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Everything posted by sid_9169

  1. The taxis down here all stink, but I've found it difficult to locate Uber drivers at the port with all the traffic... Easiest way to go if you don't mind the smell...
  2. I was waiting on the taxi line, and a guy and his girlfriend / wife / whatever comes up and just sort of stands beside me for a minute, then eventually in front of me... I said "hey buddy, the end of the line is wayyy back there"... He gets all huffy and puffy, but at the end of the day, there was no way I was letting him in. The people around me in line cheered as he stomped away all mad, and still cursing me.
  3. Until we meet again, Alchemy Bar... Still a massive line down there.
  4. I decided that I just couldn't hold it anymore. Well, I could have, but I didn't want to... I found an honest looking family and asked if they'd watch my stuff for a minute... Last visit to the full Monty bathroom on deck 7 near the Festivale Restaurant.
  5. Megan and Roscoe are already at the airport, and here I am just hanging out waiting for my turn... Still a good size line down there.
  6. I don't have a single 1 dollar bill left, so I guess I'm going to have to round up to the nearest $5 for the cab fare...
  7. Still just sitting here waiting for the insanity to wind down to a trickle... Still a whole lot of people milling around. My only concern now is if I have to use the restroom. No way I can carry all this stuff in THERE...
  8. I've officially vacated my cabin, but things are still pretty crazy down here. I'm going to hang out here at the Alchemy Bar until things quiet down.
  9. Box is ready to go, and I'll be out of here soon. I bet the room steward girl will be happy I'm gone... Maybe not, since I did save her a lot of extra work this past week...
  10. All the closets are officially empty, except for the jacket I bought with me that I no longer have room for in my luggage. I'm abandoning it here, and hopefully it finds a new home...
  11. Showered off and pretty much packed up and ready to go... I'm still going to linger here in the room until the very last minute possible, since I've got nowhere to be anytime soon. With a bit of jostling around, I was able to squeeze my African mask into my backpack, so hopefully it'll survive there. Worst case scenario I end up having to glue one of the horns back on. Still easier than trying to carry it as an entirely separate item, and the flight attendant won't give me any guff for trying to hold it on my lap...
  12. I guess there's no better day to try and start working on my drinking situation than today. I'm going to try for five nights in a row, and see how that goes. Something that I've REALLY been needing to deal with for awhile, but have procrastinated on...
  13. Interesting how cruising is such a relaxing care free type of vacation, but on that last morning it turns into a high intensity race against the clock. Unlike a land vacation, where you have until around 11:00 to vacate...
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