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Everything posted by Craigrlewis

  1. Oh SO sorry to hear this. Heres hoping for a speedy recovery-I ordered extra vegetables and tonnes of fruit & juice when I was laid up with it on my Alaska cruise. I hoped a healthy diet would help. Fingers crossed its the mild version I sustained.
  2. Yes thanks Hattie-just a cough if I chat too much! Lot better off than a lot of people who have caught it
  3. My experience was I asked about it when my positive test result delivered. Nurse said they had antivirals but would need to speak to Dr. Spoke to Dr who said at that time no one infected on the ship had developed serious life threatening symptoms necessitating antivirals. I discussed my medical history and concerns why I was asking. He went away and came back saying if I wanted them then The decision was mine but he'd suggest waiting to see how my symptoms developed. Never got worse so never needed them. Now Im going out on a limb by repeating this here in public AND paraphrasing - He basically said the drugs are still new and as such they come with numerous warnings and no one knows long term affects of anyone using them. NHS guidelines warn of potential kidney issues amongst other things. He said with all new treatments ones has to balance off the pros and cons of using. My partner is American and Im english. So I get a kick out of the drug advertising on American TV and the “tell your dr you want xyz” and then followed by the announcer saying “side effects can include bla bla bla and amy cause death” I think the much wider use of the antivirals in some countries compared to the UK where as exlondoner says the NHS strictly controls it demonstrates the ships Dr hesitation to just prescribe it as Id asked for it. I would suggest anyone vulnerable gets something ahead from their medical person to say they'd prescribe it to you then IMHO if you want it they'll give it to you (and charge you)
  4. Can only state that I contracted covid on QE in Alaska in June and they had Paxlovid on board at that point in time
  5. We used it but it was pointless. When we came to do online check in it wouldn't let us-said our paperwork needed verifying. So we ended up having to pull it all out the bag despite Verifly showing all green ticks and “good to go” message.
  6. Yes it does leave a little bitter taste My insurer Direct Line have been great and said they will pay the amount in dispute less the Excess It’s a prescription medicine I ran out of mid isolation and our hotel at LHR increased by £77 Both amounts Cunard won’t as the want my travel insurer to pay That though may affect my future premiums hence why I felt Cunard should pay it-especially as they paid the parking charge levelled by the hotel when my car was there for an extra week Im going to shut up and move on-life is too short and others have lost loved ones due to Covid so my £130 isn’t really anything to moan about Would recommend Direct Line though unless I’m not allowed to name check!
  7. Now back all safe and well Fun and games now with Cunard rejecting some of my claim and saying I need to speak to my travel insurer. Travel insurer saying Cunard should be dealing Cunard say they will “consider” if I send written confirmation from the insurer. Pathetic. Makes me think twice about ever using Cunard again
  8. Morning Hattie Thanks for asking. Yes we leave tonight at (supposedly 855pm BA Flight - been tracking this flight and its always late 😟) During isolation had a phone call almost everyday from someone in Southampton to see how we were. Food/room service/hotel has been I would say the best you could get really. I thought I was still on Cunard and made off menu changes (like no chips but mashed potato etc) and they provided it without comment/issue Hotel at LHR was £80 more than it had been booked for so been told “submit receipt and we will advise”. Car has been stuck in Sofitel for 9 extra days a5 £45 per day so again told “submit to us” spoke to mu travel insurer who say in their opinion Cunard need tomoick up the tab for all that so lets wait and see! Now found out my 80 year old parents tested positive for covid last week and decided not to tell me. Found out when they sounded not right on our daily phone call. NHS and her GP let my mother “slip through the net sorry”. She has been classed as clinically vulnerable for years even pre covid and so upon reporting her result online and notifying her GP one of them should have put urgent monitoring and consideration of antivirals. So when I found out she was positive and none of this had happened I made her call 119 and get shirty. She now is at home still in a “virtual ward” having a DR ring her everyday and and someone else 3 times a day to take her oxygen readings. So far her 5 jabs seem to be holding it in check. So that added to my stress if being stuck here and made the whole experience unenjoyable Im not one for wishing my holiday away and wanting to be home but this time I cant wait
  9. I was told during my isolation on q219 the medical centre have brown and blue inhalers in their pharmacy sadly no green that I needed mud isolation post cruise
  10. Q219 IMHO having spent 4 days in Vancouver b4 cruise more people in That city are wearing masks compared to UK So When we boarded the daily program for the Tuesday said as per photo First couple of days of cruise many many people were wearing masks and rhe lifts had signs up limiting it to 4 people only. Probably 2 or 3 days in I started to hear various chatter along the lines of “thankfully from tomorrow we can ditch the masks” type comments coupled with the opposing view “its so good we all have to wear masks” Then the lift signs went. Then after that initial inclusion on the program nothing else was stated. Gradually more and more passengers damasked. Evening of 20th there as a letter from captain in the next days program advising of an increase in the numbers of positive covid tests so she suggested we wear masks and take care. That prompted me to test on the Wednesday morning as I felt weird and get my positive result. 2 nights before the end of the cruise (the gala night) during midday announcement captain “please I urge strongly the wearing of masks….due to increasing number of covid cases” IMHO Its a shame it wasn't mandated. Our friends went to the show and they stated “ it was packed and hardly anyone had masks on”. Im not saying that is fact Im just repeating what they told me. Not wishing to stray into the red IMHO I think the pro maskers will insist that they are right and the anti maskers will disagree. I guess theres nowt so queer as folk and that differing opinions on life etc is what makes the world go round. Other posters have more eloquently put it but I think no one is making people board the ships; we all know the well publicized risks; we all now know how quickly transmissible the disease is; we all know the potential outcomes of catching it and we all know how fluid things are so if one is looking for a pre 2019 experience that doesn't now exist. Last minute changes and Government/CDC mandates change daily and the cruise companies react. With hindsight I wish I hadn't done the cruise now BUT our friends left the ship uninfected so they think “its safe and great to return to cruising” Some friend of ours went on a family cruise with Celebrity 3 out of the 6 caught it on board and quarantined and 1 tested positive at home day after disembarking. So now 2 of them have vowed never to cruise again and the rest all think its worth the risk. Sorry turned into a right old ramble this
  11. Disembarked this morning around 1045am Coach load of circa 30 of us taken to Sheraton Vancouver Hotel is nice and modern Yaaaaay a balcony But booooo no furniture on it. Asked for at least 2 chairs we can sit on so they brought us up two function room chairs so better than sitting on the floor! They said “no chairs” initially so I acted all pathetic and said all sadly “but I want to sit outside and enjoy the fresh air pleeeeeeaase” So I think she felt sorry for me😆 Nice view of the pool but its torture not being able to use it! They hotel has their own room service menu for breakfast and lunch and dinner and then we were also given a Cunard Menu (much more limited in choice for dinner only). We can apparently order from either. Reception claims its $100 Canadian not $100 US which is opposite of ships advice. About 30% deflation there?, MedicalCentre on QE were abysmal in sorting out an issue-my prescription steroid asthma spray that runs out Sunday. 4 calls to them yesterday was met with “looking into it” and “we will call you back”. Finally ascertained they had asked port agent for help and they hadnt got back to them at all. When I got irritated she quoted me a general booking condition about my responsibility to ensure I have prescription drugs in the event of any delay. That called wasn't the most White Star service I have received. So this morning chased again and told NO cant get it and so best thing is for you to speak to Port Agent once ashore. Called my travel insurers helpline to be told speak to the hotel ask for a local doctor and get some prescribed then claim it back. So called Cunards Handling Agents as advised to and the paperwork we had said “….if you run short of prescription drugs or need assistance they will be able to help you..just call them…” They were completely useless. Lots of “um” and “agh” to then be told “ oh can you call back later” So I called a pharmacy whose details the hotel gave me and had the while thing sorted within 20 minutes. Had to email them photo of my ID and a photo of the inhaler. I added some screenshots from Patient Access App and then gave my credit card details. They didn't have it in stock but can get it for Sunday but don't deliver Sundays so its coming Monday. I could have asked hotel to collect it but figured enough complications already. She then called back to confirm all ordered its $85 and will be with me Monday. Funny the Medical Centre and Port Agent made such a production and failed to get a resolution. I would recommend any UK people to bring extra medicine for say a 10 day extra stray OR make sure you have a photo of the medicine box if you decant tablets. So today feel a bit blagh still. Cold symptoms, sinus pains and still the lethargy. I feel like Ive flown on a mega long-haul flight. Nice the room has a bath tub as with aching arms and legs have fancied a bath Will try to post a menu photo at some point. Dont want to stray into red area but the isolation seems a bit smoke and mirrors. Entire bank of rooms on QE rode on one bus Bus arrives at hotel, we all get off and then check in at the normal desk Non Cunard customers/other guests wandering around without masks on and we are all milling around with orange gloves and face masks on. Im not been “isolated” now at all IMHO
  12. Now found out going to the Sheraton Vancouver Airport tomorrow. Looking on the bright side it has some good reviews and toes, fingers and anything I can cross is crossed that we get a balcony room so we can at least sit outside. Their website shows balconies. Realized my asthma spray runs put Sunday. Discussed with the medical team who dont carry it (a green inhaler) so they started inferring I should speak to the shore agent. I was a bit firm and said No as I felt they should make arrangements for it to be sorted out. Then told will need to speak to the ships dr in all likelihood that will be a chargeable appointment. I expressed surprise at this but let it drop. I cant be bothered. My travel insurer can sort it out when I get back. So no ideal what they will or wont sort out,. Had luggage labels for tomorrow and we have to leave our bags outside as normal this evening but collect them from connextions 2 (but assistance will be there apparently - I hope so as I dont travel light 😂) Had a letter from Cunard confirming I have been isolated since 21/6 to 24/6 and a copy of a positive test result. So didn't sleep well last night and feel a bit coldy today. Few aches and pains here and there. Still feel very lethargic. Medical Team did ring last night asking for details of my movements round the ship for last 48 hours before testing positive. She said they now will trace who was sat around me in each venue (that explains why we were constantly asked our room numbers in the public venues I guess) Call back from Voyage Sales and they will allow me to cancel the QV cruise I had recently paid final balance on for August 2022. They will allow full refund. So Im obviously not glad I caught covid but in fairness to Cunard they have handled things, to date, very professionally and helpfully. I hope their shore agents are as diligent.
  13. Hi David, Yes without wishing to turn this thread into a mask debate I too was shocked how people were parading through public areas without a mask on. Climbing on communal tenders and shuttle buses laughing, shrieking and talking animatedly. At the beginning of the cruise notices were in lift restricting to 4 people and we did ask some people who jumped in to jump back out as they made the total 6. They apologised and did.About 3 days into the cruise the notices were taken down. I accept as another poster said on another thread that if people wear a mask to walk to their table then take it off to eat then the time spent maskless eating is far greater than the time walking through the restaurant.(NOT my opinion BTW just paraphrasing what was posted) However, surely every minute spent masked means putting less people at risk? This was our first cruise since 2019 and we have 5 more booked. Im now seriously thinking of cancelling them all or hopefully move to 2024 then decide again. Life is too precious to endanger it by setting foot on a cruise ship right now IMHO. Having not had covid due to my diligence I now feel like ive been a right chump and thrown all my hard efforts away by climbing onboard a living petri dish.
  14. Hi techteach - Im suspecting either Commodore Club or Britannia. We double masked apart from in the commodore club (but didnt sit in the middle of people) and when eating in the Britannia. Our table was just inside the door so not in the heart of it all and we asked for table for 2 at breakfast in an isolated zone so again we were not sat at the heart of things. Did venture into the buffet but masked until we ate and then left. Also in the Lido sat on the side that was always empty. Didn’t go to any shows or lectures.
  15. Not had any notification but checking the BA app now shows our flights rearranged to Saturday July 2nd (& thankfully still business class) So things seem to be progressing Had a sheet under the door telling us we will know our hotel the night before disembarkation and we can use the room phone to make free calls to our UK Insurer if we wish to. Focussing on how to date my symptoms are minor but now feel I just want to be home. Ive a 4 night Scotland trip booked for August with my elderly parents that I paid the balance on the other day. When i get back Im going to try to throw myself on Cunards mercy and ask for cancellation (despite final balance being paid) as I just dont want to chance it again FTTB and especially with my elderly parents (my mother has been classed since day 1 as clinically vulnerable). I couldnt have taken more care but I guess as said by many this is SO infectious/transmissable
  16. Hi victoria2 aw thanks. he said they had Plaxlovid onboard Hope that helps Hi Desert Cruisers - yeagh Ive promised not to moan and complain (and have started eating as much quality food as I can!)
  17. Thanks for all your good wishes 😁 Today I feel no worse and my partner just lateral flowed and he is still negative. An annoying tickle in my throat throat and a runny nose. Managed to speak to my parents and reassure them all is well. My 53 year old brother sadly passed October last year (not covid) and its still very raw for my folks so this has I think got them all worried and concerned. Contacted my travel insurer who said and Im paraphrasing now that Cunard is responsible for basically sorting everything out and should they try to imply otherwise and that my travel insurer should be involved they (my travel insurer) would challenge Cunard. However as Ive said Cunard seem to be taking that worry away by immediately confirming they will sort everything and not to worry. My car is at Heathrow Sofitel so my insurer did say they would cover any additional charges there should Cunard say thats incidental. The helpful man then added “focus on getting better, sit back for the next few days and let the Cunard wheels be put in motion then see whats what and if I then need any help to contact them”. So cant say fairer than that. Lissie - Yes not sure if they can use the card to track or not. We assumed they would ask where we had been sitting etc and with whom. Mumof2 - no idea how many cases. They were cagey when I asked Ace2542 - Been told Cunard will sort it and pay for it. As flights booked via them also been told they will deal with rebooking etc. I told them as we paid for business class I expect that for the return trip even of they have to use a different airline. Response was “ I will ensure Southampton are aware”. So lets see. Spoke 2 a lady 2 balconies away who was also quarantined yesterday. She did independent flight bookings but has been told Cunard will pay any charges to change them so that seems good of them. She has been told to tentatively change them for Saturday 2nd July so IMHO that means quarantine is 10 calendar days ending midnight. Trying to feed myself up with room service and eat well with lots of fruit, juice and vegetables as I have a nagging doubt that the food/selection in the hotel wont be as good or so much choice! Yesterday I spoke to the Dr about antivirals - Im a healthy person and never get colds but when i do they turn either into chest infections or pneumonia. Im also asthmatic and have sleep apnea. So i expressed concerns about this infection. He said they have them but as its a new drug no one yet knows long term side effects of use. The one they have is two parts-one attacks covid and the other part stops your kidneys purging the covid attacking element. We ended up agreeing not to start them but should I get worse then the call/decision to start them would be mine. He said “we will monitor you closely due to your health issues” I stated that was fine and “would he call me tonight to see how I am” He agreed but I never got a call - but that said if had I felt worse I would have called him. Reassuringly (?) he did say that no on currently in isolation has been that sick to warrant antivirals or any in depth medical treatment - its just so far the cold symptoms
  18. With just 3 days to go I tested positive for covid this morning So off to one of the isolation floors (5 in our case) for remainder of cruise and then balance of Canadian 10 day quarantine in a hotel of the Governments choice So far assistance from all Cunard staff has been great-they have confirmed that we embark last on Friday; they will transport us to hotel and then at the end sort out our flights (was booked via Cunard) then transport us to the airport Britannia menu supplied and anything else you want call room service etc. Think they must be struggling as room service seems really slow. Only (major) criticism is the various paperwork we were given basically said they would investigate our ship movements to ascertain any close contact we have had. So far we have been asked nothing. And a slight annoyance - bit silly to tell me “$100USD per day allowance in hotel for food etc” so pointed out that we are staying in Canada so whats that in $USD and reply was “oh don't know that” So spent the last 2.5 years eating in; masking up; taking care and was covid free. Now catching it on board I guess shows how easily spread and contagious it is as like I said I had double mask (one n95 certified and the other claims to be N95). So making the best of it as sure the Vancouver hotel wont be to the same standards!
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