorus: double to the right, double to the left with the "bra fat" arm; then 4 single step togethers; repeat.


Verses 1 & 2: I do the choreo with the taps out to the side and the step ball change in between the sides. You see it in the first video and a variation in the second video.


Verse 3 & the ending: I do knee lifts in a single single double...adding arms during the second half of verse 3 at the point where it says "put up your arms" or something similar in the lyrics. Arms are similar to the arms in the third video...but my rhythm isn't singles only...


It's a fun song...the choreo for verses 1 & 2 is like :confused: for a lot of people...it can bring them to a stand still as they stare at my feet and try to figure it out. Perhaps this will help someone else too...

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And thanks in advance for the warm up/cool down info...you know I'd really like to know more than just the music...I'd love to know the type of movement that she is doing that is so great too. And I totally understand how that kind of "report" could take a while. I sure do appreciate it though whenever you can get it to it.


I take a one-hour class, and to me it seems to break down into three parts. The warm-up is 15-20 minutes or so, the hard core is 30 minutes or so, and the cool-down is 10 minutes and usually two songs.


I missed the first song last night (darned Brooklyn traffic!) but here is what I think makes her warm-up good. We do Shake Senora second and it only has 4 or 5 movement chunks that are repeated a lot, so it's very easy to do from an execution standpoint. The movements don't travel and they are close to the body (no high arms or high legs), the tempo medium and the rhythm is simple. It is mostly stepping and twisting, so it really warms up your core and legs (the large muscle groups). We generally work from a wide leg stance. For new people in the class it is easy to follow. It is much simpler and less energetic that some of the ones I've seen on YouTube.



The next song is a really fast merengue but again it's got only a few chunks of movement to learn and they are repeated a lot. We add moving side to side and up and back. Arms are still close to the body but moving a lot more in time to the music. The song speeds up at the end and we add some knee lifts. Again, this is an easy song for new folks to learn. Between these two songs we work first on big muscles and core, and then on footwork and speed, and so I am totally warm and ready for the harder stuff that comes next that combines the two. I think that is why I feel that it's a good warmup.


We do Prrrum pretty early in the hard core section. We do really fast complicated stuff in the middle, and that's when we learn something new (like the one I call the baseball song), and she finishes the hard core part with something familiar and fast like Onda. Onda has a couple easy spots where we get a little rest.


For our cool-down we've been doing a Greek song and a reeeeally slow cha cha. What I like about the Greek song is that we do big kicks and a grapevine, so it makes me slow down and pull back to work on balance and control, and all those fine little muscles in the lower leg and ankle get a good workout. The kicks give me a chance to really stretch those hamstrings. We mostly hold our arms out to the side so it's not complicated but the arms are still working. It speeds up at the end so we get a little more action and then we move forward and back with some knee lifts.


The slow cha cha at the end is mostly a stretching sequence. We do a little cha cha front/back and side/side with some flowing arms. Then we do a stretch and breathing exercise that is sort of like a sun salutation but with our legs wide not together. We do that three or four times. Then we reach to each side to stretch our obliques. Then in a wide stance we bend down nose to right knee, then left knee, then reach our arms through our legs and stretch with our hands on the floor behind us (if we can bend that far). We do a couple more of the sun salutation type breathing stretch. On the last one we bring our feet together and roll up, and do a few more cha chas. Then with our feet together we roll down and do another stretch with our legs together and straight knees. We put the right leg back for a lunge stretch, then the left. We bring our feet together and do this nice little circling thing for our knees. Then we have a couple more big breathing stretches and we’re done.


I wish I knew a bit more of the Zumba "vocabulary" so I could be more explicit about steps. I can tell that there are some common movements because I see them repeated in different dances, but I don't know if they have Zumba names or if so, what they are. I know some of the rhythms from my ballroom days, like salsa, lambada, cumbia, rumba, etc., but there are several that are familiar to me that I don't know the names of or what country they come from because I didn't study them.


I hope you find this at all helpful. If I can clarify anything, please let me know and I will do my best. It is so much easier with ballet, where every step has a name so it's easy to describe in writing.


I originally thought that Zumba was much more centrally choreographed than it is. I have been surprised looking at YouTube how many variants there are on a particular song. I think I understand differently your earlier comment about it being very instructor-dependent.

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Margaret...OMG...Thank you! I really appreciate the details in your post. I'm just browsing this morning before taking DS to school...but I am excited to really think about this post. I have to say. I think you have a GREAT instructor. And you are obviously knowledgeable in that you can appreciate what she is doing and the effect that it is having.


Again, just a quick thank you. I have a busy day today and unlike normal Fridays, don't have much free time until tonight.


I'm meeting with the rec ctr director and the two instructors that are going to take over my classes there today at noon. School is supposed to be a half day and lets out at noon, but I'm going to pick DS up a bit earlier to make it on time to the meeting. I'm excited for this meeting. It makes things real, KWIM? And I think I'm looking forward to the break from the responsibilities of class...what will be interesting is what I do to keep working out without the responsibility.


Then, DS is going to a sleep over tonight. YAY! He will be at a friends house for tomorrow morning when I have my two Saturday morning classes. I'm glad for that. But I'll be all on my lonesome tonight...'cept for my Toby kitty! And the internet, of course.


And a hot bath. And a good book. And a glass of wine. :)

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But I'll be all on my lonesome tonight...'cept for my Toby kitty! And the internet, of course.


And a hot bath. And a good book. And a glass of wine. :)



OMG me too! DH is having a poker night at a friend's, so it's just kitty Danica and me. Hmm, I think I need to run out for some wine, that sounds good. :)

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I wish I knew a bit more of the Zumba "vocabulary" so I could be more explicit about steps. I can tell that there are some common movements because I see them repeated in different dances, but I don't know if they have Zumba names or if so, what they are. I know some of the rhythms from my ballroom days, like salsa, lambada, cumbia, rumba, etc., but there are several that are familiar to me that I don't know the names of or what country they come from because I didn't study them.


I haven't watched this entire video. I think that I have this DVD, but I'm not sure. I've watched so many different things, it could just be that I've seen this online. LOL. Anyway...this details different Zumba moves:




It's a very good resource for anyone that is interested in Zumba. Watching it may help anyone in class, especially beginners, to more readily recognize moves. Also, it can help anyone understand what Zumba considers to be "proper form" for these basic moves.

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Thank you for posting that link. The samba was especially helpful for me since I only know a very formal version.


I found a Saturday class, it was in a school gym so we traveled a lot more but did fewer big arms, with more pop and less latin music. It was fun and a good workout but it's interesting to me how very different it was!

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My cruise is going to be canceled.


Silly nudists. :mad:



:eek: What, do they take over the whole ship? It's a little freaky thinking of all those bare asshes all over the furniture....


Not trying to be disrespectful, just wondering.

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Happy news, out of the blue today I was asked to cover one of our electives, a social dance class, teaching foxtrot and waltz :D, two of my favorites.


I don't think those are covered in Zumba ;)

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So, Anita, here is one of Kisha's newest, funnest songs to do. I think she's made up her own choreo to this, but I recognize certain elements from the choreo in this video;


Anyone else doing this song? OMG... it's kind of fun, but the body roll thing is difficult for me to do. Any "hints" on how to do a body roll?


Margaret, Anita and I are absolutely bummin' about the whole nude charter thing. Yes, because of their "alternative" lifestyle, when the nudies take over a ship they must take over the whole ship. So, it's a full ship charter which means that anyone who has reservations will get bumped. I'm just waiting for the phone call to see what Royal Caribbean feels is an "appropriate" response to us not being able to have a Spring Break cruising vacation with family. My DH thinks there won't be much sympathy coming out of the cruise line because it's almost a year away and they won't feel any sort of "responsibility" for our vacation time being taken away. Unfortunately, because of schedules for work and school, the cruise we booked was really the only one that met all of our criteria for port-intensive days as well as Saturday to Saturday sailing dates. Like I said, I am bummin'. :(

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We are learning a new one that I call the "baseball song" where we do an arm phrase in 7 counts that goes cross open cross open down up down. Do you know which one that is? It looks like the signals the third base coach sends. I think it is a merengue (very fast).


Is it this one?


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How fun Margaret! I didn't see your news regarding teaching the social dance class...I bet you will have a good time with that. And no, Zumba does not cover those as an organization...HOWEVER...at convention there are different workshops that you can take that cover different styles more in depth...I know that "swing" is something that gets included...so maybe they would be covered there?


You know, a Zumba class can only go where each individual instructor takes it. And it is largely up to the instructor to explore different genres of dance. The key is to be able to put a fitness spin on whatever rhythm is introduced to the class. It is why some purists for different styles can get upset in the way Zumba represents the different styles. I believe that Zumba's philosophy is more about enjoying the rhythm and moving your body to the music in as safe a way as possible without the traditional breakdowns and instruction of a serious dance instruction class...you don't go to Zumba to learn to dance...it's just about moving to the music in a "dancy" fitness way.


I'm in such an awkward position with my rec center and Curves classes. There are only two weeks left in these locations...and I find myself so sick of all the songs and routines that I do. And honestly, I know that some of the Curves ladies are sick of them too, and I haven't been able to really bring anything new to class for a while...and so I almost feel like I am ending these classes on a weird note, you know? Like it isn't worth diving into something totally new...but then again...why would I just give up on the new...Zumba is supposed to be easy to follow...so it shouldn't be a big deal to have "new" in the last weeks...


So, I'm struggling with what to do in these classes. I had some requests for some older songs that some members of the class were so sick of...and I played them...and unfortunately, the lady that requested them didn't show up that day...and there were comments regarding the music...I DID say at the end of class that I was taking requests and that if a song wasn't their fav, or they were sick of it, to just deal with it for 3 minutes and move on...and let's not talk about it.


Seriously. I had to say this because of the chatter.




Kelly visited my class last night. She brought me flowers and a card, which was thoughtful...but she arrived late...did her set and then left. I'm pretty sure it hurt my feelings that she didn't come for the whole class...because I was feeling somewhat weepy at the end. And the set she did was something of a killer. She really does know how to get you going without high impact.


She did her version of "Take You to Rio". She got that song from me when she visited my corporate class that one time before she subbed for it, and she liked it a lot, and said that she would like to use the song...of course, I don't care, I was excited to have a song to share with her since I use so many of her routines/song choices...but the way that she interpreted the different sections of the song...OMG...the whole class had a very hard time following that one because it was SO DIFFERENT. Very interesting to have a real side-by-side comparison of the difference between Kelly and myself.


And she did the Pitbull remix of Shake Senora


" by Grupo Extra


" by King Africa


Very energetic. Very fun...and the class was pretty wiped out by these routines. LOL.


Anyway...I'm realizing that moving is going to give me a real opportunity to establish something of an identity as a Zumba instructor. I was telling Mom the other day that I don't really feel like I have any particular style. Kelly is all about the core...it's just something about the way she choreographs...my abs were feeling it big time from just those 4 songs...and she has the abs that reinforce that this is what her Zumba is about. Her songs are all high energy.


Mom goes to an awesome instructor named Kisha...a former military woman...she has an amazing physique as well...something of a typical brown skinned althetic build with beautiful arms, a flat stomach, and a delish booty :o...and she does GREAT fitness...and can do funny songs like "Whip My Hair Back and Forth" by Willow Smith that a Sandra Dee look-a-like white girl like me could never really pull off with panache. Teddy was a total dancer. Melanie is heart attack Zumba.


But me...well...I don't know that I have a definable style...I think I work more on the structure of the class and don't worry so much about a style. And over the past year of teaching, I have learned a lot...and now I have a chance to sort of polish off my teaching style and my classes. Get organized. Work out a system so that I can be more productive with the time I spend in prepping classes and figuring out routines, etc.


Speaking of...I need to figure out today's corporate playlist. :rolleyes:

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I haven't had a chance to post back after my Tues/Thurs evening Zumba instructor announced she was leaving. Sure enough, the gym didn't give her the 2 weeks transition period she was hoping for, they asked her to not come back. I was very upset by that, as was a couple of other regulars, and let the gym know that I didn't appreciate it. Dh suggested that although they didn't handle it nicely, he could understand their point of view that they were afraid she would 'steal' members away. I definitely let them know my feelings about it when I found out, but I know they didn't give a damn. She had in mind a girl who just became certified but is trying to get more teaching experience to take over for her. She's actually very good, and hope the gym does hire her, but in the meantime we've had subs.


First of all, the gym she's going to is twice the price and is ONLY classes whereas our gym has 3 locations with cardio equipment, weights, tanning, and we can bring a guest for free (except for classes - that's $5/class for a guest). Of course that's why they treat us like cattle that it's a gym for the masses.:rolleyes: However, ironically, they've lost a few members that money isn't an object for who decided to follow her to the other gym ONLY because of how they did it.


I have to admit, I never thought this particular instructor was the best, but they grow on you! The people who are leaving got caught up in their anger, and didn't stick around to see that even the subs we've had until they can fill the slot permanently do a much better class than she did. Looking back at when she made her announcement, she was trying so hard to NOT say that she was leaving for a competing club that she got flustered ended up essentially blurting it out.


Anita, before you worry and think that's how your students will think, just from hearing your thought process of how you plan, present your classes and your knowledge, I know it's not the same. She's 24 years old and is chubbier and flabbier than I am at over 30 years older, and she just can't get the hang of facing the classroom and switching out her sides when turning around - that always makes me laugh when we all start going in opposite direction. The thought that you give that if the space is crowded is wonderful. She will take requests (mostly because except for her warm up and cool down song, she just flips around her ipod until she finds something) and will take a request for a song that has donkey kicks forward and backwards when the class is already too full...that was NOT a good workout as I had to hold back so much. I can see the 2 different subs we've had watching us to make sure we're doing the moves so we don't hurt ourselves and get the most of it, really exaggerating a movement at the beginning so we 'get it'.


I think if you're worrying about going out on a negative note because you and the class is bored, definitely change it up. Just a couple of new songs that are repetitive enough to be easy to learn fast would spark it up and end it in a positive light.


Just my 2 cents - I feel kind of funny giving you advice. But also, even if it may seem boring doing some of the same songs, I know for me that when I know a song well enough that I don't have to think about tripping over my 2 left feet and can really dance it, that's the best time I have. Also, know that as a Zumba student, I find we take a little something from our previous teachers to make US more unique!


As for your 'personal style'...I bet you have more of it than you know. To me, having the organization to put together your classes with so much thought and love for it IS a style.


I wish you a lot of luck in making your move, and don't envy you for the packing end of things!

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I've been folllowing the saga of your next cruise being chartered, and that kind of stuff really makes me angry. I mentioned it to DH, and he couldn't believe Royal Caribbean would do that. Nope, I've seen it before, just because it isn't right doesn't mean they don't do it. Especially on an adults only cruise, they're gonna bring in a whole lot more money from the bars than on a family cruise...bottom line.


I really feel that if they ARE going to do a charter, especially for a 'theme' like this one (ewwwww - to each his own, but thank goodness the Brilliance is going in for a drydock right afterwards...it will need a good cleaning!) keep the sailing closed to the public from the start. Don't get people like us who spend hours researching the available cruises until we find the PERFECT one to fit our needs, schedule our lives around it, and then pull it out from under us.


I'm booked on the Adventure out of Sea out of San Juan also for the week after you were (now that our 'kids' are adults and for are sailing by ourselves anyway we go when Spring Break is OVER!) There's still the possibility we will have to cancel if we can't get decent airfare and if the home improvements we need to concentrate on this year wipe out our budget, but we snagged a corner aft balcony and would HATE to give that up.


Have you looked at the Celebrity Summit leaving San Juan on April 6 for a 7 nighter (San Juan, at sea, Barbados, St Lucia, Antigua, St Maarten, St Thomas and back to SJ)?

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Julie...I appreciate your posts! I love hearing other people's perspectives and I don't think it's odd at all that you would offer advice to me. As a Zumba student you are knowledgeable and have an opinion...to share that with me is to help me out tremendously...the good book says, "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed."


And thanks for the encouragement about having style...I don't really want to fit myself into a box...I desire more to think about the class and what is the most beneficial thing to do for a class...I actually want to be somewhat generic...balanced...not too fitness-y...not too danc-y...easy to follow...fun music...safe...with an engaging warm up...and a cool down/stretch that makes you feel like you did something good for yourself. I can't figure out a great adjective for that...I'm in pursuit of being the "Yin Yang" Zumba instructor...to some extent, I think I have achieved that...Debbie, the one that hired me for my corporate class, said that people had been asking about me as an instructor before I started, and she described me as very "middle of the road." I took it as a complement, because it was intended that way.


And about the cruise...Mom had a very involved conversation with a Royal person and she was pretty adamant about the idea that we would be cruising in April 2013 and that all this talk on cc was just talk...with no basis for it...despite what the ONE guy has posted and what the other travel websites have posted. So we are just in a wait and see kind of place.

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Hi ladies,


I´m just saying Hello :)

I´ve not been to many Zumba classes these past weeks, as Annie is ill and I just don´t get comfortable with the replacement instructors styles. Some of them like to jump, andI mean, jump a lot which is not good for my legs...


DH and I had our first standard dance class last night. As my BIL is getting married this summer, we decided to join a beginners class to refresh our poor dancing skills :) We are just three couples right now, so it´s kinda fun and lot´s of space. The dance instructor is Annie´s dad, so we keep to their business...


We are spending tomorrow with my parents for lunch, as it´s Mother´s day in Germany. afterwards we´ll swing by a sport´s store in the netherlands (German shops are closed on Sunday). I hope that they have dance sneakers in store so I can try some on. If they don´t, I´ll just have to order them online. I would love to have some Bloch wave sneakers...


Take care.

And Anita, if your cruise really gets cancelled, don´t be too dissapointed. Better it happens a year in advanced then just a few days prior. This way you can make alternative plans.

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Anita, no worries about my name, and I KNOW how memory can be, especially in the midst of the transition you're making.:eek:


I admire your patience about the cruise - that would make me crazy. I can see if they set aside the date right from the start and don't offer the booking to 'regular' people that it's appropriate to have a charter for whatever group, but to leave you in limbo like this is wrong. I would guess they're waiting to make sure the charter can fill the ship before closing it to the public completely, but how can they fill the ship if you and others have cabins booked? I'm so confused:confused:


For kasi1979, I'm sure Anita can 'coach' you better, but it's so easy to modify Zumba from high impact. My ankles and knees will let me know if I've overdone it, so I just do my own thing when they're jumping - like modified jumping jacks. Now that I feel so much less uncoordinated from doing Zumba, I'd like to take some dance classes, but DH has to be so careful of his back (he's had major back surgery and has all kinds of hardware holding his lower back together) that we couldn't take the chance of him twisting wrong.



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Hi delacruz, I used to teach ballroom dance, and if you're worried about your husband's back, I suggest the "smooth" dances - foxtrot, waltz, tango. They have a very upright posture with no hip movement, and would be easier on the back than the latin (also called rhythm) dances. They may not seem as dynamic, but the smooth dances really work the legs and butt! Plus, they're so romantic. Ahhh, a man who can dance is a treasure.


Anita, as to style, I think really looking at your students and how they are moving can tell you a lot about your style. I agree that aiming for the middle of the road is an admirable goal. I would think that that is what most people are looking for in a fitness class anyway.


I took my second Saturday Zumba class, and sad to say I was a bit disappointed in the substitute. I am still thinking about why it was dissatisfying. I think the pacing or arc of the whole class was off, especially in the middle where you really want to work hard. I didn't get my endorphin rush, and never had that moment where I just want to lie down and die. Yeah, I got sweaty, and the next day I was a bit sore, but not a good whole body type of sore. If that had been my very first class, I don't know if I would have tried Zumba again.


But, now I'm excited for my Wednesday class, which is always exhausting AND fun!

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Hello Ladies...


Ya'll seem to be experiencing why everyone, including myself, says that Zumba is SO instructor dependent.


Kelly came to class this past Saturday and it was awesome. She was there early...talking with the ladies...there was a huge mix up with the room, so the situation was irritating as we were trying to get it sorted...finally we got class started...about 10 minutes late. The plan was for me to do my two warm up songs...and that was funny...because Kelly has her own routine to "Moves Like Jagger" and it is TOTALLY different...anyway...Kelly had a new routine and we were her guinea pigs for it...and it was a song I have been listening to and thinking about and the routine was just so simple and fun...STOLEN!!...I did it Monday night...and twice today...in both my corporate class and at Curves...love this song:


by Juan Magan feat. Pitbull and El Cata


A big hit all over...especially at Curves, which made me happy because I did decide to keep going as if I were keeping going and keep introducing new songs as I have been, which is really about one a week at Curves. I just made sure that the song was fun (check!) and the choreo was simple (check!)...then it's fun to have a new song.


Anyway...I think that Kelly hit just the right balance on Saturday and the ladies really enjoyed her instruction. Which makes me happy...more than anything, I hope that the people will continue to work out. My new stretch song is "I Hope You Dance" which was a suggestion from one of the Curves ladies...when I first played it, they were ready to cry...it was the week I announced that I was moving...tonight was less emotional. I think I'll do that song at the rec center.


Hope everyone is doing well. Zumba has a new line of apparel out...I think it's going to be popular. The camo material is back...and they are capris! Think I'm going to have to get 'em!

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Hello Ladies...


Ya'll seem to be experiencing why everyone, including myself, says that Zumba is SO instructor dependent.


I had another substitute, this time in my Wednesday class, and he was AWESOME but totally different from my regular teacher. Very dancerly, a lot less latin, and I finally got to dance to Moves Like Jagger, and do a body roll (so out of practice!). :) He was very easy to follow, which is an important quality in a substitute, I think. However, my knees really hurt today and I don't know if I could do his class on a regular basis. This is how students self-select, and relates to what I said earlier about how looking at the composition of your students can tell you a lot about your own teaching style.



by Juan Magan feat. Pitbull and El Cata


Fun song!




"I Hope You Dance" which was a suggestion from one of the Curves ladies...when I first played it, they were ready to cry...


OMG such a beautiful song, no wonder your students wanted to cry. I think it speaks to everyone out there who's busting their bu++ in Zumba classes instead of staying home in front of the TV.



You must be an awesome teacher to inspire such loyalty. Bravo!


I taught a two-hour social dance class yesterday, then my regular writing class, and then Zumba, so no wonder my legs feel like broken sticks today. But I don't care! It was fun.

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