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Everything posted by Harters

  1. Most probably wear them for polo, as well.
  2. Tell that to most folk who post restaurant reviews to Tripadvisor. To me, acceptable is fine. It's acceptable. That's not a negative. But I've been criticised by restaurant owners for only giving an "average" rating - average is acceptable. It's average - better than some, not as good as others. I can have a very nice time at an average restaurant. But the vast majority of people feels the need to rate a meal as "excellent". Here's an idea for folks. Pick a restaurant in your own home area. One that you consider to be only OK. Mediocre, if you will. Or "average". Then check it out on Tripadvisor. My bet is the vast majority of reviews will have given it an "excellent", followed by "very good". And you know it's neither.
  3. The coastal tram is a great resource for that part of the world. We've only visited the area when we've had the car with us (and tend to be visiting out of the way place - like WW1 war graves cemeteries). But, if I was on a cruise, then I would deffo use it. De Panne is a nice little coastal town.
  4. I was drawn to this thread as we're at an early stage of considering a Regent cruise (as a change from Oceania). Seems to me that Regent has a very straightforward and easily understood dress code, with which I'll have no problem complying, wearing chinos and polo shirt. That's my standard wear for a "nice restaurant" at home and has worked for Oceania. I have no problem with any business setting whatever dress code it wishes and, so long as it's clear (as it is here), I can then decide if I want to give them my custom. For example, I do not go to restaurants at home that require/request jackets. Fortunately, these are very few and none are in my home region (not even the Michelin 3* place).
  5. A relatively small, but worthwhile, discount from the web advertised fare. A similar amount offered as onboard credit (can be used on the existing or booked cruise - we chose existing). A much smaller deposit than usual. The opportunity to transfer the booking to the travel agency of your choice (allowing them to "take care" of an existing customer and offering the opportunity for further discount negotiation). I'm sure there are other small benefits but these are ones I particularly recall.
  6. My TA is almost as prolific as O in sending out sales brochures. But they never have mention of cruises with any of the three NCLH lines. That is , until this morning. When I received a brochure exclusively dealing with Regent offers. And there's some very keen pricing on a handful of Regent's European cruises. Keen enough to put them into consideration for us (which they previously havn't been). So, I'd appreciate your views on a comparison between Regent and O. What would I gain, in terms of the shipboard experience? What would I lose? Anything else for me to consider in deciding whether I'm going to enjoy the Regent ambiance, as much as I enjoy O's , or better? TIA John
  7. The move towards O's more inclusive cruises has been advocated and welcomed by the UK cruise travel agency industry. As it says, that reflects customer demand. Britons (and, I think, other European customers) now join Australians and New Zealanders in having what I suppose you could call SM+ - with gratuities now also being "baked" into the upfront cruise fare that we pay.
  8. Was there a particular reason you decided on that route, rather than the direct Barcelona/Manchester flight with Easy or Ryan?
  9. Exactly how we look at it. No different from how we look at any holiday we might be considering, whether cruise or land. I really am not fussed that O now builds in the cost of alcohol at meals, yet I don't drink alcohol. It is what it is.
  10. I like Caernarfon Castle. Interesting in itself, it is also home to the regimental museum of the Royal Welch(*) Fusiliers, which was the reason for my last visit there, pre-Covid. The Museum's displays record its long history, including fighting during the American War of Independence (or, alternatively, the successful terrorist attempt to overthrow the legitimate government) (**). It was at Bunker Hill and Yorktown (where it was the only regiment not to surrender its colours). My interest in visiting was the Great War, which is my military history field of study. (*) Not a typo. (**) joke - although I am an amateur military historian (and published author)
  11. I think that would be the right decision for you. We've done three cruises with O in recent years (Marina, Nautica and Vista) and have another booked for next year (Vista). Whilst we enjoyed Nautica and would sail on the smaller ships again, we prefer the greater feeling of space on the larger ships, together with the extra restaurants. But I'd reckon that the general ambiance is pretty much the same regardless of size. I'm sure you will have read other threads and already be forming your own impressions of how well an O cruise will suit you.
  12. My partner plays on an O Facebook group where there's very recently been a brief mention. Someone had commented about the problem on the "mid cruise" survey and had received a reply that "something" was going to be done in the not too distant future. No further details and, of course, this may be something to take with a pinch of salt. But it does seem to be a sort of official acknowledgement of the problem. We didnt experience any issues on our recent cruise. We were in 9063. My partner has noted, from the Facebook discussion, that a number of other occupants of nearby cabins were also reporting no issues. May be co-incidence or may be a suggestion that it's not a problem throughout the ship. Fingers crossed - as we've booked a cruise with the same cabin for next year.
  13. Based on the recommendation on the Money Saving Expert site some years back, we got a Halifax Clarity. We bank with NatWest and they have just changed their conditions and their debit card is now fee free for overseas transactions apparently. But check with the MSE website for up to date recommendations When you pay for things, you'll usually be asked (by the machine) if you want to be charged in sterling or the local currency. Always choose the local currency. That way, the exchange rate will be the official interbank rate and not some extortionate rate that the business has made up.
  14. That was certainly the case on our recent Vista cruise. The issue we did have, both in the GDR and specialities, on several occasions, was the length of time we'd then wait for our order to be taken. Once the order was in the system, everything was then fine by way of timings - not rushed nor finger tappingly slow.
  15. Nor me. I'd rather have indulgent and decadent than healthy. Which is why I'm a short fat man, instead of being a short man.
  16. And, if you do, then leave enough time for a fish & chips lunch at the quirkily named "Fish, Tram, Chips", directly opposite the tramway's town station. It's some of the best fish & chips you're likely to come across. We were there only last week (no tram ride this trip though - but it is very well worth doing). Walk from the train station is a good 15 minutes.
  17. gambas ajillo - with no ajillo?
  18. Any catering operation, big or small, has to do this if it wants to survive. It needs to take account of mainstream food trends and slowly adapt menus to them. Unchanging menus are not interesting or exciting. When I was a child in the 1950s, few people travelled overseas for holidays and it wasnt until the advent of mass tourism in the late 60s that most folk were able to experience "foreign" food. And improvements in supply chain transport meant those new foods that folk had enjoyed could be readily bought by restaurants and, indeed, home cooks. Food and food tastes evolve.
  19. I'd usually think of them as hot dogs. That's the sausage and the bread. Not that I often think of them, as I don't like them. Tried them on a couple of occasions when visiting America, without enjoyment - and not in recent years. Now a decent pork sausage sandwich would another thing altogether. As would a grilled bratwurst (always Germans selling them at the Christmas market in the nearby city).
  20. I never "save" on that pop-up box. Maybe that's why, like you, I don't get calls.
  21. How odd. I often look at O's itineraries and never get a call. I wonder how they know it's you looking at the website and what your phone number is? Are you a previous O customer and are somehow logging on to your account, rather than simply browsing their website? Or maybe "announcing your presence" in some other way?
  22. I do not believe this is the case. If it was the case, you would expect that different people would be charged different fees for using the ATM because their bank had set a different rate. That is certainly not what happens. I know, for a fact, that folk of various nationalities and customers of different banks are all charged the same fee for using an ATM belonging to, say, BBVA. I am absolutely confident that it is the Spanish bank that sets the usage fee.
  23. I do not know for sure but would also make the same assumption. Sparkling water is my usual drink with dinner and it always came in the same bottle as does still water. I did see the occasional branded bottle (Perrier?) but was never served it, so do make the assumption a guest had requested it. I'm not that fussed - at home, I drink the supermarket's own brand sparkling (£0.45 for 2ltr) rather than a branded product (San Pellegrino - £1.75 for 750ml.)
  24. Bear in mind that most ATMs in Spain charge a fixed usage fee, It can vary from a couple of euros to maybe six. Banks change their policy periodically so the amount can vary. I follow a particular Tripadvisor forum where the charges are regularly updated. As at the last time I read anything (which is about three months back), the only bank not making any usage charge is Banca March. As at last Christmas, when I was last used a Spanish ATM, the BBVA charged around two euros. Santander always seems to be the most expensive at around €6 per withdrawal. Something to bear in mind if planning to withdraw small amounts often.
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