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Everything posted by KmomChicago

  1. Fellow art lover who also doesn’t get it. I remember asking my mom, about 5 decades ago, why Picasso is a great artist if he can’t do any better than that. Because it looked like the crap we were generating in 2nd grade art class and I knew only like 1 in ten students had any tiny speck of drawing talent even then. She said he could paint better than that, and did it this way on purpose. 🤨🧐🤔 That didn’t help me get it. I have studied further and I know what they say about Picasso but I still think his prolific output supports my general opinion, and he only did one truly great piece in his life as far as Kmom, renowned art critic, is concerned. This is it. I love it. It redeems all the rest. He did one very good cubist piece. Guernica of course. He should have stopped there. I eventually came to a grudging appreciation when compared to Jackson Pollack whose messes I just do not like at all, and my all time art nemesis (see what I did there) Mark Rothko. I have no talent and I can do this. No one would buy it or else I would be doing this. WHY???
  2. This is where I have the best of both worlds. I grew up an hour outside of Chicago; it’s where I mostly fly from to visit other places. But it has always been and is still an excursion to get in the city, so I only do it occasionally, and I still see it as a tourist. I go in for “daycations” or overnights a couple times a year. For spring break this year I took my teenager for 2 nights and we stayed in a different neighborhood (Lincoln Park) than usual (Loop) and had a great time exploring. Loving what you’ve done with NYC. Plenty to photograph in the world’s greatest city. There are actually a lot of cruises from Bayonne (RCI brands) and Manhattan (Carnival brands) so this is definitely a relevant bonus report.
  3. Agree. Not a NY’er but occasional visitor. That’s a lot for one day for people of a certain grown up age. I could have handled that in my strong 25-35 range but any one of those would BE the day all by itself ever since then.
  4. These were our cards for this cruise and our lanyards. We got the lanyards from a previous cruise on the all access ship tour. I thought it was fun to make use of them one more time as they’ve been hanging on pegs in a closet for five years. I know a lot of people think wearing your keys is kind of rookie cruise behavior but my teen and I would lose our heads if they weren’t attached so lanyards usually work pretty well for us. The upside down card is for the person in our family who didn’t make it onboard. It worked as a room key of course. At the end of the voyage I couldn’t decide whether to keep as a souvenir which we usually do, or if it might have too much baggage attached to it. Funny how “stuff” doesn’t really matter in so many ways and at the same time, sometimes stuff carries all kinds of stories right along with it.
  5. The live format adds urgency that post reviews will never approach. We’re motivated to interact while it’s happening. Reading it later, I confess I often never finish, because there’s no FOMO and I know I can come back later whenever, if I want to. Though I probably don’t actually remember to do so. But a live means if you want to join the party you need to join it NOW.
  6. Looking at @sid_9169’s beautiful pics of the ships, am I the only one with mixed feelings about post Farcus ships looking like absolutely every other cruise ship and newer hotel / resort on the planet? I know Joe’s designs were far out and understand why Carnival decided it was time for change but are we losing something important aesthetically and when will the world rebound back to unabashed creativity?
  7. Same. Also former employee (server) at several restaurants. It’s not just that they can do bad things to my food, though they certainly can. It’s simply a massive pain in the neck for them. I have never sent back food, demanded a replacement, or refused to pay. In extremely rare cases I just don’t eat it. I still smile and say thank you and then almost certainly never return. My one Carnival steakhouse experience was good but haven’t felt any interest in returning. I would certainly do so if traveling with someone who wants to.
  8. This is a good description. There are a few ifs here. If you have the time to post in the moment it’s definitely a little positive endorphin rush to get instant affirmation from those following. Much like a friendly in-person conversation. It’s fun to take your virtual friends along. If you find doing that is NOT intrusive to your interactions onboard. If you find you as the author/OP are more into it as it happens and, right along with followers, sorta over it and back to real life as soon as you get home. If you enjoy the added sense of purpose - you’re on vacation and also managing a happy task. If you notice you take way more photos and notes to help you remember later than you would otherwise (you definitely take far more pics if you’re reviewing, live or post, than if you’re just chillin’). For me if my spouse had come to Alaska last month I would have been semi-live at most. Like Sid I was getting a little tired of the focus being a roving reporter on assignment and I could see it impacted my travel companions to some degree. Being unexpectedly solo and with the kids being on a separate schedule with their interests, I had a whole lot more time on my hands, and preferred to interact with the virtual community rather than try to make friends onboard. In some ways it was a bummer of a trip for me due to personal problems and doing a live perked it up somewhat. Y’all are a support network. I needed you more than you needed me.
  9. Wow, it should not be a surprise but this ad is a blue card. How much louder could it scream “welcome newcomers!
  10. According to these suspiciously attractive and cheerful medical professionals, you have Covid.
  11. Yeah I took a test the first day I got sick and it was negative but when the fever kicked in the next day it was VERY positive, like as the liquid seeped up the line appeared bright and instantly, well before the control line appeared. No waiting 15 minutes. I do a really thorough swabbing job which they claim can help get better results.
  12. Will be interested in your perspective. Being a “never third tier” on any line, and with a cruise resume covering only 15 sailings over nearly 40 years and having just recently hit 75 nights at sea: I maintain my general opinion that cruises are more similar than different and I have noticed more differences across ships than cruise lines in some cases. I assume you will be satisfied with the stunning new Jubilee. It will have one of Carnival’s top cruise directors and you will see how they are more visible, transparent and participatory with activities than other cruise lines where they are charming managers with limited scripted public appearances. Watch out for trip hazards. I found Excel class to have invisible stairs in lounges where ramps would have made sense and have since wondered how often drunks bruise shins and ankles onboard.
  13. That’s cool! Jealous! @willdra see, you have so many fans that they find you through other fans! I don’t really know how many cruises are in my future; I think I am actually winding down the cruising phase of my life so all the more reason to travel vicariously through you.
  14. We will patiently wait for a post cruise real review, Sleep well.
  15. We had our senior class trip there! The Animal Bedding was actually not half bad!
  16. Clearly what began as something well intended has crossed a line.
  17. Thank you so much. I agree on all counts. I’m older now too. 57 is not really old nowadays but it’s not 30 either. I’m not very food motivated anymore so the wide dining options of a bigger ship are not that big a deal. Just 5 years ago I would have had some Fish and Ships even though I don’t love fried fish, just because it was there and a free walk up venue. This time I couldn’t be bothered. Same with other amenities. We didn’t mess with iFly, rock climbing wall, flow rider, the pub, all the little nightclubs. I guess I am asking why I thought we prefer the huge new ships since we don’t use most of the offerings anyway. Likewise I agree with early excursions. White Pass was the only one we did early and having to be on a schedule made it feel like work. It was worth it but we could have booked a later time.
  18. @sid_9169 whenever you go through this poor man’s attempt at managing a Sid thread in Sid’s absence, please know our foolishness is intended to show you how much we admire you and missed you this week during your not-live.
  19. What do you mean it doesn’t count without Sid in it?
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