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Everything posted by Jennizor

  1. Many years ago we were on a Caribbean P&O New Year cruise. We were in one of the bars after dinner when a couple came in and stood at the bar. The lady, who looked to be in her 20s was wearing a see through lace dress which showed her very mini underwear. After a while one of the passengers complained at the bar and she was asked to go and get something less revealing. She started crying and her partner quickly took her away. They came back later and apologised to the bar staff for causing an issue. They didn’t stay long and we didn’t see them again. I thought she was very brave to come back. I suspect they decided P & O may not be the line they wanted to sail with in the future.
  2. Miserable wet day here in Bolton. We bought a new shed last week which was erected by the company very efficiently but needs painting. My husband has done the sealant and two coats of paint but it still needs another one. Looking at the forecast it shows rain every day for the next two weeks. I’m not sure when the final coat will be done as it will take quite some time for the shed to dry off. I suspect the garage will be storing all the shed stuff for some time. Happy days.
  3. Michelle You have done the same thing as me on the last day of our March cruise. I don’t think we saw you after breakfast when I bit into a piece of crispy bacon and broke a piece of a tooth. £150.00 visit to the dentist. Jennizor
  4. I agree with you lincslady. I think she is such a brilliant addition to the Royal Family and one day will make a brilliant queen.
  5. Hi lincslady, this appears to be a very young deer, we saw three together a couple of weeks ago but only one just recently. So far this year we don’t appear to have had them visiting the garden, unlike last year when loads of my plants were eaten. I love seeing them but the woods and farmland are quite expansive so they are not here everyday. We toyed with the idea of moving earlier this year as our house is really too big for the two of us but after looking at smaller ones we decided to stay. My daughter thought we were crazy to move as it unlikely we could find another house with the views and wildlife we have here. Jennizor
  6. Just took this photo of a deer in the wood between us and the farmland. I tried to get nearer but it just ran off.
  7. Kalos, I have just heard about Rob Burrow’s death. I have always admired his determination to lead the best life he could. We should all be proud of this man and how much he did for MND. Best wishes to his family and Kevin Sinfield who will all be devastated at his death.
  8. Yes Waju, the land is owned by Peel Holdings and they are currently trying to get planning permission for a Ryder Cup golf course ( never going to be granted as we haven’t got the infrastructure that would be required). It will probably be housing, but again they have the same infrastructure problem. The land just beyond our garden, and up to the fields, just a wood and under it is the feed from Ulswater reservoir, so that can’t be built on either. As we are in our seventies I suspect nothing much will happen in our lifetime. The farmer certainly hopes so and we will have the cows for a few more years.
  9. The sun is out here in Bolton. The cows are out in the field for the first time this year Always lovely to see.
  10. Had a morning in the garden today. I took this photo of the joint fence with next door. It’s a sad time for us. The adjoining house has been sold after both Audrey and Peter died over the past two years. Peter died in November and Audrey the previous year. Their family live quite a way away and as a result we have been very happy to help Peter where we could, doing shopping weekly and doing odd jobs he couldn’t manage. He and Ian became close with Ian checking on him every day. Ian has incredible hearing and on a number of occasions he heard Peter calling for help through the wall. The last time was when he was taken into hospital and died a couple of days later. I was quite close to Audrey and we spent hours in the garden discussing plants. The reason I took the photo today was because some of the bushes are on my side and some on Audrey’s. The new buyers will have their views on what to keep and what to get rid off and it will be the end of an era.
  11. Oh Michelle, just catching up on posts. What a disaster. Richard must really be in the dog house. I hope it all gets sorted quickly. Jennizor X
  12. My husband was constantly annoyed at the number of men that did not wash their hands. Do they not wash them at home either?
  13. On our recent Arvia cruise there was always someone at the MDR entrance holding hand wash. I never saw anyone walk past without taking it.
  14. Just come in from the garden after taking this photo of my gorgeous Azalea and my lovely cat, Evie. Too hot to do anymore gardening, will leave it till later. Jennizor
  15. Thanks Rupert, I will check out the apps on Google.
  16. Thanks Avril and Kalos. I think I will pot it up just to see what it turns out to be. We have loads of birds flying into the garden from the woods so it sounds worth a try. Xx
  17. Can anyone help me identify this plant. It has just appeared in the garden, it looks very healthy but I don’t know if is a weed or not. Thanks in advance. Jennizor
  18. Seems a random issue, fingers crossed it doesn’t happen to you. Jennizor
  19. Thanks for your response Angel, I will try to remember your solution should it happen again. Jennizor
  20. Hi Graham, it had just come back on my iPad. I don’t mind using it on my phone but it’s so much easier and quicker on my iPad. Jennizor
  21. Thanks Graham, I was thinking it was something I had done. Fingers crossed I will get back it soon.
  22. I would appreciate some advice on why I can’t access this forum on my ipad today. Seems fine on my phone and I have searched for help on my ipad but no luck. Has anyone else got this problem?
  23. Just back from the dentist. I have been going to see Jonathan for around 20 years or more and he is brilliant and always gives a range of options where possible. He said I had two options this time, a rebuild of where the outside of the tooth on one side had come away £150 or a crown £350. He thought the rebuild was sufficient for now as most of the tooth was still OK. It was all done there and then and his final words to me were ‘go and have a nice lunch’ which we did.
  24. We are off to the dentist shortly. We both managed to break a tooth on our March cruise on Arvia. I did mine on the last morning. I never have a cooked breakfast but I decided to have one prior to our long coach journey home. I bit into a piece of well done bacon and lost a portion of a tooth. That was an expensive breakfast.
  25. I’m looking forward to seeing the photos Michelle. Xx
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