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Everything posted by Rupert2251

  1. At last, Djokovic has just been given a time violation, its only taken the umpire 2 sets to do it!!!
  2. Oh dear Josy, we are travelling with Eavesway from Keele in September, hope we don't get the same driver. We have never had any problems with them so hope we don't this time.
  3. We are looking at a Warners break for next year at Nidd Hall, have any of you stayed there and if so can you tell me anything about it re service, entertainment etc? Thanks
  4. They have a glitch and techs are working on it. It is on BBC News.
  5. Cheeky...we never felt a thing! But then again next door are having a solid roof put on their conservatory and the house has been vibrating all day, so we would probably thought we imagined it..
  6. Our boy Derek is now a fully qualified Guide Dog and has been matched with an owner. So proud of you Derek xx
  7. Brill, we have him to start and then Paul Brown from Cadiz on the return.
  8. We have two Captains this year, Robert Camby and Paul Brown. Sailed with Paul Brown before but not Robert Camby.
  9. Captain Angelo Vago used to end his announcements with just "Captain" as well. My hubby christened him Lewis Hamilton of the Seas because he used to like haring along as fast as he could go. He has retired now.
  10. Hanley is so depressing now. When I think back only a few years when I worked in two of their department stores (sadly both no longer with us) it has gone from being a bustling city centre to an absolute dump., I dread to think what my parents and grandparents would make of it now. So sad😔
  11. Already posted this on another thread but thought it might be helpful on this one as well🙂
  12. Captains' Schedule, hope this helps everyone🙂
  13. Will this help? Looks like the beam is through B751
  14. We were given a £300 gesture of goodwill back in 2018 for a complaint on Arcadia. It was given as a FCC to be used within 2 years, so booked Britannia for 2020 and we all know what happened then. Transferred it to Iona for 2021 thinking it would all be over, guess what!! Now 5 years later it has been allocated to Arvia in September. Just check with P&O or your TA to make sure that it isn't sitting in your account. We did not get offered a cheque payment, but happy with what we did get.
  15. What happens about the boarding pass? I don't like the thought of putting my credit card details in online, would much prefer to check in at the terminal like before.
  16. Tennis fans... Rafael has pulled out of the French Open and has said that he will probably retire in 2024. Cant see him playing at Wimbledon. What no Fed and no Rafa??
  17. Use your cruise card every time.
  18. So do we! Having pizza night as well (homemade by our daughter) with a lovely homemade rum and ginger log for pud. Sam is a really nice guy with a great voice, I'm sure we will hear a lot more of him.
  19. Each to their own, I enjoy watching it. It has created some great names i.e. Abba and Celine Dion or have they made a mockery of the music industry as well? Hey ho its a bit of fun.
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