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Everything posted by aussielozzie18

  1. That looks like a lovely Animal Park. Another great day out for the grandkids. I watched the kids feeding the Giraffes at Taronga Zoo earlier in the year. Looked like fun. Checked the price when I got home $29.99pp for the privilege of feeding them, on top of the entry fee.
  2. We have a lovely deep bath in our bathroom which is rarely used. It certainly has come in handy though after my recent surgeries when I’ve had to keep my stitches and now cast dry. I just have a nice soak with the cast hanging over side of the bath keeping dry. Back to work tomorrow and thankfully the cast is coming off on Thursday.
  3. I’ve sure some of you saw the viral video this week, of the Northern Territory pub owner deterring a crocodile that was rushing towards him, by hitting it on the head with a frypan….Apparently, it had recently taken his dog, dumb blonde.
  4. I have been using the 28 degrees cc for a few years now with no issues. DS has just ordered the Wise card so appreciate what you posted @lissie
  5. Did the 14 Day FNQ & PNG cruise with Holland in December. Whilst we did have a potential cyclone form off the coast, we ended up with glorious weather for the entire cruise. Like the August cruise that unfortunately has been split into 3, I doubt this Nov cruise will be visiting PNG.
  6. UK rail strike is starting to impact on daughter’s trip. She had to uber to Gatwick two days ago and she was annoyed about that because their Airbnb is very convenient for the tube. Currently stuck at Gatwick with no Ubers or taxis arriving and they are in a queue of 100 waiting for one….
  7. My friend and I used to go to the “Chicks at the Flicks” movie sessions. It would be on a Wednesday night and for $30 a ticket, there would be a market in the foyer before the movie, food platters of yummy nibbles, drinks for sale, a decent gift bag on your cinema seat and a raffle with really good prizes. One year I won a 3month pass to the ladies only gym. But over 10 years, the movie quality on offer dwindled, the attendance dropped and the quality of what was on offer dropped hugely. The last one we went to pre-pandemic was only 2 rows of us “chicks”. It used to completely sell out in advance.
  8. Reading the reviews after I got home it seems the movie improved like you said in the last 40mins. My friend is seeing Maverick on my recommendation this weekend but in Gold Class with the serving of food & drink. We have never done because they don’t offer it at our multiplex which is a shame.
  9. Last night I went to the movies to see the latest &final Jurassic Park movie. I read in the news yesterday that Top Gun: Maverick is now in the top 5 highest grossing movies ever in Australia and is reviving the fortunes of the cinemas. I have to say it’s been years since I have seen the multiplex busy midweek like it was last night. It was my choice to see this movie. This movie series is obviously hit & miss but I loved the original and the first Jurassic World but sad to say I took a toilet break after 2hrs and just couldn’t face watching another 50mins of the film. Told my friend I was going home. Texted DH and asked him to pick me up in 10 (he misread my text and thought I said AT 10) so 20mins standing in the cold outside… Why didn’t I like it? There was nothing new here. The dinosaurs weren’t very exciting and the return of the original cast members Sam Neill, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum didn’t add much due to the script. There was a new character added- a female pilot. Liked her.
  10. DH who never grocery shops, decided he was making chicken wraps for dinner last night. I warned him that there are zero bags of mixed lettuce leaves at the supermarket and that lettuce is expensive right now due to the current shortage. He comes back and advises there was only a few “really weird” bags of salad left and he happily bought a $6 iceberg lettuce.
  11. Msg from DH who has gone to work “I know you only have one arm atm but can you put the washing on the line for me?”. I look into the machine and he has done a full load….Yeah not happening.
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