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Boycotting Aruba

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I am not American .... I am a Canadian and have the utmost respect for my neighbours to the south. I fly a Canadian Flag & an American together, on the front of my home.


I was watching Donny Deutsch and several other talk shows originating in The US. Duane "Dog" Chapman was on his show last night...(Dog is THE bounty hunter).


One thing I hear an awful lot...and it was on Donny's show again last night....is the call for all Americans to boycott Aruba, until such time as they start to co-operate with the FBI, etc regarding Natalie's disappearance. "Dog" was most adamant about American's not going and supporting the tourist industry at all in Aruba, until these 3 boys are brought to justice.


We are travelling to Aruba on the Empress of the Seas December 5/05 and want to know how the other passengers feel about this. We have been to Aruba on 3 other cruises, so missing Aruba isn't the end of the world to us. The Aruba people are very welcoming, we have always had a nice experience there and it is very sad that this has not been resolved with the Aruba authorities.


I don't know how to reaact to this....should we get off the ship or just make it a pool day. The last thing I would want to do is offend the American Citizens.


If it was a Canadian citizen, I think I would think twice about getting off the ship. I feel bad for the citizens of Aruba, however, the authorities have to take responsiblity.



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I have great sympothy for the girl's family. However, this case has become a media event, and a crusade by the family. Way over the top. The FBI has been there. The family's investigators have been there. Other parties have been there and NO ONE has come up with any conclusive evidence of what crime if any has taken place. Aruba has a very good reputation for being almost crime free. I would go tomorrow, given half a chance. Frankly, I'm tired of the case. Further, I agree with many that feel it irresponsible to allow a HS grad to take such a vacation. I was very impressed that the Aruban government allowed all public employees to spend a work day searching for the girl.

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I doubt that the Americans on the ship will be boycotting Aruba themselves, so I wouldn't worry about offending them if I were you. Bad things happen in every country. Especially here in the US, where people go missing all of the time, but the only time you hear about it on TV is when the person missing fits a certain profile, or when the family is media savvy. From what I have heard, Aruba is a very nice country with very nice people. Don't let a bunch of media people who have glommed on to a story ruin your vacation for you.

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Robin, thank you for your concern. You would have to look far and wide to find anyone who is a bigger American flag waver than me. But I will be in Aruba the first of Feb on the Empress and plan to get off. To boycott them would hurt the people there much more than the government and the people are not the ones to blame.


Even in your country and mine, the governments, on occasion, do injustice to its own citizens and foriegners. Even when I can't support the governments decision, I still support the country and its people.


Besides, even though we sometimes deplore the fact that we can't always get our pound of flesh, justice will always prevale someday as we all stand before it.

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Thank you for your quick responses.....


The last thing I would want to do is offend or appear that I am insensitive to the family that lost that lovely young woman.


I agree with Retired not Expired...both of our countires have their fair share of injustices. I also agree that at the end of the day, we all have to stand before our maker...regardless of the religion...and we also have to face ourselves in the mirror, plus live inside our own heads.


Aruban's have always been friendly, welcoming and I hold no ill-will towards them as a whole. I will enter their country unless the mood of my ship-mates dictates something dramatically different.


I remember not going to Caracas when the ship went there.....didn't like the idea of army guns pointed in our direction....Also the US Coast guard escorted us in..... .so I took a pool day instead.



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Thanks for your care and consideration of others. We admire that very much.


This is what life is all about, caring for others. Not enough individuals are like you anymore. It is a "me" generation and it is sickening at times.


Tim & Crystal

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Robin, thank you for your concern. You would have to look far and wide to find anyone who is a bigger American flag waver than me. But I will be in Aruba the first of Feb on the Empress and plan to get off. To boycott them would hurt the people there much more than the government and the people are not the ones to blame.


Even in your country and mine, the governments, on occasion, do injustice to its own citizens and foriegners. Even when I can't support the governments decision, I still support the country and its people.


Besides, even though we sometimes deplore the fact that we can't always get our pound of flesh, justice will always prevale someday as we all stand before it.

My sentiments exactly

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I have great sympothy for the girl's family. However, this case has become a media event, and a crusade by the family. Way over the top. The FBI has been there. The family's investigators have been there. Other parties have been there and NO ONE has come up with any conclusive evidence of what crime if any has taken place. Aruba has a very good reputation for being almost crime free. I would go tomorrow, given half a chance. Frankly, I'm tired of the case. Further, I agree with many that feel it irresponsible to allow a HS grad to take such a vacation. I was very impressed that the Aruban government allowed all public employees to spend a work day searching for the girl.

Thank you ... I fully agree with you. This missing woman got so much publicity because obviously her family must have some "influence" or "ties" with the media. Someone else would have had the case dropped long ago. I'm sure there are many cases such as this ... where teenagers go missing on class trips. Many times they turn up unharmed, but I'm sure there are others where they are never seen again.


Natalie may have been an 18 year old, but she was obviously not a very bright one. In fact, many times while watching the coverage of this case, with all the video of Natalie dancing ... the term "dumb blonde" came to mind ... (and no, I am not proud of that fact ... but regardless, the term pretty much sums up my opnion of her.)


What else could she be other than either dumb or very, very nieve? Who in their right mind travels to a foreign country in a large group, and then leaves that group to go off with the locals ... people she doesn't even know? What Natalie did was very unsafe and stupid to put it bluntly. She went off on her own, obviously got very drunk, and then went off probably with three guys she never met ... what does she expect will happen to her under those circumstances?


I think the government of Aruba did as much as they could in an attempt to find her and to find those people who brought harm to her. Unfortunately, though, there is only so much investigators can do and perhaps those who did her harm will never be found.


I see no reason to hold the Aruban officials responsible for Natalie's disappearance and probable death. I think it's time for her parents to accept the fact that she is obviously resting in the belly of a shark right now and to move on with their lives. If they want someone to blame, I'd be looking very closely at the chaperones on this trip and at her roommates. Surely she had others rooming with her who should have sounded an alert when she was gone for a few hours with no one aware of her whereabouts.


No, I definitely wouldn't support a boycott of Aruba. In fact, I can't wait to go there again on a cruise one day.


Blue skies ...



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I agree with everyone else. People go missing all the time in other countries. There are many people from other countries who go missing and are mistreated in the U.S.


This just happened to be a pretty blonde middle class white girl with very loud parents. Then you had the Greta Van Aruba factor that wouldn't let the issue die either (no elections or shark attacks to report).


I wouldn't ever let an entire country suffer because the misdeeds of a few.

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Thank you ... I fully agree with you. This missing woman got so much publicity because obviously her family must have some "influence" or "ties" with the media. Someone else would have had the case dropped long ago. I'm sure there are many cases such as this ... where teenagers go missing on class trips. Many times they turn up unharmed, but I'm sure there are others where they are never seen again.


Natalie may have been an 18 year old, but she was obviously not a very bright one. In fact, many times while watching the coverage of this case, with all the video of Natalie dancing ... the term "dumb blonde" came to mind ... (and no, I am not proud of that fact ... but regardless, the term pretty much sums up my opnion of her.)


What else could she be other than either dumb or very, very nieve? Who in their right mind travels to a foreign country in a large group, and then leaves that group to go off with the locals ... people she doesn't even know? What Natalie did was very unsafe and stupid to put it bluntly. She went off on her own, obviously got very drunk, and then went off probably with three guys she never met ... what does she expect will happen to her under those circumstances?


I think the government of Aruba did as much as they could in an attempt to find her and to find those people who brought harm to her. Unfortunately, though, there is only so much investigators can do and perhaps those who did her harm will never be found.


I see no reason to hold the Aruban officials responsible for Natalie's disappearance and probable death. I think it's time for her parents to accept the fact that she is obviously resting in the belly of a shark right now and to move on with their lives. If they want someone to blame, I'd be looking very closely at the chaperones on this trip and at her roommates. Surely she had others rooming with her who should have sounded an alert when she was gone for a few hours with no one aware of her whereabouts.


No, I definitely wouldn't support a boycott of Aruba. In fact, I can't wait to go there again on a cruise one day.


Blue skies ...





I agree with not boycotting Aruba. As the mother of seven who were or are teenagers, I can tell you that most of them think they are immortal. Bad things only happen to other people. My 24 year old says she would never do what Natalie did --- now. However, at 18 she might have (in the hightly unlikely event that I would ever have let her go on such a trip). After all, she had known the boys for two or three days.:rolleyes:

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This just happened to be a pretty blonde middle class white girl with very loud parents. Then you had the Greta Van Aruba factor that wouldn't let the issue die either (no elections or shark attacks to report).

That blonde anchor on CNN ... can't remember her name ... young, pretty ... obviously pretty sharp in the brains department. She has made Natalie Holloway her personal crusade. She even said she wouldn't rest until this case was solved. Anyone know her name?


I agree, though ... if Natalie were not young, pretty and white, this case would have been dumped a long time ago. I can't prove it, but I also think there's either some big money or big influence in the family ... how are they managing to keep this story at the forefront of the media for so long? That just doesn't happen. New stories break and the media drops old ones like a stinky sneaker. There must be money or influence involved with this one.


I remember thinking ... when Hurricane Katrina broke and all the news personnel fled the island of Aruba to go and cover that story ... I figured okay, this Natalie story will now die. They'll let those boys out of jail ... because obviously they don't have enough evidence to hold them and they probably should be out of jail ... and this case will finally die. Wasn't I surprised when a few weeks after the hurricane coverage died down, there was Natalie's mother ... back on CNN ... in front of the cameras ... on the Island of Aruba ... moaning because the Aruban authorities had released all of the suspects and were currently holding no one. I would have thought the media would have told this woman to give it up and get on with her life.


Blue skies ...



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Natalie may have been an 18 year old, but she was obviously not a very bright one. In fact, many times while watching the coverage of this case, with all the video of Natalie dancing ... the term "dumb blonde" came to mind ... (and no, I am not proud of that fact ... but regardless, the term pretty much sums up my opnion of her.)


What else could she be other than either dumb or very, very naive? Who in their right mind travels to a foreign country in a large group, and then leaves that group to go off with the locals ... people she doesn't even know? What Natalie did was very unsafe and stupid to put it bluntly. She went off on her own, obviously got very drunk, and then went off probably with three guys she never met ... what does she expect will happen to her under those circumstances?





So basically what you are saying is she deserved it?



I don't know where you grew up but you must be living in a hole or have never been away on your own when you are a teenager. I am in my mid 20s and will admit I have made a bad judgment call when it comes to a cute "boy" when I was a teenager. I look back now and think about how stupid I was, but does that mean I deserved anything and everything that will happen to me because of this?


If I remember the stats correctly that I heard in CNN and they seem to be true from my experiences and my reading. More then 70% of American females do that exact same thing as Natalie did on their first trip away from family. What girl would not party while she is away from her parents for the first time especially on their SR. Trip? no matter how hard you try and bring up your daughter to make the right decisions or to put a "good girl" label on your daughter she make silly choices which you learn and grow from. Its amazing how a few beers in any person which makes them make bad judgment calls. This is part of growing up, no one plans on meeting the "wrong" group of people especially an attractive "foreign boy" that you have been talking to for 3 days. When you are young you are nieve and trusting, and that is part of growing up.


No she shouldn’t have gone any where with those guys but I would never ever say she asked for what ever horrible things happened to her because of it!

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rita, that seems harsh. we may get on with our lives but Natalee's mom may never get on with hers. wouldn't you use every possible resource at your disposal to bring your child's killers to justice??


as for the dumb blonde comment....not appropriate IMHO. she was accepted into medical school and had other impressive scholastic achievements. she was smart, just didn't display any common sense at exactly the wrong moment in time.


through a series of unlikely, unlucky events, her killers will probably never be punished. all that aside, I don't see how boycotting aruba does anyone any good. enjoy your vacations. teach your kids what happened to natalee so that at least others can learn from her tragedy.

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Natalie may have been an 18 year old, but she was obviously not a very bright one. In fact, many times while watching the coverage of this case, with all the video of Natalie dancing ... the term "dumb blonde" came to mind ... (and no, I am not proud of that fact ... but regardless, the term pretty much sums up my opnion of her.)


What else could she be other than either dumb or very, very nieve? Who in their right mind travels to a foreign country in a large group, and then leaves that group to go off with the locals ... people she doesn't even know? What Natalie did was very unsafe and stupid to put it bluntly. She went off on her own, obviously got very drunk, and then went off probably with three guys she never met ... what does she expect will happen to her under those circumstances?

Only those who have NEVER made a poor choice as a teenager are allowed to judge her............we're just "lucky" it didn't turn out deadly so we are all here today.


One theory is that the "date rape" drug may have been slipped into her drink. Don't judge a girl because she is blond and dancing. I have a blond teen who might be the smartest person in the room most of the time.


Another theory is that she may have thought she was getting into a taxi -there was a line of taxis outside the club at closing time.


Go thru life with kindness and give people the benefit of the doubt.

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That blonde anchor on CNN ... can't remember her name ... young, pretty ... obviously pretty sharp in the brains department. She has made Natalie Holloway her personal crusade. She even said she wouldn't rest until this case was solved. Anyone know her name?


I agree, though ... if Natalie were not young, pretty and white, this case would have been dumped a long time ago. I can't prove it, but I also think there's either some big money or big influence in the family ... how are they managing to keep this story at the forefront of the media for so long? That just doesn't happen. New stories break and the media drops old ones like a stinky sneaker. There must be money or influence involved with this one.


I remember thinking ... when Hurricane Katrina broke and all the news personnel fled the island of Aruba to go and cover that story ... I figured okay, this Natalie story will now die. They'll let those boys out of jail ... because obviously they don't have enough evidence to hold them and they probably should be out of jail ... and this case will finally die. Wasn't I surprised when a few weeks after the hurricane coverage died down, there was Natalie's mother ... back on CNN ... in front of the cameras ... on the Island of Aruba ... moaning because the Aruban authorities had released all of the suspects and were currently holding no one. I would have thought the media would have told this woman to give it up and get on with her life.


Blue skies ...




I think you mean Nancy Gerace(or something akin to that). The Media exploited this one. Personally Colorado did a worse job on Joan Bennet Ramsey....lets boycott that. Every US State has a story like this where someone has been killed and through incompetence or some other reason the guilty haven't been brought to justice, or where the state has wrongfully executed an innocent person.



Ga(too many too mention)- The Frank case

NY -Ethel Rosenberg

MA either Sacco or Venzentti...

NJ Lindberg case(they probably executed the wrong person)

just to name a few.

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rita, that seems harsh. we may get on with our lives but Natalee's mom may never get on with hers. wouldn't you use every possible resource at your disposal to bring your child's killers to justice??


as for the dumb blonde comment....not appropriate IMHO. she was accepted into medical school and had other impressive scholastic achievements. she was smart, just didn't display any common sense at exactly the wrong moment in time.


through a series of unlikely, unlucky events, her killers will probably never be punished. all that aside, I don't see how boycotting aruba does anyone any good. enjoy your vacations. teach your kids what happened to natalee so that at least others can learn from her tragedy.

I said upfront, I am NOT proud of the fact that "dumb blonde" is the first thought that enters my mind everytime I hear about this case. You're right. It is not appropriate and I am not proud of it ... but there it is. She may have been smart ... may have had a full scholarship waiting for her at an area college, etc. ... but being "school" smart does not necessarily make one smart. What she did on that island was extremely stupid ... and sadly, it cost her her life.


I agree also that Natalee's mom should use every resource available to bring her child's killers to justice, but there comes a point when someone with a basic amount of common sense and maturity realizes that there really isn't anything left to be done, and it's time to just put it to rest. What does this woman think the Aruban authorities are gonna do ... keep on searching for her daughter and her daughter's killers forever? There are other cases, other matters requiring the police's attention. They must move on to those.


The trail in this case is now so cold that it's unlikely Natalee will ever be found. Sure, some SCUBA diver could find her badly decomposed and damaged body wedged in between a couple of boulders in an underwater cave a couple of years down the road. But, if that's the case, it will be by pure luck. The fact that she is not been found in such a long period of time, with so much searching, just leads me to believe that she has long ago been used as shark's food. She'll never be found. The people who harmed her probably have lived on that island all their lives. They know where to dispose of her body in order to make sure she never surfaces again.


All I am saying is that there is a time to put a case like this to rest. Natalee's mom needs to realize that her daughter is gone and at this point is probably never going to resurface. She could either choose to get on with her life, or she can live out her remaining days as an embittered old hag. Frankly, I'd rather honor my daughter's memory by dedicating my energies and using my obviously substantial media contacts in such causes as educating other parents on ways to ensure their own children's safety while on school trips such as this one. I'd also be making the lives of the officials at her school ... the sponsors of this trip ... and the chaperones ... a living hell through non-stop litigation moves ... for allowing this tragedy to befall my daughter. Clearly there were chaperones here who were NOT doing their job and should be made to answer for it.


Blue skies ...



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It can't be Greta Van Sustern. She's not really young. She works for FoxNews (I tend to flip between them and CNN depending who I'm ticked with at the time), and she 's not really that pretty. She looks as though she has Bell's Palsy because one side of her mouth droops when she talks. She is very smart though.


I think the media is the factor here. I think they take advantage of the people and situations for their own personal ratings gain (because we as viewers are watching of course). Natalie's Mom and that crazy lady in Texas are 2 fine examples. These people start out with good intentions for their causes. Then they get addicted to getting attention and being in the spotlight. I don't think the cause is as important as the attention they receive for it anymore. I can't imagine how they feel when their thunder is stolen by a bigger story like Katrina.


I find it sad that another countrie's economy suffers because of the ratings game and the family being encouraged to slander it by the media.

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I agree. I've been to Aruba before, and loved it. This country has one of the highest literacy rates in all the Caribbean, and from my experience, one of the safest reputations. I didn't get drunk and get into a car with someone I didn't know, though. I wouldn't do that in any foreign country...but I'm not 18, either. I wouldn't even consider boycotting Aruba, and would go there again in a heartbeat!

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I'm glad I'm not the only person who's divided down the middle on that one!!! Geez! When I tell people who are devotees of either Fox or CNN that I watch both they look at me like I am nuts!


Each one thinks you can't get accurate news from the other one or you can only get accurate news from your network and no other. You're supposed to like one or the other and there's no middle ground allowed.


Personally, I don't think you can get balanced journalism from any of them. That's exactly why I switch around-just like you said. Take the 2 and divide and find the truth somewhere in between.

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I have been watching this a lot lately, mainly for the human nature aspect (my field).


Boycotting the island is punishing the wrong people, the locals who have done nothing wrong.

For the young girl, I "blame" them all, she was silly, but what young girl at that age isn't? Her chaperons (sp?)? WHERE were they? Her friends, well, they were probably getting drunk with other boys, so you couldn't have counted on them. It is a teenage mentality, I am invincible, so I can do what I want. My daughter, unfortunatly, is just as naive as Natilie was. She is the trusting type. I took care that no young boy every took advantage of her. I told a group of young boys that if any dared to touch her, I would make Lorana Bobbit look nice. I meant it, and they knew it.

I would never have let her go on such a vacation, but that is me.


For the officials, I think they screwed up. Aruba does have a low crime rate. That is why there were thrown for a loop when this happened. It took them how many days to get the car? To investigate the boys? The one boy, Johan or whatever his name is, his father is a bigshot there, a judge/lawyer. He knew what to do, and he saw to it that his kid was covered, front and back. In fact, he lost his job for his hindering the investigation, and is now under investigation himself.


As for who is footing the bill, there is some rich dude who provides money to whatever family he feels deserves it, to find their missing child. He did that for a young girl in Ohio, my home state, similar case, she was at a bar, just started college, a model, left with some guy, and went missing. This man donated money to help, reward, and her body was found.

It is sad, but we all know it will be a body, not the young girl.


Yes, the media is playing this for all they can get, the rating is what drives them.


As for Natlies, mother, I can totally understand her. This mother is keeping it as alive as she can. I would do the same, I would not give up and let my daughter's murder get away with it.

I would have my own way of handling the boys if they murdered my child. I am not a mean person, I always try to see both sides, I believe in forgiving, of seeking a way to help others. To try to understand the why of it all. But with my kids, it all goes out the window.

Do I sound vicious, you bet I do. I am a mother, hurt my babies, there will be hell to pay.

With Natilie's mom, you are not dealing with logic, you are dealing with raw emotions. A mother's love. I am not saying that others don't love their children. I am just saying that we all react in different ways to a similar situation (that is why human nature is so fascinating to me).


Natilie's mom won't give up until she finds an answer. I think she would do the same if it was here in the states.


Back to the OP question, go to Aruba, enjoy yourself, you can't change the past, and hurting the people won't get the young girl back. There will always be someone who thinks we should stay away, but they are not looking at the whole picture, all the others innocents who are involved.


My 2 cents worth



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I think it's time for her parents to accept the fact that she is obviously resting in the belly of a shark right now and to move on with their lives.


As a mom, I find this statement insensitive and harsh...."Move on with their lives"...uh yeah...let's just forget we ever had a daughter named Natalee and go on about our business and smile and laugh and have a great life...........well excuse me, if my son ever came up missing I believe I would go to the ends of the Earth to try and find him or find his murderers.

Natalee's parents need closure and you can't have closure until either you have some answers or a body.......God bless her family and I can only hope and pray that peace will come to them soon.

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I have been watching this a lot lately, mainly for the human nature aspect (my field).


Boycotting the island is punishing the wrong people, the locals who have done nothing wrong.

For the young girl, I "blame" them all, she was silly, but what young girl at that age isn't? Her chaperons (sp?)? WHERE were they? Her friends, well, they were probably getting drunk with other boys, so you couldn't have counted on them. It is a teenage mentality, I am invincible, so I can do what I want. My daughter, unfortunatly, is just as naive as Natilie was. She is the trusting type. I took care that no young boy every took advantage of her. I told a group of young boys that if any dared to touch her, I would make Lorana Bobbit look nice. I meant it, and they knew it.

I would never have let her go on such a vacation, but that is me.


For the officials, I think they screwed up. Aruba does have a low crime rate. That is why there were thrown for a loop when this happened. It took them how many days to get the car? To investigate the boys? The one boy, Johan or whatever his name is, his father is a bigshot there, a judge/lawyer. He knew what to do, and he saw to it that his kid was covered, front and back. In fact, he lost his job for his hindering the investigation, and is now under investigation himself.


As for who is footing the bill, there is some rich dude who provides money to whatever family he feels deserves it, to find their missing child. He did that for a young girl in Ohio, my home state, similar case, she was at a bar, just started college, a model, left with some guy, and went missing. This man donated money to help, reward, and her body was found.

It is sad, but we all know it will be a body, not the young girl.


Yes, the media is playing this for all they can get, the rating is what drives them.


As for Natlies, mother, I can totally understand her. This mother is keeping it as alive as she can. I would do the same, I would not give up and let my daughter's murder get away with it.

I would have my own way of handling the boys if they murdered my child. I am not a mean person, I always try to see both sides, I believe in forgiving, of seeking a way to help others. To try to understand the why of it all. But with my kids, it all goes out the window.

Do I sound vicious, you bet I do. I am a mother, hurt my babies, there will be hell to pay.

With Natilie's mom, you are not dealing with logic, you are dealing with raw emotions. A mother's love. I am not saying that others don't love their children. I am just saying that we all react in different ways to a similar situation (that is why human nature is so fascinating to me).


Natilie's mom won't give up until she finds an answer. I think she would do the same if it was here in the states.


Back to the OP question, go to Aruba, enjoy yourself, you can't change the past, and hurting the people won't get the young girl back. There will always be someone who thinks we should stay away, but they are not looking at the whole picture, all the others innocents who are involved.


My 2 cents worth



Very well said!!


While everyone has their opinions and theories on what happened there are only a couple of people who know the real story.Your comments were very harsh and cold.We are talking about a young girl who unfortunately has probably been murdered.

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I agree with everyone else. People go missing all the time in other countries. There are many people from other countries who go missing and are mistreated in the U.S.


This just happened to be a pretty blonde middle class white girl with very loud parents. Then you had the Greta Van Aruba factor that wouldn't let the issue die either (no elections or shark attacks to report).


I wouldn't ever let an entire country suffer because the misdeeds of a few.

So true, so true!
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I agree. I've been to Aruba before, and loved it. This country has one of the highest literacy rates in all the Caribbean, and from my experience, one of the safest reputations. I didn't get drunk and get into a car with someone I didn't know, though. I wouldn't do that in any foreign country...but I'm not 18, either. I wouldn't even consider boycotting Aruba, and would go there again in a heartbeat!


I agree with every word you wrote. My husband and I love to visit Aruba either by land vacation or cruise. I would never stop going to any country because of 3-4 people who may have been involved in her disappearance..

I also think this thread will go to neverland with the others that were already on here like this one. I don't think they belong on this cruise board. Just my opinion.

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