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Posts posted by antsp

  1. You "accept" it each and every time you agree to abide by the Contract of Passage, which is a condition precedent to boarding. Over on this side of the pond, our handbags, backpacks and camera cases get searched, and we are subject to a quick "pat down" every time we get to the turnstiles at Disney World, sporting events, concert halls, etc. For us, it is the "new normal". None of these searches or pat downs has anything whatsoever to do with national security and address only private property security. But we live with it. If you aren't hiding anything, then you have nothing to hide.


    Welcome to the land of the free.

  2. Last week on the Star, we could have taken pretty much full RRs as the inspection at LA was minimal. In fact we had 6 miniatures from the plane in our quart zip lock bags and they went right through. We also bought $129 worth of booze from Princess for in the cabin and the rest we drank at the bars. We were satisfied with our bar tab at the end of the cruise and don't know if we would bother trying to smuggle in the future. In San Francisco, there was virtually no inspection for booze. In San Diego, it would have been found. Hit or miss. Since you have to go to the liquor store and buy the booze to smuggle, the savings are just not all that much in the big scheme of things. Do I wish I could carry on the brands I prefer? Yes. Do I wish they would sell the in cabin booze in liters at a more reasonable price? Double yes. Still had a great cruise.:D


    I met a person i work with many years ago on my last cruise, he was very partial to rum and coke, it wax approx $9 for a rum and coke witn tip , his answer was he smuggled a full bottle of morgan spiced on board, bought a coke sticker a made his own whilstbour and about. He carried his rum in his princess coke tumbler and mixed them at his seat be it at a bar, dining room or show. He was very proud of his system. He estimeted it saved him hundreds over the cruise, he said all hs mates do it on celebrity because there drinks are even higher thn princesses.

  3. Soon you won't have to go to that website. Instead, you'll be able to buy them for half the price on EBay as Princess starts to dump the dozens that it has confiscated.


    If a rum runner is packed correctly by the directions given by rum runner, they are never ever be found. They even come in a small size so you can pop them in your pocket and they are so thin they dont show up.

  4. So, you try to sneak liquor on board, you get caught, now you are miserable and upset your whole vacation, you wrongly withhold the auto tip to "teach Princess a lesson" when all you do is punish the people who are trying to make your vacation as pleasant as possible.


    All you had to do was follow the rules, you spent how many thousands for this vacation. Just order liquor for your room from Princess, what is it going to be. an extra $100 or $150 for piece if mind and an enjoyable vacation.


    "The monkey never learns"


    Are you directing this post at me!!!!!!

  5. The passegers had pre bought duty free in the luggage, there transport arrive late to the ship, there bottle of wine may have then been moved to there carry on , they didnt have acces to there luggage again at the port due to it being loaded straightonto there ship, they couldnt retreave there wine from there bags, there wine alchol water it was, was binned, tears, screaming and all sorts happened on deck 4, welcome aboard. The crew suffered more than anyone else as dozens in anger cancelled there tips, that was wrong in my opinion but thats what went on.

  6. You are wrong on two counts. First, Princess didn't "steal" property. Read the contract, Princess has the right to confiscate unapproved items brought onto its PRIVATE PROPERTY. Secondly, the TSA "inspects" all of our bags every second or every day without the owners' present. Please, get your facts straight before maligning any company.


    On our sailing 80 passengers from the UK where late arriving and arrived directly from there flight, there bags also went directly to the ship with the duty free purchases inside. Princess removed there property and destroyed it, a lot of these passengers where very very upset and said they would never sail with them again.



    So you think the above happening to customers is OK

  7. My wife and I were on the Grand Princess last month, on a cruise from San Francisco to Alaska.


    A friend had given us a very expensive bottle of gin (Hendrick's). It was put in my wife's large suitcase, buried deep to prevent it from breaking and wrapped in bubble wrap, in a box. When we got to our stateroom, her suitcase was the first to arrive. In it, my wife found a note telling us that the bottle was confiscated and destroyed.


    They had scanned the bag, opened it and then dug deep into my wife;s suitcase, through her clothes, to get to the bottle.

    My question is...why could they not have kept it aside and returned it to us after the cruise?







    Who authorized them to go through my wife's bag without her present? Not even the TSA goes through bags without the owner present!!


    (By the way, I have a hard time believing that a bottle of Hendrick's would be destroyed and not drunk by someone - crew members, perhaps?)


    The question i have to ask you is will you sail with Princess again after they stole your property. Going by the passengers i sailed with in April the answer wil be no. On our sailing 80 passengers from the UK where late arriving and arrived directly from there flight, there bags also went directly to the ship with the duty free purchases inside. Princess removed there property and destroyed it, a lot of these passengers where very very upset and said they would never sail with them again. So this makes Princess reduce the price of cruises to fill the ship, who would of thought 12 months ago that Princess flag ship would be selling a balconys for 7 nts for oly $649. Where will all this end.

    Who authorized them to go through my wife's bag without her present? Not even the TSA goes through bags without the owner present!!

  8. Just finished a Princess Cruise and our luggage arrived in our room minus a rum runner with a note that we were suspected of having violated the alcohol policy. They missed the others which were wrapped in bubble wrap and tucked in with shoes and toiletries. DH did not believe it was crucial to pack his rum runner so carefully, thus we lost it. They didn't return the emptied rum runner to us so beware and be careful.



    I guess you ignored the instructions on the rum runner packaging then.

  9. If the security wants to confiscate rum runners they do have the technology to do so. Rum Runner will show up on the X-Ray scanners. The fact that they are clear, or plastic will not make any difference.


    If the cruise lines decides to spend the time and effort, they can and will confiscate all alcoholic beverages, including rum runners.


    When will they do this?


    When the cruise lines decides that they are losing significant income at the ships bars, they will become more aggressive.


    Rum runners do not show up on xray anymore than other innocent objects, in other words almost impossible to detect

  10. I think it may depend on the port, the ship. the security people. We in no way tried to sneak it on. I don't think it was "missed" since we were not the only ones bringing it onboard. We were told we could bring it back on with no problem and did so. It does seem the rules are not consistent.


    When it all kicked off on the Golden in March it was the food and beverage director who was calling all the shots. I guess its his departments profit that's effected.

  11. Wrong!!!

    When you check your baggage at the airport, your bags may be opened and searched without you being there.


    Princess, and the other cruise lines, have the right to open and search anything which comes on board the ship. Princess, as well as the other cruise lines, have rules in regards to alcohol. If you smuggle and break the rules, expect to be caught.


    Or use rum runners and never be caught.

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