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Posts posted by griffster

  1. hi

    my hubby and i had our first cruise on VENTURA last jan 2016, and loved it. the ship, food, entertainment etc was great. there is always something going off on sea days. if anyone gets bored, then its their fault. we go on her sister ship (AZURA) in dec we are going to the caribbean. its our 70th birthdays and our golden anniversary in the same week. do hope you have a lovey cruise. lynnx

  2. hi terriorjohn

    hope i am not interfering but have you tried WORLD FIRST we have just insured with them for the caribbean in dec. i had a heart attack and also AF. my hubby as vascular disease in his leg (been stable for 16 years now) they have covered us both it was expensive but at the end of the day it is piece of mind, and i so want to go tothe caribbean!!! i used them last jan for our first cruise to the caneries, but that was not so expensive. anyhow all the best and hope you find a good one.

  3. hi zackiedawg

    many, many thanks for the info, like i said i am a learner. i have taken (what i think) some good pics, but obviosly i would like to be better. my phone takes some good pics. it a samsung android, i have a LUMIX 12 MEGA PIXELS 29 FS15. AND ALSO SAMSUNG WB 1100F 35XWIDE OPTICAL ZOOM WITH A SAMSUNG LENS 16.4 MEGA PIXELS, ( the lens is fixed and there is no view finder) 4.5-157-5mm 1.3.0-5.9.25mm. i have had some good pics with all of them but i would like one with a view finder. i find somtimes with only having the lcd one gets the glare of the sun.

    your pics are SO. SO, CRISP AND SHARP they are beautifull. thanks once again. lynn

  4. hi juenux

    i was like you when we booked our first cruise ( last january to the caneries.. when we got to the port at southampton and saw VENTURA i was gobsmacked, in awe at the size of it. i was also worried about being sick, but took advice of someone on here and bought some STURGEON TABLETS, and they worked for me. i was not sick or ill all the 2 weeks. we truly enjoyed it, so much so we have booked to go to the caribbean in december for 2 weeks, as it is our 70 ths and golden wedding all in the same week. so enjoy. lynn

  5. hi wheelies

    my hubby and i are both 69 and we have a cruise to the caribbean in dec this year..i got our ins from WORLD FIRST i declared our medical conditions, i had a mild heart attack 2 yrs ago and i have AF. my hubby has vascular disease which he had 4 operations on his leg 15 years ago, but still had to declare it. i would hate something to happen and not be insured for it. it cost us £627. but it is worth it for piece of mind. we are going for 2 weeks. its expensive because we are going to the caribbean. i got a quote up for spain and it was less than half that. so it gos on where you are going. hope you get sorted and have a lovely cruise.x

  6. i spent all yesterday afternoon and this afternoon getting quotes for mine and hubbys travel ins, for our cruise to the caribbean in dec. i have atrial fib, and had a mild heart attack in 2014. my hubby has intermitant claudication. i tryed 12 companys. 2 or 3 would not cover and the cheapest i got was with WORLD FIRST. £617 inc cruise cover all the rest was from £900 odd upwards. i honestly do not know where they get their prices from. but there is no way we would go away without it. sorry to rant on, does anyone know of any good insurance companies, ( might have tryed them !!!!).lol

  7. hi everyone.

    my hubby and i have booked P/O AZURA next dec 2017 to the caribbean, and we was wondering when would be the best time to purchase our foreign currency. i would be most gratefull for any replys.we have never been to the caribbean, or anywhere that far before, in fact it will be only our second cruise. think we have the bug!!!!! thanks. lynn

  8. hi everyone

    my oh and i have booked the caribbean for the 15/12/2017 for 2 weeks. it will be both our 70th birthdays and our golden wedding in the same week. so, so, looking forward to it. it will only be our second cruise. we went to the canarys in jan on ventura. loved it. but my question is, does anyone know the best way of booking swim with the dolphins. many thanks. lynn

  9. hi

    well i would like to thankyou all very much for your info, i am taking it all on board. the one thing i would and always wanted to do, is swim with the dolphins. do hope we get the chance. thanks once again

  10. hi everyone. my hubby and i did our first cruise 2 jan 2016 to the canary islands on ventura, and oh my, we loved it, from start to finish. we did go thro a force12 storm, but i was absolutly fine, i am surprised to say. we could not fault anything, yes it could have been a bit warmer, but what the heck, it not spoil it the adventure. anyhow, i am now looking to book a 2 week cruise to the caribbean on AZURA on the 15/12/2017. ( it will be hubby and i 70th birhdays and our golden wedding, so i was wondering if anyone has any tips or advise for us i cant wait!!!!!.thankyou. lynn. ps. we will be flying from manchester to barbados

  11. hi to all

    just been reading whats been said about tipping. I will be honest, we had our tips removed, and paid has and who to. I totally and utterly praise all the staff, they do a most amazing job, and, I certainly do not look upon them has slaves!!!!! (has someone said). they are all very pleasant, our cabin was spotless everyday. we certainly gave our cabin attendant a very good tip. like I said before, its a shame they do not get the wages they deserve.

  12. hi all

    my hubby and I had our first cruise in January this year around the canaries. I also booked direct with P/O. ( ventura) we got a very good deal. we got upgraded to a cabin, also we had £350 obc for the 2 of us, and coach down to Southampton. I think I booked it 6/7 months before. oh, and we had a great time, loved it, loved VENTURA. staff brill, ship spotless, we had NO complaints, not like some, they will moan over the least thing. I am now searching for one to the Caribbean next December 2017. it will be my hubby and I 70 birthday, and golden wedding all in the same week, but I am also thinking about one before that, certainly got the bug.lol.

  13. hi

    we had our first cruise in January on ventura to the canaries, now we are looking at one next year to the Caribbean.has anyone got any good tips for me, ref, sail from southamton or fly?. has anyone got any ref to cabins on azura etc. thanks. lynn

  14. hi to you all. we are first time cruisers my hubby and I went on P/O VENTURA on the 2/1/2016 to grand canary. we absolutely loved it. ref the tipping, well to be honest we chose to tip ourselves, we had a lovely cabin attendant and 2 lovely waiters in dining, and we certainly did not scrimp on the tipping. we gave our cabin attendant 100 euros because he so deserved it, but I do not like to be told how much I should tip. please do not think I am mean, far from it. if the staff got paid a decent wage, and sure enough the earn it, they would not be all this arguing over tipping. having said all that, and do not wish to offend anyone, we had the most pleasant time on VENTURA she was spotless, the meals were great, the staff were pleasant, we had a balcony,and was great to watch us come into ports. in fact I have been looking today to book a Caribbean for dec 2017, because it will be hubby and I 70th birthdays and our golden wedding all in the same week, so we thought it would be nice to celebrate out in the Caribbean. sorry for the long chat!!!

  15. our name is lynn & dave. we have just come back off our first cruise. (16 jan) also we went to the canaries for 2 weeks. we absolutely loved it. I can not add much to what already has been said, but I will say that, the staff are so hard working and so, so, polite. we really enjoyed the food. we ate breakfast at the WATERSIDE, and dinner at BAY TREE. we are now hoping to go to the Caribbean next year for our 70th and golden anniversary. I have put this comment on before, but I think it has gone to the wrong page!!!!. do hope you both enjoy. lynn

  16. my husband and I have just returned from our first ever cruise off P/O VENTURA in which we sailed around the canarys 2/1/2016. all I would like to say is that I could not find fault with the ship, or anything else. the cabin, A433, the food was very good, and most of all I was very impressed with the staff. they were very smart, very, very polite and very helpful, and they worked very hard. a credit to p/o. there was something for everyone. the only thing I will say is that I do not think we would sail in January again, unless to the Caribbean. we did have a force 12 storm when we left Southampton, but I am pleased to say I was not motion sick, or not ill. the cutlery was flying off the tables, along with one or two glasses!!!! anyhow, WE DID ENJOY.

  17. hi

    my husband and I have just come back from the caneries 16/1/2016 after 2 weeks. on our sail out of Southampton on the 2.1/2016 the seas were very rough, in fact we went thro a force 12 storm, (ACCORDING TO OUR CAPTAIN. there was cutlery and glasses sliding of the tables, and one woman fell over still in her seat. I was not ill, and neither was my husband, but I must admit I was a bit scared during the night. also it was our first cruise, which we definitely enjoyed, and it most certainly has not put us off cruiseing. in fact, right now I am browsing for the Caribbean for next year, as it will be our 70th and also our golden wedding.

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