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Everything posted by schmoopie17

  1. @Sugar Magnoliaunless my old eyes deceive me, looks like status quo for the Feb 6 Panama Canal cruise.
  2. Just off the Escape a few days ago with two stops in Spain. There were signs at the bars that said an additional tax will be charged when in Spanish ports UNLESS YOU HAVE THE DRINK PACKAGE. We always get the drink package and we had multiple drinks in Mallorca and Barcelona and no additional charges ever appeared on our account.
  3. Say "Hi" to mom if you see her. She still refers to me as the son she never had. I really wanted to get a malt in Malta, but we never got off the ship. But I did go to the can in Cannes.
  4. Next stop, Sardinia. Had nothing planned so we would treat this as a "sea day", since there were none on this trip. Spent a few hours basking in the partly cloudy skies at the pool, consuming a few beverages. Overall, a lazy day without a whole lot to mention. That night we had dinner at our favorite specialty restaurant, Le Bistro. We have never had a bad meal or experience at any Le Bistro, and this was no exception. After all, Filet Mignon is French, so what better place to order it? And I always order it at Le Bistro. Thankfully they removed the goop (foie gras) from the menu, so no need to scrape it off. Liver is nasty...just saying. YMMV. Anyway, the woman at the next table ordered escargot for her appetizer. I had never, ever, considered eating a snail. Who was the first person who looked at one of those creatures with antennae, crawling along, leaving a slime trail and said, "I bet those things are tasty"? Although, I'm always intrigued by the presentation with the garlic butter, breadcrumbs, and whatever the green stuff is that they throw in there. Seeing her enjoying hers prompted me to ask the waiter if I ordered the escargot and didn't like it, could I get something else? He said, "No problem...because I'm sure you'll like it." Obviously, he had no idea who he was talking to...but I bit the bullet and ordered it. After several tense moments awaiting my horrible fate of biting into a snail (actually six of them), they arrived and were staring at me. Okay, not literally, but you get the idea. I gingerly picked up one of the morsels with the fancy escargot fork and tentatively hoisted it towards my mouth, questioning myself all the while. Finally, like when I was younger and taking a spoonful of yucky medicine, I figured the best thing would be to just get it over with. Well, let me tell you, it may have been the best thing I have ever put in my mouth. I was finally over my escargot virginity. Mrs. Schmoopie couldn't believe her eyes when she saw me scoop up the remaining nuggets of deliciousness in rapid succession. Of course, I had to sop up the nectar with the bread. I was in escargot heaven. Right about this time, the Maitre d' happened to stop at our table and asked how everything was. I began gushing about my newfound love of everything snail, when he said, "Would you like another order?" Be still my heart. A few minutes later, the second order was delivered in all its garlicky glory. I dispatched it in short order...followed by more bread sopping up. It was followed by yet another perfectly cooked filet...which was followed by my favorite Le Bistro dessert, the Frasier. (Niles just doesn't compare). This was our Platinum dinner with the bottle of wine, so we asked the waiter to open it, re-cork it, and we took it back to the cabin for later consumption. That night was one of those nights on NCL where the entertainment was pretty slim pickings, so we settled on going to Syd's to watch Family Karaoke. We were the very first ones in the place. A few stragglers straggled in (that's what stragglers do) and then a few minutes later, they all left. The exciting Family Karaoke was due to begin in five minutes and we were literally (not figuratively) the only ones in the place. Since neither of us was in the mood to sing Karaoke to each other, we left. I still have no idea if anyone else showed up. Rather than head back to the cabin, we decided to swing by the Atrium where the piano player was doing a show of Elton John and Billy Joel songs. We had seen him previously in the District and he really knows how to play piano. What he doesn't know how to do is sing. After vocally butchering a couple of our favorite John/Joel songs, we decided we had seen enough and made an exit. Too bad, because he really is a great piano player.
  5. We booked with Rome in Limo...along with our airport/port transfers and a private tour in Tuscany. Great company to deal with. Drivers were on time every time.
  6. Our first port stop with Naples. We had arranged a private tour to the Amalfi Coast with Mr. Taxicab Driver...a highly rated tour company which features drivers who serenade you with Elvis and other classic oldies songs. Our driver was the only female driver in the company and while she is probably the only one who doesn't sing, she sure knows how to drive. She handled the curvy, hilly, crowded, crazy streets like a pro (which, I guess she is). We stopped in Ravello (had cappuccino, along with a side of bees...the place had bees everywhere). I guess September is bee season in Ravello. Ravello also has a plethora (I love that word) of stairs, which again, not good for the mobility challenged. Stopped for lunch in Sorrento (our driver called ahead for a table...had pizza and wine/beer), then went through Amalfi and Positano. After dinner in either Taste or Savor (well, one of them) we went to the theater to see the Motown review. Those guys were very talented and it seemed like the audience went away happy and entertained. A very long but a very good day. The next day, our traveling companions both complained of "stomach issues" (he said he would spare us the gory details) and essentially stayed in their cabin when we landed in Messina, Sicily. Actually, it was okay because Mrs. Schmoopie and I had previously booked an NCL tour to Taormina (our friends were just planning to walk around Messina on their own...which they never did). Taormina was one of the highlights of the trip. Not only did it provide some time apart (don't tell our friends I said that), but it's just a cool, scenic town. The one disappointment was missing out on our plan to get granita at Bam Bar, the most popular eatery in town and the star of many You Tube videos. You can get granita and cover it with whipped cream, with a brioche bun on the side. You smoosh all of it together and you're in granita heaven (or so I've heard). Turns out Bam Bar is closed on Mondays, the one day we landed there. We settled for granita at one of the many other places that sell it, but it wasn't the same. When we got back to the ship, we headed to Tobacco Road, which is a great bar for people watching. It also right by Syd Norman's so you can monitor the line for the show and jump in at the appropriate time. One of my favorite drinks on NCL in the past has been Grass Clippings. I was told the only bar on the Escape that makes Grass Clippings was Tobacco Road. Guess what? No Grass Clippings...not at Tobacco Road or any other of the umpteen bars. Apparently they no longer stock the ingredients. Barely hiding my disappointment, I perused the menu and saw one of the specialty drinks was Monkey Business. Not only did the name take me back to my grade school days where teachers would constantly tell me to knock off the monkey business, the ingredients were intriguing. I ordered one and was pleasantly surprised. If only Mrs. Downey, my third grade teacher, could see me enjoying it. That night we got in line about 45 minutes early to see "Rock the Prom" at Syd's. Had great seats right in front for a show that was awesome. We would see "Rumours" a couple nights later, but we both agreed that "Rock the Prom" was better. The next stop was Malta. Unfortunately, Mrs. Schmoopie woke up with one of her patented migraines and wasn't up for our plans of wandering around the area. So we stayed on the ship and pretty much had the pool to ourselves. Most people had gotten off to explore Malta, or had decided to not go to the pool in the mostly cloudy weather. That night, we had reservations for Moderna. In all of our previous NCL cruises we had never been there, as the reviews were all over the board. But our friends wanted to try it, so we gave it a go. The salad bar was advertised, but being someone who generally avoids anything healthy or good for me, I only took a few items. Okay...I am probably one of the only people who has never tried sushi, but they had a crab roll on the salad bar. I like crab, I like rice...so I figured how bad could it be? Turns out it wasn't bad at all, so I went back for more. But this time I took a spoonful of wasabi to go with it. I took a bite of the crab roll, stuck most of the teaspoonful of wasabi in my mouth and holy hell...who knew wasabi was so hot? (Probably all of you, but like I said I was a sushi virgin). Never again...or at least in less copious amounts. Lesson learned. After my mouth stopped burning and my taste buds recovered, all of the meat was surprisingly tasty and cooked appropriately. (We had heard that the meat could be tough, overcooked, cold...whatever.) Everything we had was tasty. And I loved the rice. I don't know what they did to it, but it sure was good. And of course, what can you say about the grilled pineapple? That night was "Choir of Man". We had seen that show once before and liked it, so I made sure to drag our friends to it. The husband and I went up on stage (along with half the audience) for the "free beer". Hey, when in Rome...except we were no longer in Rome...but you get the idea. We (and they) thoroughly enjoyed the show. They said it was one of the best things they had ever seen.
  7. We didn't miss it. Coming up in a future post. (I did say the quality of entertainment went up). It couldn't possibly go down.
  8. Arriving at the airport in Rome was a zoo. Passport control being the main culprit. You have to stand in one of 12 lines to do facial recognition. Each of the lines had tons of people in it, most of whom couldn't figure out which way to lay their passport on the scanner to get it to be accepted. Then you go a couple steps forward to wait to have your picture taken, after which you are sprung from that part and onto the next excruciating part of the process. (I never understand why your passport picture has to be with glasses off...but the facial recognition lets you have glasses on). But I digress. Then, each of the 12 lines funnels into one mass of humanity as you shuffle towards a narrowing exit, shoulder-to-shoulder with seemingly half of the world who decided to come to Rome at the same time. Then you finally (about 30 minutes of cramped, sweaty sardine-like existence later) reach the final destination and find out that you endured all of this just to have your passport stamped. Wow. I won't get into all of the details of our private transport to our AirBNB, except to say that it required traversing an escalator down, followed by an escalator up...and then the inevitable trek to the parking area (all with two mobility-challenged women...one who has difficulty getting on and off escalators). All for the privilege of paying twice as much as a cab (which could have been obtained just outside the exit door). Oh well, when in Rome... Our two days in Rome were fine...with the exception of the torrential downpour most of the afternoon on the second day. We especially enjoyed the food and drinks...which are always our primary attraction in Rome, since we're not into history, museums, ruins, etc. Yes, we're strange. We had exceptional dinners both nights with outstanding service, along with the requisite pizza, wine, gelato, tiramisu, etc. Our AirBNB was overlooking the market at Campo de Fiori. Great location and surprisingly quiet, given the hustle and bustle on the other side of the windows. We were only a couple of minutes walk to Piazza Navona, only to find all of the fountains and monuments boarded up, apparently for cleaning. Bummer. Since we were traveling with novices, we decided to book a private night driving tour of the sights in Rome. It hits all of the top attractions, you get out, walk a little bit, get back in the car...rinse and repeat. But doing it at night has a different feel, with everything lit up. We've always heard about the pickpockets in Rome. My heart is still pounding recalling the moment I felt someone reaching toward my back pocket near the Spanish Steps. I recoiled in horror, swiped the hand away, spun around ready to go all Kung Fu on the perp...and then I realized it was Mrs.Schmoopie trying to put her arm around me. Okay...enough of the preliminaries, let's get on the ship. Speaking of which, getting on the ship was an absolute breeze. Since this cruise was a "loop", with the majority of the passengers boarding in Barcelona, the terminal was almost deserted when we arrived. We were part of what appeared to be only a handful of Rome embarkers. We walked in, did the check-in thing and waltzed onto the ship (well, the two women didn't exactly waltz...but you get the picture). The whole process took all of five minutes. Once onboard, we mustered (insert ketchup joke here), found the nearest bar (which happened to be in the Atrium) and nearly had the ship to ourselves, since almost all of the arriving passengers had deserted the ship for excursions in Rome. For her first drink, Mrs. Schmoopie had an Aperol Spritz and I had what the bartender described as a triple shot of Buffalo Trace. Good first impression...and start to our adventure. Because there were no sea days on this cruise, there would be no "Behind the Scenes" tour or "Wines Around the World". Too bad, since this was our first trip as Platinum. The tiny chocolate covered strawberries were of little consolation. Eventually made our way to our cabin, unpacked, went to dinner in Manhattan, then off to the theater for the first big show of the trip. Did I say big show? More like a big mistake. The Cruise Director, James (not sure what happened to Jack, the great CD the last time we were on the Escape...but James is no Jack) introduced the "Comedian/Magician" as saying he has been performing on NCL for years. Really? Years? This guy was neither a comedian, nor a magician. The only person who found him amusing was himself. As for magic, his only real "magic" was his "Grand Finale" where he did shadow puppets. No, seriously. Throughout the show, people were leaving. After the show, people couldn't leave fast enough. Even the two mobility challenged wives beat a hasty retreat. The entertainment could only go up from there...and luckily, it did.
  9. It's what we do. Plus, back in the day, my favorite video game was Space Invaders.
  10. Jim, you’re mixing up threads, and cruises. I mentioned Shane on another thread when you said you booked the Jade. Shane is our favorite bartender on the Jade. Anyway, here we are with Shane. The Schmoopies are the cute couple on the right (I’m the guy who still has all his hair). The other couple are the friends we "surprised" on this cruise.
  11. Rumor is they're bringing back hash browns. Bad news is, they're $100 per (greasy) triangle.
  12. Now that we are somewhat recovered from our September 14-24 Escape cruise, I'm finally ready to jump in on this report. That is, aside from the lingering sinus/allergy/phlegm thing...no, it's not COVID...so no need for anyone reading this to social distance or wear a mask. Although, you might want to wash your hands after touching your dirty keyboard, just to be safe. We made reservations for this cruise over a year ago. A few months after that, our neighbors asked if we'd mind if they'd join us. At the time, it seemed like a lovely idea. (I'll re-visit this later). They had never cruised...or really ever been out of the country before. I handled all of the peripheral details, scheduling excursions, specialty restaurants, deciding where to eat and what to see in Rome for two days pre-cruise, transports to and from the port, etc. In short, I was a de facto travel agent for them and I felt the weight of them having a good time on my shoulders. But, hey...we're on a cruise. What could go wrong? (I'll also re-visit this later). The trip got off to a flying start...or rather, a non-flying start. We had scheduled our flights many moons ago. We used points and upgraded our seats on an airline I won't name, but it begins with an "A" and ends in "can". Talk about a misnomer...it should end in "can't". We arrived at O'Hare at 2:30 for our 5:00 non-stop flight from Chicago to Rome. After a couple of drinks in the typically expensive airport bar ($14 for a half inch pour of bourbon), we arrived at the gate to see that the flight would be departing a half hour late. No biggie...but I wouldn't be returning to the bar for that thimble-full of bourbon. A half hour came and went when they announced that the flight would now be an hour late. Then two hours late. Sensing a trend, our fellow passengers at the gate started murmuring loudly and most were now skeptical that we would ever get our trips off the ground...both literally and figuratively. As they say on the TV infomercials..."But wait, there's more." This dragged on until around 8:30 when they announced that the flight crew had to leave because the delay would not allow them to fly to Rome. So, another flight crew had been summoned and they would be arriving in about an hour. (I don't know where they were able to scrape up another full crew in such short notice. People were waiting to see if the substitute captain would come staggering down to the gate after being pulled off a barstool at a nearby bar. Luckily, the crew appeared, one by one, and made their way onto the plane for pre-flight inspection (or whatever it is they do). Also luckily, none of them appeared to be inebriated...which is more than I can say about some of the disgruntled passengers. We never did get a satisfactory explanation for the hold-up (something vague about a cargo hold issue). Not that an explanation would have made any of us any happier. They did announce that each passenger could come to the desk and get a $12 food voucher (woo-hoo)! As if our wasted time was only worth $12. And speaking of $12, that will get you half of a Big Mac at the airport McDonald's. On the bright side, we later got a message that the money we spent to upgrade our seats would be refunded. Also, they were depositing 5,000 miles into each of our Frequent Flyer accounts (as if we ever want to risk flying with them again). At long last, the plane pulled away from the gate precisely at 10:00 PM...almost five hours late. I somehow forgot to mention that when we checked in, we noticed that our aisle seats of 12C and 12D in the bulkhead somehow got magically transformed into 12D and 24A. They had moved Mrs. Schmoopie 12 rows back to an exit row window seat. We asked the gate agent if we could switch her back to the seat we had chosen over a year ago and were told that the plane was full and perhaps we could ask around once we got on the plane to see if there were any takers. Shockingly, we found another couple who had their seats switched, as well...and even more shockingly, Mrs. Schmoopie's seat was taken by the husband of the other victims...I mean couple. So we did some swapping with the other couple (shame on you for what you're thinking) and everything worked out. Well, sorta. I ended up giving up 12D for 24B (yes, a middle seat...but it was the exit row so lots of extra room and nobody sitting in front, jerking their seatback into my kneecaps.) But you just know there had to be something else coming. We were about six feet from two restrooms with toilets that sounded like sonic booms when they flushed and doors that slammed when they were shut. We spent the next nine hours monitoring everyone's bathroom habits and bracing ourselves, waiting for the next thunderous flush or door slam. I'll bet you came here expecting to read a cruise review. Hold on. It's coming soon. But I need to get a beer or some bourbon, since re-living this flight experience is so traumatic I need something to soothe my nerves. More on the way...unless you read this far and decided you don't want or need to read any more. Can't say that I blame you...but I'll be back just the same.
  13. Out of our 14 dinners on the Jade a few months ago, we ate in Jasmine four times. The food and service were both consistently excellent. Would we go if it were to be considered on a par with a specialty restaurant price-wise? Without a doubt. Of course, we can't get any decent Asian food in our neck of the words, so it probably appeals more to us than those with a "sophisticated" Asian palate.
  14. Our favorite ship. Make sure you go see Shane (bartender extraordinaire) in the Martini bar. He took excellent care of us for 14 days. He kept Mrs. Schmoopie's Cosmos and my bourbon flowing with regularity.
  15. If it's that old, just make sure it has a fresh battery 😁
  16. All of the Specialty Restaurants on our Feb 6 reservation show "A la Carte", with the exception of Tepanyaki, which says, "Cover Charge applies". We are able to book restaurants on October 4th, so we'll see if the "big announcement" on October 1st impacts this. Since we have five Specialty dinners (three for a 15 night cruise, plus two Platinum, this is of particular interest to us). On a related note, we had dinner last night with our friend/Travel Agent and I asked her if she knew anything about the October 1st announcement. She was pretty evasive and said she isn't allowed to say anything. (Which I expected, since she is a highly respected agent with lots of contacts high-up in most cruise lines. She's not going to jeopardize her position by leaking something to someone who would blab it all over CC...😁).
  17. When I saw the title of this thread, I got all excited, thinking Veterans were getting some new dining perk.
  18. Just back from Rome yesterday. Flight at 11:05am. Off the ship at 7:10am. Rome in Limo private driver waiting at port. Arrived FCO 8:00am. After figuring out where to check in, get through security (which was way too easy...one minute...no need for Fast Pass) walk/tram to gate. Got to gate 8:45. Ended up having to kill an hour and a half at the gate before boarding started at 10:15. I was sweating our 11:05 departure time for a year after making the reservation. (Needlessly).
  19. NCL has been taking quite a beating on CC lately...NOT deservedly so, in my not so humble opinion.
  20. The return flight was, indeed, uneventful. Other than the fact that it was long and boring, the fact that the landing was the smoothest I have ever experienced in over 100 flights is noteworthy. I'll be compiling my thoughts on the overall trip in a couple of days, once my jet lag and cold/sinus issues have resolved themselves to be able to clear my head and be my normal cogent self. 😜
  21. Time to bump this up to the front from Page 5. @Sugar Magnolia(or anyone else considering this cruise)...our TA notified us that the price for our balcony on the 2/6/25 Panama Canal cruise has dropped $300. She got us the lower price. I don't know about other cabin categories, but probably worth a look.
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