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Everything posted by iandjm

  1. The world where you have to give a bribe to someone to do what they should be doing anyway is a very sad world. I get tipping people to say thank you but not tipping them to get them to do something right.
  2. This wasn’t about tipping, it was about people feeling they had to tip to get what their drinks package entitled them to.
  3. It’s a sad state of affairs if you have to give a tip to get what you ask for ☹️
  4. It’s happened to me as well. Ordered Catier Champagne and they try and pour the dreadful plastic cork usually given away free fizz. They were reeducated shortly after! You feel cheated when you paid for the premium package to have premium drinks.
  5. You make some very good points however what celebrity’s expecting some single traveler's to do is the equivalent of going out for dinner on your own and being asked to pay 3 times for the one meal. We all reluctantly accept paying for an imaginary person is part of having a solo cabin to ourself, of course with that we are also paying for the imaginary persons food and all other items we get included as part of the price. But to be asked to pay above the 100% cabin price is just wrong. It’s as unacceptable as an airline charging a solo traveler for 2 seats not just the one. we all have a choice of which cruise line we go with and as you say we do not have to pay the silly prices, but that does not excuse this immorally wrong practice.
  6. Exactly. Shame about the judgement. I understand some people want a gym, but why it always gets the best views, when you go there just to exercise is beyond me.
  7. I guess similar things can be said about the excess of food that people eat on Cruises as well. I think the lack of a forward observation lounge is a big miss on esge class ships though.
  8. A nice sky lounge type bar would be great wouldn’t it. I would suggest move the gym to another area and have a bar with those nice views 😁
  9. I am new to Edge class as well but will be on your cruise. Really looking forward to a nice long weekend away 😁
  10. It’s a disgusting practice and blatant discrimination against the solo traveller. I solved the problem by booking Princess cruises going forward. They are a lot fairer with room pricing and adding the drinks tips and WiFi on for a fixed (and much lower) price per day. Unlike celebrity Princess only change the solo traveller once for the package, rather than twice if you are travelling in a twin cabin as a solo.
  11. Total discrimination against singles as you are forced to buy the package and WiFi separately losing any discount offered to couples. Oddly if you do manage to book a single stateroom (which frequently cost more than having a twin room as a solo) they only change you once for the drinks and WiFi package. It’s about time Celebrity sorted themselves out.
  12. Exactly the same food being served 2 weeks ago on Silhouette. Dreadful presentation and choice compared to past experiences.
  13. The new menus offer poor choice and reduced quality sadly. Just back from Silhouette, and it was not at all good. You could tell the waiters were a little embarrassed at what they were serving too.
  14. Well I checked today. Look how much a solo now has to pay for what is only WiFi and drinks now. Disgusting.
  15. Totally agree. I have had experience of this. It is blatant discrimination against solo travellers. The executive office gave me a load of waffle when challenged, as usual.
  16. 400% This is discrimination. My first reaction to your question is book with a decent cruise line that values you as a solo traveller. Celebrity don’t, and to make it even worse when you try and book all in as a solo they charge you double! There are no excuses for it to be honest.
  17. Maybe elite plus will be insulted by being offered one free cookie per cruise, along with the existing one scoop of gelato. seriously though if this is true, the direction this company is going is not at all good.
  18. Aaaaaaaaaaah. You mentioned the dreaded Yorkshire puddings. Tried them on most nights in Silhouette last year. Stone cold and as hard as concrete each time. Even when the matre d went and got fresh ones specially. The meals were mostly pretty dreadful and worse than a £8 carvery meal in the U.K.
  19. Charging for burgers at the mast grill. removing most casual option in the ocean view during the evening (these have increased somewhat since the decision)
  20. Looks like the Celebrity stupid ideas department has struck gold again. The times they have come up with a ridiculous idea, it has created as PR disaster and they have had to back pedal their decision, creating nothing but bad feeling.
  21. Looks like the Celebrity stupid ideas department has struck gold again. The times they have come up with a ridiculous idea, it has created as PR disaster and they have had to back pedal their decision, creating nothing but bad feeling.
  22. I have given up on the premium package now after several cruises hunting down the real champagne on Silhouette. After all the package is advertised as having it. Funny about the supply problems as Oceana are serving it at every bar!
  23. This sadly sums up most executive office communications. They just don’t care anymore. It’s sad but true I am afraid. If your cruise was cancelled they used to offer a form of lift and shift, but not anymore. There is no longer any point being loyal to the company as they don’t show much loyalty back. I am booking more and more princess cruises in the future, for far more sensible prices. happy cruising
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