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Posts posted by MzShae

  1. 16 minutes ago, sid_9169 said:

    I just got a random phone call from the owner of the lighting company where I used to work... Remember, the one that laid me off on Christmas Eve in 2018?... Well, he wants me to come back and work there again. I told him what I was making, and he offered me a couple of dollars more per hour. He wants me to let him know soon. I'm pretty conflicted about going back there. On the one hand, it would definitely be more enjoyable work than what I'm doing now. The stuff I do here is just so menial in nature. On the other hand, I just don't know about going back to a company that laid me off on Christmas Eve...

    NO! Don't do it! I sense deja vu!

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  2. 32 minutes ago, sid_9169 said:

    Free lunch Friday!... We ended up ordering from the Peach Cobbler Cafe. Catfish, macaroni and cheese, collard greens, and potato salad... I might need to take a nap after this...






    Since it's named Peach Cobbler Cafe, I assume they serve it? I know you're not a big dessert person, but have you heard about it?


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  3. 2 hours ago, sid_9169 said:

    I just got an email back from the journalist in France... I'm going to do a phone interview sometime tomorrow... 

    Let us know how it goes! Do you get paid? Or it is just free publicity/research?

    • Like 3
  4. 2 minutes ago, pebbles1102 said:


    My dogs sharing a chair in the living room. The Lab is named Noodle and weighs 86 pounds. The Rat Terrier is named Asia and weighs 11 pounds. 

    Cuties! My dogs, when I had 3, would never sit in a chair together! My girl likes to sit with me in the recliner from when she was a puppy. I tell her she's too big now, but she doesn't listen!

    • Like 8
  5. 9 minutes ago, ceilidh1 said:

    OK, Tribe...as promised, here is the long/uncut/unedited version of Sid's Video for Tribe use only. Couple of things to note = this has to be cut significantly to make it around a minute long so much of the content will need to go. The sound on this one is kind of lame, since my teen was in bed and I couldn't figure out how to use the good microphone, so this is using the computer mic, which isn't great. I have to somehow figure a way to get myself in the video per the rules. Ugh. My accent sucks - hope you understand it (you may need to relisten a few times...lol)


    PS Never tried uploading a video to CC before, so let me know if it doesn't play. If that's the case I may need to put it on YouTube and send a link....

    This is great! Too bad you have to cut it!

    • Like 7
  6. 5 hours ago, DubNHub said:


    They’re truly misunderstood dogs. My wife and I have rehab’d and rehome’d many pits over the last 10 years. We’ve taken in some real challenging dogs, several that were fight dogs, and quite a few that were bait dogs unfortunately. We’ve turned them all around and showed them a better life, and got them into their furever homes with loving families. We haven’t found any other breed that can be as loyal, loving, and even-tempered. My baby, Petunia, is 11 years old now. She was a rescue we took in about 8 years ago and she just spoke to me in a way that no other dog ever has... so she stayed with us. She’s about 85 pounds and unfortunately had her ears clipped before we got to her... so consequently, she’s a mean looking machine.... but everyone absolutely loves her. Our cats sleep on top of her! She’s truly the absolute worst guardian. Looks mean, barks mean... and that’s where it ends hahaha. I had an apprehension dog years ago (Malinois) when I worked at a different agency, and I also helped train dogs for other agencies for years, so I have a decent understanding of dog behavior.... it’s people that need trained!


    Meet Petunia!



    What a cutie!

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  7. 5 hours ago, RollingMeadows said:

    Both our dogs died. They were coal black and impossible too photograph. I miss having a dog, but they are even more work than cats. Plus, the backyard would get cleaned maybe once a month, knowing that guy who shares a bed with me. I refuse to clean up after dogs.

    We lost both our boys within a 2 year period. They were 10 & 12, a lab & a pit bull/German shepherd mix. They wouldn't sit still for pictures either. But we have a very photogenic girl!


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