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Everything posted by P&PNH

  1. Good afternoon, still cloudy and rainy here but supposed to clear later. Thanks for the FR&D and all who contribute. Just want add a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jacqui @kazu and Gary @GTVCRUISER. Nice photo Gary, hope you have a few adult beverages to celebrate. P&P
  2. Good evening to all. We just returned from dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant in Manchester. Leftovers for another night in the fridge. Paula and I just want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes. I enjoy reading the FR&D daily, and thank you all for your contributions. Tomorrow is Kazu's turn for birthday wishes. Thanks again to everyone. Peter
  3. Nice!! Get to watch a lot of ships come and go. Must be quieter in the summer. Thanks for the info.
  4. @POA1 Where did you get that picture from? Watching the port cam doesn't show the ship.
  5. Good Morning, thanks to everyone for their contributions, and prayer to those in need. @RMLincoln Sept. is a great time to visit Cape Cod, after Labor Day the crowds leave and things have not closed down yet. We went on a whale watch with Hyannis Whale Watch Cruises a few years ago and it was fantastic. Saw about 60 Humpback whales doing bubble netting, and breaching. Well worth your time, and a little cruise thrown in as well.
  6. Good Morning to all. Thanks to everyone who contributes on a regular basis, it is an integral part of my morning as I have my coffee. @ger_77 happy anniversary, great wedding photo. I don't normally write, but since I actually have a picture I thought I would post. We went on a HAL Land Sea cruise in May 2022, and it was wonderful. Spent 3 nights at McKinley Lodge, explored the park, and took the train down to Whittier with an overnight stop in Anchorage. Then onto the N Amsterdam for the trip down the coast to Vancouver. Photo is Mt Denali taken from the train on way south.
  7. Good Morning to all and thanks for the FR&D. Cold and cloudy morning here, we expect snow changing to rain later with high winds. Glad I took care of the deck yesterday, with the rain it can add hundreds of pounds to the deck if the snow is not gone. @Crazy For Cats Jake, so sorry to hear about Amelia, it is so hard to lose our babies. @Cruzin Terri Safe travels, and good luck with your procedures today. I know they are not fun. @rafinmd Glad your procedure went well yesterday, and thanks for the update. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, loved the meme of the Great Master, and your pictures. @kazu Jacqui, thanks for keeping the daily up.
  8. Good afternoon to everyone and thanks for the FR&D. Welcome to @jeda4137, I read often, and post sometimes. There are a lot of Dailyites on cruises right now, and I hope all of you are enjoying your time at sea. Adding a photo of the view of our deck from our dining room slider this morning before I started the clean up. Have a great evening. @rafinmd Hope your procedure went well today.
  9. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Wishing all who contribute to this board, and mostly silent readers like myself, a healthy, happy, and joyous new year. May this be a year of healing for all who need it, and continued good health for others.
  10. Good afternoon to all, and have a HAPPY and safe New Years eve. We will be staying in tonight, and plan to have our champagne with dinner. Hardly ever make it to midnight anymore. To many armatures on the road driving and too many police watching. I want to thank all of you who post on this thread. It is indeed a place of kindness, and caring, in this strange world. We also get to see some wonderful pictures of places we have never been but hope to get to someday. So it gives us hope for the future. Prayers to those in need, and cheers to those celebrating. Peter & Paula
  11. Good afternoon to all of you. Finally a port that I can add something too. We went to Ketchikan on the N. Amsterdam during our land sea Alaska trip. I had twin uncles one of whom had a marine radio business in Ketchikan many years ago, and the other one always went up there in the summer to help install equipment for him. Anyway, always wanted to go there and finally made it. Most of our pictures are like the ones already posted, but I will try to add one more. We visited the Hump Island Oyster farm with four other people while we were there. It was a great excursion with a tour around the city, and a drive out to a cove where a boat took us out to the farm on Hump Island. There was a tour of the facility, and an explanation growing process. Then came the best part, fresh oysters right from the water. They were great!! @kazu Thanks for keeping the FR&D going while Rich is away, and our condolences on the loss of your DBIL's mother. @richwmn Enjoy your cruise, what an adventure, I will be following on the other thread. To all the other daily contributors thank you for being here. Merry Christmas eve, eve, eve.
  12. Greetings to all, and thanks for FR & D. Avid reader, and sometimes poster, but thanks for all your efforts and contributions. I wish there was a hug button for so many of you. I just wanted to comment on the Mary Stewart topic. There was a very good TV series about her called Reign. Many good actors and interesting sets. Megan Follows ( Anne of Green Gables) plays her mother. Anyway, if you can find it, it is worth watching. Stay well, and prayer for those in pain. Peter
  13. Nickelpenny, enjoy your day on the big island. We spent a week in Hilo in 2010 and enjoyed it. Put 800 miles on the rental car in 6 days. Volcano National park is really interesting, we were close enough to go there at night and see the glow and gasses coming from the caldera. It was fascinating to watch. Peter
  14. Nickelpenny, enjoy your stay in Honolulu, we loved it it there in 2010. The trip to the Arizona is indeed a very somber visit. We couldn't believe the number of Japanese people touring the site. They have a very interesting submarine exhibit there also. My uncle was the Exec. Officer on the subbase there in the 60's when I visited the first time. Enjoy your trip. Peter
  15. Understand the circumstances now. Too bad people do this. It could be just your two are happy together and do not want another in their home with you. Thanks for the reply!
  16. Jacqui, We are so glad to hear you made it to Amsterdam safely. Your hotel looks great! We took the canal cruise the first night we were in Amsterdam after flying all night. It included wine and cheese for everyone, needless to say none us had a problem getting to sleep that night. Getting up the next morning was the problem. Enjoy the city, we certainly did when we were there. Especially the national museum. Peter & Paula
  17. We did the triple Denali last year in May, and it was wonderful. Would do it again in a heartbeat. The train south to Anchorage, and then on to Whittier is amazing. The cruise south on N. Amsterdam was fantastic.
  18. Jacqui, Have a wonderful cruise, stay well, and be happy. Give Ivan a kiss for us. We leave next Sat. for a brief Bermuda cruise on Carnival Pride. Petr & Paula
  19. We renewed our vows onboard the Nieuw Amsterdam for 0ur 25th anniversary 9 years ago. It was a wonderful service like the one above. We told some friends when we on the N Amsterdam in 2022 on an Alaska cruise, and they did the same thing while onboard. Encourage others to do the same, you never know what life will throw at you.
  20. We did a partial transit of the canal back in 2020 on the Zuiderdam. Our last cruise before Covid shut things down. IMHO if you have not been all the way though the canal before, and don't know if you get the chance again, than take the excursion where you get onto a smaller boat and go all the to Panama City. We did it, and it was well worth the time and money. You see a lot more, and it is an amazing adventure. You are noting going on a cruise to sit in your cabin, but to explore the world around you.
  21. Greetings to all. I don't know where this picture came from, but the dog looks just like our PoohBear that we lost a few ago. He was the kindest soul, and loved kids. He had a 48" chest and weighed in at 138 lbs. He would drag you across the street to say HI to a child. Every kid in the neighborhood knew him. Paula and I were PoohBear's parents. He truly was a great dog, and the kindest of souls.
  22. Read this thread and found the match program very interesting. So, I looked up MSC ships. Looks like MSC goes for the floating city route with large capacity vessels. That killed my interest in MSC. Like smaller ships with less people. Different folks, different stokes.
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