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Everything posted by ColeThornton

  1. As long as the doctor says it's okay for you to be away for two weeks the traveling part is fine, no problem. However, in your situation I would recommend that you have good travel/medical insurance.
  2. Sushi Making class sold out already? That seems a little fishy. (sorry) 😉
  3. While you are waiting for answers here, check out the Canada/NE ports of call forum. Lots of good info available. Link: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/9-canadanew-england/
  4. Ask/research on this forum: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/9-canadanew-england/
  5. Interesting question. My friend Mr Google says a birth registration card is NOT proof of identity.
  6. No worries. It's actually addressed in the NCL.com FAQ section. Cheers.
  7. In Europe and Australia young adults who are over 18 don't need a waiver to drink.
  8. I don't really think that's a thing at this point in our lives that we need to be reminded about. Heck, I actually washed my hands, cleaned up after myself and stayed away from coughing people even before the great galactic pandemic. 😉
  9. Actually, you will want to ask/research on the Cruise/Travel Insurance forum which has tons of useful information available. (Your thread may be moved there anyway). Here is the link for that: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/499-cruisetravel-insurance/
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