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Everything posted by twangster

  1. Entrance to the Schooner Bar I've always thought this is wasted space that could be used for something. But it is interesting esthetically speaking.
  2. Chops pinged me for an extra glass of wine last night! So much for my birdie on CAS drinks from night one. I'm back at par for the cruise.
  3. Casino observation - the smoke hasn't been bad on this cruise. I've been able to walk through the casino to reach the pub or get to other places. Starboard is non smoking in the casino but that usually doesn't mean a lot. On this cruise this side is almost smoke free. This could become costly for me.
  4. Vernon, our LA, seemed annoyed last night that a number of us didn't receive invitations to top tier. He' expecting just over 1,000. That's at 10:15. Two enrichment talks today, morning and afternoon, Cartagena and Panama Canal.
  5. Music in the pub, comedy in the theater, music in the Centrum, movies in the cinema. Lots going on. Comedian was good. Adult version was pretty tame for adults.
  6. It can take some time for revenue mgnt to touch each impacted booking and manually adjust it. Back in 2019 Royal changed some Star class suites on Quantum class and made them Sky class. Imagine that disappointment
  7. Rack of Lamb Okay I've taken some of the asparagus and put it on my plate, but these are not Truffle Fries, they are Windjammer fries. The Lamb was very good but the downgrade of the fries is disappointing.
  8. I tend to wear my Pinnacle name badge to events that are CAS based. There are ports, like Miami as an example, where the terminal contractors prefer it so they can let you into the Suites and Pinnacle line without having to look over a SetSail pass to find it. When I haven't had it on they grumbled about not having it on. That's one Intercruise employee's opinion. So it takes 10 seconds longer to get in the line. Maybe they have a lot of guests trying to use the line who shouldn't so it makes life easier for them. I'm sitting in a "Pinnacle lounge" right now. Looking around I'd estimate 20% have the Pin on. To each their own. Once on a B2B they changed attendant assigments between cruises. I had to find where my 1st cruise attendant was moved to so I could tip him. Since then I tip each segment indepdently.
  9. Yes but it's where we wear it in the shower that sets us apart
  10. Some Pinnacle deserve the ire of the crew. Same with some D+ members. I was recently talking with a loyalty ambassador about the difficult members of the program. It's part of his job and he deals with them with grace but he admits that some do consume more of his time and not just Pinnacles.
  11. I think it depends on numbers on board. Sometimes they combine them. On Radiance right now with 75 Pins on board they have both venues open but they aren't particular which venue you use. It's never been slammed as some people don't use it, some eat early, some late, etc.
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