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Everything posted by cybergremlin

  1. 3 times I’ve used Rome on your own with NCL & 3 different drop off points, Colosseum, near the Vatican and latest was near Piazza del Popolo they currently have extensive roadworks going on in Rome so I doubt the drop off will be near the Vatican but they should be able to tell you the drop offspring once on board. I would really consider the train tho as it’s quicker and cheaper lis you can leave early if you see everything you planned
  2. Recently did the jewel around Japan with an overnight in Osaka, you arrive at say 7am and don’t leave till 6/7pm the following evening so around 36hours in port. the ship allows you to come and go as you please, we got back around 11pm and there was passengers and crew getting off. theres a metro stop about 10pm walk from the pier which will get you into downtown Osaka fairly quick
  3. guest service is open 24/7 so remove/change the DSC when you wish, if you’re off the ship for the majority of port time then you’ll likely always encounter long lines as everyone will be on board, as others have said no hoops to go through just a form they will fill out and you’ll sign to confirm, the reduction/removal will appear on your account normally the following day tipping is a touchy subject on this board and some posters will take a instant dislike to anyone who mentions altering the DSC
  4. No need to do this as some posters on this site believe there’s a list printed “somewhere” with room numbers who have altered the DSC. if people believe this rubbish then just remove/alter the DSC on the last night so service isn’t effected, although I’ve never notice a change in the service I’ve received
  5. So no white/glow party on this trip wonder why this was the case, I did notice a lot of people wearing white during the 90s dance party
  6. You also have the option of starting in South Korea or Taiwan and end up in Tokyo, we are leaving from Taipei in Feb 24 and then spending a few days in Tokyo after leaving the ship i would also echo what others have said and book flights yourself so you have full control of them
  7. Just ignore any letters and block any numbers from the debt company, it won’t go on your credit file as it wasn’t any form of credit. I can’t believe they have sold the debt tho, if your deposit was £200 they would of sold it for around £50 😂
  8. no charge on soft drinks from the bars/restaurants, I don’t drink Starbucks so can’t confirm if charged from them
  9. You can’t reclaim VAT on consumables, I asked while onboard and also once I returned from a recent sailing
  10. I sailed on Epic in July from Barcelona and was charged VAT on all alcohol drinks throughout the 9day cruise even when in France & Italy, total ‘extra’ bill was about $110 for the both of us. I take from the article if the sailing starts in Spain you will be charged throughout your journey if it starts elsewhere you will only be charged while in Spanish waters. Also we was also only charged on alcohol and not and specialty meals
  11. I was recently on the epic out of Barcelona which also had people starting/ending in Rome, I spoke to some of these people who said they was also being charged. As others have said it could be the NCL system can’t distinguish who joined where but this seems unrealistic
  12. I also got charged in Italy, France and during day at sea, it could be down to embarkation port
  13. Each and every drink throughout the cruise, we had stops in Palma and Ibiza along with starting and ending in Barcelona, rest of the stops was in France and Italy
  14. I was on the epic 21/7 - 30/7, starting in Barcelona and staying in the EU and was charged for each drink, out bar bill was $103.95 for the 9 days we also received an onboard credit but it was for $14.80 X2, this was the same for everyone within our group (10 people) I didn’t query this as you all know the lines for guest services 😁
  15. NCL just tweeted that these are real and will be on board from August, 9 ships 9 mug
  16. Wasn’t this topic about added tax for uk travellers and now we’re comparing cruise prices
  17. no didn’t get it this time but have for all other offers
  18. It’s the reward account both RBS/NatWest do, it was spend £500 get £150 back. it also worked for both parties if you have a joint account so we have £300 pending
  19. Payment made on Monday to NCL and credit applied this morning very efficient. Wish I could say the same for RBS rewards account which had a similar offer that is still pending
  20. Maybe NCL should rename it from discretionary service charge, this on its own implies it’s your choice to pay or not just rename it to resort fee like they have in Vegas and remove the option to change/remove I hope NCL isn’t reading this
  21. You can go to guest services the day before disembarking and fill out a form, you will get little to no friction about why you are reducing/removing the DSC. if you have prepaid you will get the refund after the cruise has ended, if you are paying onboard it’ll be deducted from your onboard account that evening Just join the queue behind the rest of us brits
  22. this has happened to me, i got a email a few weeks before sailing on the Joy in May saying i was outbid, I increased my bid slightly and received another email the day after saying the same thing this is what the email said real time bidding has been opened on your cruise! for a limited time and on selected upgrade types, this special feature of the upgrade advantage program will notify guests when they have been outbid for a specific type. the haven aft facing penthouse is a very popular upgrade type and other guests have made higher offers I only received the email about 1 room type even tho i put a bid in on multiple rooms
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